Evander (Stratham Shifters Book 4)

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Evander (Stratham Shifters Book 4) Page 6

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Winter blows,” she muttered, but a smile formed when she thought of Evander’s words. How she would feel differently, once she was like him. She liked that idea very much. It would change everything.

  After waiting as long as she could, she eased out of her driveway and drove to town. The streets were clear, and the town was awake, going about its normal business. She liked the area. So far, the people weren’t that great, but that was the secret side of Stratham. She hadn’t really interacted with anyone, aside from the store clerk. She had to eat, after all.

  By the time she’d eased downtown near the diner, she’d had her mind made up. If Willow wouldn’t help, she would figure it out on her own. If all he needed was for her to take the female beast, it shouldn’t be hard to figure it out. She blushed, realizing she already had a good idea of how it would happen.

  Fiction and reality and all.

  She could handle anything with him. Even if he wasn’t here for a good reason. And she had a feeling he had a pretty big secret, but not because he wanted one. He needed help, and the best people to help weren’t all that welcoming.

  She parked and got out of the car, determined to fix things. She pushed the door open to the diner and searched out the girl with short, red hair. It was hard to miss tiny Willow.

  The woman spun as soon as she entered the diner, and a weak smile formed on her lips.

  “Hey, I was hoping to see you again. How’s he doing?”

  “Worse by the minute. Can we talk?”

  “Sure, give me a sec. Have a seat anywhere.” She spun and continued to do her work.

  Callie found an empty table in the corner away from the other customers. The conversation she was about to have wasn’t for everyone to hear. It made her nervous. She tapped her fingers on the table and looked out the window, letting her mind wander.

  1.5 months prior

  She woke up and cringed when she felt the tug of tubes attached to her body. Peeling her eyes open was painful. The room was dim and white. It was then she realized she was in the hospital. She glanced at the tubes and noticed a thicker tube. She knew what it was. It was the same tube she had as a teenager when her mother forced her into rehab.

  The door opened, and a doctor with hair as white and snowy as his jacket walked in, carrying a chart. He looked up, but he didn’t smile. His brows scrunched in concentration.

  “Callie Copeland. I always hoped I wouldn’t see you again.”

  She shrugged. “I obviously haven’t learned my lesson.” The sarcasm dripped from her voice. After she and Matt ended things, everything fell apart. She was a mess. His family harassed her daily. Her mom couldn’t even keep her disappointment to herself.

  She didn’t understand it. Marrying Matt would have made them both miserable in the end. It didn’t matter how much she loved him or him her–it wasn’t right. He agreed. But no one let it go.

  “What caused this? You were doing so well.”

  She sighed. “I know, but I broke off my engagement, and well–”

  “The stress.”

  “Yes,” she said, and ignored the tears that began their fall. No sense in stopping them. He wasn’t there to judge her.

  “Why did you break off your engagement?” He pulled the chair and sat next to her bed. He was ready to listen.

  “I love Matt. But it wasn’t right. I couldn’t marry him.”

  “So, you ended the relationship and…?”

  “He seemed okay. At least, he seemed to understand. But his family wasn’t so understanding. They haven’t left me alone. All I wanted to do was set Matt free to find the right person for himself. I want him happy. He deserves the best.”

  “You didn’t end the relationship for other reasons that affected your mental stability?”

  Callie sat up. “Oh, no. Matty never did anything wrong.”

  He smiled. “Okay, so after you ended the relationship, things got so bad you binged…a lot.”

  “Yes, I don’t know how it got so bad.”

  “And you passed out. Callie, you know it doesn’t take much for your body to shut down. There’s too much damage. You were just beginning to really heal.”

  “I know.” She was so ashamed. “I didn’t mean to.”

  “Well, now you are back to square one, and it’s going to take longer for your energy levels to come back, and I need to you speak to someone.”


  Present Day

  She jumped when a warm hand touch her arm. She glanced up to see Willow.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but you were gone just now.”

  She chuckled and ran her fingers through her hair. “Yeah, uh, that happens sometimes.”

  Willow sat in the chair across from her. “So, first off, I’m so sorry about yesterday, but I have to admit his leaving made the tribe even more suspicious.”

  “I understand. I don’t know any more than you do. He hasn’t opened up, really. I just know that I won’t abandoned him. I’ve got his back, no matter what.”

  Willow nodded. “As his mate should. I think once you take his beast we should have another meeting.”

  “This time with just you and the king.”

  “Sophie will want to be there for her mate.”

  Callie didn’t see a problem with that. “I don’t see why not. I know he’s hiding something big. I just don’t know what it is. I swear, I don’t, and I know he isn’t happy about it.”

  “Sometimes, in the world of magic, things get tricky. It’s not all black and white. We’ll get this fixed, but first, you need to start the bond.”

  “Okay. He isn’t doing well today. That’s why it’s just me. He wanted to come, but he’s too weak, which, of course, pisses him off.”

  Willow patted her hand, and she realized they were shaking. She pulled them back and rubbed them together. It happened from time to time. It was almost like an alcoholic, who hadn’t had their daily drink. She hadn’t binged and purged since that day she signed herself out of the hospital. And that was only after she’d gotten a visit from Aunt Tilly, offering her the house and store. That had been a godsend. It saved her. Quite literally.


  Evander woke up alone. Sweat covered his forehead, and his body raged in an inferno of heat. He threw the blanket off his body and went to stand. A wave of dizziness flashed before his eyes, but he growled. He wouldn’t let this sickness take him. He didn’t want to believe the Black Dragon was correct, but the longer he was around Callie without bonding, the worse he felt. He licked his lips and stumbled down the hallway to the bathroom. He’d take a cold shower.

  He recalled she’d left to meet with Willow, but he realized he should have asked her to stay. Each step was agonizing. He hated weakness, and having overcome so much in his life meant he shouldn’t be taken down so easily. He pushed harder and decided against the light before stripping his clothes off. He needed the crisp and cool water now. Easing to the shower, he turned the water on and stepped under the freezing cold spray. He gasped in shock when he felt prickles along his skin.

  This was more than the sickness Willow spoke of. Inside, he felt like something was trying to rip through him, and then it hit him: the demon’s magic.

  It was toying with him, and now he wondered how soon he’d have to save not only himself but Callie and every dragon in Stratham. He’d given the demon an in.

  “Fuck!” He slammed his hand on the tile. It cracked in his anger. He knew this was going to bite him in the ass. He should have stayed hidden. He should have stayed away from Callie, and more than that, he never should have gone to the king’s home. Now, he had to warn them before it was too late, if it wasn’t already.

  But first, he had to make sure his mate could take care of herself. It was time to test the theory and give the Blue Dragon to her. No more waiting around.

  His body temperature dropped, and he shivered. Just as he turned to adjust the water, he sensed her. His beast perked up, and he scented the air. His mouth wa
tered when he realized Callie was not only in the room, but that she was aroused. His body hardened in response. His gut clenched. He looked down and frowned. How long had it been since he was aroused? And it had never been like this.


  Her voice was sweet and soft. “Yes, love?”

  “I wanna take your beast.”

  He licked his lips and pulled back the curtain. “Are you sure?”

  He watched as she studied him and chuckled when her eyes widened when she saw him. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  Still, she hesitated. The towel was wrapped tightly around the body he needed to see so badly. “Come here, love.”

  She swallowed. “I–”

  “You’re perfect. Now get in here and let me show you.”

  He shouldn’t have been so demanding, but now his beasts were awake and aware. They pushed him forward. He held his hand out and watched her hesitate. He didn’t think she was nervous about him; it was something else, but she took his hand, and when he tugged her inside, the towel fell, leaving her body bare for him to devour. Her skin was milky white and soft beneath his touch. He ran his fingers up her spine and took a deep breath, when she squirmed against him.

  “You smell so good.” He nuzzled her neck and licked her pulse. When she whimpered, he was done waiting. “I’m not very patient.”

  “Take me.”

  The two best words ever, and he couldn’t have been any happier in that moment. That was until she wrapped her arms around his neck and her breasts pressed against his chest. Slippery and wet.

  Chapter 9

  Did those two words really come out of her mouth? She’d never been one who was demanding. Not that she was opposed to sexual intimacy. In fact, she liked it quite a lot, but she’d never been fully comfortable naked. Matty had been the only man she was ever with. She’d saved herself for love.

  Evander growled and gripped her tighter against him. She felt his urgency, and it made her gasp.

  “Bedroom. I don’t need you getting hurt.” His voice was rough and thick with lust.

  Her heart raced, but she nodded. Shower sex wasn’t her idea of fun. He loosened his hold, and she eased out of the shower and pulled her robe off the hook. She covered up quickly and blushed when she looked over her shoulder. He was watching her in awe?

  That couldn’t be. She wasn’t the type of woman that made a man chase her. She was okay, but not gorgeous like other women.

  “I’m right behind you, love.”

  A thrill of excitement rushed down her spine as she made her way out of the bathroom and to her room.

  This was really going to happen.

  She felt the smile and licked her lips. Her body was on fire, and not just from the water. She had barely taken two steps into the room when two strong hands spun her around. Evander didn’t waste any time. He pressed his lips to hers and pried her mouth open. She gasped when he thrust his tongue in her mouth, surprised how his aggressive behavior turned her on more. He kissed her, and then her robe was gone and she was pressed against the wall. She shuddered from the coolness, but it was a reprieve from the heat of his body.

  She broke away, gasping for breath. “Slow down.”

  Her growled but laid his hands on her hips. His fingers dug into them, but it didn’t hurt. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, but it’s been a while for me.”

  He nodded and backed away, letting her move away from the wall. She took his hand and led him to the bed. She laid down, waiting for him to do something other than watch her. His eyes shifted, one white, one the same crystallized yellow she’d seen before. Both beasts were present, and both were waiting.

  “I love you, Callie. I know it’s fast, but I need you to know that before we complete the bond.”

  She didn’t know what to say. Was it love she felt? Her stomach fluttered, answering her question as tears filled her eyes.

  “Love,” he said and sat on the bed, “did I say something wrong?”

  She heard the panic in his tone. There was something in his eyes, too. Something so lost and hurt. As if he hadn’t had any one love him in a long time. Maybe he hadn’t. If his story was anything like what Willow said it was like for the others, then who knew what he’d gone through?

  She took his hand. “I have one request.”


  “Once we complete the bond and I take your beast, I want to know the truth.”

  He froze, and his hand tensed, his fingers gripped hers a little too roughly. He noticed right away and loosened his hold. “It’s dangerous, love.”

  “Then we stick together, right?”


  “So, you’ll tell me.”

  He sighed. “I have no choice now.”

  “Fair enough.” That wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear, but it didn’t matter as long as he told her the truth.

  He laid his hand on her bare stomach and worked his way up to her breast. As soon as his fingers brushed her nipple, the heat rose in the room, and she sucked in a breath. Goosebumps covered her skin, and she shivered from the change in body temperature.

  “Take my beast, love.”

  Their eyes locked. She couldn’t break away. Her breathing picked up, and her heart raced. Evander’s hand became increasingly hot. It nearly burned her skin. She whimpered, but he didn’t stop touching her.

  His jaw clenched. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s happening.”

  As soon as the words came out, his body tensed.

  Right before her eyes, she saw the beast. She was surrounded by blue light. She came out from Evander in the strangest way. He groaned in pain, and Callie realized he was trying not to scream. It was then she remembered Willow’s words:

  “It hurts like a bitch…don’t fight it.”

  She took a deep breath, hoping she knew what to do. But the beast didn’t come right for her. Instead, she swarmed around Evander. Sweat beaded his forehead, and his face contorted in agony. The beast seemed to be trying to soothe him, only it wasn’t helping. She turned toward Callie, and her focus narrowed. Before Callie had time to prepare, the phantom beast dove right into her chest.

  She screamed a blood-curdling scream. There was no way around it. Fire laced through her chest, where the beast had dived in. It felt like she was ripping her skin apart. She whimpered and blindly reached out for her mate. His hand grabbed hers, and it was her lifeline. She felt the beast explore its new home and once she settled, the pain started to dissipate.

  Callie gasped for breath and squinted her eyes through the tears. “Holy shit, she didn’t lie.”

  Evander, who seemed to be feeling better after his shock of pain, chuckled. “That was horrifying to see, yet so beautiful.”

  She laughed through the pain. It felt like she been branded. In her mind, that’s how it would feel. She shook her head, realizing the void she always felt had disappeared. “It’s gone,” she whispered.

  He raised his brow. “What’s gone, love?”

  “The void.”

  He nodded, seeming to understand. “Now that we’ve started the bond, I see things more clearly. You’ve fixed me.”

  She didn’t know what he meant, but he was smiling, and his eyes were bright and aware. The sickness seemed to be seeping away.

  The beast inside of her curled around her heart, warming her to the depths of her soul. Her eyes shifted. It was amazing to feel it happening. Her vision shifted, and everything was in shades of yellow. But it wasn’t just that. Every little detail was so crisp. “Whoa.”

  “The dragon’s sight is an amazing thing.”


  He leaned in and kissed her. Even the feel of his lips on hers was different. More intense. She moaned and grasped at him. He seemed to take the hint because he growled and shoved her back on the bed before he climbed over her. She opened her eyes and shuddered when his eyes shifted white. This was her beast. He was hers, and now she carried his dragon’s mate. Eve
rything was different.

  “Make love to me, my mate,” she said, and then sighed when he mashed his lips against hers. The warmth built, and it wasn’t long before her core clenched, searching for him.

  He pushed her legs apart and settled between them. She felt the hard length of him against her and shivered. “I’m ready.” And she was. This was how they would complete the bond. It had already started. By taking his beast, they opened the doors for their bond. She felt it between them, and was most anxious to complete it.

  He took his time, never taking his eyes from her. “You’re beautiful, love.”

  She didn’t say anything, nor could she if she wanted to. This was it. The moment she’d been waiting for her whole life. As he eased inside of the tightness between her legs, she bit her lip. When he spread her open, it burned in nothing but a good way. She sucked in a breath and raised her hips, inviting him further in. Even though it had been so long, it felt so right. Like he was meant to be inside of her, completing her.

  That’s how she became a dragon’s mate. Slowly, he took her, showing her just how beautiful he found her, and there was no doubt that he did. She knew it by the way his eyes shone as he found completion in her. She shouldn’t have been shocked that he felt it so deeply.

  She cupped his jaw and wiped his tear away with her thumb.

  “I’m finally home. You have no idea how much this means to me, love.”

  But a part of her did. The ache in her heart was nearly sealed. Hers beat in time with his now. They were one. She closed her eyes as her own orgasm washed over her. It was so intense her body shook. She let out a long moan when he thrust into her one last time, bringing her to that final climax.


  Nothing compared to thrusting into his mate as she lay below him for the taking. She was so eager and open for him. The tightness surrounded him, and he struggled to hold on. He’d wanted it to be good for her. Taking his time, he showed her he loved her, and when he came, so did she. It was breathtaking. Her face flushed, and her eyes were bright, rimmed in lust.


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