Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3)

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Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3) Page 7

by Vera Quinn

  Michael and I were together since I was fourteen and he was sixteen. He was my first in almost everything. When I was twelve Brad Peterson grabbed and kissed me and I punched him in the stomach, and that had been my experience with the opposite sex. Michael was my first boyfriend, my first real kiss, my first date, and my only lover. We shared everything. We were married as soon as I graduated from high school. We thought we could struggle through college together and we did. There was a lot of nights of studying, eating the cheapest meals we could find, and then making love most of the night. Surviving on a few hours of sleep and living in a small cheap apartment. I would go back there in a second. We were so in love. I still cry for the time and man I lost.

  Michael graduated and was offered a good job and he jumped at it. After a few months we were able to move out of the small apartment and into our first house. We leased it, but it had a yard. I was happy to be able to plant some flowers. I was able to cook some really bad meals. Haven’t mastered that whole cooking thing yet. Most people would have called the two bedroom small, but it was a mansion to us. I graduated with a business degree a little early and things were great, but Michael wanted to give me more. I didn’t want more, but he said it was for our future. He took a contracting job overseas. I wanted him home with me, but he said he could make more there than he could at home. I hated it, but he said he would do it for four years and then he would get a job state side and we could start a family and buy our first home. I was to get a job and establish myself here. His first job took him to Kuwait and he was there for six months and then home for one. I relaxed a little, but when he was sent to Afghanistan for his second job I was on pins and needles the whole time he was gone. He had just gone back from being home for a month and I got the call. My world fell apart. I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest. I really guess it was, and I buried it with my husband. Now I just survive.

  Joy has done her best to drag me back to the living, but my heart just isn’t in it. Of course not, I lost it three years ago. Then Chief kisses me and thinks I want him. He’s wrong, because to want another man would mean I have forgotten Michael. I will never forget Michael. Just from the one kiss I feel guilty. I don’t know why I reacted the way I did or why I didn’t stop him. Chief is a nice looking man. Okay, to be honest, he is sexy as hell, but not my type at all. Okay, I don’t have a type. I had Michael. Michael was like the guy next door type. He was the guy next door. He was clean cut, he had muscles, but not overly developed. He didn’t work out every day. He was five foot ten and he looked hot to me, but he wasn’t model perfect. Just perfect to me. Chief, on the other hand, is over six foot and he has muscles like he works out every single day. His hair is longer and he has day old stubble. I was tempted to touch it. His eyes are dark and enticing. He definitely has bedroom eyes. His lips are soft. He is an alpha male all the way around and I am intimidated by him. Although there is a definite attraction.

  I know it was wrong to kiss him back, but it was so much more. It has been so long since I have had human contact like that or any way, and it was probably from loneliness, but it can never happen again. Apparently he didn’t like it, but I don’t do one night stands. I don’t do anything. I can’t get involved because I don’t have a heart to let anyone into or to give away. I buried it with my husband. Now to avoid Chief at all costs. Distance. Arrogant asshole.

  Chapter 10


  I can’t believe Chief just sent me away. It’s like he dismissed me. Well, he has more shit coming his way. He thought Duke’s little surprise was shocking, wait until he gets mine. Yes, I know who is messing with the BlackPath MC. Knew it was coming. Duke and I know each other well. Stone and Duke do business on the side and my dad knows nothing about it. Chief’s tech guy will find the connection soon. He’s pretty smart for a BlackPath member.

  I saw Chief making eyes with that Em girl. I think she is Joy’s sister. She better stay out of my way. If not she will find herself in big trouble she doesn’t want. She barely speaks to anyone and she isn’t even woman enough to look anyone in the eye. I hate mousy women.

  I have had enough for one day. Watching everyone slobber all over Callie and that brat she is baking. Devil won’t leave her side and ma would do anything for her.

  If I’d known what Duke was planning exactly, I could have helped him, but he never thinks things out. He’s trying to hide things from his club and his brother King. The road names tell it all. Same thing as my brothers, except Duke did get the President position, but if he doesn’t watch himself he won’t have it long. The Possessed Blood Souls don’t like the drug deals Duke is bringing in. They want to get away from them, but Duke likes the drugs. Sometimes I think a little too much. Him and Stone both. Duke likes the money they bring in. I’ll have to give him a call and see if he wants my assistance. I’ll wash his back if he’ll wash mine. If Em doesn’t stay out of my way I may need someone to take care of her.

  It won’t be long before I know if my planned worked. Two more weeks, and then I know if I have to start over. I can’t wait to get home and update Stone on Duke’s shenanigans. He will be pleased. Now if I can just pull Devil away from Callie so we can get back to Oklahoma. I hate waiting almost as much as I hate these people. Well, most of them.

  Chapter 11


  Well it has been four weeks since Callie left to go back to Colorado. It feels like yesterday, but then again, it feels like forever. She’s safe and that all that matters. Her and Dra were married last week and she is happy. So happy. They went off to Vegas and I guess that is for the best. Dra is a good man and he loves Callie.

  We have information on where The Possessed Blood Souls MC has been hold up. Brain found them, but they move every few days. So apparently they have safe houses located all over. Someone has to be helping them. No way they were this established around us and no one knows about it. Before the drug issue we had never had a problem with them.

  Brain also found a link to someone we do know that has blood ties to them. Duke was Kizzy’s cousin. That is before she was dealt with by Sarge. Duke also has a brother, King, who is in the Possessed Blood Souls and is not happy with how Duke runs things. In fact, from what we hear, his whole club is not happy with the drugs. It makes me wonder, if Duke can be linked to Kizzy, can he be linked to Stone. That keeps jumping into my thoughts. My gut tells me yes. It’s too much to be a coincidence. I don’t believe in coincidence and I trust my gut. So I am warned and will progress carefully. We are keeping an eye on Stone now. Uncle Rye is helping me out with that since he is already in Oklahoma.

  Another thing bothering me is if Stone is involved, then that means Kim probably is, too. I haven’t heard from her. Nothing. Not that I care, but before she most definitely had an agenda and now nothing. It’s like waiting for that other shoe to drop.

  Tonight I am at the clubhouse and I am meeting with King. It’s a meeting so I can look in his eyes when he tells me he wants his brother out. It would be the easiest way. Not as much blood shed. They’ll be out of our town one way or another, but I would like it to be with the least amount of bloodshed possible. I don’t like stepping on the wrong side of the law anymore, but if it is necessary to keep our town free of drugs, it has to be done. Sometimes a man has to do what he has to do to keep the people he cares about safe.

  I’m sitting in the corner nursing my beer. Thinking and trying to figure out how to handle King. That’s when I see Em come through the back to the bar, helping Joy again. They are carrying boxes of alcohol to stock. I hear them talking back and forth and they are bringing a smile to my face. They remind me of how Tazer and Callie used to go back and forth.

  “Why are you being so slow?” Em asks Joy.

  “What do you mean slow? I’m going as fast as I can. Is your ass on fire to get out of here?” Joy is smiling, but the question is one I want to know the answer to.

  “Yes, actually. Chief said for me to stay away from him and I fully intend to. So get cracki
ng.” Em is right, she does need to stay away from me. Looking at her, I can still remember that kiss and how she made me feel. I would love to fuck her. They can’t see me from where they are very well, and it being darker in this corner they haven’t noticed me.

  “You know sometimes Em your dense.” Em stops and looks at Joy and puts her hand on her hip. In other women it would look ridiculous, but on her it is cute.

  “Well Joy, you’re a few fries short of a happy meal and these days that’s not easy.” Joy looks shocked but she wants to laugh.

  “And if stupid could fly you’d be a jet,” Joy delivers it with a straight face but Em doesn’t seem amused.

  “Well, if Chief is only interested in thighs, legs, and breast he needs to go to KFC and invest in a value meal so he’ll get more bang for his buck.” Okay, Em is getting a little upset. She looks ready to leav,e but Joy is just having fun at Em’s expense.

  “Em are you hungry? You keep mentioning food. Maybe you should try a Snickers.” With that Joy cracks up laughing. I watch Em and figure she is going to lose it on Joy, but she starts laughing, too. “That sounds so good.” She stops laughing for a second and looks serious, “Hearing you laugh again. It has been so long Em.” She goes over to her sister ad gives her a hug. “Maybe you’re on your way to being fixed.” Now Em goes completely quiet.

  “I won’t ever be fixed. My heart was torn apart, but it is better. Spending time with you again has helped. I’m okay. I found a good job. I put a deposit on an apartment. The people just have to get moved out. I’m doing okay. Don’t worry, Joy. I don’t need more duct tape.” The last one came out with a smile.

  Joy is looking at her puzzled. “What the hell would you need duct tape for?” I’m confused by that one too.

  “Grandpa always said if you can’t fix something with duct tape you’re not using enough.” Both women break out in smiles. That is the corniest joke I have ever heard.

  “That he did. Duct tape, super glue, and baling wire was that man’s answer to everything. Okay, that’s about everything. You ready to go get that pizza before we go home? You need to eat to take your meds. I have to get back here and run the bar tonight. Prospects have other things to do.” Joy grabs her purse and they turn and leave out the back door. They never even knew I was there. Em is so beautiful. I wish I could have that beauty in my life, but I know I am no good for her and I need to stay away. She took my warning to heart and that is good. I haven’t been with a woman that I cared about since Cheryl. I know I just don’t have what Em needs.

  Driller comes in the front door with King and a huge mammoth of a man behind them. As they get closer I notice the name Kong on his cut. He is their SAA. He is built for the job, that is for sure. They both come over and they sit at the table with me.

  “Chief, this is King, VP of the Possessed Blood Souls MC, and this is Kong, his SAA. Why you sitting in the dark corner?” I stand and shake each of the men’s hands.

  “The quiet is nice for a change.” I notice ZMan and Shield walk in. “Grab us some beers on your way.” They go behind the bar and get us all a cold one and then join us. “You wanted a meet, so get to it. What do you want?”

  “You like to get right to it. Good. It seems our problem has become your problem, too.” I drink slowly and really look at this man. He’s probably my age. He’s rough looking. Haggard I would say. “My brother Duke is out of control. He’s on the same drugs he’s selling in your streets and he’s going crazy. He is unpredictable and can’t be trusted. He killed that whore Sas after he beat and raped her. That man Orrin, he was dragged behind Duke’s motorcycle. Neither deserved what they got. He needs to be neutralized. We need your help.”

  “Why would I help you? I don’t know you. What I do know of the Possessed Blood Souls MC is not good. You sell drugs to children and they end up dead. That pisses me the hell off. Not a good thing for someone who wants a favor. You’re in our turf. Only thing I can say is get the hell out before we put you out. I know you have help, or you couldn’t stay on the move.” I stop so he can say something. I need to know why he is here.

  “You’re right on all counts. I’m here waving a white damn flag. We are a nomad MC now. We have no home and we are tired. We need a place to call home. There’s a place outside of Sedalia. It’s still inside your protection area but it’s small. We would like to purchase it from you. If I can negotiate this purchase the club will back me in a takeover and Duke will be out. Without backing, he can’t do shit. We won’t run drugs in your town. You have my word.” King wants to take his brother out. That would help us, but I won’t give up anything.

  “King, we have been here for years and I will give you nothing. We fought and shed blood over what we have. There is, however, a piece of land about ten miles from there, not under our protection, that is for sale. I know the owner. It’s me. I own it personally. So convince me why I want to help you stab your brother in the back. Seems to me if you stab your brother in the back you’re not too damn trustworthy.” I see he wants to say something, but he is also trying to show control. Kong has no expression at all.

  “I have tried with Duke. He won’t listen to reason. He won’t listen to anyone. That whore and Orrin isn’t even the worse things he has done in the past six months. He knows the drugs are laced with shit that can kill you, and he doesn’t care. He keeps the good shit for himself and keeps cutting the rest. He has a partner. One you are very familiar with. They also have some surprises in store for you.” He doesn’t want to give too much away, but King is desperate and if I can see it, so can Duke if he is paying attention. I’ll try a bluff.

  “I’ve known Duke is in bed with Stone since we found Orrin snooping around. I also know Stone’s sister Kim is involved, but haven’t figured that angle yet.” He’s watching to see if I have any signs of lying, I know I didn’t show any. I feel it in my bones Stone and Kim are in it with him.

  “You’re a calculating man, Chief. Stone is in talks with Duke, but I’ve only seen Kim with him twice. Stone hates his old man, brother, and anything BlackPath MC. Your daughter, too. Did you know Kizzy, Stone’s ol’ lady was our cousin? Duke and her were tight. They both had their problems with drugs. When Kizzy disappeared, Duke lost it.” Brain said Duke and Kizzy were related, but he didn’t find out they were so close. Well, Sarge better watch his back.

  “We knew she was blood to the two of you. Is that why he has it in for us? Because we were not the ones to put a bullet in her, even if I wanted to. Get to the bottom line King. Your wasting my time telling me things I already know.” Another bluff, but I want to know it all.

  “Kim has her own agenda. She wants you. I heard her tell Duke. She wants to take your attention away from your daughter. She really hates your daughter. She thinks she has an ace in the hole though. I know Stone is using her to keep an eye on you, or he was, while she was here. Stone wants all of you dead. He loved Kizzy and he blames you all. He also wants his dad and Devil gone. He especially wants that child of Devil and your daughter’s dead. I would be keeping an eye on them. He says Devil deserves nothing. The only reason he hasn’t gone after your girl is because she saved his Ma from that ex of Kim’s. He genuinely loves his Ma. He thinks his dad has her brainwashed.” There’s something that bothers me and then it comes to me.

  “Who helped Stone shoot at my daughter? He hired someone, and it only makes sense for it to be Duke, if they are working together.” He shakes his head.

  “That was Duke and the only two friends he has left. None of the rest of us would follow him. He was supposed to kill Callie that night. He had been following her off and on for two months. He got teenagers to do it so you wouldn’t get suspicious. He questioned them about her friends and hang outs. Things like that. The rest of us don’t want war. All we want is a place to call home and to settle down for a little while.” I go over everything in my head he has said. It rings true to me. He said something though and I don’t know why it bothers me.

  “What is Kim’s ace
in the hole? No woman controls me.” She has nothing to hold over me and she hasn’t even called me again. I have a bad feeling.

  “I don’t know. That part she didn’t share, or if she did, we weren’t told.” I look him in the eye and if I was a gambling man I would go with he is telling the truth.

  “So what your proposing is we allow you to stay. I sell you the piece of property I own. We call a truce. You’ll out Duke and not sell drugs in our town. What about Stone?” King is shaking his head.

  “We’ll out Duke, but Stone is your problem. We stay out of your way, but we don’t have the resources to go after him. The Feral Steel MC would not believe us anyway. Stone and Kim are your problem. If Stone comes after us, we will deal with him, but anything else is not our problem. We just want some time to settle.” I see he is serious and I think this will be a good move.

  “Give me a couple days. Two max, and I will have your answer. I’ll have the club vote on it and if they give it a yes, then I will sell you the property. If it’s no, then I won’t. Thanks for the information and if we find anything out, you will hear from us.” That’s all I can give him. I believe him, but the club will decide. We both get out of our chairs and shake hands. King and Kong leave.

  ZMan is the first to talk. “Do you believe him? Do you think he’d really take his own blood out?”

  “Yes, I do. I think the whole club would. Did you look at their eyes? Those men are worn down. If they don’t take him out now, he will get them all killed. Sooner or later Steel will get his head out of his ass and he will see what Stone has been up to. I don’t like Steel, but he is one hell of a fighter. He will do what he has to do and then he will deal with the fallout. It’ll probably cost him Kat, but he’ll deal with that when it happens. He’s a club man all the way. He shot his own brother for the club, so I know he’ll go through with it. Vote tomorrow. Be sure to let everyone know it’s mandatory be here. This effects the whole club, so everyone needs to vote. I’m out. I need to unwind, so I am going for a ride.” I get up and go straight for the door. These last few months have been long. I need a damn vacation. I don’t even remember what that is hardly. My last vacation was when both Callie and Tazer had to have their tonsils out at the same time, and you can’t really call that a vacation. I think after Callie has the baby I will head up to the cabin for a rest. Me a grandpa. Imagine that.


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