Evander (Stratham Shifters Book 4)

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Evander (Stratham Shifters Book 4) Page 7

by Sarah J. Stone

  He’d done that to her, and now he held her as her body shook. Every time he moved, his cock bumped that one spot. She shuddered and gasped in his ear. Holding on tight, he ground into her, soaking up her sweet scent.

  “Oh gods, please, no more,” she said, and cried out when he shifted again.

  Because he knew she was over-stimulated, he pulled out of her body slowly, enjoying how the walls latched on to his already sensitive head. His body jerked, and he came a second time.

  She screamed, and her body clamped down on him. He yelled, and then he felt what she did. Every sensation rocked through his body as the bond completed. The magic filled the air as their beasts found love in one another through them. The ice shattered from his chest, no longer could he ever imagine being alone. He’d found the other half of his soul, and now, she was his partner. He wouldn’t have to save himself. She had already done that, giving him her heart.

  Her nails dug into his arms as she held him still. Her breaths came out in pants, and her heart pounded against his chest. “Wow.”

  He agreed, but instead of saying anything, he chuckled and kissed her before rolling over to lay beside her.

  “Are you better now?”

  “Yes,” he replied. He didn’t like being wrong, but it seemed Willow had been right. He already felt a million times better. In fact, he felt better than he ever had.

  Chapter 10


  Something nagged at him. Ever since that Golden Dragon had come to town. He knew it was wrong to have let him go, but he couldn’t endanger his family, Sophie, his unborn child, or the rest of the tribe. But there was something he wasn’t quite getting.

  He ran through the woods to the same place he’d taken Sophie. The same place she took the beast, and the place he’d saw his mother. He needed guidance. His stomach had ached since he’d met Evander. Something was so familiar about it. Like he should know him.

  The snow didn’t faze him as he ran. The cold pushed his lungs to work harder, and he inhaled the scent of the remnants of the storm. He loved the freedom. It had been too long since he’d taken time to be alone and let himself decompress. It felt like the world was always on his shoulders.

  He found his place, let out a heavy breath, and braced his hands on his knees.

  “Aris, my son,” a soft voice said.

  He froze, recognizing it immediately. “Mother.”

  “Oh, my boy, you’ve done so well. You’re so strong.”

  He straightened and smiled at his mother’s spirit. She appeared how she did before, in a light mist, surrounded by a golden light. He couldn’t reach out and touch her, but her presence was strong. “I’m so lost.”

  “No, my boy, things are moving along nicely. I need you to listen to me.” She looked over her shoulder as if someone or something had followed her. “I need to tell you something important.”


  She sighed and lifted her hand as if she were going to reach out and touch him. He closed his eyes and felt the warmth, but not the feel of flesh. “I need to be honest.”

  Aris opened his eyes and nodded. “About what?”

  “After I sent you to the mortals, I ended up pregnant again. He’s still alive, but he’s been imprisoned by the Council, forced to do their bidding, and tortured. I left him when he was ten. They’d killed me, but he was still alive. I hated it. I tried to save him, too. It’s the whole reason why my brother killed me.”


  “The king is my brother, your uncle, and he’s been using your brother for years.”

  Aris nearly fell to the ground. It all made sense, and now he knew his own blood was sending others to kill him. “Because I’m too powerful?”

  “Yes, and no. You aren’t the true king. You are to lead the revolution. The new king will come when it’s time. He’s been in hibernation for a long time.”

  There was too much information to take in. “So, my brother, he’s a Golden Dragon, and…?”

  “Blue,” she replied. “He has been sent to kill you. But he doesn’t want to. But demon magic is involved. And if he doesn’t comply–”

  “He dies.” It all made sense. Evander.

  “Yes, Evander is your younger brother. He might have come with bad intentions, but they weren’t his own. He’s as innocent as you. No one knows what’s been done to him through the years. I’ve tried to protect him, but I can only do so much. I sent him here to you and his mate.”


  She beamed. “She’s perfect for him. Though she needs her own saving from herself. She’s such a sad soul.”

  He didn’t understand that. She seemed stubborn and hard-headed when he’d met her. “So Evander is here to kill us, and I’m supposed to what? Save him from the Council?”

  “He won’t try. But once they realize he has defected, they’ll send more. The demon’s magic will lose its hold as soon as he completes the mating bond, though I doubt he knows that.”

  “I’m guessing they will mate soon. Callie was on board.”

  “Good, then fate chose correctly.”

  “As always.”

  “Yes, now you must put your anger aside and try to see it from his point of view. He’s been kept prisoner and tortured.”

  He would try. It wasn’t like he had a choice. They needed to band together. “I will try.”

  “You’re a good boy, so accepting. You know how hard life is for Halflings.”

  That he did know. He couldn’t’ hold it against another dragon’s desire for survival. “I’ll speak with him.”

  She nodded, and after her message was sent, her spirit disappeared. She didn’t say goodbye, but he felt her warmth fade away into the darkness. He ran his fingers through his hair. Of course, the Council sent another dragon. His own brother. Aris couldn’t even wrap his mind around the fact he even had a brother. What a family reunion. Now he had to put his faith in his mother’s spirit that Evander wasn’t going to kill them all.

  Easier said than done. He growled and ran back through the woods, ignoring the laugher from the damn nymphs. They made themselves at home, and this was their active time. They were like children, playing and singing and dancing. He rolled his eyes and sped past them.

  By the time he got back to the house, he saw the whole tribe. They looked to him, knowing he had news. This was news he wasn’t ready to share, but what choice did he have?


  Evander watched his mate sleep. She’d crashed out not long ago, and he let out a sigh of relief, realizing he wouldn’t have to tell her the truth yet. He needed to come clean to the others first. He didn’t want them hurting her because of him. It was the only way to make it right.

  Once he knew she wouldn’t wake, he slid out of bed and padded silently across the floor. Even with her new, enhanced hearing he was able to slip out of the room and put the pants he’d been wearing back on, along with the shirt and boots.

  He really needed clothes.

  But first, he had to make things right. If the king wanted to put him down, he’d deal. But he hoped for Callie’s sake nothing bad happened to him. He’d just found her, and even if he didn’t make it out of this, she still needed the others to help her through all the changes. That’s all he’d ask for.

  Outside was dark and cold. He shivered but allowed his beast to warm him. He had a long walk. On the way to the king’s, he focused on the demon magic, yet he couldn’t find it.

  It was almost as if it had disappeared. He searched within himself. Nothing, nada. The dark, curling magic that had wrapped around his very essence was gone. There wasn’t even a trace of it.

  “How the fuck….”

  He froze when lights shone. A car came around the bend. He moved to the side, not surprised to find it was the same SUV that was outside of the king’s house. Maybe he was searching for him, too.

  The vehicle stopped, and he waited to see what happened. The man got out of the car and strode over to him. The magic and power
radiated from him, but it didn’t feel threatening. Evander expected to get hit, he closed his eyes and clenched his jaw. The man’s arms wrapped around him, and his large hand patted his back.

  Evander growled and pulled back. “What the hell?”

  Aris laughed. “Yeah, not too happy either, but you’re my brother.”


  “Mother paid me a visited. She’s done that before, but this time she came to tell me about you.” He held up his hand. “I know you came from the Council. I know why, and I also know that as soon as you complete the bond, the demon magic will be gone.”

  He sucked in a breath. “We’ve bonded.”

  “Then you’re free.”

  He rand his hands through his hair and frowned. “The Council will surely send someone after us all. I was coming to you to come clean. Nothing can happen to Callie. It wasn’t her fault. She has no idea about the truth yet.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m not happy that yet again the Council is sending dragons to hurt my family, but Mother also explained why.”

  “He’s our uncle. And he hates us because we supposedly hold more power than Pures.”

  “I didn’t know that part, but I knew of the family. I also know that he isn’t the true King, and neither am I. I’m meant to lead a revolution against your Council.”

  “Fuck, they aren’t mine. I didn’t ask for any of this.”

  “Good, then we work together. You know them better than anyone. You’ve lived with them.”

  Evander smiled. This was it. His time for revenge. He would team up with his brother, no less. That news was quite shocking. “So, we’re good?”

  “Don’t fuck with my family, and I won’t have to kill you.”

  He believed him. He radiated power and menace. “Hell no. I knew something was strange. I knew your mate’s baby was kin. That was what threw me off. I couldn’t understand why my beast thought it is kin. Now I know.”

  “He’s your nephew.”

  “I never thought–”

  Aris smiled. “Don’t worry. I’ll fill the others in. They’ll be much more welcoming next time. Bring Callie tomorrow.”

  “You got it.”

  “No lies.”

  “I swear.” And he meant it. He could have a family. He could have friends. He could finally be free of the horrors that had been his life for so long. There was no way he’d fuck it up. No, he was starting over.

  “Good. We’ll see you both tomorrow. Make sure you fill your mate in. She deserves to know what she’s stepped into.”

  “I will.”

  “See ya. I better get back. No one knows why I left.”

  Evander nodded and watched his brother leave. His heart thumped in both excitement and relief. The demon magic was gone. He was free. It had no pull over him any longer. And now he was going to pay them back tenfold.

  Chapter 11

  She knew where he went. But what bothered her most was that he left her alone. He should have taken her with him. Now she lay in bed, waiting for him to come back. The beast inside of her prowled her mind, anxious for their mate’s return. She had an uneasy feeling. He was going to see the other dragons. That much was true. But what would happen to him? He’d never told her the truth, but he didn’t need to. Gaining his beast, she also gained knowledge of his past. She knew the things he’d done and why. She didn’t need to learn more. The beast had showed her enough.

  Yet she loved him. It didn’t matter what he did. He was her mate. Although she hadn’t been able to tell him. She wondered why it was so hard to say the words. He’d told her. And she knew he meant them. She knew she felt them.

  She waited for him for an hour. After that, she got out of bed and paced. Should she try to find him?

  In the end, she paced the hall and the living room. The house was warm and eased the chill in her body. So far, she still hated the winter. She didn’t like being cold. It seemed to seep into her bones, making her ache. She shouldn’t hurt so badly, and she nibbled her lip, wondering if her own secret was wreaking havoc on the new changes. Could she even handle the beast?

  ‘I will fix you, my host. You’re not well.’

  The same shame she always felt ate at her conscious.

  ‘You’ll be fine. Everyone has something they need help with. Now you have me.’

  Finally, she heard the door open. It was so quiet, and had she still been human, she wouldn’t have even heard it. The door shut, and she heard the lock click. If she hadn’t been so relieved, she might have focused on how neat it was to be able to hear so well.

  Another day maybe.

  She stormed through to the kitchen and planted her hands on her hips. “You left.” It came out as angry as she felt. But mostly she was afraid for him.

  His shoulders slumped. “I had to make things right, love.”

  “Without me.”

  He spun on her with his temper flaring in his eyes. “I didn’t want you getting hurt!”


  “No buts. I had to make things right. I couldn’t take the chance of them taking it out on you.”

  “I understand, but you could have woken me. Told me what you were doing. I would have stayed behind had I known why.”

  He reached out to her and pulled her to him. She didn’t fight, but she didn’t exactly come willingly. “I’m sorry. It’s my first instinct to protect you. From everyone, including myself.”

  She sighed. “But I can handle a lot more than you think.”

  “Love, I don’t doubt you’re strong, but you haven’t even adjusted to the new changes, and I couldn’t have them coming after you. I needed to assure your safety.”

  “You planned to die?”

  “Yes. What I’ve done warrants death.”

  “But not by choice.”

  “That doesn’t matter. He could have killed me when I saw him, but he didn’t. In fact, he told me something vital.”

  His eyes sparked, and Callie raised a brow. “What?”

  “We’re brothers.”

  Her heart thumped. “What?!”

  He chuckled. “That was my first thought when he hugged me rather than ripped my throat out. He knew everything about me before I even told him. Seems Mom was able to stay in contact with him as a spirit.”

  She heard the hurt in his tone. “Wow, that’s possible?”

  “I guess so. But she told him about me. So, she must be watching over me somehow.”

  “Oh, baby!” Callie wrapped her arms around her mate and hugged him. “She wants your big brother to watch over you now. That’s so amazing.”

  “Yes, and the fact that I have a nephew on the way. I’d never thought of having a real family outside of the king.”

  Wait what? Callie was behind now. “The king?”

  “The Council. The king is my uncle.”

  That made so much sense to her. Why else would the king send him? Why else would he have kept him prisoner for so long? “So, he sent you to kill your own brother?”

  “Yes, but I won’t do it. I wasn’t going to anyway. As soon as I caught your scent, I knew I couldn’t be a part of anything anymore. I needed to find an out.”

  “My scent?”

  He nodded. “When I first got here. It makes more sense now why I ended up outside of your shop. I was there the day before. I knew you were here. I knew my life would be forever changed, but I won’t lie…I intended to fight it. I didn’t think I deserved a mate.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t fight too hard.” She laughed. “Or at all, really.”

  He sighed. “I really should have, though. The Council will send someone after me now. And the rest of you.”

  “Then you better teach me how to fight.”


  “I won’t sit on the sidelines. I need to know how to become this new me.”

  “I can’t lose you,” he said and kissed her.

  She moaned and let the kiss go on, sucking his bottom lip in her mouth. Her body heated with
just the small touch. Her eyes shifted, and her core clenched, aching for more. She allowed him to push her back, and again, she ended up against the wall. His hands were jerky, and in one swift movement, he ripped her shirt.

  She gasped when his lips broke from hers, and he latched on to the flesh of her breast. He licked and sucked the skin hard.

  “Oh, gods,” she said, and cried out when his teeth broke skin. Her hand flew to his head, and she held him against her while he lapped up the blood.

  “You’re mine.”

  “Yes,” she replied breathlessly.

  “I’m yours.”

  “Yes.” This time, she growled and gripped his hair between her fingers tugged it. He pulled back from her chest and smiled. “Kiss me.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  They kissed for so long her lips tingled. By the time she broke away, she had to catch a breath. She hadn’t meant to let it go that far, but it was just as Willow said. She wanted sex. She was aroused, and it didn’t seem like it was going to lessen.


  She was the sexiest woman alive. He loved how she responded to him. How she let him do what he wanted. She didn’t question him or get mad that he’d torn her shirt and drew blood. In fact, she seemed to embrace it. Liked it even. If how she kissed him told him anything, then he loved her.

  “We need to focus.”

  “Mmm. I know.”

  “We’ll have plenty of time for that after we handle the situation. I need you to be strong, love.”

  She shook out of her lust and nodded. “You’re right.” She straightened and frowned when she looked down. “How much time do you think we have before the Council sends someone for you?”

  “Could be anytime, really. We’ve mated, they know the demon’s link is broken.”

  He hated not knowing, but he was glad that evil creature didn’t have a hold over him anymore.

  “Let’s go to bed. We’re going to the others’ house again tomorrow, right?”

  “Yes, he said to come with you tomorrow.”


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