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Princess of Zenina

Page 12

by Giselle Marks

  “Marina, please you don’t want to sell me?”

  “No, I don’t want to, but you’ve tied my hands. I cannot act as my conscience dictates, whilst your signature remains on the top page of that document. In order to protect you from your own folly, I must sell you before I enter the Council Chamber.”

  “I don’t understand. You feel as strongly as we do about the cruelties of slavery. Why must I go? I don’t want to leave you. You told me yourself when the matter came up you’d speak for the liberation and enfranchising of slaves.” Charles sounded extremely concerned.

  “I intend to do so. If I kept you and this petition was presented, I would be laughed down. It’ll be said with some justification that I spoke for the abolition of slavery, only to cover my shame at being unable to keep my own slave content and controlled. I’m grateful to Lahoda for intercepting this petition. If I’d gone to Council without seeing it, I’d have been in an impossible position.” Marina stalked past the line of kneeling men and continued on, “Lahoda gave me it because she feared Princess Zadina would insist the ring leaders be made an example of and executed. At least now I can say you bored me, Charles and I’ve sold you. I won’t be believed, but it will save your neck. Zadina is a powerful enemy, Charles. I’d prefer you to accept your freedom and get off Zenina. It will be difficult for me to protect you when you have a new owner.”

  Marina turned as if to dismiss the slaves.

  “Is there no way you could speak freely in Council without my leaving?” Charles asked.

  “There are two ways,” she answered after time for reflection, “but I doubt you,” her look included the other slaves who remained kneeling, “will agree to either. The first is I burn this petition, the second we alter it a little.”

  “How would you alter it, ma’am?” Holo asked.

  “Remove the top page; redraft the demands in less offensive language. The four of you can sign again, omitting Charles’ signature and I will present it to the Queen in Council.”

  “I couldn’t do that. It would be cowardly for me not to sign the petition.”

  “You could add your name to one of the later pages, if it would ease your conscience,” Marina replied.

  “Would it be enough?” asked Jelen.

  “You’d really promote it yourself, your royal highness?” asked Dutky, “Charles you must agree, it’s much better this way.”

  The others concurred, Charles was reluctantly persuaded. Matching paper and a pen were fetched and Jelen who had acted as calligrapher to the original petition sat down and wrote a new cover page at Marina’s dictation. The new page whilst more moderate in tone; begged replaced insisted, sought replaced demanded, but the actual petition did not differ in substance from the original enough to make the signatures invalid. The rest of the slaves who had signed had not seen the top page. All they knew was it was for abolition of slavery. Charles’ signature had been mentioned to those fearful of retribution. If he had signed, they would be safe, they had thought.

  The new page was affixed. Charles signed a page half way into the petition. Princess Marina replaced the petition in the envelope and picked up the discarded sheet. It flamed in her hand, Charles producing a bowl which he held under her hand to collect the powdery dust that remained. Marina dismissed the four slaves, but Cucat sought reassurance.

  “Will the petition succeed?” he asked.

  “No, but it has to start somewhere. It may take a long time to get rid of slavery and perhaps more petitions. But for future generations, it’s necessary.”

  The four slaves left, each expecting a beating and not looking forward to it. At least they had tried. As they left a female Green entered.

  Chapter Nineteen - Sales and Shopping

  “Etapa, I’m so sorry but I don’t think I’ll be selling him after all. Since you’re here, could you advise me as how much I could get for him, if I change my mind?”

  Etapa turned her attention to Charles, he stood head bent looking irate.

  “You would refuse Princess Zadina’s offer of 300,000 crowns, I assume?”

  “Has she offered that much? It’s tempting but Zadina’s plans for Charles aren’t pleasant. He would have to be sold to someone going off planet with a clause inserted that he was not to be returned or resold in Zenina for ten years.”

  “That would reduce his value, considerably, but coming from your household, at least 100,000.”

  “I am sorry for your wasted journey, thank you for your advice.”

  “No trouble, you could always lend him to me for a night as good will?”

  “Certainly, when you’re permitted leisure you will present yourself to Etapa with my compliments. And I’ll expect a good report, Charles.”

  “It will be my pleasure, ma’am,” said Charles who did not seem displeased with the suggestion.

  Etapa left, the three of them went to lunch. Bromarsh and Charles waited for Marina to seat herself at the head of the table, before sitting themselves on either side of her facing each other. This was unusual in Zenina, but Bromarsh did not know that most wealthy Zeninans ate in private from couches with individual tables. The distance between them for conversation not being a problem as thoughts could be heard at greater distances than words.

  All public-eating houses and restaurants had upright seating. The room they were eating in was not the principal dining-room. That room was decorated in formal Zeninan taste in fuchsia, black and silver. Fifty Zeninans could recline on their plush couches around an open space which allowed for entertainments to be put on whilst they ate. As a room it made even Marina feel uncomfortable. She preferred to eat in less slovenly style, sitting upright in a chair in private.

  The smaller dining room was mostly in shades of blue and beige with the furniture upholstered in gilded leather. The walls were panelled to waist height in a warm maple coloured wood. Unlike the rest of the house it was a room most men would feel comfortable in. Specifically the decor was intended to make non-Zeninan men feel comfortable, as Princess Marina entertained many men, not only for pleasure.

  Diplomats and merchants frequently dined here with her. She found their dealings were more relaxed and less cautious in the familiar feeling room. The comfort of Zeninan men was not considered important. Slaves usually ate separately from their mistresses. About the only time a mistress and slave ate together was if a meal were taken in her bedroom. Marina was an exception in permitting Charles’s presence.

  Bromarsh ate heartily of the dishes put before him but Charles and Marina ate Charles’ first menu selections while they discussed their immediate plans.

  “Charles, I want you to take the Major shopping for some suitable clothing this afternoon and then show him the sights of Hemithea. I must catch up on work and report to her majesty at the Palace. Then Chilka and I will go together to the pelozia match, we’ll meet up afterwards.”

  “Do I charge everything?” enquired Charles.

  “Yes,” she replied.

  “I can’t accept that, you’ve done more than enough for me already, there’s no way I can repay you for my arm, but I can’t let you pay for everything,” Bromarsh protested.

  “Whilst under my protection, you have no choice. I trust you’ll not be foolish enough to reject my protection? You’ll not remain free long in Hemithea without my support.”

  “What Princess Marina says is true; once enslaved even Marina would find it difficult to free you. It is the custom for ladies to pay for their male guests. To refuse would be thought an insult. Everyone would assume either you found Marina unpleasing, or you couldn’t or wouldn’t please her. Either way Marina would lose face. She’s as rich as Midas; you needn’t worry about the cost!” Charles said in support of shopping on her account.

  “You should wear this too,” Marina told the Major, handing him a disc similar to, but smaller than the one Charles wore.

  Bromarsh objected. “I won’t wear a slave disc” he protested.

  “If you don’t want to become one
you will wear it. It’s not a slave disc, it indicates you’re under my protection, not as much as this is my property, more hands off or face the consequences.”

  “This gives me legal protection against enslavement?”

  “It has no legal status, but it tells predatory females I am an obstacle to them taking you. Everybody knows my badge, few wish to pick a fight with me. If I have to fight, it is evidence of justification. If you were wearing my badge, without it I could have problems explaining a corpse. Don’t take it off, for anything at all.”

  “Anything else I have to remember on this paradise of yours? Don’t take off the badge! Don’t pay for anything! Don’t undress Zeninan women! What other minefields are out there for an unsuspecting man?”

  “Don’t go out of shouting distance from Charles, when you are out and I am not around. And don’t be too cheeky, it sounds like a dare! Zeninan women like challenges!”

  “Charles, I dislike flogging slaves unnecessarily, but your friends are being punished. You deserve it more as you are the most intelligent. It is not convenient for me to flog you today, but you can look forward to it when I have the leisure. Make sure your friends know you haven’t escaped punishment.”

  Charles bowed his head in acquiescence. The men lingered silently over their drinks as Marina dashed off to her appointments. Charles showed Bromarsh his bedroom where his bags had already been unpacked and put away. Charles sprawled on the bed whilst Bromarsh showered and changed. Then they set off for Hemithea. The transporters were below ground level. They stepped into them and out into an air-conditioned underground shopping centre in down-town Hemithea. Selecting clothes took some time, as the array was huge. In addition to Zeninan clothing, the fashions of other galaxies were on offer.

  Bromarsh settled for white loose trousers of some gauzy material and loose long shirts in brighter colours which hung to his thighs. Charles told him he would be more comfortable in Zeninan dress, but he felt too self-conscious. This was a compromise between decency, coolness and over-flamboyance. They picked some other clothing in similar styles. Several of Charles’s friends paused to talk and Charles introduced them. Then two Zeninan ladies stopped and chatted for a while.

  “Charles,” said one of them. ”Who is this young man, he looks new?”

  “My ladies, may I introduce you to Major Bromarsh who has arrived today. Major, this lady is Halabala, she is Hemithea’s foremost restauranteur. Halabala’s has the best food in town. I’ll take you there tomorrow, with Princess Marina’s permission, as she will be at the Palace.” Charles indicated the Blue who had spoken.

  “The Green lady is Jazna, who owns the most expensive brothel in town, she sold me to Marina and Holo is one of her slaves.”

  “Yes, you have all been naughty, haven’t you Charles? Turn around.”

  Charles pirouetted flamboyantly with an amused look on his face.

  “I got the distinct impression from Marina she intended to flay the skin off your back inch by inch.”

  “She is angry, but she hasn’t got round to it yet. She says she’s too busy! I’ll have to wait until she has time for me. Marina always says half the pleasure is the anticipation. Personally I’d rather she got it over with.”

  Halabala giggled, “Poor Charles, it’s bad enough to have a mistress who has as strong arms as Marina, but to make you wait for a beating is just plain cruel. I never thought Marina had such a vicious streak.”

  “At least she hasn’t delegated the job. I can wait,” Charles said.

  “Wouldn’t it be better if someone else did it? She’s strong so it would surely hurt more?” asked Bromarsh confused. He had thought the threat was in jest, until the lady had mentioned it.

  “Charles wouldn’t enjoy it so much though,” teased Jazna.

  “If a slave is punished by a servant, it means he’s utterly out of favour with his mistress. If she doesn’t take time to attend the beating, he will expect to be sold either before or after he heals. I prefer Marina to beat me herself, besides the making up afterwards will take away the pain.” Charles explained to Bromarsh who really found the whole idea unreal.

  “She offered you your freedom, why do you put up with her being so cruel?” he asked bemused.

  “I’ll never leave Marina, I love her. I won’t go until she makes me go.”

  “Well Marina is the supreme bed mate, isn’t she, Charles?” Jazna said.

  “I never discuss ladies’ performance in bed.” Charles replied with a grin.

  “Because he can’t remember who was the last he bedded, eh Charles?”

  “I don’t have so short a memory, Halabala. Will you feed us, if we come?”

  “You paying or Marina?” she asked with the stress on the first word.

  “A poor slave has no money, Halabala how could I possibly pay you?” answered Charles with coy sadness.

  “You usually find a way,” she retorted.

  “Tomorrow night, Marina will be at the banquet and I do have to keep exercised, will I be enough for two? My friend likes to eat too.”

  “The Major, name’s familiar, do you stay with Marina for long?”

  “I don’t know, she hasn’t told me.”

  “Sounds like Marina, information on a need to know basis only. You’ll be welcome too. It’d be no problem finding you company if you wish.”

  “Thank you for the offer, but Marina....”

  “Wouldn’t mind” said Charles.

  “I better give Holo his beating, because the poor dear is terrified I’ll send him to auction.” Jazna remarked as the ladies wandered off laughing.

  Bromarsh had been thinking to himself, wondering whether Charles knew if Marina was no longer interested in him.

  “I shouldn’t think so. She doesn’t usually have men to stay she doesn’t want to bed. She doesn’t expect fidelity, though. Variety is the spice of life, eh!” Charles grinned back.

  “I’m used to one woman at a time, I feel out of my depth with this kind of thing,” Bromarsh explained quietly.

  “You’ll get used to Zeninan life. We’re all sluts, but you don’t have to be. If you feel pressured, say no politely and I’ll deal with the ladies. If you want women, you can have as many as you’ve the stamina for. Practice makes perfect. If you’re still hoping for Marina, it would be better not to exhaust yourself too much. You wouldn’t want to be too tired and disappoint!”

  Bromarsh fell silent. He was not sure what he thought of Charles. He moved and talked with total confidence despite the brevity of his costume, but without the swagger of the Army stud. He talked of sex casually; without boasting but with clear enjoyment. He said he loved Marina, yet he did not appear jealous and he had clearly had sex with other women. Bromarsh did not understand why he was prepared to submit to her beating him. Yet he had a life of his own when she was not around. He accepted her orders without appearing to consider it peculiar to obey a woman. Bromarsh was disturbed by the idea of jumping from bed to bed. If seemed dirty somehow. Yet he knew Zeninans had no venereal diseases, no diseases at all.

  “Is it only the fear of infection that keeps me from enjoying women like that? Is the only reason I have kept to one woman, the avoidance of disease? I always considered men who slept around no better than the sluts they went with. I thought of myself as having more self-respect than to behave like that. Yet, when Halabala and Jazna were talking to me, I wondered what it would be like to take them to bed. Both of them!”

  The thought had been pleasant. Then he realised they must have known what he was thinking, blushing at the thought.

  “They were flattered not offended,” said Charles. ”Try not to think about it, if you don’t want to follow through, or you’ll get a lot of unwanted offers. Zeninan women are hard to put off once they think you’re interested. They consider all men are easy lays.”

  “Then they’re right most of the time.”

  “That’s the trouble, they are hard to resist. It may be the reason Zeninan-born men are sometimes so odd.
A lot of them are not interested in women, if you get my drift? Marina’s brother Divak is one. Nice-looking fellow, bit pretty. He’s good natured enough, but you might prefer not to be alone with him.”

  “Thanks for the warning. Are there any ugly Zeninan women? I haven’t seen one so far. It’s hard to know where to look with everything on display.”

  “Most of them are beautiful, there’s a degree of reverse snobbishness. Men get tired of the sameness of perfection and then fall for the least pretty girl around. Marina refuses to alter her appearance artificially. She has the looks she was born with, apart from the nose. Her refusal to have it straightened after a fight is definitely unusual. However most Zeninan women have some surgery to adjust their appearance to how they wish to look. Focus above their heads or you’ll spend the day in a permanent rut.”

  “Did you get used to it in a few weeks?”

  “It took months for me to adjust. I had almost permanent arousal. Not that the ladies complained. I just ached and throbbed. Sex brought little relief as afterwards I felt tired, bruised and still unsatisfied. Only sleep brought respite, but even then I had wet dreams.”

  “No wonder the ladies like you!” teased Bromarsh, finding it hard not to like Charles.

  “I was appallingly bad at first and so thin. You could’ve knocked me over with a feather.”

  Chapter Twenty - Regimental Headquarters

  Charles had been considering the Major’s mind and knew his interests were fairly simple. Soldiering in all its aspects, his children, good food, and finding out who had framed him. Princess Marina who fascinated him, although Charles thought he would soon get over her, as the replacement of his arm was of greater importance to him than his desire for her body. He had a man’s normal love of sex, but it did not rule his every thought. Bromarsh grew up on a farm so Charles decided he might enjoy a visit to a farm or a riding session, or even some hunting or fishing out in the country later into his visit. He could see no reason for both of them to be bored, by dragging him around the cultural sights of Hemithea.


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