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Caught Between an Oops and a Hard Body (Caught Between series Book 2)

Page 11

by Seabrook, Sheila

  “Turn around and I’ll button you up.”

  She sucked in her belly, but the buttons pulled everywhere. Her cheeks flared with heat. “I’ve recently put on a little weight.”

  With a tsk, the other woman bent her head and examined the waist and bust of the gown. “It’s going to have to be let out here and here and here.” Her dark gaze rose to meet Stephanie’s and she lowered her voice. “I get it. You haven’t told anyone yet. Our little secret then. I’ll add some panels for expansion. But we’ll have to get you in for a final fitting right before the wedding.”

  “Thank you.”

  “No problem.” She directed Stephanie to the pedestal, then knelt at her feet. Around a mouthful of pins, she said, “It’s what those of us in the wedding industry do, right? Nothing, absolutely nothing, should spoil the bride’s wedding day.”

  Stephanie smiled down at the top of the other woman’s head. “I’m sure it’s a false alarm. Just pre-period bloat, but I don’t want to say anything until I know for sure.”

  But she feared that in another few months, the situation would be even worse. The dress wouldn’t fit in the waist or the chest. Probably not in the butt area either.

  The seamstress stood up, examined her work, and rubbed her hands together. “There, done. Now be careful when you pull it off. You don’t want to get stuck with a pin.”

  Stephanie gently removed the gown and redressed. The moment the seamstress had left the room, she sighed and placed her palm against her stomach.

  Every time Stone came near, her body recognized him, and her insides began to hum. She feared she wasn’t just in trouble with the possible pregnancy, but that her heart might be getting involved.

  Sinking into the armchair, she blindly stared at the cell screen and the lists and lists of things still to do. More guests meant more seating, more food, more of everything.

  The wedding had seemed so simple. Life had seemed so simple. Now she had to deal with a high-strung bride, a troublesome mother-of-the-bride, and the possibility of being pregnant.

  She cleared her mind and set to work, texting, emailing, phoning. By the time she was finished arranging everything for the extra guests, the evening shadows had darkened the room, and there was only one thing left to do.

  Her phone buzzed.

  My cabin or yours?


  Stone tracked down the groom without any problem. All he’d had to do was follow the loud rock music to the far end of the estate where the Nine-For-Loft cottage sat nestled among the trees. Unfortunately, despite banging on the door several times, the kid had remained sprawled on the couch, headphones on, eyes closed, oblivious to his visitor, and Stone had finally given up.

  He’d headed back to Kevin’s cottage, where he’d killed time while he waited for Stephanie’s text, until he couldn’t take the pressure any more and finally sent her a text. My cabin or yours?

  She’d answered promptly. Give me thirty minutes.

  He stared down at the timer on his phone as it counted off the seconds.

  If there was a baby on the way, he wanted to share in the responsibility of raising their child. But he also wanted to avoid the emotional complications of a relationship.

  He’d seen other couples do it, some successfully, some not quite so successfully, but if Stephanie and him could come to some kind of agreement, then it would all work out.

  It had to work out.

  And yet, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to wake up every morning with her at his side, her body changing with the growth of their child.

  At the same moment the timer went off, fingers snapped in front of his face. “Earth to Boss. Why aren’t you paying attention?”

  He shut off the timer, focused on his assistant’s face, and shoved to his feet. “Sorry. I—uh—have something I need to take care of.”

  Kevin shifted on the armchair across from him, his face in shadows, his long frame slouched. “Go, man. It’s not like I need you to stick around and hold my hand.”

  “Sorry, Kev. You know I wouldn’t dump you unless it was really important.”

  The corner of Kevin’s mouth crooked up. “Is she hot?”

  A flush worked up his neck and into his face, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah.”

  Wanda stood up, her oval face dour. “Why are all men pigs?”

  Stone slung one arm over his assistant’s shoulder, and with a grin, steered her toward the door. “Because if we weren’t, we’d be irresistible all of the time.”

  “Right.” She lowered her voice. “Do I have to entertain him?”

  From behind, Kevin’s voice made Wanda jump. “I’m okay. I don’t need a babysitter, just a place to chill for a few days.”

  A knock sounded on the door.

  Maybe he’d taken too long and she’d brought the pregnancy test to his cabin. He hoped not. He didn’t want to explain that to his assistant or best friend. Let them believe it was all about sex.

  He opened the front door and there stood Liz, poised to knock again.

  Her gaze darted past him and her eyes opened wide. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you had company.”

  He peered around her. “Where’s your fiancee?”

  “He’s working on a super cool idea for a new song.” She gave him a huge smile and slid past him inside. “So I thought I’d come hang out with my favorite brother.”

  Stone eyed her with suspicion. “I was just on my way out.”

  She gave him another sunny smile, turned her back on him, and then did a fake startled. “Hi Kevin. I didn’t see you standing there.”

  Kevin thrust his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, and eyes hooded, nodded. “Hi Squirt. Good to see you again.”

  She sidled closer in his direction. “Good to see you, too.”

  Stone suddenly had a bad feeling in his gut. He glanced at his watch, eyed his sister. “Liz, I was about to leave.”

  She waved one hand in the air, never taking her eyes off Kevin, and dropped onto the couch. “Don’t let me hold you back. I’ll keep Kevin company while you’re gone.”

  “Oh good.” Wanda headed for the door. “I was beginning to worry I’d have to make small talk.”

  And with that, she brushed past him and disappeared out the door, heading in the direction of her own cabin.

  Stone's cell vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out, glanced at the message.

  Where are you?

  He texted back hold on and put the phone back in his pocket. “Liz, maybe you should come back later.”

  Without looking his way, she waved him off. “Go. I’ll catch up with Kevin while you’re gone. You don’t mind, do you, Kevin?”

  A corner of his mouth kicked up. “So what grade are you in now, Squirt?”

  Stone's cell vibrated again. He angled his hand up so he could read the display.

  It’s not important you be here.

  Yes it is. I’m coming. Just hold on till I get there. “Kev?”

  “Yeah, man, go ahead. We’re good here.”

  His phone vibrated.

  Don’t bother. Just like certain other things, I can take care of this without needing the assistance of a man.

  Without another word, Stone rushed out and raced across the clearing to Stephanie’s cabin. As he loped up the steps, he felt a noose tighten around his neck.

  With his grandma’s wedding ring in his pocket, he had to still the urge to run away like a coward.

  A baby? It was the last thing either of them wanted.

  He knocked on the door and listened for her footsteps.

  If the test came out positive, they’d have to have a heart to heart talk. About what he wanted from her, what she could expect in return.

  Despite the severity of his situation, his blood stirred with desire. They wouldn’t have any problems in the bedroom. But he knew they couldn’t spend their life in bed. At some point, they’d have to deal with each other out of the bedroom.

  Stone knocked again. When he still didn’t hear a sound, he started to get concerned. He tested the doorknob and found it unlocked

  What if something had happened to her? What if something had happened to the baby? If she miscarried, all of their problems would be taken care of.

  He shoved away the thought, twisted the knob, pushed open the door and saw Stephanie sitting on the couch, her arms crossed over her chest, her gaze fixed on the pharmacy bag sitting on the coffee table in front of her.

  The scrunched up expression on her face got scrunchier. “What took you so long?”

  She was feeling bitchy. He understood that and forced a smile as he took a single step over the threshold. “I had unexpected company.”

  Her gaze lifted slowly to his face. “In bed or the other thing?”

  “The other thing?”

  “Yeah, you know, the part where you rip apart a marriage and forever put the once loving couple forever at war?”

  He moved further into the room. “You do realize people wanting a divorce come looking for me, not the other way around?”

  “Right,” she muttered, and as her gaze returned to the bag, she almost looked disappointed. “Go away. I’ve changed my mind.”

  Stone came all the way inside and shut the door behind him. “It’s too late for that, sweetheart.”

  “No, it’s not. I know my body.” She lifted her gaze to his face and there was desperation in her eyes. “This definitely feels more like the flu than a pregnancy.”

  “Have you ever been pregnant before?”

  Silence met his question, and he wondered what was going on in her head.

  All he knew for certain was that she was scared, as scared as he was, and the realization eased something within him, helped to calm him down. He crossed to the coffee table, picked up the bag, and held out one hand for her to take. “Shall we get this over and done with? Find out whether we’re going to be tied together for life?”


  As a bubble of panic worked its way up her throat, Stephanie stilled the urge to run away like a coward.

  A baby? She twisted the material of her dress in her hands and stared up him. “In case you didn’t notice, I’m no good with kids.”

  “Oh, I noticed all right.” He came closer. “In case you didn’t notice, I’m very good with kids.”

  A sad pang deflated her heart.

  This had never been in her life’s plan.

  Her gaze lifted slowly to his face.

  He had never been in her life’s plan.

  Her gaze returned to the bag. If he slept with another woman, it would be easy to get rid of him. But when he was being so nice…

  Stephanie pushed up from the couch to her feet, the urge to cower in a corner and run away almost overwhelming. But Stone stood there, the bag now in his hand, supportive and brave. She took a deep breath and held out her hand. “Just so we understand each other, there is no tied together for life.”

  “We’ll discuss that after you take the test.”

  A knock sounded at the door. Stephanie grabbed the bag from him and shoved it behind a cushion just as the door swung open and her mom stepped inside.

  “Oh, excuse me, I didn’t realize you had company.” With a twinkle in her eyes, she backed up a step. “I’ll leave you two alone. Is two hours enough or should I stay away longer?”

  Stephanie sighed. “Nothing is going on, Mom.”

  “Just don’t let your father catch you two alone. You know how protective he is of you girls.” With a wave, her mom left, locking and shutting the door behind herself.

  Stephanie glared after her. “She’s not going to give up, you know. And if it turns out I’m pregnant…”

  He had the audacity to laugh. “According to your dad, she hates divorce lawyers. So if you want to stop her matchmaking attempts, just tell her I’m the king of divorce lawyers.”

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  He crossed the room, placed one hand on her stomach, and softly said, “Not if it takes the pressure off you.”

  For just a moment, she let herself get lost in the feel of his hand, protective over her abdomen, the warmth of his body, urging her to move closer, the kindness in his gaze that always took her breath away and made her wish for the impossible.

  Stephanie broke the physical contact, grabbed the bag and headed down the hallway to the bathroom, conscious of him following her. As she reached the doorway and stopped, he bumped into her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “It’ll be negative.”

  “Sure. Right.” She turned to face him and had to raise her chin to look up at him. There was a breathless moment when she thought something passed between them, but then it was gone and he stepped back.

  “I’ll leave you alone to—uh—”

  Right, the king of divorce didn’t do relationships any more than she did. And even though he looked calm, he must be freaking out inside. “Yeah, I’ve got it.”

  “I’ll wait—uh—” He pointed to the floor right where he stood. “Right here.”

  “In the living room would be better.” She stared at him and he stared back. Finally, she sighed. “I’m not going to disappear out the bathroom window.”


  With a grumble, she turned her back on him. “It’s kind of late for that, isn’t it?”

  Behind her, she heard the rustle of his clothes as he retraced his steps down the hallway, then the door clicked shut sealing her in with her fate. She put the bag on the counter and stared at it.

  The bag sat there, teasing her, taunting her. It wasn’t as though she’d slept around a lot. Stone had been her first indiscretion in too many years to count. Maybe it was a mistake, some godawful trick to make her aware of the risk she’d taken.

  Warmth stole over her.

  But what a night. Even now, every time they were in the same room, they connected. And she knew without a doubt that if she could go back to that night, she’d do it all over again.

  Except for the getting pregnant part.

  She glared at the bag.

  Putting it off wouldn’t make the test negative instead of positive. She grabbed the bag, pulled out the box and opened it up.

  Skimmed the instructions.

  Followed them to the letter.

  Washed her hands, opened the bathroom door, and called out, “You can come in now.”

  As he came down the hallway, he looked kind of greenish—or maybe it was the light—but it somehow made her feel better. For right this very moment, she wasn’t in it alone.

  “How long,” he asked as he stood shoulder to shoulder with her and grabbed hold of her hand while he kept his gaze fixed on the stick.

  “Five minutes.” Pure terror for them both. Followed by, she hoped, pure, unadulterated relief and joy.

  The feel of his palm against hers gave her a measure of comfort and now she was glad to have him here, sharing this with her, willing to take some of the load off her shoulders, if only temporarily.

  He nudged her shoulder. “I had some time this afternoon to google health tips for expectant mothers.”

  Surprised, she glanced at his profile. “You did?”

  He turned his head, met her gaze, and squeezed her hand. “Well, yeah. If you’re pregnant, I want to make sure both you and our baby stay healthy.”

  She shook her head and turned back to watch the stick. “I’m not pregnant.”

  But the thin flat stick taunted her with uncertainty while she watched for the bands to appear.

  One band, though. Not two.

  Nervousness swamped her and huffing out a breath, she slid a glance his way. “Are you breathing?”

  “No.” His gaze connected with hers and he squeezed her hand. “We’re in this together.”

  One band meant she was safe and Stone was off the hook without any guilt on his part.

  Two bands meant—she stifled the urge to throw up—she’d be a mom, with this tiny defenseless pe
rson to take care of.

  A hint of color appeared on the white strip. A single band that sent a wave of relief rolling through her. And by the sound of Stone's sigh, him too.

  Stephanie looked at him and he looked at her, and the desire that always flared through her body whenever she was in his presence came to life in his eyes too. Without thinking, reacting on total instinct, she threw herself against him and wrapped her arms around his neck while he encircled her around the waist with his arms.

  “Did we just dodge a bullet?” he whispered in her ear.

  “I think so,” she whispered back.

  But then he spoiled it all by turning back to the strip and she saw the relief wash away from his face.

  Stephanie reluctantly craned her neck and caught a glimpse of a second faint line. She felt Stone slowly release her, keeping one arm around her waist so they stood hip to hip, and watched in horror as the pregnancy test kit confirmed their worst fears.


  “I don’t get it,” she babbled. “Logistically, I should’ve been able to get laid ninety-nine times before this happened.”

  “You and me both,” he mumbled.

  He tugged her out of the bathroom and over to the couch where they both sat silent and edgy until she whispered, “What am I going to do?”

  He squeezed her hand, drawing her attention to his face. “You’re not in this alone.”

  “Stone, you don’t have any obligation. I would never expect you to stick around if you don’t want to. I won’t keep our child away from you, but I won’t expect you to stick around either.”

  “Maybe I want to.” He let go of her hand, pushed himself off the couch, and paced across the floor. “Hell.”

  “Double hell,” she muttered.

  She felt the sudden urge to be held, to have him rub his large hands up and down her back, to have his naked chest against hers, to have him join with her body one more time and help her forget this moment.

  Oh God, what was she thinking? This is how they’d gotten into this mess in the first place.

  Although, what was there to be afraid of now? It wasn’t like she could get pregnant a second time.


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