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Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3)

Page 9

by Vera Quinn

  “Can we speak to you out here for a minute?” Devil makes his way out to the hall. Shutting the door behind him. I make sure the door is shut. “It’s bad.” All the men that have been in Callie’s life are here. Diamondback, Sarge, Stealth, Tazer, Shield, Blake, and Driller are all here, and there’s nothing we can do to protect her from the physical pain she is enduring bringing her child into this world, or the mental pain she is going to feel afterwards when she has to face the devastating news that is coming her way. I’m just about to go on when the door opens and out walks Callie.

  “Why the hell aren’t you in that bed?” Devil is shocked she is up.

  “Because some assholes think they can keep shit from me about my husband just because I am in labor!” It’s no more out of her mouth then she is bent over in pain. She is trying to do her breathing. “Mother sucking biscuits.”

  We can’t help but to laugh at her strange choice of words. She gives us a go to hell glare. Stealth moves over next to her and rubs his hand down her back. He still has it bad, and seeing her this way has to be killing him.

  “Are you ok Callie?” The boy can’t help himself from trying to help her. She takes his hand in hers.

  “I’m ok Mase. Just hurts like the dickens.” I think he would take her pain if he could.

  “Tell me what is going on with Dra. I want to know now or I won’t go back in.” I look at Devil, but we both know Callie has no control over what she’s going to do right now. “What the hell is so funny?” Callie is throwing a hissy fit and it will do no good at all.

  “Well daughter, I understand you want to know about Dra, and we are looking into it, but you won’t have a choice about going back in, because Baby Girl, that baby is coming. You can’t change that.” She can’t change anything right now.

  “Now get your ass back in that bed until our son is born. If I know Dra, he would be the first to tell you to do just that.” Devil is losing his patience with Callie but he needs to put in check. She’s worried, but she turns and goes back into her room. I look Devil straight in the eye.

  “Do not lose your temper with her. She is going through enough and she has more to face. Now you get back in there with her and hold her hand and try to keep her mind on getting my grandson here. I am going outside to try and make a call to Krill to see if he has found anything more out. My phone is getting shit service in here. I will be back in there in just a few minutes.” Devil goes back in and Blake and I head for the elevators. Diamondback, Sarge, and Stealth can wait outside the door and keep watch.

  As soon as the elevator doors open I am out with Blake right behind me. As soon as I am outside my phone rings, I look and it is Krill. “Yeah.”

  “Their gone. All three were in the explosion, and they’re all gone.” Krill voice is full of anguish.

  “Calm down. Did you see the bodies? Are you sure?” If there was an explosion maybe there is a mistake.

  “The only body they recovered was Gram, but they were there. No survivors. We are at war and we are going to burn their shit down.” Krill is losing it, but if I was in his shoes I would probably be in the same shape or worse. He has to keep it together for his club.

  “Listen to me Krill. Shut your mouth and listen. I understand you want revenge, but keep your head. As soon as Callie has this baby we will be there to help. They will be expecting you. It will be a trap. Are you hearing me? I owe your family. Your club protected Callie when she first went to Colorado. I pay my debts. Dra is family. So you are family. Let Kellan be born and we will be there. We will take them out together. Just give me this time. I give you my word. Now wait. Think of your damn club.” I know it will be hard, but he just needs to wait. Callie’s heart is going to be broke again. I know she is a strong woman, but everyone has their limits. She has been so happy. My mind goes to Em. What I wouldn’t do to see her right this minute. What the hell? “Krill you still there? Just sit tight.” I hang up, I hope like hell he listens. I look at Blake. He heard everything.

  “Who the hell would hurt such a sweet lady? They need to die.” This is not the Blake I have seen lately. Actually not in years.

  “What are you saying, lawman?” I see the anger in his eyes.

  “Not anymore. I’m hanging my badge up as soon as this baby is born. When you go after them, I will be going, too. No badge.” I have my best friend back completely. I slap his back.

  “Let’s get back to Callie. Fill everyone in, but be sure everyone knows to keep it quiet until I tell Callie.” We both head for the elevator. My mind is still on all the events when the doors open. The first thing I see is Stone. Then I see the group of people outside Callie’s room door.

  “Chief, I was just coming to look for you. Callie wants you.” I shake my head but say nothing. As I get closer to the door Kim steps out from behind Steel and her hand is running over her rounded belly. Kim is pregnant. Oh shit… I used a condom, surely it can’t be mine, but she locks eyes with me and nods her head yes. I have to know.

  “Is that mine or are you whoring around with someone else?” I know I’m being an ass, but too much is happening too fast. “I used a condom every time. We did not have unprotected sex.”

  “I did this on purpose. The condoms I gave you had tiny holes poked in them every time. Now you’re tied to me, and I know you won’t abandon your child, so we will be together.” I look at Steel and he has a hard time looking at me. Kat won’t even make eye contact.

  “I had nothing to do with this, but she’s my daughter, and this will be my grandchild, so I can’t just disown her.” Well, if that isn’t just great. I can’t deal with this right now. I start to go in the door and I hear Stone and I turn on him.

  “Stone, why don’t you tell Steel about your business with Duke. You know, Kizzy’s cousin? The drug pusher to children. When I get back out here, you better be gone.” Then I look at Kim. “When this child is born I want a DNA test, and until then I will help with medical bills only. Stay out of my way.”

  “You can’t do that. I’m having your child. You have to take care of me. I deserve to be taken care of, and you owe me.” Kim says in a huff. I can’t deal with this right now. I walk through the door and try to block it out for the task at hand. Time to meet my grandson and then time to break my daughter’s heart.

  Chapter 14


  It has been three months since I have seen Chief. As in, set eyes on him. He has avoided me, and I him, successfully. I’m sitting here on the side of my bathtub looking at the home pregnancy test and it has a plus sign. I look at the next one and it has two lines, and the third is pink. All positive. Well, hell. How did this happen? I mean, I know how it happened. What do I do now? When Michael was alive I always dreamed of having his child. Then after his death I hated we had waited. It was smart. We didn’t have a lot. We struggled and couldn’t afford a child, but still I will always wonder what if. Now I am carrying another man’s child. It doesn’t seem right.

  First things first, I need to make a doctor appointment. These could be false positives. Then I think, I have been sick in the mornings some, but mostly late at night. More just a sick feeling, not actually throwing up much. My boobs have been sore. I look down at my stomach and it is still as flat as it usually is. Definitely a doctor’s appointment today, if possible. I don’t even want to think about having a conversation with Joy about it. She will lose it.

  At least I won’t see for her three more days. Today is Tuesday, and she always meets me on Fridays for lunch. I finally moved into my own apartment three weeks after the Chief incident. Joy has moved into the clubhouse, so I don’t go to see her. She always makes it easy on me and meets me somewhere. Just as I am thinking this all over, my phone buzzes with a text

  Joy: Are U up?

  Me: Yes. Getting ready 4 work.

  Joy: Chief’s daughter had her son.

  Me: Good.

  Joy: Want to go with to see?

  Me: No

  Joy: Thought I’d ask. Can’t hide forev
er. See U Friday lunch?

  Me: Yes. See U then.

  Chief is a grandfather, and I may be pregnant with his child. Not good. This is probably a virus and I’m overthinking. If not, I will deal with it then.

  I make it to work and today I feel really off. Not really sick, but sluggish. Not enough sleep. As soon as I have a minute, I make a call to my Gynecologist and tell them what I need. The nice receptionist said if I just want a pregnancy test there is no appointment needed. I just have to run by on my lunch and do the test. She also warned that home pregnancy tests were reliable if done correctly. I’m not a nurse, I could have made mistakes. She said they would call me with the results if I set up a password. My boss doesn’t like me having extra time off, so this is good. My morning goes fast. I keep busy and it is lunch before I know it. My stomach has settled so I am ready for a grilled chicken salad. My favorite lunch. Doctor’s office first. It only takes a few minutes for the test. They went ahead and drew blood just to make sure. I devoured my lunch and made it back to work right on time. I get caught up in paperwork and filing, so that it is four thirty before I know it. I wouldn’t have even have noticed, but my phone rings. I get to it before it stops and notice it is the doctor’s office. All of a sudden I have butterflies in my stomach. This call could change my life. I answer and try to be very nice as she asks me my password. My mouth goes dry and I feel sick as she tells me my test is positive and I need to set up an appointment so I can get on vitamins and have an initial exam. I barely remember getting off the phone or making my way home.

  I’m sitting on my sofa trying to come to terms with the fact I am going to be a mom. How can I be a mom? A very single mom. I have to tell Chief. I have to tell Joy. Then I hear someone at my door. Who would be here? I open the door still in shock. When I open the door, Joy walks in and she is jabbering away.

  “You will not believe what that bitch did to Chief? She poked holes in the condoms so she would get knocked up. What kind of woman does that?” Wait what did Joy say?

  “What did you say? Someone else is pregnant by Chief, too?” I know when it comes out of my mouth Joy would pick up on it. I wasn’t thinking.

  “What the hell do you mean someone else?” Joy is gripping my arms and her voice sounds a pitch too high.

  “What did you say first?” I need to know what she said.

  “Kim got pregnant from Chief by poking holes in the condoms. Now tell me what you mean?” Joy has let go of me but still is upset.

  “I’ve been feeling sick and haven’t had my period. I took some home tests.” That’s all I get out.

  “They could be wrong. You need a blood test.” Like I didn’t think of that.

  “I had it today at the doctor. I’m pregnant.” I know she is disappointed in me and I’m sorry for that.

  “Oh, crap.” Joy sits down heavily on my sofa.

  “Understatement of the year.” Don’t I know it.

  “I’m going to be an aunt. How cool.” Joy is smiling.

  “What do you mean cool? Nothing cool about it. I’m going to be a single mom. I got Chief’s message loud and clear and now some other woman is having his child, too. So not cool.” Joy has lost it.

  “Chief will take care of his child. He’s a stand-up guy that way. You are keeping it?” Has she lost her mind?

  “Of course, I’m keeping it. I just don’t know if I’m staying here. I will tell Chief, but I think he may have his plate full. Maybe I need to relocate. In fact, I am going to go tell him tonight and then I’m going to weigh my options.” Some distance may do us all some good.

  “I won’t be there to help you. Please don’t. I’ll go with you to tell Chief, and then you can think about it.” I knew she wouldn’t like the idea, but I have to consider everything. Chief was sure he wanted no kind of relationship, and now with another woman pregnant by him. I need to tell him tonight, before I lose my courage.

  “Ok. Let’s go and I’ll tell him. Will he be at home or the clubhouse? I need to do this before I lose my courage. I have plenty of time to make up my mind. Besides, you could go with me.” I know I can’t ask her to up and leave her life.

  “Chief will change your mind. I know he will.” Joy is very convincing.

  Chapter 15


  I just had to tell my daughter the man she loves is dead. She has had such turmoil in her short life. Devil thinks he is getting her back, but he will back off and give her some room to breathe. Callie has Kellan to hang onto now. Tomorrow I will make plans to avenge Dra’s death. I owe the Draven family that. I owe Callie that. I down another shot and I hear a noise behind me. There she is, the woman I despise. She got herself pregnant to trap me. What she doesn’t know is I will never be trapped. I will take care of my child, but she means shit to me. In fact, I can’t stand to look at her. “What are you doing in my clubhouse? You have no reason to be here. I told you I want a DNA test, and I will pay for doctor care, and no more. End of story.”

  “You don’t mean that, Chief. We can be good together. You won’t let me take your child away from you, and if you don’t take care of me, then that is exactly what I will do. The brat means nothing to me but to get you. You want it, then you take me. We are a package deal.” She is crazy.

  “Kim, do not threaten me. I will take your ass to court. I will sue you for full custody.” I will also put her to ground if she hurts my child.

  “I will disappear. Can you live knowing you have a child out there you can’t protect. I think not.” Apparently she hasn’t looked into my divorce very closely. “Where is everyone? This place looks dead.”

  “None of your damn business.” She doesn’t need to know everyone is getting ready to ride to Colorado. Then I hear the front door and in walks the woman who has been starring in all my dreams for the last three months. No, she doesn’t need to be around this bitch. I see Joy behind Em.

  “Joy, take your sister out of here. This is a private conversation.” Em doesn’t stop and neither does Joy.

  “Do you want me to put this piece of trash out of here?” Joy is very protective of the club and I could see her hauling Kim out of here. If Kim wasn’t pregnant I would enjoy it, too.

  “I said private conversation, Joy.” She needs to get Em out of here.

  “I’m right here. Can’t you talk to me? I have something I need to tell you. I went to the doctor today and there’s something you need to know.” I see Em is determined to tell me something.

  “Listen bitch, did you not hear him? We are having a private conversation and you two need to leave now, before I have him put you out.” Kim is getting on my last nerve and I am going to go off on her if she attacks Em.

  “Chief, I’m pregnant. I’m having your baby.” Kim goes towards Em, but Joy steps in her way. I did not just hear what I thought I did. She’s carrying my baby. Two pregnant women. I don’t want any more babies. I told her to stay away from me. Why can’t anyone listen to me? I told Dra to be careful. I told him to call us for help. I told Kim I didn’t want her, and I told Em to stay away.

  “I told you to keep your ass away from me. I don’t want any more children. Not from you and not from her.” I point at Kim. “So take your ass away from me. How do I even know it is mine?” All the hate I have inside me is coming out at Em. I want to hurt someone and she is the one in front of me. I see the hurt in her eyes. Her hand goes to her stomach protectively. Then I see the pain I have caused. She does as I knew she would. She turns and runs out. Tears running down her face.

  “I never thought I would say this, Chief. I have always respected you, but you are a bastard. She was just trying to let you know. Unlike this bitch, she wants nothing from you. She knows she will be a single mom, but you can damn well bet she won’t be alone. I quit.” Then Joy turns and leaves and I am left with the woman I can’t stand instead of the woman I can’t get off my mind. I watched as the only woman I have cared about since my son was a baby walks out of my life without a fight.

  “That chi
ld is probably not yours anyway. Our child is most definitely yours. She’s just another bitch looking for a meal ticket for her bastard child.” That’s it.

  “Listen bitch, get the hell out of my clubhouse and I don’t want to see your ass again until we can have a DNA test done. Go and don’t come back.” All I feel for Kim is pity.

  “You’ll want me back and then I will make you beg. Your darling Callie is going to find out exactly what kind of man you are.” This woman really doesn’t know or understand Callie at all.

  “What you don’t understand Kim is we know exactly how jealous of Callie you are. We know you set Kat up to be shot by Deacon. We know Stone is setting Steel and Devil up to be taken out. We know that you two have been stealing from Feral Steel MC. Now let me see, should I come up with the hard proof and hand that over to Feral Steel MC? How do you think they would react? Let’s not forget about Duke and Stone having shot at my daughter. All that being said, you can either go to Stone with it and you two can try to run, but just so you know, Steel is the one who put his brother in the ground for betraying the club. What do you think he will do to you and Stone? You are going to go home and when this baby is born we will have a DNA test done. If this child is mine, it will be raised by me. One way or another. You’ve got, what, four months or so left? You better choose wisely, or you will find yourself on the wrong end of someone’s club.” I say it with as much maliciousness as I can. I hate this woman. She looks scared and torn on what to do. “Leave now, Kim.” She gets up without a word and leaves.

  I now have two women pregnant. One I trust. One I have more feelings for than I have in a very long time. I destroyed her tonight. Without thinking. I just let the hate for Kim roll out onto her. Then there is Kim. A woman I detest. She would stab me in the back without a second thought. Her insecurities make her poison, and her I let walk out if here. I rub my hand down my face. Right now I am no good for Em. I need to go take care of the job I have taken on and then I will come back and try to put my damn life back together. Then I am taking a fucking vacation.


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