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Chasing Ghosts: A Detective Jack Buchan Novel

Page 8

by Michael Fowler

‘We know what he did to you Pippa,’ Jack half-lied. It was a wild card he was playing from the mysterious voicemail message he had listened to that morning.

  She paled. ‘Who told you?’

  ‘We need to talk.’


  Jack suggested a coffee shop a few streets away from the gallery - he wasn't sure he trusted David Muir and didn't want him seeing them. Pippa recommended one and showed them the way. The place she chose was relatively busy but they found a table toward the back and Jack went to order. Jack waited at the counter listening to the machine froth their coffees while Fabi sorted the table arrangements. She put herself in a position that forced Pippa to take a seat next to the wall; Pippa wasn't being detained, but Fabi wanted to make it awkward for her to leave until they had finished their chat

  Jack watched her over his shoulder and smiled to himself. She was learning fast.

  Pippa looked to be still in a state of shock as she unbuttoned her coat. ‘It was Emma wasn’t it?’

  Fabi dropped down into her seat, ‘Emma?’

  Dragging out the chair next to her Pippa put down her bag and then laid her coat on top. Sitting down she replied, ‘I don’t know her second name. She was Angel’s friend. They were from the same agency.’

  Jack suddenly loomed above them, setting down three large Latte’s and several sachets of sugar. Leaning in he said, ‘We can’t tell you who gave us the information Pippa. That would be unfair. You’ll appreciate she chose to tell us anonymously.’ He was still keeping up the pretence, although what he had just told her hadn’t been untruthful. They didn’t know who had left them the information on his voicemail, though they now had a starting point thanks to Pippa. He added, ‘Look Pippa, you know we are in the middle of an enquiry to find Mathew’s girlfriend who’s mysteriously disappeared, and we now know that Mathew isn’t being exactly honest with us. When we start these enquiries it generally throws up all kinds of information, which leads to uncomfortable questions for some. This information we have recently received leads us to you. Now we know Mathew did something to you and it would be really helpful if you were able to talk about it.’ All the while he had been talking he had been locked on to Pippa’s face, who was staring down at her coffee. She never once looked up to make eye contact. Jack noticed hive blotches beginning to appear around Pippa’s neck – a clear sign she was nervous. In a soft tone he continued, ‘We’re not here to cause you embarrassment Pippa. All we want to do is get to the bottom of this. We believe Mathew is mixed up in something, not only to do with Carrie, but also his previous girlfriend Angel and we need all the help we can get.’

  Pippa lifted her head. Her cheeks were red, ‘I know it was Emma. She told you what Mathew did to me, didn’t she? Only Emma knew. She was the one who told Angel, which caused the argument.’

  Jack said, ‘Look Pippa, As I’ve said, all we want to do is get to the bottom of this. We know people are hiding things and all that’s doing is protecting Mathew, who we believe is up to his neck in things.’’

  With tightened lips she replied, ‘I told Emma not to tell anyone about this. I didn’t want anyone else to know what Mathew was like. Not even Angel.’ Her eyes were wide. ‘It wasn’t my fault. It was Mathew who attacked me.’

  Fabi leaned across the table and covered her hands with her own, ‘Pippa, we’re here to support you.’

  ‘I think Mathew raped me!’ Pippa made a sharp intake of breath and pulled back her hands. ‘There I’ve told you’

  For a good few seconds the three watched each other’s faces. Fabi was the first to break the silence.

  ‘That’s the hard part over Pippa. Now just tell us how it happened. In your own time.’ More customers were coming into the shop, passing their table to get to the counter, and so Fabi lowered her voice.

  For a good ten seconds Pippa flicked her eyes between Jack and Fabi. Then, taking a deep breath she responded, ‘It was at a party six weeks before Angel died. It was at Emma’s apartment. Mathew invited me. He came to the gallery with a couple of paintings and just said they were having a small get-together and it’d be good if I could come. To be honest I wasn’t too sure about going because I didn’t think I would know anyone, but Mathew said Angel would be there and he knew I used to chat with her when they came to the gallery so I agreed. I have to say it was amazing when I first got there. I recognised so many people from the cat-walk and there were a couple of actors there as well, it was great fun talking to them, but I’m not much of a drinker so I ended up just watching them getting off their faces and going into their own little cliques. About half-ten I’d decided I’d had enough and had just got my things to leave when Mathew stopped me in the hallway. He told me that Angel had crashed out drunk in one of the bedrooms and that he’d seen me drinking alone and thought I looked like I needed cheering up. We just started chatting.’

  ‘What about?’ asked Fabi.

  ‘Mainly about art. He’d got an exhibition coming up. He was asking me what I thought about his latest work. Then he asked me if I wanted another drink. I told him I was thinking of going. He said something like “Oh don’t go yet the party’s just getting started.” I said something about Angel, and he said, “She’s out for the night now.” He pressed me to have one last drink and I told him one more, then I’m going. I made an excuse that my parents would be expecting me home. He got me a gin and tonic and we chatted some more and that’s when I started to feel funny.’

  ‘Feel funny?’ repeated Fabi.

  ‘Yes, the room started spinning. It was really weird, like I was having this out of body experience. It just happened so quick. I could feel my heart racing. It was awful. And then that was it. The next thing I remember was coming round, lying on this bed and Mathew was looking down at me. He was pulling on his trousers. My dress was half undone and I didn’t have any knickers on. I just knew what he’d done to me.’

  Fabi took on a look of concern. For a few seconds she said nothing. Then she asked, ‘Did you say anything to Mathew, or do anything?’

  ‘I wasn’t in a fit state and my head was all over the place. I knew what was happening but couldn’t function properly. It was horrible. I asked him what he’d done to my drink and he just started laughing. I said ‘You’ve raped me haven’t you.’

  ‘What was his reaction to that?’

  He just looked at me and said, ‘I’d been begging for him all night. That’s what he would tell everyone if I said anything.’

  ‘So what did you do?’

  ‘I got mad. Said I was going to tell Angel what he’d done. That’s when he grabbed me.’

  ‘Grabbed you?’

  ‘Yes, got hold of me by the arms. Started shaking me. He was really angry. He scared me. I’d never seen him like that. He told me that no one would believe me and that he would make sure I lost my job and that my father would find out. My Dad’s an executive with an American Bank and knows a lot if influential people. I didn’t want to cause him any embarrassment. Mathew knew that.’

  ‘Did you ask him about the drink he’d given you?’

  She nodded, ‘I said to him “you put something in my drink, didn’t you?” He just laughed at me again and told me to prove it.’

  On a caring note Fabi said, ‘And is that when you told Emma?’

  Pippa shook her head, ‘No, I didn’t tell anyone about what happened. Not for ages. If I knew Mathew was coming to the gallery, I’d make an excuse and not be there when he came in.’

  ‘So when did you tell Emma?’

  ‘It was a few days before Angel died. I was in a bar with friends one Friday evening and Emma came in with a couple of her friends. Angel wasn’t with her. She started talking to me, and told me that Angel was getting engaged to Mathew, and wasn’t that great? I just said that she wouldn’t if she knew what he was like. I couldn’t stop myself. Once it came out that was it, I just told Emma what he’d done to me that night at the party.’

  ‘What did Emma say?’

  ‘What do you think? Sh
e was gob-smacked! She asked me if I’d told anyone? If I’d told Angel? I said she was the only person I’d told. She just said, “I’d keep this to yourself if I was you” and then left with her friends. But the next day I had Angel on the phone at the gallery screaming and shouting at me. Calling me a slapper. Emma had told her. It was awful. I was glad David wasn’t in when she rang.’

  ‘Gosh Pippa, what did you say to her? Did you tell her what had happened?’

  Pippa nodded her head vigorously, ‘Yes. I had to defend myself. I wasn’t the one to blame. It was Mathew. I told her what he’d done that night at the party. That he’d put something in my drink and raped me.’

  ‘Did Angel say anything else to you?’

  ‘Only that I was to stay away from her. Never talk to her again. Then she hung up. She made me feel terrible, as though it was my fault.’

  ‘And did you ever see Emma again and speak with her.’

  ‘Not until after Angel died.’ She took a deep sigh. ‘David told me the morning they found her. I couldn’t believe it. I thought deep down it might have something to do with what happened to me.’

  ‘But you still never told anyone what Mathew had done? Even when you knew the police were investigating Angel’s death?’

  ‘I was scared. Terrified in fact.’

  ‘And did you speak with Emma?’

  Pippa nodded. ‘I saw her a couple of weeks before the inquest. She was waiting for me one evening when I’d left work. She said she wanted a word with me. She asked me if I’d told anyone about what had happened. I told her only her and she said she felt terrible about what had happened to Angel. She said she’d told Angel what Mathew had done to me because she felt so bad about things. She apologised to me because she knew Angel had slagged me off and she knew it wasn’t my fault. She said that if it was anyone’s fault, it was Mathew’s. I asked her what Angel had said when she’d told her about me? She said that at first Angel had refused to believe it, but then a couple of days later Angel told her she was going to have it out with him and call off the engagement. That she’d never be able to trust him again. She was going to tell him the night before she was found dead. I think that was what their argument was about.’

  ‘But you never told the police about this?’

  ‘The police only spoke with David.’

  ‘And so you didn’t give evidence at the inquest?’

  Pippa shook her head. ‘They never called me. I looked after the gallery while David went. He gave me feedback.’

  ‘You know your information could have been vital don’t you? It would have given the coroner a reason why she took her own life when he delivered his verdict.’

  ‘It wouldn’t have made any difference though would it? It would still have been a suicide verdict.’

  ‘And do you think it was suicide?’

  Pippa shrugged. ‘I think so. I have to say, there have been some moments when I’ve thought about what Mathew did to me, and I’ve wondered if he’d got nasty with Angel, and that caused her to overdose and that’s how she died.’


  Outside the coffee shop Jack and Fabi said their goodbyes to Pippa and watched her slowly stroll away. In a matter of seconds she had gone – swallowed up by the throng of commuters all making their way to bars or home. Evening was taking hold over London. A warm yellow glow dominated the skyline signifying the onset of dusk.

  Jack pulled on his overcoat, ‘Do you think we did the right thing there?’

  ‘You mean letting her go without taking a statement from her?’

  Jack nodded, ‘She was very brave in there Fabi. She’s kept that bottled up for so long. Somehow she blames herself for what happened. I could see it in her eyes while she was answering your questions. The last thing she wants now is us pressuring her to give a statement. It could tip her over the edge. I don’t want another suicide on my hands. We know where to find her. If we need her evidence, we’ll do a softly-softly approach in a couple of weeks. Sit down with her and explain how much we need her help.’ Jack checked Fabi’s look. ‘What do you think?’

  Fabi offered a tight lipped smile, ‘I think you’re right. But I’d love to drag Mathew’s arse down to the station. It’s shocking what he’s done to her. He can’t get away with that.’

  ‘He won’t, don’t worry. He’ll get what’s coming to him. Believe me. But now, we need to speak with this Emma girl. We’ve got her address from Pippa. I’m going to get hold of the gaffer, tell him what we’ve got and that we need a stay over to finalise our enquiries. We’ll catch the train back tomorrow.’ Jack threw her a questioning look, ‘Unless you have something pressing back home with that partner of yours?’

  Fabi issued a soft smile. ‘No I’ll give Stephen a call. He knows this is important to me – how much I’ve wanted CID. We’ll catch up this weekend.’

  ‘Good that’s the type of partner you need.’ Jack rubbed his hands together, ‘Now what about something to eat. We’ll check on Emma’s details and address and then we’ll nip over and have a little chat with her.’

  Jack set off without warning, catching Fabi unawares, and she found herself doing a double-shuffle before jogging after him, cursing, as she almost tripped over her own feet.


  Emma Kirby was listed in the voters' register. She lived in a luxury apartment in Southwark, overlooking the Thames. As Jack entered the huge marble and glass reception area he couldn’t but help be impressed. This was serious money he thought, as he approached a smartly dressed female sitting behind reception. Flashing his warrant card, he told the young woman who they were and said they were here to talk with Miss Kirby. Holding up a finger, she indicated for them to wait one moment and then made a phone call. After a few seconds, Jack listened to the receptionist telling whoever was on the other end of the line that two detectives were here and wished to speak with her. A couple of seconds later she removed the phone from her ear, covered the mouthpiece and said, ‘Miss Kirby is enquiring what it’s about?’

  Jack answered, ‘Will you tell her it’s in connection with a missing woman.’

  The receptionist went back on the phone, delivered his message and then hung up. Lifting herself out of her chair she said, ‘Miss Kirby said she doesn’t know how she can help you but she’s willing to speak with you.’ Leaning across the counter she pointed the way down toward a lift area and said, ‘Miss Kirby lives on the eleventh floor, apartment 75.’

  Jack thanked her and made his way past the front of reception, Fabi tucked herself bedside him.

  As they rode the lift Jack nudged Fabi. ‘This is a bit different to the flats I’m used to visiting, ‘scuse my French, but the lifts I go in usually smell of stale piss or cannabis.’

  Fabi let out a laugh as the elevator slowly came to a halt at the 11th floor. As the doors pinged open, she stepped out into the corridor. She said, ‘You need to get out more Jack.’

  Apartment 75 was through a set of double doors and just around the first corner. Emma Kirby opened the highly polished oak door to Jack’s first knock.

  Jack found himself greeting a tall, slender black woman, with glossy, ebony shoulder length hair and healthy-looking skin. She was wearing black skinny jeans, which accentuated the length of her legs, and a red silk vest. He immediately found himself captivated by her beauty and glamour but, masking his admiration, he held up his identification and introduced himself and Fabi. He said, ‘We’d like to ask you a few questions about Mathew Alexander, or you might know him as Toby Alexander.’

  Emma Kirby gave them a sour glance. ‘The receptionist downstairs said it was about a missing woman.’

  As she finished her sentence Jack recognised that it had been her voice on his voicemail. Watching her face carefully he answered, ‘It is, sort of. But it’s also got something to do with Mr Alexander. We’ve just spent the last couple of hours with Pippa, from the gallery and she’s told us a very interesting story.’ He paused for a split second and then added, ‘But then you know that beca
use you left me a message on my voicemail yesterday pointing me in her direction.’ Jack thought he caught her face flushing.

  She cleared her throat and said, ‘You’d better come in.’

  Jack had been impressed with the plush reception area, but the interior he was now casting his eyes over completely blew him away. He was amazed by how huge and bright the apartment was. Large windows ran the entire length of one wall and extended into the right hand corner of the room giving a panoramic view of the cityscape overlooking the Thames. He recognised the iconic Shard building, St.Paul’s Cathedral and Tower Bridge.

  Emma indicated a large cream leather sofa to them and sat herself down on an identical one opposite. Sitting back and hooking one arm over the low cushions she said, ‘How is Pippa?’

  Fabi answered, ‘Pippa’s fine. Surprisingly.’

  ‘She told you everything?’

  ‘That Mathew had raped her?’

  Emma acknowledged Fabi’s response with a nod. ‘It wasn’t right. I should have told someone about what Mathew had done a long time ago. I should have mentioned what he was like at the inquest but I was warned off.’

  ‘Warned off?’ Interjected Jack.

  Emma pursed her mouth. ‘Well, not exactly warned. That’s a bit strong. But Samuel and Deanna who run the agency said they couldn’t afford bad publicity. They didn’t know about the incident involving Pippa, but obviously what had happened to Angel had been terrible, and they said they didn’t want any scandal, and so they suggested that me and the others that were called to give evidence should just tell the police what type of person Angel was and leave it at that.’ Pausing and switching her gaze between them she continued, ‘You know – about her personality and that kind of thing. I told Deanna what I knew about Angel and Mathew arguing but she said unless I’d actually witnessed it, that I shouldn’t invite trouble. Deanna and Samuel were especially uncomfortable with Angel’s drug use and what impact that could have. They said unless I was specifically asked about that, to just say I hadn’t seen her use drugs. Which wasn’t a lie exactly. So I told that detective who was investigating her death just what Angel was like as a person and left it at that.’


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