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A Sorcery of Shadows: The Westwood Witches 2

Page 15

by Sarah Northwood

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  A New World

  Aero had come back to her friend with the intention of saying goodbye, but it occurred to her that his unique abilities could also be of use. Shadow had listened diligently to her request and done as she had asked, to check that Umbria was being true to his word in releasing the prisoners.

  Following his confirmation, with a heavy heart there was one more thing to ask of her friend before returning to the castle. It came as no surprise when he agreed quickly and without question. If things went badly, he was to get as many creatures of the Realm to safety as he could. There was no way in her mind where it did not go gravely but she felt grateful to have such a brave companion to rely upon.

  Returning to the castle, Aero’s body resisted everything about this act. Even the air felt different inside her lungs, as if the pressure was heavier, and darker, as if she were pushing against an invisible wall with every step, which could only be a trick of her own thoughts and not real. And yet she thought about how the mind conjures its own kind of black magic, bringing such things into reality, as if willed into being. A person does not need sorcery to find themselves falling deep into the shadows.

  She shuddered but forced herself on, dragging herself through this mental anguish. Touching the playing cards in her pocket, it was her grandma she thought of to calm herself and bring her to her senses. Perhaps she would see her own dear Joanna, the only one that mattered to her, again soon.

  Knowing Shadow was riding along in her pocket with her also helped. Although arguing fiercely with him that this task was hers alone, as a true friend he had told her there was no way out of this world where he wasn’t by her side. And he had reminded her of his solemn promise to protect her. After that there had been no more room to disagree and she had been grateful for his loyalty and love. Unlike the first time where he had been with her unknowingly and the knowledge of his closeness would have brought fear, now her secret friend brought comfort.

  The door to the castle stood open in invitation and after only a brief struggle with herself she walked in. She took one last look at the moon, which shone brightly, the stars just as stunning as she recalled them from her first visit here.

  But she began to wonder if the place wasn’t as beautiful as she’d once thought it was. Perhaps it had only appeared that way because she was looking for beauty, searching for a new world in which to find herself. And perhaps all worlds can fade and become familiar and dark. Or maybe, she thought, she was just sadder than she had ever felt before.

  The light faded and Aero found herself inside where the hum of electricity and artificial lighting provided the illumination. She questioned where the Shadow Creatures could have got such technology, but the answer was easy enough: her own world. She found herself quickly missing the vitality of the moon and stars of the Shadow Realm and wept silently, trudging forwards.

  She followed the corridor, expecting Umbria to leap out, but instead found herself alone. Walking on, she noticed the doors to the rooms on either side of her were all open. Peering inside it was clear that they were cells without prisoners. Aero moved on steadily, checking each room left and right of her as she passed by. It appeared Umbria had been true to his word as she found them empty too.

  To her it felt like walking through some old building, marvelling at its great structure and the materials used in its construction. Yet she felt a cold sweat at the thought of what must have gone on in it and was grateful not to be a part of its history.

  Aero realised she could hear humming more loudly now, the sound echoing above the lights and her own imagination. A moment of grief passed over her, realising with sorrow that she wanted desperately to see her family. It seemed to her that it was possible to regret every occasion of wrongdoing and cross word she had felt towards them growing up, all at once, and if she had felt weighed down with the task before, there came now a new feeling, which she could not find words to describe.

  Turning the corner of one of the corridors, she came upon the excision room. The humming became so strong, it wasn’t possible to hear herself think. Then she saw the Shadow Creatures, who had gathered together, waiting for her. The peculiar smiles upon their faces unnerved her.

  The room looked as black as a dark hole, aside from the chair, which was lit by a lightbulb hanging overhead.

  “It’s good to see you again, Aero.” Umbria spoke up. “As you can see, we have made good on our promise to safely return all the prisoners. Now it is your turn. If you will please step into the chair; we have been very patient, but we have waited long enough.”

  Aero noted how Umbria had stopped referring to the witches as his guests. She supposed there was no need for subterfuge anymore. As she prepared herself to do as they asked, Aero realised with horror that the room was not poorly lit as she had initially thought, but was in fact filled with Shadow Creatures. They covered every inch of space inside the room, aside from the chair. All of them had gathered to watch her submit.

  One of the creatures attended to her arm straps and another to the controls of the machine. Aero thought they had no need to physically restrain her because she could not change her choice. But then came a horrible thought - perhaps the process was painful? Maybe the straps were simply there to stop a person thrashing about from the agony of the separation.

  Aero watched through the hazy light as Umbria commenced.

  Momentarily the sound of the machine began to change from a dull aching hum to a throbbing. Shortly after came the pain; Aero could feel her soul being ripped away. Of course, Aero knew magic wasn’t a soul but the two were so closely entwined as to feel like one and the same.

  But then… there came a voice rippling beneath the ache. At first it was a slow, dull sound which could easily have been confused as her own thoughts. After that it came clearer and louder and unmistakable; it was Shadow’s voice!

  Don’t give in, mistress. Be strong, be good.

  But what shall I do, Shadow?

  You must breathe, mistress. Remember I told you that breath brings life; know this well, it can also bring death. In order to live you must take the darkness into yourself. You must consume the night but in doing so heed my words, a part of you will be lost and you too may become the dark.

  She closed her ears to him in her mind, for it was too unbearable, but then sought him once again as the pain of being alone was greater. There must be some other way, Shadow. And what about you, what will happen? And then she whispered aloud, “I love you.”

  If Umbria had any curious notions as to why Aero had said it, he dismissed it simply as the girl raving.

  Shadow’s reply was as honest and simple as he was. I will be with you always.

  Aero knew what he meant and sobbed openly without shame. So she set her face hard and grim, and opened her mouth.

  Her face sparkled, beads of sweat shining in the light from the overhead bulb, and still crying she breathed deeply, inhaling as hard and as fierce as a newborn babe taking its first gulp of air. On and on she continued, until the room had no shadows because they were no more, and the only dark thing in it was her eyes, which still glistened with wet tears.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Set It Free

  After being released from the squalor and isolation of the castle, the Southwoods found each other again, basking in each other’s presence like the sun they had missed. They found remembrance in lingering soft warm hugs and held tight to each other, afraid to let go. None had wanted to ask why they had been freed, although in their hearts they knew it was not for a good reason, like the Shadow Creatures being defeated.

  The journey home for Cadence, Amanda and Isaac had been a swift one. An almost instantaneous exit through the portal made their ordeal feel as if it might never have happened. Except for one key detail which would remind them forever it was not a nightmare but something far worse. They were now a family of three instead of four.

  The Shadow Creatures had no interest in those withou
t magic, and so they had taken away Amanda and Isaac’s father like a useless spare part, removing him from this world without a thought for the importance a person could have.

  Amanda had spent the nights since then telling herself a story in which her dad wasn’t dead. Great adventures of a hero who was ordinary and amazing all at the same time and whose greatest weapon was love. But in all of them her creations were a pale imitation of the man he had been in life, and no matter how many tales she wove the gap he left remained just as cavernous.

  As time went on, Amanda began to realise it was only now when looking up, from as far down as she had fallen, that she could see not only the distance, but also the truth. It was time to set it free, and turning to her mum, whom she clung to fiercely now and loved ever more dearly than before, she said without fear or anger, “I’m a witch, aren’t I?”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Horribly Familiar

  One moment Louise and Perri were in the Shadow Realm and the next second they were back on Earth. At first, they stood stock still, looking at everything with nostalgia; breathing the sweetest air again, it truly felt like home. But suddenly it became horribly familiar. They were close to where they had ventured before being captured, reminding them of the choices that had allowed the Shadow Creatures to take them.

  Their own trials bubbled beneath the surface, ready to haunt them for another day, but as for their loved ones, their journey was unknown. What had become of Xander and Aero?

  Ahead of them lay the woods which would take them back to Cauldon Avenue. Memories of the Realm slipped away and Perri and Louise fixed their sights on getting there as quickly as possible.

  Perri heard the sound first and stopped at once. Grappling with fear which threated to take over her, she stopped and listened. A moment later and she could almost make out voices.

  “What is it?” Louise asked, unable to hear.

  Putting her fingers to her lips, Perri mouthed, “Shh.” Then she pointed off to her left. “I think there’s someone there.”

  “Who is it?”

  Pulling her sister down onto the forest floor, Perri crouched beside her, staying hidden, but they couldn’t see anything. Turning to face Louise, she said, “Let’s get closer.” Stooping, the pair edged forwards and then stopped again to listen.

  “What is it? What’s happening?” Louise whispered.

  “I don’t know,” she replied, as much mouthing the words as saying them aloud. Side by side, they held each other and waited. Perri saw fear in her sister’s face, but she had learnt her lesson well and stayed calm and unhurried. With fierce eyes she thought if the Shadow Creatures had returned, she would not make it easy for them this time.

  Together they crouched for so long their legs began to cramp and they both grew restless, but Perri would not move forward until certain of what lay ahead. After a few more minutes the light breeze which was blowing must have changed direction and the hints of voices Perri had heard earlier became louder, clearer and distinctive.

  “Can you hear that?” Perri asked, no longer keeping her voice quiet and small. A large smile broke out across her face.

  Filled with joy, she grabbed Louise’s hand, who was bewildered and uncertain, and began to run in the direction of the noise. Her feet slipped on twigs and woodland debris, but nothing would stop her from reaching her own dear Xander.

  Perri looked up into her husband’s bright eyes, who had heard them coming, and he was smiling too and running, and then she was in his arms. She buried her face into his chest, soaking his shirt with tears of joy. Perri remembered what it was to be in love and to be loved. Bliss swept over her for the happiness of this moment and yet she was filled with sorrow and regret for the time they had spent apart.

  Coming up for air it was only then she saw Lilly and Fred, noting at once how their faces were etched with anxiety. Immediately she understood. “Aero?”

  Sagging down to her knees, Perri felt suddenly overcome, filled with despair and exhaustion. It was the kind of pain in which a person could get swallowed whole and never recover. Aero was lost. She had come after them and now she was gone, but Louise did not have the time or luxury to allow herself to succumb to hopelessness.

  “Tell me everything you know,” she begged.

  Xander, Lilly and Fred told her what they knew, and Perri grew sad at how little it was. Still, she did not give up, surmising her daughter must have been the reason they had been released, which meant Aero was still alive. Understanding this was not the same as accepting her daughter’s fate. Perri knew her part in this wasn’t over. She would not rest until she found Aero. Nothing would stop her. Nothing would stop them.

  Chapter Thirty

  She Was the Monster

  Meghan looked at herself in the mirror and realised she was no longer the same woman; she didn’t know herself anymore. In the Realm a part of her had been left behind, but in its place something else had begun to grow like a seed. For so long her mind had been channelled to revenge, her life existed without fear or remorse for her actions. Emotion like that leaves no room for anything else. All consuming, it blinds all to the preciousness of living.

  Now there was a giant chasm in which everything else came flooding in. All which Louise had told her about her parents she knew to be true. The memories that she’d fought so long to forget had, to her horror, come back, bringing with them pain, fear, sorrow and regret so heavy she was physically sick. All this time the person to blame for killing her parents was her. She was the monster.

  The anger which had been so skilfully used as a knife against the Westwoods and the witches had nowhere to go but inwards.

  It was about this time that she had an unexpected visitor. A woman with piercing auburn eyes and long grey hair. Familiar and yet oddly not.

  She told Megan together they might be able to retrieve her magic, which sounded both terrifying and intoxicating. The woman, Jo, brought hope that perhaps Megan might yet find a way to make up for her sins.


  On the outside Aero looked very much like herself, or perhaps an older, wiser version. One who had crammed so much life and living into a short space of time, she knew it intimately well because she had also become friends with the darker side of living, like fear and death.

  Inside her body, however, something was happening. All the particles which made her up were conjoining with the Shadow Creatures’, every atom becoming a part of everything she had taken into herself. Her very soul, the essence of her, began to slide away, but she held firm and refused to give in. Her bravery had won the battle but an unseen, relentless war raged within. It remained to be seen who would be victorious.

  For a time, Aero felt no emotions. There was no joy or sadness, only a numb sensation. Then, moving as if in a dream, a portal formed. Experiencing neither surprise or relish in her sudden ability to do so she only briefly wondered if it was her who had decided to open it or something else. She strode through the gateway, quite unworried about where it might be taking her.

  Other Titles by Sarah Northwood

  Also, available from Author Sarah Northwood.

  The Westwood Witches (book 1) A Secret Discovered

  Chilling thrillers (18+) that should not be read alone!

  The Unravelling:

  The Volunteer:

  Short story, The House That Evil Made:

  She’s Not Gone:

  Best Friends Forever, A free short story:


  Little Moments of Calm

  Butterfly Dreams

  The Truths We Tell

  Life According to Poetry

  Children’s Titles:

  Legend of the Night Unicorn:

  Unicorns are real and other cool poems

  You can also follow me on Facebook for my latest updates.




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