Plane of the Godless
Page 5
He caught up to them in the living room, seeing Abby wriggling in Michelle’s lap. Sadie wagged her tail so hard that her back half moved with it, her head on Michelle’s knee. She wrapped her arms around Abby, hugging her close, and sobbed briefly. Then she sat back, stroking the happy little dog in her lap as it settled down to the attention. Sadie just lay down on the rug and laid her head on Michelle’s foot, her tail moving slowly.
Dave sat back down across from her in the love seat. “So what do you want to do now? I am not sure where to go from here.” He stared down at his feet, running a hand through his thinning hair.
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her mind racing. “Obviously, we have to figure out who tried to have me killed. I don’t know how to go about doing that. I also don’t know what I am going to do about my appearance. No one is going to believe that I am me. I don’t even know if I believe it myself.” Her hand slowly stroked Abby’s back as the little dog soaked up the attention. Dave looked over and smiled at the sight, and then his face returned to its previous frown.
“Well, I think we should hang out here for a couple days and see what happens. You took the entire week off. That buys us some time to figure this out. For now, you are simply a cousin who came here for a little vacation and got here too late to save you. Dang, that sounds weird.” He looked over at her, a question in his eyes. “What do you think?”
“We have to figure out what’s going on with the grey man in the other room, too. Where does he fit into all this? He obviously killed my attackers before they could do me in, and then did something to me to make me this way. I want to have a chance to talk to him and find out what happened.” She shuddered briefly, and Abby sat up to look back over her shoulder at Michelle, who saw the look and smiled again, running her hands down Abby’s back once more.
“Yes, Abby, I won’t stop petting you. You are the center of the world, after all…” The smile was wavering, but it was there. Somewhat. Dave was somewhat relieved to see it at all at this point.
Dave came to a decision, and turned to her. “I think I should call Allie and get her up here. If someone came after you, she might be next. Until we get this sorted out, I want her safe.”
“Of course. I should have thought of that. Get her moving as soon as possible,” she said quietly.
He pulled out his cell phone, and called his house. His wife answered, and said “You got there ok?”
“Yeah, I am all safe and sound up here. I think I will be here until tomorrow. I think I need to decompress a little myself, get away from the circus for a little while,” he replied, hoping she remembered.
Her breath caught in her throat, and her mind raced. As the business had gotten more successful, Dave had decided that they needed some code words that they slip into conversation on the phone in case of emergencies. The phones could be tapped, or there could be bugs in the house for someone to listen in. She had thought it somewhat silly then. Now, she wasn’t laughing inside. Decompress was a code word. It meant that bad things were in motion. Circus meant that things were happening fast. She racked her brain for the proper response, and then remembered what would fit her situation.
“Well, as long as you’re back in time for your honey-do list, I can relate.” Relate was a response saying she would be joining him as soon as she could get out the door.
“Glad you understand my need to escape the rat-race, honey. See you tomorrow. Call if you need me.” Escape meant no one was in immediate danger, but action was required, and soon.
“I will. See you when you get back. Love you,” came her automatic closing statement, as she already was thinking about what she would need to take to the cottage.
“Love you too, hon. Bye.” He hung up the phone, then turned back to Michelle. “She’s on her way as soon as possible,” he said.
She just smiled gently. He had told Michelle about the code words, and made her memorize them as well. His time in the U.S. Marine Corps had left their mark on him; he was prepared.
A comfortable silence fell over the family room of the cottage. Sadie stood and stretched, then walked across the cottage to the kitchen where the water bowl was located. Abby, who didn’t like to be separated from her good buddy, hopped down from Michelle’s lap and followed. Shortly the sounds of two dogs drinking from the same bowl could be heard coming from the kitchen.
Michelle slowly lay down on the couch. “I’m so worn out. Everything that has happened to me has drained me, and I didn’t sleep at all last night since. Let me just nap a bit here until our guest wakes up.” She started to curl up on the couch, but Dave stood, and walked over to her. He reached under her with both arms, and lifted her up, holding her close. She laid her head on his shoulder as he carried her to the master bedroom, and she reached down to pull the covers back so he could set her right into the bed.
“You sleep good, big sister. I won’t let anything happen to you. I love you.” He bent down and kissed her forehead, but she was already asleep. He tucked her in, and walked quietly out of the room. The door he left open slightly, so the dogs could come in and get to the pet bed laid out for them at the foot of the king-size bed Michelle was asleep in. Then he went to the kitchen and removed both dog’s collars, a practice that Michelle had gotten into so their tags wouldn’t wake her up in the middle of the night. She was somewhat of a light sleeper, and the dogs loved to sleep in their bed. There was even a blanket over it that Abby could snuggle under. She would sleep on the bed under the covers if Michelle would let her, but she didn’t get to do that very often. Abby was a restless bed companion.
He set the collars on the counter as quietly as possible, and then went along the outer wall in every room, checking and locking all the windows and doors. Then he went out the front door to make sure his ride in the yard was locked and secured.
He walked over to the attached garage and searched it thoroughly to make sure no one was inside either the car or any place else, even pulling out his flashlight and shining it up into the rafters. There was nothing blocking his sight lines up into the high ceiling, and very little clutter around to hide behind, so it didn’t take long to clear the area. He walked back out, and opened the keypad, entering the code that would activate the garage door opener, and lower the steel door to the closed position. Then he went around the outside of the building, checking things out. He even opened the black Suburban and checked it over quickly to make sure no one else was inside, and then he took the keys he found still in the ignition and locked it. He also checked and locked his 4Runner.
Satisfied that everything was secure at the moment, he went in the main door and locked it.
Once that was completed, he stood for a moment, taking a moment to try to mentally catch up on everything that seemed to have happened, while looking at the interior of the cottage without really seeing it.
Chapter 5
Michelle awoke completely with a suddenness that was unusual for her. As she got older, she seemed to swim more slowly back up to consciousness. She lay there a moment with her eyes closed, blissfully enjoying comforts of the warm bed and soft sheets as her mind drifted from thought to thought. Then she remembered everything that had happened since last night and opened her eyes in shock.
The ceiling flashed into crystal clear focus instantly above her. Everything seemed to be sharp and clear to her sight. She held up her hand a foot in front of her face, and her eyes seemed to change focus from far to near instantly as well. She sat up in bed, and swung her feet over to the edge to get up. The oversized robe she was wearing seemed to hang off her everywhere. It had fit just a day ago, though. It was all so surreal.
She stood, and went into the bathroom to relieve herself, stopping only a moment to look in disbelief at the image staring back at her in the mirror. She almost smiled at the shocked look on that other, much younger image staring out at her. She wrapped the robe around herself tightly to protect her modesty as she left the bathroom and turned out the light. She looked over at
Sadie and Abby’s bed, and saw Sadie, but Abby had wandered off. Wondering where she went, Michelle turned and looked on the bed, but she wasn’t there. Not under the bed either. With a glance at the clock that read almost eleven in the morning, she went out into the hallway. She had slept for less than an hour, but felt refreshed as if she had been asleep the whole night, which made her wonder. She hadn’t slept at all last night. She walked silently throughout the cottage, peeking into every little corner and nook that Abby liked to curl up in.
Abby wasn’t in the living room on the couches. Dave was, though, snoring lightly with his stocking feet up on the long sofa. She smiled gently at her protector, and then turned to continue the search. Not in the kitchen. Starting to grow concerned, she opened Dave’s bedroom, and peeked inside, but Abby wasn’t there. Where could Abby have gotten off to? A sudden thought and a small fear occurred to her, and she turned back to the hall. Her bare feet stepping almost silently on the hardwood floor, she peeked in the door to the guest room.
Abby was on the bed. And the occupant was awake, looking at the little dog cuddled up against his side with her head on his stomach. She was relieved to see that his hand was slowly stroking her back, and he had a smile on his face. Noticing her, he turned his head, and smiled at her.
“Good day, my lady. Are you well?” His voice was soft, and gentle. Those amber eyes seemed to be warm and welcoming in the mid-day sun light coming through the windows.
His speech was very formal and almost archaic, but there was no trace of accent to him. She realized that she was staring at him, and started.
“Yes, I am feeling very good. How are you feeling?” She answered almost automatically, and then shook herself internally. Get a grip!
“I am somewhat tired from yesterday’s events, but in due time I will recover. It will be a while before I am able to defend myself adequately against foes of significance, but I am fit enough and whole.” She flinched at the reminder of what had happened just hours before, and he slowly raised himself to a sitting position and swung his legs off the side of the bed, trying not to disturb the dog, who decided now was a good time to get even more attention from her new best friend. Standing and stretching, she wagged her stubby little tail furiously and walked across the bed next to him. Then she climbed into his lap, put her paws up on his chest, and started trying to thoroughly wash his face.
“Abby! Stop that! Sheesh! I’m so sorry…” She started to step forward to pull the little dog away, but he merely smiled and allowed it to continue.
“What a wonderful little animal. Does she belong here? She must have come into the room whilst I slept, because I woke to her warmth at my side. Truly a comforting little sprite.” He petted Abby fondly, and then grinned up at Michelle. He did hold her gently so the wiggling little dog couldn’t continue to clean him, though, Michelle noticed with a small smile.
“She’s my dog. Her and Sadie, the other one. The other one is a little better behaved, and knows not to climb up on the furniture without permission.” She tried, and failed, to glare at her small companion.
“Are you hungry? There is plenty of food if you like. Dave made it up here, and probably is getting hungry, too.” She hid a smile behind her hand.
“I could break my fast, certainly. I must step outside to relieve myself, however. Which way is the back house? I do not recall seeing the lay of this place before awakening here.” His question could have been in jest, but she realized with a shock that he was completely serious. He sat up and turned, lowering his feet to the floor.
“Uhm,”, she said, completely off guard, “Let me get Dave and he can explain that to you. Wait here a moment. Abby, behave yourself! Sheesh!” Michelle looked at the little dog moving to curl up in the stranger’s lap, and shook her head as she turned to walk down the hall. She noticed out of the corner of her eye as she left the room that he tried to reach for his boots while not disturbing the now-curled-up dog in his lap.
She walked in the direction of the sitting room, turned the corner into the sitting area, and Dave spoke up.
“I’ve been trying to figure out who could have done this, and the list is pretty short. As in, non-existent.” he said, turning towards her with a worried look on his face.
“Well, forget about that for the moment. Our guest is awake, and you need to show him how the indoor plumbing works. He was asking the way to the back house to relieve himself.” She stared at him, willing him to behave himself. Dave’s sense of humor ran from crude to borderline insulting when he was fully on his game, a product of his time in the Marines, probably, and it could be a little hard to take. She had seen the results of their guest’s handiwork, and didn’t want Dave to be the object of a repeat demonstration.
Dave was a little too worried for his usual dashing repartee today, it seemed. “Sure. Introduce me?”
“Yeah, come on.” Walking back to the guest room, she stepped through the open door, with Dave following her.
“This is my brother David. Dave, this is… uh, I don’t think I ever got your name.” She frowned as she suddenly realized she had forgotten her manners.
The guest stood, and stepped over to them. His slight but formal bow, out of place in anyone else, was elegant and simple, and seemed completely consistent with his appearance.
“I am Giltreas Orzasch. Of late, a traveler, and sometime tinkerer.” The formal self-introduction was also consistent. Michelle had the strangest sense that she was back in time several hundred years, or possibly at the Renaissance Festival or something. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Lord David.” He held out his right hand, and Dave automatically reached his out in response. His surprise was evident when Giltreas clasped forearms with him, but he recovered quickly enough to return the gesture.
“I can see that your ways and customs are different here, My Lord. But that will have to wait. Can you show me to the back house? I have need to relieve myself.”
“Uhm, it’s just Dave. Follow me. I will show you to the bathroom.” The look on Dave’s face was one of confusion and uncertainty.
“A bath room? One does not normally relieve one’s self in the bath, good sir. Perhaps you are jesting?” There was a gentle, knowing smile on Giltreas’ face, as if he expected Dave to yell “Gotcha” or some such thing.
“Uhm, no, that would be bad. Here, let me show you what I am talking about.” He opened the door to the bathroom as Michelle wandered off to the kitchen. She would cook breakfast, she decided. Having something to distract her at the moment sounded like a good idea.
Dave led the way into the spacious bathroom, and indicated the toilet beyond the sink. “Around here, it is customary to use a toilet to relieve one’s self. Most have a cover, and all have a seat. If you need to leave… something solid behind, you put the seat down, and sit down. There is paper typically nearby to wipe yourself with.” Giltreas blushed slightly at the intimate conversation as Dave showed how everything worked. “If you are leaving water behind, lift the seat and go. When you are finished, lower the seat and lid. There is a handle usually on the tank,” Dave said, pointing to a silver lever on the side, “that you push down on then release to flush the bowl with. Sometimes it may take a couple times to get everything down, but that’s ok. Wait until the sound of water refilling the tank to end, and you can flush again.” He flushed the toilet to show how it worked.
“When you are done with that, wash your hands in the sink, with soap. You lift the lever on top of the faucet, move it left or right for hot or cold, and push it back down to shut it off. And be careful; the hot water is hot enough to burn.” He demonstrated the control, and pushed down on the pump on top of the soap bottle to show how it worked. “There are towels on the rod here by the door that you can use to dry your hands. Also, it is customary to lock the door when you are in here, and to put the seat and lid down when you are done. Otherwise the dogs will drink out of the toilet, and that could make them sick.” He showed how to lock the door, then unlock it again. “I’ll expla
in public bathrooms later.”
“Any questions?” he asked, turning back to Giltreas, to see an amazed look on his face.
“I detect no unseemly odor. Where does the waste go? Certainly it does not simply pour out under the house?” Giltreas seemed impressed at the idea of indoor plumbing.
“Actually, no. There is a pipe under the house that connects to a larger pipe under the road. That leads to a water treatment plant in the nearby town. There are small houses and cabins like this one all along here that are connected to the system. The clean water in the faucets comes from there in a different set of pipes as well.” Dave was careful to answer the questions, but he was simultaneously trying not to stare at the same time. Someone who had never heard of indoor plumbing? Wow. This will be interesting.
“I’ll leave you to it then. Come out to the kitchen when you are finished. Holler if you have any questions.” Dave turned to leave, and Giltreas locked the door behind him.
Sometime later, Giltreas walked in to the kitchen, sniffing appreciatively at the smells coming from the stove. Dave noticed him, and turned with a smile.
“Did everything come out ok?” He asked innocently.
Michelle turned and socked him lightly on the nearest shoulder with her fist. “Knock it off, you. Behave yourself.”
Dave winced in mock pain. “Oww! You meanie! Quit hitting me, or I’ll tell mom!” He rubbed his shoulder, carrying the joke further.
“Everything is well. Thank you for your concern.” Michelle looked at Giltreas a little weirdly after that, but said nothing, turning back to the stove.
“Hope you like eggs, bacon, and hash browns? We are a little traditional here, and I am in the mood for breakfast food.” She asked over her shoulder.
“Whatever you are serving, My Lady, will be my pleasure to consume. The smells are heavenly. Do you feast like this every day?” Awake and rested, his smile was quite warm and very charismatic.