Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3)

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Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3) Page 6

by Vera Quinn

  “It is crystal meth. I do this for a living, remember? I can dispose of it for you. You don’t just wash this shit down the drain.” I look at Blake as if saying are you sure and he shakes his head. “I’m sure, let me do it for the club, to make up for the hell I put it through with the doubts. Besides, I can do it safely. I have a friend that owes me a favor. I trust him and it will only be on me.”

  “You’re still a lawman Blake. What if you get caught?” Blake laughs.

  “Don’t worry, Chief. I don’t plan on being a lawman much longer, and I know this was planted. It will do no good to call in the boys in blue. They’ll just use it to their advantage and I don’t want to see that happen. I’ve changed. I know there is more than black and white now. There’s plenty of shades of gray. It will do no one any good to call the cops. Besides, if your boys get rid of it, they are liable to dispose of it improperly and with this shit that can be dangerous.” He’s right about that. I know I should get a vote on this, but it needs immediate attention before we get busted.

  “Can you take care of it now? I don’t want it here any longer than it has to be.” He nods yes and about that time there is a knock on the door and Tazer gets up and gets it. Brain walks in and is going to shut the door, but ZMan and Shield walk in. “Blake is going to dispose of this shit for us.” Blake is cleaning everything up and putting everything in the box. I text Killman and Cutter to follow Blake and be sure everything goes off without any problems. He carries the box to the door and stops.

  “Thank you for trusting me and letting me take care of this. I know it doesn’t make up for what happened, but maybe it can help.” Blake opens the door and hurries out. Damn this day keeps getting longer. My mind drifts to Em and I wonder how she is doing, but I have business to take care of now.

  “Brain, the man we are looking for has long dark hair and a long scar on his right cheek. Do what you can to find him. Who was on the gate today at six?” Brain looks at his phone.

  “Prospect Giles. He had from noon to eight tonight.” He is a good kid, but he fucked up royally. He’s young, but like all of us, he has to show his loyalty by hard work. Brain moves around my desk and gets on my computer and starts working.

  “Get him and Sas in here.” Driller leaves to go get them.

  “We need to search this club from one end to the other. We’ve gotten sloppy. If someone thinks they can sneak someone in and out without getting caught, then we have gotten lazy. It would have worked if it hadn’t been for Em. She doesn’t even know all of us, and knew he didn’t belong. Brain send a text out and get everyone here, let’s get a search done now. We will have to vote on what to do with these two and Orrin. I’m sure Giles will just walk, but I don’t know about the other two.” Sas has stirred shit up for the last time, turning on the club is the last straw. The only ones I can think of with drugs are the Possessed Blood Souls and they have out-stayed their welcome from day one. It doesn’t take Driller long to get Giles in here and Driller has sent Sinner after Sas. I know Giles feels the anger rolling off me. I get right in his face. “Why the hell would you be getting sucked off while you have gate duty? I thought you wanted a cut like your dad?”

  “Sas’ car broke down outside the gate. It was just a loose battery cable and I tightened it and it started right up. She wanted to repay me. I told her to wait until I was off duty but she insisted and well…I finally gave in. Why? Nothing happened.”

  “Asshat, it was a distraction so someone could sneak in, and they did. You know the fucking rules. Your dad is gone to get Sas, and you both will pay for this. You were played for a fool.” Sinner didn’t even say anything to take up for his son. “Go out and sit at the bar and wait for your punishment. Do not drink, just sit there.”

  “I promise you Chief, I didn’t know.” It didn’t even cross my mind he did. He may be stupid, but he’s not suicidal. I’ve known this boy since he was born.

  “Everyone’s here Chief, so we can get started with church.” Brain lets me know.

  “This is going to be short so we can get this damn clubhouse searched. Let’s go.” Giles goes before me and everyone else brings up the rear. “No need waiting at the bar. Never thought your first meeting would be like this.” I am very disappointed in Giles and I want him to know it. We make our way into the meeting, everyone but Hambone is here. I see Sinner has Sas in the corner and she is eyeing me. I walk to the head of the table and bang the gavel. “Alright, I’m going to bring everyone up to date and then vote. Then these two can get out and we’ll finish.” I look around at everyone, some look puzzled and others just pissed. “A man was sent in here today to plant a box in our clubhouse. We will talk content and on the man after these two are gone. Giles was on gate duty and Sas distracted him with a blow job so this man could get in.” I glare at Sas, and she starts her mouthing.

  “I was just paying Giles back for fixing my car. I didn’t know. I’m innocent. I don’t know why I’m dragged in here, I wasn’t on gate duty.” I look at Sas.

  “Did I say you could talk? Shut your face before I shut it.” Sas hears the tone of my voice and she shuts it down. “Orrin told us he was sent here and was told there would be a distraction. How fucking stupid do you think we are?” That took the wind out of her and she is speechless. Sinner stands up.

  “Can I question Giles?” I know Sinner will be harder on him than anyone else so I nod my head. Sinner comes and stands right in front of Giles and slaps him in the back of his head. “What the hell were you doing boy? Some whore shouldn’t be able to lead you around by your cock. Tell the truth now. If you lie, it won’t go easy on you.” I would not want to be in Sinner’s shoes right now.

  “I told Chief exactly like it happened. Sas’ car stopped by the gate. She said it died and wouldn’t restart. I popped the hood and the battery cable was loose and I tightened it. She wanted to thank me. I told her she could when I was relieved of gate duty, but she said she had to leave. She kept rubbing against me and I gave in. The club was full and it was slow, so I thought it wouldn’t matter and nothing could happen. I’m sorry and it will never happen again.” Giles looks at his feet and I believe him, but he is not ready to be a BlackPath member.

  “Boy do you realize you could have cost us this club? Stand by your actions and look me in the eye. Saying sorry is a sign of weakness. I’ve taught you better than that shit.” Sinner goes back and sits down.

  “Giles go outside and sit on the bench until we are done. We’ll tell you then your fate, don’t try leaving.” I don’t want him in here for the rest of this, but we will have to punish him.

  “Sas do you still say you did nothing wrong or are you going to tell the truth?” ZMan pushes her in front of everyone. I hate dealing with women this way, but she should have weighed her options more careful.

  “I’ll come clean. You pissed me off because of the talking down you gave me the other night and when I was approached with a chance to make a grand, it was no brainer to me. I know the BlackPath MC don’t beat on women, so I took my chances. I’m sorry. I still have part of the money if you want it.” She is right, we don’t hit women, but she betrayed us. There will be consequences. All the men look about ready to beat the shit out of her, but that is not who we are.

  “Who was the money from?” She looks about ready to piss her pants, so I know she is going to spill all of it. “Before you say anything, if you lie all the club ol’ ladies will take care of you. That includes Joy.

  “Joy is no ol’ lady. She’s a club girl just like me.” She’s grasping at straws. Like Kelsey and Chelsea couldn’t take care of her by themselves.

  “That’s what we hired her for. Tell us now.” My patience is gone.

  “Fine. Duke gave me the money to get the guy in. He didn’t say why, so I don’t know. I did what I do best.” She is whining now. “Please, it won’t happen again. I have learned my lesson. Duke just scares me.”

  “Do you have a number for him?” I know exactly how to handle this. People that
push drugs usually sample their products. It makes them paranoid and they don’t think things out completely.

  “Yes.” She hands me her phone and I pull up the number.

  “Brain get us a burner and call him. Put it on speaker so we can all hear.” Brain goes to the filing cabinet and brings it over. He dials and we listen to it ring three times.

  Duke: “Yeah.”

  Chief: “We have your friends.”

  Duke: “Who the hell is this?”

  Chief: “Dumbass figure it out. I said we have your friends.”

  Duke: “I don’t have fucking friends, Chief!”

  Chief: “They both gave you up and your package was destroyed. Get the fuck out of my town. This is BlackPath territory and you don’t belong here. You have declared war distributing that poison in our schools. We are coming for you and blood will spill. You are a walking corpse now. Taking a vote now. I vote war and to let the two talkers to walk.”

  Driller: “Yes.”

  Tazer: “Yes.”

  Shield: “Yes.”

  It goes around the table and it is unanimous.

  Chief: “Did you get that? River of blood coming your way.”

  Duke: “We can come to a working compromise.”

  Chief: “No we can’t. No drugs in our town. We are turning these two loose and then we will be coming for you.”

  I nod at Brain and he disconnects the call. Sas is crying, but I feel nothing for her. All I feel is anger. I see red and want to destroy everything that is Possessed Blood Souls. I know I have to control this before I do something stupid.

  “Tazer, tomorrow when Callie and Blake head back to Colorado, you and Jeb escort them halfway. I will get Dra to send someone to meet them there. Loaded for bear when you go.” I’ll be glad when they are safe and away from here.

  “ZMan, you and Driller will get this Orrin and Sas and take them to Sas’ apartment and let them out.” Driller nods his head.

  “You can’t do that. He’ll kill us for talking. You have to protect us.” She really doesn’t understand, but she will.

  “That’s exactly what will happen.” I nod to Driller. He knows to get her out of my sight. He takes her to the door and it opens. Killman and Cutter come in, followed by Blake. “Blake can you watch her while we finish?” He takes a hold of her arm and escorts her outside. We have one more issue to deal with before we start the search.

  “Okay, one more vote and then we need to search this club. Giles.” I look at Sinner and he looks very calm, not how I probably would handle it, but I know he loves his boy. “Giles did wrong. I think we should take his prospect position, but he can try again in a year.” I know some will want him barred, but I think he can learn from this, still, it is not just my call.

  “I vote we let him retry in a year.” Tazer and Giles are friends, I knew he would be first to vote.

  “I vote we don’t.” Cutter is a hard-ass and I figured his vote.

  “I vote retry.” Shield says.

  The vote makes its way around the table and it’s not unanimous, but he gets to retry and I can see the relief in Sinner’s eyes. Sinner stands up and looks around the table.

  “I just want to thank each of you. I know this could have been bad and it would have been Giles fault. When he comes back next year I will make sure his ass is straight.” We each nod. We don’t blame Sinner. He is good brother. Loyal as the next. Always steps up when he is needed. He just needs to make Giles understand he has to be committed if he wants in the BlackPath’s. He sits back down with a relieved look on his face.

  “Next I want everyone to think on the possibility of letting Blake in. Not today, but soon. He disposed of the drugs that were found and that is a solid for us. In fact, he has some things he wants to say, but today is not the day. Let’s turn this place upside down. We also owe Joy’s sister Em a big thanks. She’s the one who thought the guy was suspicious. I don’t know how no one else saw him. Brain, I want you to look at the surveillance tapes. I want answers. Anything else?” I look around and no one has anything to say. “Sinner stay so I can tell Giles. Everyone else get to looking.” Everyone but Sinner leaves and they send Giles in. As soon as he is in front of me I see he is worried. Maybe the severity of his actions have finally set in.

  “Giles you are out for at least one year. Do not come back to prospect until you are sure you have the dedication for it. This could have gone a lot worse and if it hadn’t been for the respect we have for your dad, it probably would have. When you are a member of the BlackPath MC lives depend on you every day. That package could have been a bomb. We could all be dead. Do you understand?” I never take my eyes off of him and he doesn’t look away.

  “Yes, sir. I understand, and when I come back I won’t fuck up again. You have my word.” I don’t know about him, but I will give him a chance to try to redeem himself. One day.

  “Get out of my sight for a while.” Giles and Sinner walk out. I look at my watch and it is getting time to get home. I type out a text to Callie and then one to Devil. I tell him to go ahead and leave. I text Hambone and tell him to stay until I get there. It’s going to be a long night. Then my mind goes to Em. I need to thank her and let her and Joy go. I get up and make my way down the hall to the bunk rooms. I knock on the door and it isn’t long but before Joy has it open. I see Em standing behind her.

  “It’s okay to come out now. Everyone is searching to make sure he didn’t leave anything else. We’ve had prospects searching for two hours and nothing. Joy can you make sure everything at the bar is okay? I want to talk to your sister.” Em’s eyes go wide.

  “Oh, sure. By the way, Chief this is my sister Em, Em this is the President of the BlackPath MC, Chief. Now that is out of the way I will go check the bar and storage room.” Joy is out the door before Em can say anything or react. I notice right off her eyes hit the floor and stay there.

  “It’s okay Em, I just wanted to say thank you for stopping Orrin.” She glances up at me but just for a second. Something about this woman draws me to her. I know I just met her and it is crazy, but I want her. She is not my typical type, at all. Usually I like tall, long legged, big tits and a round ass. Em is beautiful, but she’s not tall, barely five foot I would say. Her tits are nice, not too large, and she is a little thing. She’ll do good weighing one-ten. No, definitely not my type, but I want her. At over six foot I stand over her by a foot.

  “It’s okay. Anyone would have done it. I was just trying to help out. Can I go now? I mean, to help Joy. I wouldn’t bail on trying to help.” I make her nervous. I move closer to her but she moves back.

  “Tell me about yourself.” I know I should be getting out of here, but I just want to know more about her.

  “Not much to tell. I just moved here. I’m Joy’s younger sister. I’m a widow. Not much else.” She still doesn’t want to look at me. I move closer, she can’t move anymore because the wall is there.

  “Do I make you nervous? You look nervous.” I know the answer, but I want to hear her say it.

  “Yes, you make me nervous being this close. I’m kind of shy.” Joy said that about her, but I think it’s my body this close to hers that makes her nervous.

  “Is that all it is, or are you attracted to me because I want to kiss you? Do you want me to kiss you? Because I’m telling you Em, I usually do what I want to.” I’m standing so close I can see the pulse in her neck. Her heart is beating fast. My cock is so hard it is rubbing against my zipper. I reach out and touch her face. “Sweet Em.”

  “No. I don’t want you to kiss me. I’m a mar…” She cuts it off as she realizes what she almost said, and she has a sad look on her face. I lift her face to mine and without even thinking I touch my lips to hers, swiping my tongue to her lips, she opens for me. I don’t go too fast or hard. I savor her tongue and her taste. I deepen the kiss, but gently. I pull her body to mine and she crawls up my body until her legs are wrapped around me. I want her. I want to make her mine and just as that thought goes through
my head, I release her so she can put her feet on the ground and I pull away. Her face is beet red and she is breathing hard, and if that damn thought hadn’t went through my head, I would have loved to fuck the hell out of her, but I won’t do this.

  “I shouldn’t have done that. Em, I’m not a nice man. You deserve a nice man. I tell you now it won’t happen again. I don’t kiss softly, I devour. I don’t make love, I fuck. I don’t do relationships, girlfriends, or marriage. I use. When I’m done, I walk away and never look back. You deserve those things I can’t and won’t give, so stay away from me. If not, I will fuck you and then I’ll leave you.” I barely get it out and Em’s face looks like she is going to cry. I can’t handle crying women.

  “I didn’t ask you to kiss me. I don’t want anything to do with you. I just want out of this room and out of this clubhouse.” I step back from her and she goes around me and she is out the door. Like I said, a long night. What the hell just happened? Need to get this job done and forget what just happened. I’ll be keeping my distance from that woman.

  Chapter 9


  I can’t believe that asshole. He kissed me and then he said he shouldn’t have. What the heck? It’s not like I asked him to. It’s the first time another man besides Michael has touched me that way. I don’t know how it happened. I don’t know why I didn’t stop him. Michael has been gone for three years, but at times when I first wake up I can almost still feel him beside me. Sometimes in my dreams I can remember him holding me. Feel his lips on mine and feel the way he made me feel safe. I didn’t wash his favorite hoody for a long time so I could still have his smell around me, and still when I miss him so badly I ache, I will put it on. He was the love of my life and I still can’t imagine being with another man.


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