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Hot for Teacher: A Jane Porter Story

Page 6

by Dominique Adair

  Her breath hissed, and she bit back the moan that longed to explode from her mouth. When she glanced over her shoulder it was Marissa who met her gaze. Lifting her hand to her mouth, the woman ran her tongue over her pinkie. A delicate shudder ran through Jane.

  “Let’s go, honey.”

  Jane let Bear guide her down until the Hammer was knocking at her back door. Her flesh parted and the head of his cock sank inside. She moaned when his hips lifted, and he crammed another inch inside her.

  “Fuck, she’s tighter than a fist,” he grunted.

  His hand snaked around to her pussy, and he stroked her tight clit. Her body loosened, and he moved in deeper until she felt he’d tear her in two. Cream gushed between her legs, and Bear crushed her back against his chest.

  “That’s it, little lady, take all of me while I fondle these tits.”

  His hand was gentle on her nipples as he teased one then the other until she was thrashing in his arms, the movements forcing his cock deeper than ever. Her hips began to move in concert with his, and her hands dropped to his thighs. Her fingers dug into his firm flesh, and the pain of her nails spurred him on. Bouncing on his lap like a plastic fuck-doll, Jane surrendered herself to the inevitable.

  Chapter Seven

  “Ms. Porter, your two o’clock is here.”

  Jane looked up from the floor plan of the house she’d been studying for the past hour. A handful of clients referred to R.S.V.P. as miracle workers thanks to the some of the more elaborate events they’d pulled together. Too bad it wasn’t true because Lady Evelyn Greystone’s desire to cram five hundred of her closest friends into her backyard for her daughter’s wedding wasn’t going to happen without divine intervention.

  “Thank you.” She nodded to her assistant before she closed the Greystone file. Maybe Lily would have a few suggestions for her.

  Pulling up her calendar on the computer, she scanned the notes for her next appointment. Her gaze narrowed when she saw three words.

  A personal matter.

  A personal matter? Who would make an appointment with her during business hours for personal reasons? Jane’s brow arched when she read the name.

  Y. Lee Ki-yote.

  A smile tugged at her lips.

  When Archer Drengr walked into her office, she was surprised that he wasn’t…larger. While they’d never been properly introduced, she was well aware of who he was. She’d seen him only twice before, once at Dirk’s and most recently in New Orleans at the club during her lovers’ private party.

  He was a tall man, but not as solidly built as Santos or Antonio. Drengr had the look of an athlete, a runner maybe, with long limbs and an easy stride. His features were unremarkable with the exception of his eyes. Those were a soft bluish gray and in their depths there was a sense of…power. While he might look like your next-door neighbor, this man would be an immovable object should he choose to be.

  “We’re not to be disturbed,” she said to her assistant though she didn’t look away from Drengr. It wasn’t until her office door was safely closed that she spoke to him.

  “Wylie Coyote?” she mused. “Tell me, does that make me the Road Runner?”

  “Ms. Porter.” His head dipped in a very European fashion. “May I?” He gestured to the chairs arranged in front of her desk.

  “Please, do.” Her gaze flicked over his clothing. A black Canali suit, immaculate white shirt, a blue and gray tie, very nice. She wondered if someone picked out his clothing for him or if he was one of those rare finds, a straight man who followed fashion trends.

  “Thank you for the invitation to the club. It was quite…stimulating.”

  His brow arched. “Did I give myself away?”

  “Only to those who are observant.” She shrugged. “I saw you at the party watching me and my friends.”

  “What can I say? I find it hard to resist a beautiful woman such as yourself.” When he smiled, she noticed his mouth was remarkably sensual for such an ordinary-looking man. “I could not resist the temptation.”

  “Why? What do you want from me?”

  “I should think that would be obvious.” He gestured toward her. “You, Jane Porter, are an intelligent and accomplished woman. Attended Harvard, graduated with honors, articulate, well traveled. Your business is flourishing, and you’re on the fast track to becoming a millionaire within the next year or so.” His voice dropped an octave. “Have I mentioned beautiful?”

  “Not yet.”

  His smile grew wider, but he didn’t add anything further. Then again he didn’t need to, as he seemed to know everything there was to know about her. The sudden urge to move around a bit caused her to push away from the desk and get up.

  “I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage here.” Bracing her hands on the desk, she leaned toward him slightly. “Sorry, but I didn’t get the memo that I should’ve run a background check on you as well.”

  “Touché,” he chuckled. “Let’s cut to the heart of the matter. Since I first saw you at the Prentiss estate I’ve wanted you.” His gaze moved over her body, and she almost regretted getting to her feet.


  “Tell me, Jane Porter, do your lovers appreciate you?”

  Frowning, she moved away from the desk and toward the small bar built into the wall. “What do you mean? Of course they appreciate me—”

  “But do they satisfy you?”

  His voice was close, much closer than she’d anticipated and she hadn’t heard him move. While he wasn’t exactly crowding her, the heat from his body caressed her skin with a ghostly touch. Her drink forgotten, she turned to face him.

  “I have no complaints either in or out of bed, not that it’s any of your business,” she said pointedly.

  “I hear that you’ve expressed an interest in the possibility of an auction.”

  Again his gaze moved slowly down her body and this time it felt like a giant cat had run its tongue down her spine. It wasn’t until he stopped at her breasts that she realized her nipples were hard. Her breath caught, and she had to fight to stop herself from crossing her arms.

  “I can’t say that I have an interest, it’s more of a curiosity,” she admitted.

  “Curiosity is a good place to start.” He took a half step closer to her. “I’m sure your lovers have mentioned my…particular talents have they not?”

  “They have.”

  “Tell me, Jane. Do you wish to learn more about the sensual capabilities of your body?” His hand scorched her shoulder when he gently moved her hair back to expose her throat. When his head dipped toward hers, arousal exploded throughout her body. “I know ways to make a woman come using only my voice.”

  She sucked in a noisy breath.

  “Intrigued?” His breath was hot against her neck.


  “P-possibly,” she said.

  Sliding his arm around her waist he pulled her close. Startled, she put her hands on his chest as if to push him away only to hesitate.

  And he noticed.

  “Do I make you nervous?”

  His lips touched the base of her throat where her pulse beat frantically. When his hands slid down to her ass, he pulled her tight against his erection, she whimpered as liquid heat flooded her pussy. He made a sound of pleasure deep in his chest.

  “Don’t worry, Jane Porter.” He nibbled his way down the side her neck, the gentle graze of his tongue coupled with the scrape of his teeth making it hard to think. “I’ll be very gentle…this time.”

  This can’t be happening. Not here, not in her office.

  His slim, artist’s fingers moved to her shirt, and he released the buttons in an unhurried fashion. With her mind screaming for her run, her body wouldn’t obey. Her limbs felt heavy with need, and her breathing deepened when her shirt fell to the floor. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once, her shoulders, her chest, down her arms then back again. Catching her by the back of her neck, he hauled her close for a chaste kiss.

  Warm, soft lips
touched hers and she released a breath. His tongue licked her parted lips and a moan that felt like it came from her ankles worked its way up. Archer’s mouth covered hers and his tongue thrust inside. She moaned again and returned the kiss. He tasted so good like fine brandy and hot, slick, warm male flesh.

  Vaguely she was aware of him guiding her to walk backwards. His thumbs caressed her nipples beneath the lacy bra until she was panting. She clenched her hands on the expensive Italian suit, but he didn’t appear to care. The world tilted when he swept her up into his arms.

  “You shouldn’t be carrying me,” she whispered against his mouth. “You’ll hurt your back.”

  “Beautiful Jane, it’s not my back I’m worried about.” He chuckled. “Only one body part is in danger from a woman such as you and that is my heart.”

  He was kidding, right?

  He carried her over to the couch, a useful office addition for the days they worked late, and laid her down. Stepping back, he stood over her and began to disrobe. As each garment was tossed aside she continuously asked herself why she’d thought him to be small when he’d walked in.

  Broad shoulders, a tight stomach, narrow hips…she licked her lips. No, small wasn’t how she’d describe him now. Clad in tighty whities, his erection arched outward toward her. Without words, Archer lowered the soft cotton then bent to remove it completely. When he straightened, his hard cock stood tall and perfectly smooth. Jane licked her lips. All of the hair had been removed from his groin giving it a slightly exotic look to her eyes. She’d heard of this practice but she’d never seen it up close and to speak.

  “Why do you remove the hair?”

  “Does it bother you?” he asked.

  “No.” When he moved closer, she reached for him. His skin was hot and perfectly smooth beneath her hands. Gently she stroked him and a pearl of seminal fluid appeared at the tip. “You asked me if my lovers satisfy me and my answer was yes.” Running her thumb over the head of his cock, she stroked the ultra-sensitive underside. “I will ask the same question of you. Who satisfies you and brings your fantasies to life?”

  His expression became guarded and the immediate change was startling. One moment he watched her with a mixture of lust and amusement and the next, they could’ve been talking about stock futures.

  “In fulfilling a woman, I achieve my own fantasy.” His words were stiff.

  “I don’t believe that.” She gently pulsed her hand around his cock forcing his gaze to meet hers. “Do you have a lover?”

  “Several,” he gritted.

  “Only women?”

  Heat flashed in his eyes and she smiled. Archer, for all of his mythic abilities, was pretty easy to read. Her question disturbed him but he was enjoying her hand on his cock too much to tell her to piss off.


  He enjoyed men as well? Now that was hot.

  Leaning forward, she swirled her tongue over the head making him groan. “Do you have a preference for one over the other?”

  His hands fisted by his sides. “No.”

  Raking her nails over his balls, she was rewarded with a moan. So he liked that did he? When she repeated the gesture his legs began to shake.


  “When you’re alone in bed in the middle of the night, what has you reaching for your beautiful cock?” Tightening her grip, she began to stoke him with firm, slow movements. The head was slowly turning to a darker shade of brown and pre-come leaked from the narrow slit.

  “What are you doing to me, Jane Porter?” His hands landed on her shoulders, his fingers digging into her flesh.

  Her brow rose, and she shot his cock a pointed glance. “If you can’t figure that out on your own then I’m doing something wrong.”

  He yanked her to her feet and shook her. Her breath caught when she realized how far gone he was. If she’d thought him to be angry before, now he was enraged. His hand fisted over the delicate lace of her bra and he tore it from her body. Her protest was cut in half when his mouth came down over hers. The pressure was bruising and he would give her no quarter.

  Hands tore at her clothing, pinching her flesh until she was alternating between a paralyzing fear and painful arousal. Finally he broke the kiss as one hand moved to her throat. Archer pushed her down on the couch then straddled her hips. Leaning forward, his grip tightened on her throat.

  “I’ll ask you one more time, Jane. What are you doing to me?”

  Chapter Eight

  I’m going to make you beg.

  Staring into his tortured gaze, she bore witness to the pain in their depths. Something was eating this man alive from the inside out. She didn’t know what it was, but it was stealing pieces of his soul until soon there would be none left. No matter what he did or how hard he tried, nothing would ever fill the darkness that was eating through him like a cancer.

  Jane relaxed beneath him, her gaze held his. Confusion was followed by panic before his grip loosened on her throat. Horror flashed over his face and he started to move away, but she’d have none of that. Twisting, she slammed him into the back of the couch then under. Bracing her legs on either side of his, she pinned him down with her body.

  “Tell me, Archer, what gets you off?”

  Stretching, she bit his throat hard. He froze, and his muscles turned to stone. His breathing was fast, and she felt his overwhelming need for the basic kindness of flesh against flesh. Jane kissed the reddened skin she’d just wounded before moving to his flat nipples. Sucking on the tender nub it hardened against her tongue.

  “Few women can give me a satisfactory ride,” his words came out in a rush. “I’m a man who takes a while…to come.”

  Wow. She certainly hadn’t seen that one coming. Jane sat up and took his cock in her hand. “Do you have sensitivity issues?”

  “No, not that.” She was surprised at the faint blush that crept over his face. “It’s difficult for me to orgasm when I’m inside a woman. Usually they are too sore before…well...I’m even close.”

  Hot damn!

  “Sounds like a dare to me.” She began stroking his erection, and the tension eased from his body.

  “You have great hands.” His hips bucked upward. “So you think you can succeed where others have failed?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, but if you think I’m going to give up a chance to ride my own personal orgasmatron, you’re crazy.” Her grin was wicked. “Who knows, I might wear you out.”

  He laughed and pulled her against his chest. Holding her tightly, he flipped positions until she was on the bottom before working his way down her body with his mouth. No part was left untouched and by the time he reached her pussy, she was in pre-orgasmic agony.

  “You’re so wet for me, Beauty.” Pleasure filled his voice. “Seeing how this will be a leisurely ride, I must ensure you are prepared.”

  A devilish glint entered her eyes as he parted slick petals. Avoiding her clit, he licked sucked and stroked her swollen flesh. His tongue licked around her slick entrance and every now and then he’d penetrate her with his tongue. When his teeth grazed her labia she jumped and tried to capture his head to push him in the right direction. Instead, he captured her hands then pinned them down by her sides. As his tongue fluttered over her pussy, her hips bucked upward in a silent plea to end the torment. Instead he pulled away and rose over her.

  “You are a work of art, Jane Porter.” His lips touched hers, and she tasted the sweetness of her cream on his tongue. “You will be a pleasure to train.” After grabbing his pants from the floor, he sheathed his cock then lowered his body to hers. “You could be my crowning achievement.”

  “I’ll bet you say that to all the women,” her voice was oddly breathless. Wearing only thigh high stockings and her high heels, she felt sexy and daring. With his cock rubbing against her pussy, moisture ran down the crack of her ass.

  “I’ve never said it to any woman.”

  Her answer was turned into a moan when
he thrust inside her. One moment they were two people and the next his cock was filling her. His gaze bore into hers, probing, searching, very much like another part of his anatomy was doing a bit lower down her body.

  Bracing his body over hers, he began to move. His stroke was slow and steady as if he had the rest of the day to make love to her. Stroking his back, she felt the stretch and bunch of his muscles as he moved lazily. A sweet smile touched his mouth, and his eyes were now closed. His expression was blissful, dreamy as he slowly fucked her.

  Jane had experienced all different kinds of sex. Slow, fast, hard, soft, sweet, hungry and on and on…but she’d never felt anything this before.

  The way he held himself and the manner in which he moved was like a full body massage without the hands. Sweat gilded their skin and they slipped and slid over and under one another. She moaned with each easy descent, her pussy was hypersensitive to each ripple of movement. Shivers wracked her body as he rocked in out, in out, in out. Every now and then he’d add a little hint of a shimmy, a move that stretched her opening as he rimmed her with the thick head of his cock.

  Each time he performed the move a slow heavy groan would work its way up his throat. He was making love to her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Her entire body was a sexual organ, and the arousal was slow and thick as it moved through her limbs.

  But he never increased the pace.

  “You feel so good, Jane.” His mouth was soft when he kissed her. “Close your eyes and feel me.”

  When she did, the slow glide in and out of her body grew richer and more complex. Each new sensation was sweeter, hotter and even more arousing. Her body was on fire, and her pussy clenched tight around his cock. She heard his indrawn breath, and she opened her eyes. He was watching her with an intensity that was as disturbing as it was sexy.

  “Archer, I need to come.”

  “I’m not stopping you.” He bit her throat.


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