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The Zoran's Mate (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides)

Page 9

by Luna Hunter

  “D-don’t!” Ferguson says. “Please!”

  “Then fly this thing towards Ava.”

  “We can’t! Seriously, we wouldn’t even fit! The pod is not built for one your size, no offense!”

  I carry the human by the scruff of his neck towards the ship. The pod is rather small. I’d fit, but only barely.

  “How were you planning on traveling with Ava on this small thing?” I ask. “It barely fits you!”

  “Uhh, on my l-lap?” he stammers. My grip on his neck tightens, and he’s quick to apologize.

  “Sorry! Sorry! Look, it’s hopeless, alright! Forget about her! If you want some Earth pussy, I can get you some! I’m a captain, r-remember? Following the Nezdek… that’s suicide! You’ll get us both killed!”

  “Either the Nezdek will kill you… or I will. Your choice, human.”

  “Ah, man!” he whines. “The one time I try to do something noble, and this is what I get?! Ah, fine, fine! Get in!”

  I fold myself into the small pod, which barely fits one human. Ferguson is pressed up against me as he sits down — it’s far from comfortable, but none of that matters.

  The only thing I care about is Ava. I’ll suffer through anything for her.

  “I swear to god, they better build a statue for me after this,” the male mumbles as he fires up the engines. “Hold on, we’re taking off!”

  I brace myself as the ship starts to rumble, the engines roaring louder than a whole pack of Takus. With a blast that forces me back into my seat we kick off, the stars rapidly approaching.

  I take one last look back at the only world I’ve ever known. The jungle, the forest, the plains that I’ve called my home my entire life fade away, until they’re nothing but a small dot in the distance, and we’re traveling amongst the stars.

  Hold on, Ava.

  I’m coming for you.



  MY CELL IS COLD, empty and dark.. I’m curled up naked on the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. My stomach grumbles, but I refuse to touch the food the Nezdek shove under my door.

  The sooner I die, the sooner I can be with Turnon.

  At least, that’s what I keep telling myself, but my body still clings to life. My body still resists, still fights, still hopes even though it is hopeless.

  Not like Lord Erran will let me die anyway. He’s intent on torturing me for as long as possible.

  The door of my cell opens, and bright light comes pouring into my room. A shadowy figure stands in the opening. For a brief second I think it’s Turnon, risen from the dead, but my spirit is crushed when I hear Erran’s awful voice.

  “Ready for another round?”

  My hunger is making me delirious. Turnon can’t save me. He’s dead. I watched him fall to the ground myself, saw the light in his eyes go out. My mate is dead and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  “Do your worst,” I grind through my teeth.

  “Oh, I intend to.” Erran laughs. “I intend to.”




  I see the Nezdek ship hovering in the distance and my heart skips a beat. The three-pronged spear is unmistakable.

  Ferguson’s ship is far from comfortable, but it is mind bogglingly fast.

  “Take us closer, human!”

  “No way,” Ferguson sputters. “What’s your plan? You know my cruiser doesn’t have any weapons, right? My baby has some advanced cloaking technology which allows us to get this close, but any further and they can practically smell us.”

  “I don’t care, take us in!”

  “We have to wait until they dock somewhere,” the human protests. “Then I can drop you off, and head back home to Earth, so I don’t get killed by space pirates.”

  “No!” I roar. I’m so close to Ava, I can’t wait a moment longer. I lean in and wrestle the control stick from the human’s grasp and press down. Our ship lunges forwards, and all the lights on the dashboard start flashing.

  “Oh god,” Ferguson groans, “they’re picking up our signal! We’re fucked!”

  “Good. Let them come.”

  A beam of light hits us, and the engine instantly shuts down. The light draws us closer to the massive Nezdek ship, where two large, metal doors open.

  “They’re taking us in,” the human whines. “Oh god. Why didn’t I just let you snap my neck…”

  Nothing can stop me from saving Ava this time. I have failed once already — I will not fail again.

  Our ship is pulled into a dark, empty room, and the bay doors close behind us. After the room is pressurized, I hop out of the pod. I hear footsteps in the distance — The Nezdek are moments away from barging in.

  “Come!” I yell at the human. “Fight!”

  “No, thank you!” he says as he slides down in his seat, making himself as small as possible. “Good luck, though!”

  “Coward,” I growl.

  The doors glide open. I stand face-to-face with a Nezdek army, each soldier in golden-plated armor, each one carrying an axe-spear, while I have nothing but the cloth around my waist and my own two fists.

  I hit the first one straight in the nose. I feel his bones shattering underneath my powerful fist, and he drops to the floor. The next one I hit in the jaw, and he is flung against the metal wall, leaving a trail of blood.

  My fists become a blur as I rain punches down on my enemies, each one with enough force to kill a man with a single blow.

  I have lost the ability to feel pain. I can see the sharp points of the spears stabbing away at my arms and my chest, I can see the axes slicing my skin open, but I don’t feel a thing.

  All I can think about is Ava. These monsters have her trapped somewhere — because I failed to protect her. I will save her, even if it kills me.

  I carve a path of blood through the ship, leaving a trail of dead in my wake. I’m acting on pure instinct, my bloodies fists reduced to a perfect killing machine. I lose track of how many men I’ve killed — dozens upon dozens.

  Ava’s scent.

  I turn my head when I pick it up, and at that moment, a spear is run right through me. I glance down to see blood gushing down my chest. I can’t even see my own purple skin any longer — I’m all red.

  With my blood seeping out of me, I can feel my strength fading. I drop down one knee, and the tip of another spear is thrust into me.

  I’m so close.

  I have to hold on. I have to fight.

  Even if it kills me.



  I’M BOUND TO A TABLE, my arms and legs securely fastened. I’m not wiggling my way out of these straps — Erran learned his lesson.

  The room is empty. It’s just me and a vast array of surgical instruments, carefully laid out on a table next to me.

  The suspense is killing me. Lord Erran promised he’d cut my legs off, but so far, he’s yet to make good on his word. I’ve been in here for what feels like hours. It’s like he’s getting off on my terror, on making me wait.

  “Ah, there you are, my perfect specimen.”

  Erran strides into the room. He slides medical gloves onto his bony fingers, giddy with anticipation.

  My stomach lurches at the sound of the gloves snapping onto his hands. I close my eyes, wishing I was anywhere but here.

  “Let us start with a cursory inspection,” he says as he grabs a strange, round device. He traces it over my body, focusing on my lower stomach. “The Czar wants you in perfect order… well, your uterus, at least,” he smirks.

  The machine beeps, and Erran frowns.

  “Hm, what’s this… no, this can’t be right. By Archon…”


  “You fraternized with that filthy mongrel, didn’t you, you slut? Ah, what a waste! What a colossal waste! Your features would have looked lovely on a Nezdek baby.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re pregnant,” Erran says as he removes his gloves.

  I’m wh

  Endorphins rush through me. I’m bloody pregnant?! This changes everything. I’m no longer only fighting for myself — I’m fighting for my family!

  Maybe that’s why my body kept itself going, when my hopes were dashed. If only Turnon were here with me…

  “Such a shame. The Czar isn’t interested in damaged goods.”

  Erran grabs a butchers knife from the table. It gleams menacingly in the bright light.

  “At least I’ll make you pay for my lost eye,” he muses to himself. “Any last words?”


  The pregnancy news blew me off my feet, so I haven’t fully realized that the Nezdek lord is moments away from killing me.

  “W-what?” Erran mocks me. “Not my first choice, but hey, they’re your last words.”

  He places the blade against my neck, resting it on my skin, before raising it up high — but a scream down the hall stops him from landing the blow.

  I hear footsteps, countless of them, and screaming, cursing, and fighting.

  “What in the blazes is going on out there?” Erran sighs. “Can’t a man work in peace?!”

  He places the blade back on the table.

  “I can’t properly enjoy it with all this noise. I’ll be right back for you, dear.”

  With that he leaves, and I have a moment of respite, a moment to process the news. Me, a mom. Not something I ever expected — but I am ecstatic about it all the same! Turnon lives on, inside our child. I might have lost him, but this way, he’ll always stay close to me.

  I wiggle, but the straps won’t give, no matter how hard I try. The sounds in the hall are getting louder and louder by the second. This isn’t some scuffle — this is a battle!

  And from the Nezdek’s guttural screams, they’re losing! It sounds like a whole freaking army is invading. I might live yet. I don’t care if they’re human, Zorans, Asir, or Tyk’ix for all I care — everyone is better than the Nezdek.

  I wait with my heart beating in my throat. What’s happening out there? The cries outside stop, suddenly, and a silence falls. Is the battle over?

  The door to the operating room is pushed open by a bloody, seven foot tall man. He staggers inside, and my heart skips a beat from terror alone.

  I barely recognize him, for his skin is colored dark red, but his orange eyes are unmistakable.


  He wobbles towards me. I’m filled with incredible relief and unimaginable fear at the same time. I’m relieved to see my mate again, for I never thought it possible, but I’m scared out of my mind for he looks like he’s been through hell.

  Two broken-off spears are lodged inside his chest, and he’s leaving a trail of blood behind with every step.

  “Ava,” he grunts as he loosens my straps. He sits down on the operation table as I fly into his arms, hugging him as tightly as can while avoiding the spear tips.

  “How is this possible?!” I ask. “I thought you were dead!”

  “I’m hard to kill.”

  “I can see that! How did you find me? Where’s the rest?”

  “The rest?”

  “The army!”

  “It’s just me,” he says, a painful grimace on his face. He clutches his side, blood leaking past his fingers.

  “What? You took on everyone by yourself?”

  “I had to save you,” he says, resting one hand on the back of my neck. “So I did.”

  “Oh, Turnon!” I lean forward and kiss my mate, my savior, my hero. I feel his warm blood on my naked skin, and I pray he pulls through. I can’t lose him again, not like this. Not after just getting him back. Not moments after finding out I’m pregnant.

  I need him by my side.

  “I’m pregnant,” I blurt out.

  His eyes widen in surprise. “Mine?”

  “Of course, silly!” I laugh. “Yours!”

  A wide-smile spreads across his face, but his eyes seem to lose focus. I’m losing him.

  “Stay with me, Turnon,” I plead, resting my hands on his cheeks. “Open your eyes. Stay with me, please!”

  Turnon rests his head on his chest, a smile on his face as he loses consciousness.

  “Impressive, Zoran, mighty impressive.”

  That voice…

  My blood runs cold. No, please. No.

  It’s him.

  Lord Erran stands in the door opening, his gun resting in the palm of his hand.

  “You killed a whole company of men with nothing but your bare hands, Zoran. Most impressive feat I’ve ever seen. You’d make a fantastic pit fighter. Having you in my stable would make me fabulously wealthy — but you’re too dangerous to let live.”

  He raises the gun and points it at us both.

  I hug Turnon tightly and close my eyes. If I have to go, then I’d like to do so in my mate’s arms.


  My eyes are shut tight… but nothing happens. I peak through my eyelids, and see that Erran’s weapon has fallen to the ground — and that a spear is sticking out his chest.

  “H-how?” he stammers as he turns around.

  “This one’s for Earth!”

  Another Nezdek spear is run through Lord Erran. He falls to the ground, in his death throes, gurgling before falling silent.

  Donovan Ferguson stands triumphantly over the dead alien lord’s body, pumping both his fists in the air.

  “Did I just save the day? I did, didn’t I? Still got it!”

  I can’t even begin to comprehend how and why Captain Ferguson is here, but I don’t have time to be surprised. I don’t even have the time to cover my naked body, for all of my attention is focused on my mate. I turn back to Turnon, who still has his eyes closed. I check his pulse, and it’s weak and fading.

  “Turnon? Turnon? Turnon!”



  I SEE a bright light in the darkness.

  Have I finally found peace?

  A face appears in the dark, the face of an angel. Those lips, those eyes — the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. My Ava. My mate. The love of my life. Our time together was short, but I’d do it all again. I’d sacrifice my life a thousand times for her if I could.

  I saved her. She is with child — my legacy will live on. I can die happy now.

  Her face slowly becomes clearer to me. So sharp and in focus, I can almost touch it. I reach out and stroke her cheek.

  She’s warm.

  I feel her breath on my hand.

  She opens her beautiful brown eyes and smiles at me.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  “I’m… alive?”

  My own voice sounds far away.

  “You are… but only barely. You scared me, big guy. Don’t ever do that again, okay?”

  The rest of the room slides into focus. I find myself lying in a bed, hooked up to several tubes, most of my body in bandages.

  “You lost so much blood… beyond what any mortal ought to be capable of,” Ava says. “I don’t know how you pulled through. It’s impossible.”

  “For you, anything is possible,” I growl.

  “Oh,” she coos, leaning in and kissing me. “I’m glad you’re back.”

  I close my eyes and return the kiss. The feeling is beyond comprehension. It feels like a volcano of happiness is erupting inside of me. Her kiss gives me strength, and I manage to lift my hand and grab her neck and kiss her again and again and again.

  I thought I lost her — forever.

  And now I have her in my arms.

  “Where are we?” I ask between kisses.

  “On the Nezdek ship, on our way back to Earth. You know you took out the entire crew? It’s astounding. Donovan’s flying. For all his faults, Donovan is a pretty skilled pilot.”

  “That dolt is still alive?”

  “He is,” my mate laughs, “and he killed Erran, if you can believe that!”

  “Ha,” I growl. “So he’s not a total coward after all.”

  “He hasn’t tried anything ha
s he?”

  “With me? Heavens no,” Ava laughs. “He’s terrified of you. After what you’ve done? The carnage you’ve created? No, making a move on me is the last thing on his mind, trust me.”

  “Good,” I growl as I wrap my arms around my mate. “Good.”

  I feel a tingle at the back of my scalp, like a thought returning from the mist.

  “You’re pregnant,” I say.

  “Yes,” she says, nuzzling my chest. “I am.”


  I’m the luckiest damn man in the universe.




  TURNON SQUEEZES my hand lovingly as we watch Earth grow bigger and bigger from the observation deck. He’s still wounded, wrapped in bandages and walking with crutches, but he’s alive.

  Alive and doing well.

  Both of us have been through hell these past few days. It’s hard to believe it’s finally over. I thought I lost him, not once, but twice… to be able to arrive back on Earth, safe and sound, and with his baby inside of me even, is truly a blessing.

  He places one hand on my stomach and smiles.

  I couldn’t be happier. We’re going to be a little happy family, all three of us together.

  “That’s my home,” I say, pointing at the blue-green globe. “My neck of the woods.”

  “Our home,” he corrects me. “Our family’s home.”

  “You’re absolutely right.”

  “Do they know we’re coming?”

  “Yeah. At least, I hope so!”

  I press a button on the intercom.

  “Donovan, please tell me Earth knows we’re coming?”

  “Of course,” he replies. “I’m not an idiot!”

  Turnon grins. Someone disagrees!

  “I already debriefed the Federation, and they have a welcome committee waiting. Don’t worry and enjoy the ride.”

  Earth gets bigger and bigger. I can make out continents, countries, and then cities, buildings! New Atlanta looms up large in front of us, the center of a sprawling metropolis.


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