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Defenseless Hearts

Page 25

by Meagan Brandy

  I reach for both their hands, and they eagerly place them in mine.

  I look into both their eyes. “He lied to you.”

  My mom’s brows furrow, and she reluctantly pulls her gaze from mine briefly to glance at my dad. My dad, however, stares right into me, digging deep until he finds it, and his head drops onto the mattress. His shoulders start to shake in silent sobs he can’t fight, and my mom’s eyes instantly tear up. She rubs his back, and his free hand moves to grip her knee.

  She doesn’t understand, but she doesn’t need to in order to comfort her husband. It’s pure need to ease his pain.

  Nate moves to stand behind them, his eyes shifting around the three of us.

  Slowly, my dad’s head lifts, his gaze flitting between mine. “You didn’t … there was no baby?”

  My mother gasps, her hands flying to her mouth, and tears fill my eyes.

  “No, Daddy,” I whisper, shame burning in me. “There was no baby.”

  “Why would he … why would you …” My mother trails off.

  “He’s not what you think he is, and I’m …” I whisper, my eyes on the blanket, but before I can say more, the nurses stroll through, a bruised and battered Kellan lying lifeless in the hospital bed they’re pushing.

  Everything in me locks as I stare at him. Normally so attractive and charming to the outside world, he’s now a helpless, unrecognizable man, swollen and discolored, cast on the arm and foot. He deserves for the world to see him this way. As ugly as his soul. As sickening as it might be, I wish he hadn’t made it out.

  That he’d never wake up.

  Miranda strolls back in then and stops to glare at everyone before turning to the nurse. “Excuse me, but could you please asks the guests to leave? My son needs his rest. Doctor’s orders and all.”

  The nurse frowns, looking from my family to Miranda. “This is her room, too. Her family has the right to be here.”

  “She’s a Vermont. We are her family now. Get. Them. Out.”

  “Hey now.” My dad stands tall but respectful. “I understand things are out of order right now and that you’re worried about your son. But my baby girl is in here. I will go nowhere until she tells me. And maybe not even then.”

  Miranda cocks a brow, crossing her arms as she looks to me. “Tell them to go, Kenra.”

  I stare at her hard, and she doesn’t budge.

  This will be a small victory, one that will bite me in the ass later, but right now, I don’t care.

  “Actually, miss …”

  The nurse grows nervous and squints at me.

  “I’m really tired. Could you maybe ask the desk to keep visitors out for a few hours once my family steps out? Kellan and I could both use some sleep.”

  “Yes, ma’am, I can.”

  I look to my parents crestfallen faces and try to smile. They do the same, kiss my cheek, and then walk for the door, all three stopping to stare at Miranda.

  “What?” she scoffs. “You can’t seriously expect me to leave?”

  “We damn sure do,” my mom quietly tells her, and my dad stands with his chest at her back.

  She glares at them and then me and storms from the room.

  The second she does, the nurse gives a small smile and then pulls the door closed on her way out.

  When I try to adjust my position, I hiss in pain, my ribs sending a sharp, heated ache through me, so I give up and settle back as I was.

  I ignore Kellan’s presence and close my eyes to think, but I can’t focus.

  Everything is fucked up, and it’s all my fault. All my responsibility to fix.

  I owe it to my family and to Parker to make this right—at least for them. I just have to figure out how.

  With a sigh, I ready myself for sleep, but right then, Kellan’s machines start beeping, and my eyes pop open with the door. Two nurses rush past me to get to his side, but I don’t bother looking. I don’t listen to the words they speak as they talk to each other, doing whatever it is they do to get the noises to stop, to help preserve the slick bastard beside me.

  One nurse walks out, and the other stops at the foot of my bed.

  “We’re taking good care of him,” she assures me. “Try to get some sleep. Your body needs it to heal.” When I don’t respond, she offers a small smile. “These things take time; don’t give up hope yet.”

  She exits, and it hits me.

  I didn’t embrace my new life of high society and power over the last few years, but I learned a bit from being in it.

  Money goes a long way. Maliciousness pushes it further. But ruthlessness tips it off.

  Maybe the accident wasn’t a punishment but an out.

  Kellan called for a pass.

  I’m calling a blitz.

  The play call was delivered on a silver platter by the asshole himself. Because the calculating bastard sharing a room with me is no longer my fiancé … he’s my husband.

  Lolli calls me for what must be the fifteenth time in the last few hours. Again, I don’t answer. I’m not sure what she could say that would help at the moment, and frankly, I don’t want to talk to anyone right now.

  “You not gonna get that, brotha man?” Brady asks from his seat, and I shake my head. “You know she’ll just keep callin’, right?”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  He glances my way as he hits our turn. “What happened in there, dude?”

  I lost.

  When I don’t answer, Brady doesn’t push, and eventually, we’re pulling up to my house.

  I glance at Cameron, who is asleep in the backseat and back at Brady, before stepping out and closing my door. I pump fists with him through the open window. “Thanks for giving me a ride back, man.”

  “Just a three-hour trip. No big deal.” He smirks, but it holds halfway. “I need to get a shower and some sleep myself. Felt all right leaving now that Kenra’s awake and talkin’.”

  I nod, reaching my front door right as Chase steps out. Brady let him know we were here.

  “Hey, man. Thanks for bringing her back and sitting with her.”

  “It’s no problem. I’m glad I could do it,” he tells me with a nod. “Talked to Ari. She said Kenra was awake?”

  “Yeah, she woke up.”

  “Good, good.”

  “How’s Payton? She been up yet at all?”

  He sighs and shakes his head. “Only for about fifteen minutes. I made her drink a glass of water and eat a half-sandwich, but that’s it. She needs to eat, man. Gotta take care of herself and that baby.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut and nod. “Yeah,” I croak out, looking off and then back. “Thanks, Chase.”

  “Yep.” He clasps my shoulder as he steps out the door.

  Brady hangs out his window to catch my attention. “I’mma head back this evening. Should I call you, see if you’re ready to head back with us?”

  I swallow. “Nah, man. I’m not going back.”

  It’s been three days.

  Three days of lying in this damn bed. Three days of dealing with Miranda and her bullshit. Three days of listening to the sounds Kellan makes in his unconscious state. Three days of my mother staring at me like she doesn’t know me. Three fucking days of pretending I’m not going insane.

  I need to get out of here.

  But I can’t get a minute to myself to plan.

  There’s a small knock at the door as I ease into a sitting position.

  “If I could ask everyone to step out a minute, I need to check on our patient here.”

  Reluctantly, the others exit the room, and the nurse steps all the way in.

  “Hi there.” The woman smiles and moves to wash her hands. “I’m Shelli. I was here the night you came in.” She dries her hands and moves to sit at the edge of my bed. “Glad to see you’re awake. How are you feeling?”

  “Sore. Ready to get out of here.”

  She nods, her gaze dropping to my bandaged arms and palms. “If you’re up for it, the hospital has counselors on staff. I could ask o
ne to step inside to speak with you.”

  My eyes drop to the blanket.

  My scars. She’s seen them.

  Heat makes its way up my chest and neck, embarrassment and shame taking over.

  “That boy is something special,” she whispers. “That was a beautiful thing he did, shielding you and your family like that.”

  My eyes fly to hers, and she gives a small smile.

  “What are you talking about?”

  She points to my arms. “The wraps,” she whispers. “I put them on myself. It’s not something we would have considered, not even something that we’d have thought about in that manner, but the second your family was informed they’d be able to see you … that boy asked us to cover them for you. He said your parents didn’t know, and he wanted to make it easier for all of you since so much had happened already.”

  “Blue eyes?” I whisper.

  The woman grins. “Like no blue I’ve ever seen,” she teases with a whimsical sigh.

  We both laugh lightly.

  Kellan’s machine beeps then, and our gazes are pulled his way. His chest rises and falls in deep breaths, his body growing stronger by the minute. I’ve been told he’ll wake up soon.

  I’m running out of time.

  Shelli stands, reaching for a bag stuffed beneath my bed and hands it to me. “In case you were wondering, this is all they gave us when you came in.”

  I pull open the bag to find my small purse inside.

  “They probably only grabbed it for identity purposes. Your clothes were cut off by the EMTs on-site, but if you want them, I can get them for you.”

  Sliding my fingers across the blood streak on my stark white Coach bag—one I didn’t even like, but Kellan said was classy—I open it to find my wallet and other belongings still inside.

  A sliver of white catches my eye. My hands begin to shake as I reach inside, pulling the rectangular-shaped paper out.

  Happiness is a choice.

  “Shelli”—I look to the nurse, who stares at the fortune in my hand before bringing her eyes to mine—“I need your help.”

  Three days. It’s been three damn days since I left the hospital. Three days since I thought I’d lost her forever. Three fucking days since I found out she was already gone.

  Already forever his.

  She’d warned me. That first day on the beach, she’d said it didn’t matter if he found her because she’d go back to him anyway.

  I should have heard her then, avoided all this unnecessary agony and optimism bullshit.

  With a deep sigh, I drop my head back against the couch right as Payton shuffles from the hall, her face pale, eyes puffy and red. It’s been hard to get her to take care of herself, and she isn’t exactly open to listening to what anyone has to say, which is understandable, but at the same time, she has us all pretty scared.

  “Dad and Clint are pulling up now,” she rasps and I hop up, making my way over to her.

  “You ready to see them?”

  She shrugs, not meeting my eyes.

  “Why don’t you take a minute, have a warm shower?” I glance back at Lolli, and she nods, deep creases framing her worried eyes. “Lolli will make you something to eat real fast. Let me talk to them first.”

  Payton frowns at the floor a minute before nodding and heading back down the hall.

  I drag my hands down my face, my chin dropping to my chest.

  Lolli steps beside me. “I have no idea what to say to her,” she admits then gives me a small smile before turning back to the others. “Handsome, you and Austin go play. Meems, come help me make some snacks. Parker needs the porch without your nosy ass ears.”

  “You got it, boss,” Austin teases and Lolli flips him off over her head making him laugh.

  With a deep breath, I meet my dad and stepdad out front just as they step out of the car.

  My dad stretches his limbs as I approach, giving me a grave smile when he spots me.

  He steps forward to hug me, patting my back. “Son.”

  “Hey, Dad.”

  Clint steps up next and clutches my shoulder. “How you doin, bud?”

  I let out a deep sigh. “Been better, to be honest,” I tell them, glancing between the two.

  With his lips in a tight line, my dad pats my bicep. “Been a long week, huh?”

  “The longest.” I look to the left, staring at the ocean between the houses. “Never thought I’d think it, but I can’t wait for summer to be over. I need school to keep me busy. Things are… real messed up right now.”

  “I can’t imagine,” he whispers quietly.

  I told him everything that happened when he called the night I came home from the hospital. Turned out, my mother called him, freaking out and trying to threaten things she had no control over, but he doesn’t play her games anymore, so he hung up on her, filled Clint in on the situation and then called me directly.

  “Peep inside?”

  I nod, looking back to him.

  “She doesn’t want to see me, does she?” he asks quietly, and Clint moves behind him to grip his shoulders in support.

  “Truthfully, Dad, I think she could care less.”

  Deep wrinkles form across his forehead. “Can’t blame her.” He looks to me. “How is she?"

  “Not good. Hardly eating, in bed most the day but hardly sleeping.”

  “I know it's a tired old saying, but she'll get better in time.”

  “Maybe, but we don't have time. She's pregnant now, needs to keep her body strong.”

  Both of them nod, and we all grow quiet a minute before my dad speaks again.

  “I need to know something, Parker, about you and Kenra.” He eyes me. “Honest-to-God truth, no holding back. How much does this girl mean to you?”

  I drop my eyes to the gutter, unsure if I want to give him what he’s asking for.

  “You willing to give it all away for her? Lose all the things you’ve just discovered you wanted? A home here, a job, maybe... probably your best friend?”

  When my eyes snap to his, he gives a meek smile. “Are you willing to give up everything for her?”

  “Why are you asking me that?” I cut my eyes to Clint and back.

  “Answer the question, son,” he quietly demands.

  There’s only one answer. It’s a question I don’t even have to process, but it still saddens me to admit it.

  “In a heartbeat,” I tell him in a whisper.

  He nods, turning back to his car to pull out a stack of papers. With a deep sigh, he hands them over to me.

  I don’t drop my eyes from his as I take them. “What’s all this?”

  “Everything you’ve ever wondered about. All the reasons you ever doubted who you were and what you were worth.” His eyes flit between mine. “All the reasons she stayed with him instead of choosing you.”

  My hand starts to shake as my heart rate spikes. I clench my teeth to keep myself in check.

  “She chose you, Parker. This entire time she’s been gone, been with him, it all started with her choosing you. Your happiness over hers. Then, it grew a little deeper into others’ happiness over hers. And it only got worse from there. The things this poor girl has dealt with, the weight on her shoulders … I’m surprised it hasn’t buried her already.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I ask, chest so tight that I can hardly breathe.

  “It’s all here.” He taps the papers. “She left these in the car the night you guys came to town. I read them. Maybe I shouldn’t have, but when I saw your name, I couldn’t help it. But, Parker, you need to understand, the question I asked you—would you give it all away for her?—it’s not a joke. This is no joke. This could end a dozen different ways, but before you read this, before you make a choice on what your next move is, you have to be willing to lose it all, trying.”

  “I am.”

  “Good. That’s good.”

  Before I can say another word, the front door opens, and my sister is standing there.

  Our dad’s eyes find hers, and instant tears fill his eyes.

  Payton stares a minute before she rushes for him, throwing herself in his arms, letting him hold her as tight as he’s always wanted to.

  I walk away then, leaving them to one another. They have a lot to talk about.

  With trembling hands and shaky feet, I step inside my house right as Lolli steps around the corner.

  She gets one look at me and frowns. “Hero … what’s wrong?”

  I open my mouth to speak, but my dad’s words replay in my head.

  Would I give up my best friend for her?

  My mouth closes, and her eyes grow tighter around the edges, concern blanketing her face.

  I turn and walk straight to my room, shut the door behind me, and spread the papers across my desk. And I read every word of every threat made on Kenra, even the one coming from my own mother. I read every contract Kellan forced her to sign and the consequences that would follow if she broke them. I read through everything until I get to the last and final two.

  One, his revised statement of a promise to her, covering all the things he would no longer hold over her head—her father’s business, her brother’s career.

  Then, the last, the one that undoubtedly got her to the church, the bill of sale. Ownership papers that deem one Kellan Vermont as a fifty percent owner of the San Diego Tomahawks.

  Son of a fucking bitch.

  The second Kenra exits the room, I take the opening and slip inside, locking the door behind me.

  He’s lying there with his eyes closed, but I know he woke up yesterday. I’ve waited on pins and fucking needles for it to happen. It’s been two days since my dad gave me those papers. Five days since I learned she’d married the man. Plain and simple, I’m done.

  “Open your eyes, you piece of shit.”

  His lids pop right open, and he glares, glancing from Kenra’s extra chair to me. “Where is my wife?”

  I grind my teeth together and jerk to move toward him but force myself to hold back.

  I came for a reason. Beating his ass would be a bonus but one that would land me in jail—not that it wouldn’t be worth it.

  “Kenra stepped out, and before you ask, she has no clue I’m here.”


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