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Evander (Stratham Shifters Book 4)

Page 56

by Sarah J. Stone

  She didn’t tell him much of anything, and worst of all, he was more confused now than he was before. Aris shook his head and sighed. It was time to speak with the others. There was someone he had to save, but he also needed to tell them what he learned. They were destined to rule…what?

  Aris went inside, and the scent of fear wafted over him as he shifted his eyes. The house was full of prey. He shook his head. No, not prey. Family. Once his dragon realized this, he lay down and let out a huff. He was itching for a fight. He strode into the den to see Zarin on the couch. Zarin looked worse than him. He was younger, not by much, but why did he seem sicker? It was just another sign he wasn’t doing whatever it was he was supposed to be doing.

  He leaned down next to him. His breath came out in short pants, worrying Aris. “Don’t panic, you’ll make it worse,” he said, and laid his hand on Zarin’s forehead. The fever nearly ripped through his flesh. Aris yanked his hand. “We’re going to figure this out. I saw something tonight.”

  The others stared at him, waiting to hear what he had to say. They were loyal to a fault and always followed his lead. “I saw my birth mother tonight.” He held up his hand to hold off any unwanted rebukes. “She materialized as some sort of divine spirit. I don’t know. All I know is what she told me. She said we are going to be coming into more power. There is another side of each of us we don’t know about, and there is a woman I must save.” Glancing down at Zarin, he frowned. “And this woman is going to help us. I’m supposed to ‘listen to my dreams.’”

  “What the hell does that mean? We wait for you to dream while Zarin lays here and dies?” Ilias yelled.

  Aris glared at him. “No, but what else are we supposed to do? I’m sick, too. We need to learn about this other side of ourselves that my mother spoke of.”

  He wasn’t used to Ilias’ anger, especially towards him. When he stormed away, Aris wanted to follow him and make him understand that things were about to change in a big way, but he could only do so much. He wasn’t always going to be able to fix everything on his own. It wasn’t that simple – not anymore.


  Zarin was resting, and he needed some sleep if he was going to save the woman. Since his mother told him it was his job, he needed a sign – anything to help him know which way to go. Aris slumped back against the wooden headboard of his bed. The chill of the wood against his bare skin didn’t even faze him. He felt as though he was numb. Everything was falling apart, and everyone expected him to fix it. But for once in his life, he wanted someone else to take the reins, someone else to give him hope. He was tired of always being the strong one. He closed his eyes and exhaled a heavy breath. Now was the time he needed a vision. One that would show him what to do next.

  As if the gods heard him, images forced themselves into his eyes.

  Harsh cries and the stench of fear slammed into his head, pulling him into a swirl of darkness.

  Aris gripped the sheet tighter with each whimper. It was almost as if he was there, and each step led him closer to her. This time, he didn’t fight it. These visions were as real as him and his brothers were.

  Following her cries, he came to a large and open area. It smelled of damp mold. He wrinkled his nose and shook off the cold that sunk into his bones. He knew then he was underground somewhere. He kept walking, and around a corner he saw a bed with a wrought-iron frame and a dirty mattress that had seen better days. On that bed, he focused and saw a form. Once his eyes landed on her, he didn’t care about anything else. She was curled up with her back facing him. Her body shook, and her sobs grew louder. He couldn’t see anything other than the dress she wore and her long, midnight-black hair. His heart rate picked up, thumping wildly in his chest. A musty scent swirled around him, and his eyes shifted from honey brown to pure white. Now, he could see everything even more clearly. The hair on the back of his neck rose, tickling him. Everything in him awoke. The scents were stronger, the dim light was no longer dim, and he could see that her dress was pale, but covered in dirt – and blood. He clenched his hands and growled when his claws dug into his palm. He was in the midst of shifting. Never before had he lost control so easily.

  She turned towards him. Her light green eyes were filled with tears, and the bruising around her eye was different shades of healing, as if she’d been hit on several occasions. Again, he growled, but then she held out her hand. Could she see him?

  He stepped towards her and reached for her until he saw he was still shifted. He pulled back, but she shook her head and reached for him again. This time, he brought his hand to hers, and she ran one finger along his scales.

  “You’re coming for me, right?”

  Aris nodded, and in that moment, he realized two things: she was his mate and she was human.

  Her small lips tightened before she whispered, “Hurry, before it’s too late.”

  She laid back on the bed with her back to him. He heard a clink of something and then the rough pull of the door. Heavy footsteps came down the creaking stairs. Aris moved back into the shadows, knowing he needed every clue he could find. He searched the large room and realized it was a basement.

  A man with greasy, brown hair came into view, standing over his mate. The man put his hand on her shoulder and her body tensed. Aris wanted to kill this man, but it was at that moment that everything went black, and the woman was lost to him.

  “No!” he screamed, and when he opened his eyes the others were staring at him as if in anticipation.

  “What happened?” Max asked, his brows pulled together like they always did when he was worried about something.

  Aris gasped and looked down at his hand. His claws were still out, and he could feel her light touch on his scales. She hadn’t seemed scared at all, and he still wondered how she even saw him.

  “I found her.”

  “Found who?” Max asked.

  “The woman – the one who is supposed to save me. The one who will make the sickness go away.”

  Blane perked up. “Well hell, let’s go get her then.”

  Aris jumped out of bed and wrapped his clawed hand around his friend’s throat. “She’s my mate,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Blane gulped and tried to nod. Aris gasped and dropped him to the floor. He’d never hurt anyone before. “God, I’m so sorry.”

  Blane rubbed his neck. Aris knew he didn’t hold it against him, and his mood never swayed, as normal.

  “Does this mean we all have mates, and that we’ll need them to survive?”

  Aris willed his body to shift back to human fully. “I don’t know, but it would make sense. There’s only one problem.” Could he handle the rejection all over again?

  “Well what’s the problem?” Max asked impatiently.

  “She’s human.” He felt deflated. Finding a mate was every dragon’s dream. He didn’t have to be raised with his kind to know that. It something he just knew deep in his bones.

  Max slumped against the wall. “Oh, well, that could be problematic.” He ran his long fingers through his hair. His wasn’t much different than Aris, except it was a shocking black with hints of blue. “She didn’t mind in your vision, right?”

  Aris sat back on the edge of his bed. He wouldn’t be able to let go of the tension in his body until he found that delicate human. “No, and she told me to hurry, but I have no clue where to find her. I have her scent but that’s it. I know she’s been hurt, too.”

  How was he ever supposed to find this woman? Was she even in Stratham? There had to be a way to reconnect with her, find out where she was so he could find her. Anger surged through his body when he remembered the bruises and the man, the one who touched her before he was pulled out of the vision.

  ***End of Preview***

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