Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3)

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Holding Out For Forever (BlackPath MC Book 3) Page 15

by Vera Quinn

  “Baby Girl, do not say that shit to me again. I don’t want to hear anything about Devil spanking your ass.” Tazer, Trigger, and Shield, all three shake their heads. Callie gets up and kisses my cheek, and then goes over and gives Joy a hug. At first Joy resists but no one can resist Callie for long. Before long Joy is sitting there talking away to my girl. It dawns on me that Callie is the perfect ol’ lady. She has seen how the club works from a daughter’s point of few, and she knows how it works. Now she is making her way as an ol’ lady. Devil is one lucky bastard.

  I have done one big disservice to Em. She knows nothing about being an ol’ lady except what she has learned on her own. As soon as she gets home, I will change that. I have to apologize for my actions today. I am not used to feeling vulnerable and I was very aware she could be hurt. Not an excuse. It’s been a long time since I felt like that. I can’t go back, so I will do better going forward. I see Trigger staring. I motion for him to sit beside me.

  “Did Devil tell Callie about Killman before he left?” Trigger looks tired.

  “Yes. We are going to Felix’s parents’ house when we leave here. Everyone is there and Felix was asking for Callie. Callie said she was going with or without us. You know how stubborn she is. She’s taking Felix back to the clubhouse with her. He’s packing up some clothes.” I need to make sure I see him today. Felix is not close to his parents, and he will need everyone he can get right now. I also need to speak to Killman’s parents.

  A nurse comes in and she look at all of us. “I’m looking for the Black family.”

  I stand and walk to her, I feel Callie behind me. Tazer has gone over by Joy. “We have your son in the nursery now. Mr. Black if you will come with me. You can come and wash up and suit up. That’s if you want to hold your son. He is a sweetie pie. He weighed in at nine pounds and six ounces and twenty and one half inches long. He is a big boy. Only baby in the nursery so all the nurses are cooing over him. He may be a bit spoiled before he goes home.” I feel a weight lifted. He’s here and I finally get to hold him.

  “Is he healthy? How’s my wife?” I need to see Em, too.

  “Your son is doing great now. He came out screaming. The pediatric nurse in the nursery will give you a more detailed update. Dr. LaTortue will let you know about your wife when he is done. So, if you want to see him come this way. The rest of you can look through the glass window.” I get up to follow her and everyone follows us. We come to another door and the nurse rings the bell and another nurse comes out and asks again if I’m Mr. Black. She already knows the answer. She was here when Kellan was born, so she puts the bracelet on. I leave the rest of them behind the door. I go through where I have to scrub up and they give me a cap and paper gown to put over my clothes. When I am done she finally leads me to my son. He is amazing. All ten fingers and toes. He already has little chubby rolls. The nurse hands him to me carefully, and I carry him to the big glass window where Tazer and Callie wait for their little brother. Callie has tears running down her cheeks, and Tazer has a big smile. Trigger and Shield are standing back with Joy and I see she is crying, too. I guess Callie and Joy just remembered their phones, because they have them out snapping pictures. I bring his head to my lips and I kiss it gently. The nurse nudges me and shows me the rocker. I walk over with the baby and sit and begin to rock him. I think I have him to sleep when I see the doctor has come in.

  “Mr. Black, I need to consult with you about your wife. Do you think you could come outside for just a few minutes?” I can see it is serious. I hand the baby back to the nurse and follow the doctor outside. By the time we are there, Callie and Joy have made it, too. We all sit down. “I’m taking it is ok to discuss this in front of everyone.” I nod my head. “Mr. Black your wife has had some complications. Her uterus is twisted. I don’t know when or how this occurred. After your son was born, Mrs. Black started hemorrhaging, but we stopped it. Her blood pressure is still elevated. Right now she is stable and in recovery. We are going to do what we can to bring her blood pressure down. We are going to observe very closely and hope everything corrects itself. She needs her rest and she needs to be stress free during this time. Mr. Black, I do not butt into my patient’s personal business, but when your wife came into the hospital she was in a very emotional and stressed state. She does not need to return to that state of mind. I hope to have your complete cooperation in this situation. I am sorry if you think I have over stepped. I heard nurse Fouse was very rude to you earlier, and that is not my intention. I am only concerned for Mrs. Black’s health.” Dr. LaTortue is not being rude and I understand what she is saying. She is not being catty or a busy body. She is doing her job and I appreciate it. I stand, take her hand and shake it.

  “Dr. LaTortue, you are doing your job and I understand and you have my complete cooperation. Thank you for the update and thank you for having her best interests in mind. I will do everything I can to help. When can I see Em?” She shakes my hand.

  “Give them about thirty minutes to get all her vitals and get her situated. Only one person with her at a time. Remember, stress free. She’s only going to get to see your son for a few minutes, so she is already going to be one unhappy woman when her epidural wears off. Hopefully she will sleep for a while.” The doctor leaves and I turn and look at my son. He is getting foot printed, and he is not happy.

  “She’s going to be okay. I was so worried. They are both okay.” Joy looks like she could pass out. She is leaning on Callie.

  I know how she feels. I need to apologize and I need to tell her she means the world to me and it paralyzed me with fear to think Duke would hurt her. I took my fears out on her and I regret it. I will make it up to her and tell her I love her. I also realized that when I was tied up and waiting for the club to get there. I can’t lose her. She has to forgive me.

  Chapter 24


  Why I thought I should let my stupid ass brother and Duke plan last night out is beyond me. As usual, their plans go to shit. Now we are on the run and my son is not with me, and for some reason that really pisses me off. When I came up with the whole pregnancy idea I never wanted children. Why would I? I had no motherly instincts at all. I have never loved any man I would want to give a child to, but it pisses me off that Callie has my son now. If Kylar hadn’t interfered, she would have bled out all over the nursery floor. I couldn’t believe Callie out powered Leads. I would have cut that bitch’s throat in a heartbeat, but Kylar had to go and shoot me. Once again picking an outsider over family. If that wasn’t bad enough, when we stop to get the funds, Keifer was blocked. Now all we have to work with is the small amounts Keifer has been slipping out of accounts. We have enough for us, but we had to cut Duke and Cuz out. They are on their own. Keifer, Fugulist, Pick, and I have to stay one step ahead of them. No problem there, they are dumb as rocks. They thought we would stay locked up in the clubhouse. We still have one more friend left there that they know nothing about to keep us one step ahead.

  I know Chief is probably dead by now, so I have to find a way to double back and get Kesler. No way is that bitch Callie going to raise my son until we can take Kylar and dad out. Keifer is convinced we can get ma to join us. He says she was just shocked at the change being so fast. She needs time to adjust. She’ll have it, but she better make the right decision. I could use her help in manipulating Callie. If we take Kesler and Kellan, then dad and Kylar will fall. They are weak when it comes to children. I think Callie is the tougher opponent. She’s like a cat with nine lives.

  I wish I could have called Duke before we took off. I need to know Chief and his woman are both dead. With Chief gone, that makes Callie more vulnerable and me closer to getting Kesler. Tazer does not even factor into this equation. He is a pretty face with no brains. He doesn’t care about anything but club pussy and cold beer.

  This damn shoulder wound hurts. It’s a good thing I still have my stash Duke and I were sharing. I don’t want to have to hunt down a damn dealer. It’ll last me longer if I don�
��t share. Keifer and his brothers are on their own. Dad had the bullet taken out and had me stitched up while I was locked up, but I am limited on drugs to keep me from getting an infection. I’ll see a doctor as soon as we are far enough away.

  This shitty dive of a motel we are at tonight is not going to get it. I guess for one night it will do, but tomorrow we should be far enough away we can upgrade. Leads was the brains behind the Feral Steel MC, so they will never track us. Even if they find us, dad would never let them hurt me. If we are cornered, I will just turn on Keifer and swear to dad that Keifer made me help him. Problem solved. I can still get everything out of life I want. I just have a brat in tow now, but as long as I have Kesler, I have power.

  Chapter 25


  Everyone has gone home. They finally have Em in a regular room and she has been sleeping most of the time. She wakes up long enough to ask about the baby and goes back to sleep. I was worried until Joy said she is not used to any kind of drugs, so everything that puts her out does it for hours. The only thing they can figure out is the epidural meds. They don’t usually make you sleepy. Apparently they affect her differently.

  The nurse brought the baby in a little while ago for me to feed. Em is going to be disappointed she can’t breast feed right now because of the medicine she is on. I just settle in and start feeding him when she opens her eyes. She is shocked to see us, but a big smile spreads across her face. She tried to sit up, but I see the grimace on her face. “Lay still babe. I will bring him to you.” He is not happy when I take his bottle out of his mouth. He cries a little, but I am up and to his mom before he gets too fussy. Our boy has some good lungs when he is hungry.

  “Can I feed him? Why does he have a bottle? I was going to breast feed him.” Em is trying to sit up, but just can’t get there, so I lay our boy back in his little mobile bed and go to help her scoot up. I get her there slowly. I am scared I am going to hurt her. “Are you okay now?” She nods her head yes, but I see the pain in her eyes.

  “You can’t breast feed because of the meds you are on, so they give him bottles. You’ve been out a long time babe. Joy said medicine knocks you out heavy, and it did. You were out all of yesterday, and it is already close to noon. I was worried.” Em is watching our son. She wants him now. “We need to give our son a name babe. All I’ve called him is son or baby. He is a handsome baby and chunky. Over nine pounds.” Em just keeps watching him. I finally get him back to her and she reaches for him, and I see the tears starting. “Are you in pain? Do I need to get the nurse?”

  “He’s so beautiful. I can’t believe he is finally here.” She unwraps the blanket and she is looking at his toes and his fingers. “He’s perfect.” He really is. “What was your dad’s name? I know you’ve told me, but my head is kind of fuzzy.” I look at her and she does look kind of pale.

  “My dad’s name was Whiskey.” I grin. I see the look on her face and that is not happening. Believe me, this world could not handle a second Whiskey.

  “Well, that’s not happening.” I knew that, but Em is cute saying it. “Has there ever been anyone that had their real name be their road name?” Strange question.

  “Sure. My dad and his two brothers, Bourbon and Rye.” She raises her eyebrow

  “Did your grandma drink much?” That makes me laugh.

  “No, never touched the stuff, but my grandpa was a different story. She always said she named her sons after the taste on my grandpa’s breath when he knocked her up.” That got a laugh from her.

  “I was thinking Gage as a first name. I mean, I know nothing about road names, but it sounds good. That way I could always call him by his real name that we gave him.” I actually like it and she put a lot of thought into it.

  “I like it and it sounds tough. It’s a keeper.” Her face lights up and I see Gage has finished his bottle. I grab the burp rag and help her position Gage to burp. “What about the middle name?”

  “Cameron like his dad. Gage Cameron Black. I like it. It sounds strong and manly.” That it does. I like it. I like it a lot.

  “I love it Em, and thank you for giving him my name.” Now two of my sons have my name and the other has a nickname I gave him. I never thought I would have three sons and a daughter. My heart is full of love. “I love you Em. I should have told you that before, but I was too stubborn. I was waiting for you to say it first. I thought I would look less of a man saying it first but I don’t care what it looks like. I LOVE YOU! Is that loud and clear enough?” I take Gage off his mom’s shoulder and lean down and kiss her.

  “I love you too, Cam. I’m sorry I kept you waiting. I guess I was afraid you would reject me.” She kisses me back and reaches for Gage.

  “I’m sorry for the other morning and what I said. I didn’t mean it. I guess I was in shock. I’m not used to not being in control and it froze me up inside.” She gives me an understanding look.

  “I understand, Cam. When I saw you were tied up, I thought I was going to pass out. Only the thought of our son kept me moving. I tried to get out, but there was not enough room. I tried. I scraped my leg all up. I called Trigger instead. That’s how they knew where I was at. So are you leaving the BlackPath MC now? You know since we have Gage. We can’t let anyone hurt him. It’s too dangerous.” Em doesn’t know what those words do to me.

  I can’t believe what she’s saying. I thought she knew the club is part of me. I am part of the club. “No, Em. We are stronger together. The brothers and myself. We are family. All of us, including you and Gage.” She has to understand.

  “No, Cam. That can’t happen. I have to protect our son and I won’t allow him to be put in danger ever again. You have a choice to make. Us or the club.” Em is ripping my heart out. She can’t do this.

  “Em, you and Gage are mine and I make the decisions. You’re my ol’ lady, my wife, and my world. I love Gage and will protect him with everything I am. I would die before anyone harmed him. Just like the rest of my children. I will protect you both just like KD. He is here, also.” She has to hear me. She has to understand.

  “No, Cam. The things that happened yesterday will never happen again, because I won’t allow it. You have a decision to make and make the right one. If it is the wrong one, then Gage and I will be gone.”

  No way am I letting her leave me. She will not give me ultimatums. I get up and push the nurses call button and in just a few minutes a nurse comes in the door. “My wife is supposed to be resting, could you take the baby back to the nursery? I will be gone for a little bit. I need to come by and fill out the birth certificate. We named him Gage.” I can’t even look at Em. I reach over and kiss Gage good-bye. The nurse wheels him away. I get my phone out and send Joy a text to come to the hospital. I need to get away for a while. I look at Em and I see a scared woman, I can do nothing to comfort her. She has to come to a decision on her own to stay. So I have to give it to her straight. “I only live by a few rules in my life and they don’t change. Love my family. Protect my club. Ride free and never look back. If you can do those things with me then we can make it. If not, then you’re not worth it. I gave my heart to you today and you spit on it. I can bend and compromise, but I will not fucking break my own rules. I love you, but I will not change me for you, so you have a decision to make and be sure to make the right one. If you make the wrong one, Gage and I will be gone.” Then I turn and leave Em there crying. I turn to go to the nurse’s station and I see Joy get off the elevator. I nod my head at her and keep walking. I fill out the paperwork for Gage’s name and I leave so I can feel the power between my legs and the wind in my hair. Freedom of the road. I take off out of the parking lot and gun it to feel the powerful rumble. I need to escape just for a little while.

  Chapter 26


  I walk into Em’s room and she is in tears again. What the hell did Chief do this time? I rush over to comfort Em and take her in my arms but she moves back from me. “How do you live this life? The danger is too much. My husband picking
a damn club over me and our son. I can’t live like this. What do I do to get away from him?” Em just doesn’t understand. No one has taken the time to explain it to her.

  “Do you love Chief? I mean really love him?” I am not giving her the reaction she thought I would.

  “Yes, I love him. I have for a while now.” Em is shocked by my words.

  “Ol’ lady lesson number one, if you love the man you stand beside him always. Not in front of and not behind, but beside. You accept nothing else.” Em has stopped crying.

  “Ol’ lady lesson number two, you can give him shit in private if you don’t mind the consequences, but never in front of the club or anyone else.” I think I might have her attention.

  “But I don’t want him to be my boss, just my husband. I want him to protect my son from his dangerous life.” My spoiled sister has reappeared.

  “Ol’ lady lesson number three, any brother worth his salt will protect every member of the club. That includes ol’ ladies, and especially children. If you belong to a brother, then you belong to the club. The President is responsible for everyone. Cam is the President, so he has a lot of stress and as his ol’ lady you cannot add to it.” She’s listening. “That means every brother will put down their life for your son.”

  “So if we are in trouble they will all come like the last time.” My sister is dealing with some kind of stress or something. Maybe information will help.

  “Em, they will try to prevent it. This is not an everyday occurrence. This was done by idiots.” She has to understand it’s not all danger.

  “Ol’ lady lesson number four, if you dis the club, then you dis the man. You can’t give him ultimatums or try to make him chose. He’ll walk every time.” By the look on her face she did exactly that. “You’ll lose every time.”


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