Book Read Free

Drawing Dead

Page 9

by JJ DeCeglie

  I’d gotten to the spot about forty minutes before time. Only five off what I wanted so I was pretty pleased with myself. Sitting there having the occasional jolt was working for me. This was a cut-throat part of town though. Bad as they come bastards bustling about and looking to make plays. So I kept an eye out for a sucker punch. I always did. You had to. It was the way it was and is. Evie showed her awe-inspiring ass up on time though. Soon as I saw her roll smooth round the corner I was up and over to her and in the car. Suitcase included.

  Hey Jack. Look at you huh…undercover and all that shit.

  She was drunk. I could tell that straight off, it worked for her son, you shoulda seen it. Like a scorching comet coming straight for you. Her hair curled and shooting out like thriving wildfire. Every look she burned at you felt like it raised welts. It was a black dress. Short at either end. Down to the areola and up to the ass. She was a home wrecker with shining eyes that you’d remember when you were dying.

  How’d you go at the tables?

  I won two and half grand.

  She pulled it like a magic trick out from her breasts and placed it in my shirt pocket leaving her hand on my chest palm spread over the muscle beneath the material.

  Feels nice Jack.

  Lay off Evie. We gotta kill you remember.

  If this pissed her off you wouldn’t have noticed, her hand traced down my chest and over my stomach and ended exactly where you can imagine.

  Evie. Get out and walk round to this seat. I’m gonna drive us remember.

  I remember Jack.

  Her hand didn’t move.

  How much did you drink?

  As much as you said, maybe more, people kept buyin’em from me, who cares, I feel good.

  I shouldn’t have said it, but I’m an asshole remember.

  You look good.

  Thanks Jack.

  Her hand still didn’t move and she stared into me with what I’d not once on this dark earth ever before felt. She let a smile rip across her face too and it got me like a knife in the neck. She added some pressure and I had to put my hand on hers and eventually grip it and lift.

  Switch seats Evie. We got a schedule to keep.

  She just kept on blazing that smile at me. Then slowly undid her seatbelt and did as I’d asked. I didn’t get out the car but shifted over from within and then watched her sway with perfectly weighted swivel around the front of and then back into the car. When she got back she spoke all oiled and easy at me.

  You should relax Jack.

  She shook her hair about like a prize dog drying itself and then she ultimately added.

  You really think I look good?

  Does Pinocchio have a wooden dick?

  She laughed. I drove.


  We were there in a liquid flash of minutes. Streetlights thumping in and out like rabid dance beats and Evie’s undeniable dynamic form a force of nature sitting there beside me. I parked us close by reception. The room was right there too, just paces away. Evie was laughing and jumping about the whole short ride over and then on the way out and to the room. I’d told her to go and blow the jag-off behind the desk a big soul kiss and she did just like she was told.

  I was watching her the whole way through it and belted the damn suitcase into my motherlovin shin in the process. I grit my teeth with the fuck you internal and unzipped the thing so as to swig a couple of jolts from the bottle. Oh that sweet, sweet bourbon burn. I was planning on doing this for affect anyhow. It was win-win. I walked around facing away from where he’d be gawking at me from and Evie skipped over and took my hand in about thirty seconds time. We walked it over in unison, me towing the case and her playing the sultry swinging vixen.

  Did he notice you?

  What do you think?

  She was drunk and immaculately confident.

  He’ll probably ask you to elope with him in the morning.

  I’ll be dead by then baby.

  The smile spread across her face like a flash-flood. Leveled me like it would a small town. She fumbled for the keys for a week and then finally we got our asses in there. I took a jolt before entering. A thorough crowd pleaser. I ain’t gonna lie to you, I was goddamned relieved. Loverboy would have been watching our every move till then. Her body and mine too, seething green from heart to gills. Choking down the frothing and pathetic wrath. I made sure the curtains were sealed and shut. Lifted and placed the case flat on the table just a few feet over. Unzipped and put my surgical gloves on. I locked the door behind us. Checked it with a rattling shake. Evie snatched the bottle from me and took a hit. It rocked her some and she coughed a little then handed it back. It was a shitty room, but not the shittiest I’d seen. It had that faint reek of desperation and blood, of robust sex and torrid beatings. Just dire enough to be murdered in. Just enough yuck to make it just the damn place. Evie came up to me hot and drunk and spoke right there with her bourbon vanilla filtered breath in my face. I watched her lips say every word boy. It took me more than everything I had not kiss her.

  You really think I look good Jack?

  We’ve been over this haven’t we?

  She bit her bottom lip hard and stared the same at my mug with those playful lit up eyes. The things I coulda done to her I tell ya. The good and evil of it. She tossed her hair with her hands and walked away and over to the refrigerator. Took out some wine and drank from the bottle. Sweet mother of the Lord God help me. She was the centre of inebriated universe.

  What do we do now?

  We violently murder you baby…pour some wine in that glass over there and get your lipstick and fingerprints all over it. They’ll eat that up I tells ya.

  She did like I said and emptied the wine from the bottle into the glass then sat on the bed in a luscious intoxicated crash that let her skirt ride up her legs even further than was already the breathtaking case. She spilled wine all over herself and the bed and then tussled her hair again with her non-drinking hand, the left one, which propped her there when done like a siren waiting for me and my death on the rocks. Sexier than all hell could be I swear. Her underwear showing up between the shining skin of her god sent thighs now and I took a deep, deep breath and held it long as I could.

  When you’re done with it place it just there on the bedside table.

  I went and picked up the empty wine bottle she’d just tossed on the soiled carpet by the bed and walked into the bathroom. I dropped it in the tub and let it smash. Joint had to be roughed up some to seem like a war broke out didn’t it. I caught myself in the mirror and ignored the fucking reflection. When I came back out Evie was laid on the bed like a present waiting to be unwrapped. I could see she was wearing a thong because the cheeks of her ass were squeezed together under those thighs and the light was there and reflecting off of 'em. She wanted me to see it. Flossed between her delicious fleshes and fanning out and over the Promised Land. I went about knocking some stuff over adding to the scene we were creating. I had to look away you see, otherwise things were gonna get all kinds of messy.

  There’d be a struggle Evie.

  She rose from the bed in a feverish spring and fronted me. Made eyes at me that meant smoking serious business from less than half a metre away.


  Then she went back over to the table beside it and knocked back the rest of the wine, placing the glass down and ready to be examined like I’d asked her to.

  Would I have my clothes on Jack?

  No. Your attacker would tear those off.

  She was daring me to play the game. The girl was a live wire. Remember I was kitted up so as to not leave a trace. Covered from head to toe. Gloves on for prints. Hat and hood to stop any hair getting out. My shoes two sizes too big. It was a ridiculous risk to start mucking about with her. I went over and pocketed the knife from the case and she followed. When I turned she was right there. Gazing up at me all sublime and expectant. I grabbed at her and she shrugged me off smiling. I went after her a few steps and she did it again. I smile
d now and she kept at hers. She taunted me raising her eyebrows and rearing those perfect teeth. Asking wordlessly if I had what it took to show her what was what. Now I wanted her badly. I had an erection like an iron bar and my heart was throwing haymakers against my ribs. I was gonna split this beautiful bitch apart.

  Would I have my dress on Jack?

  I faked her out and she flinched and then I made a grab just after and it stuck. I pulled her over to me roughly with the top of the dress, the part of it where her breasts were. I yanked tough and toward to me and one wondrous orb shot out. She struggled wildly awhile, but I took her by the throat and she gave up pretty quickly. I gave another yank and let the other marvel out of captivity. They were outsized for her stature and shaped superbly to fit. Sitting there heavy like a sculpture’s finest hour. There was no visible nipple, instead just a large puffy caramel pink colouration.

  I stared her over a good while.

  Up and down and ending with my eyes in hers.

  I let go of her throat and held those breasts in my gloved hands and she didn’t move an inch. I could hear her breathing. Could smell her sweating. I made an incision into the material with the knife. She giggled and I threw her on the bed and it became an entire laugh. I tore at the dress a few times with both hands and she got thrown about some but it gave enough for me to wrench it down and off her. She was on her knees in a flash, ass up, feet just off the bed. Sunrise over the fucking hills on a night you’d thought you’d never wake from. While she was face down and still amused I tore that thong off too. Took two strong heaves and the silk gave up in a twanging fray and all that was left was Evie, the bed and her heels somehow still on her pretty little feet. The long awaited visual experience of the coarse covered silken reward, and the comfort and elation and mysticism that it could bring.

  For the briefest moment she shot a look back over her shoulder. It had so much fizz on it that I could hear it effervesce. She rolled over naked and smiling and free. No man on this planet wouldn’t’a taken a long sobering look at that accomplishment between her legs. I looked for all men and almost went blind with the burden. She had a petite trimmed woodland going on down there. Substantial yet manicured. Took me everything I had believe me.

  What now Jack?

  Why I fuck you senseless Evie. I do it to you so as you’ll never ever forget.

  I held my tongue though. Choked on the words and tasted the bile in my mouth. I was all acid and spleen. It was taking me more than I thought I had 'cause it was what she meant and I could still somehow ignore it. Some girls just love it when they’ve been drinking and thrown around some. Usually I’m the first to put my hand up but tonight I figure it for later on, I figure I have to. I promise myself there will be a later on. There has to be. But now son don’t falter, don’t mess up like every other jackass would. You don’t wanna be forcedly accepting it in the butt doing time on account of her divine breasts and ass and mouth and pussy. No sir that ain’t a part of the fucking plan. I held the dress up and carefully put the knife through the front of it three times. Just shallow shaky jabs. I was very careful not to pierce the back of the material. It wasn’t amateur hour my friends.

  Well now that I’ve brutally stabbed you, we gotta get some blood to make it look legit.

  The needles?

  Yeah baby, the needles…

  I went over and got the syringes and a pull-tie. Knocked all the shit off the desk on my way and then pulled the top drawer out and emptied the contents in the same place. The Bible tumbled floorward and stood out in this place of debauch and sin like a hard-on does at the beach, but yeah you bet your ass the show rolled on.

  When I came back Evie was sitting up on edge of the bed with her legs crossed and breasts ablaze with beauty. She knew this was coming and had said it didn’t bother her at all. She tied-off by wrapping the pull-tie just above her elbow with her opposite hand. I tapped the vein up and out for her. I hit it first go and pulled back filling the sucker. We repeated the dose on the other arm and I missed the first time but struck red the second. Girl didn’t flinch, if anything she seemed fascinated watching the procedure. I had some experience with injecting shit but that’s a whole other shipment of bullshit. They were 30ml horse syringes. Fuck knew where Chenko scored them. I knew losing that much blood wasn’t really gonna do a thing to her. Maybe make her more drunk. I made her drink a bunch of water straight afterward. I carefully knocked the needle off the first one and then sprayed a jet of blood against the wall and bed-head. Then I made a few large drops on the bed, a few on the carpet and put some on each hole in the shredded dress. With the second one I made a one large pool on the floor by the bed and then ran the rest down the wall. I got Evie to plant her hand in that one. Leaving a nice big palm mark and partial fingerprint.

  The shattered glass of a thousand images of Lexy bled out and dead tried its best to injure me but something warded that dizzying nightmare off, letting it only shriek at me from a distance and sit like a settled poison way down in my gut perhaps waiting to strike me down with menace later. It could have been the gravity of the situation. Could have been I was growing in resolve and strength, or maybe Lexy’s grip on me was fading. But it wasn’t any of those, nah, it was Evie, I knew it was. She fired something in me. Something like Lexy did. Lust and love and that other inexplicable whatever it is.

  Oh yeah, she made me forget that I wanted to die.

  While she washed her hands and stopped the blood I collected all the syringe parts and bagged them into a one of the case pockets. Then I got the condom full of semen out the ice-cup. I had to go back for a needle to prick the end of it. Evie watched as I shot it out onto the on the bed in a spot near about where it would have leached from her beaten dying body.

  I always wondered what it would be like to die all vicious and trampled like a fucked-up junky whore.

  What a girl!

  Get dressed Evie.

  She gave me an offended stifling stare and nodded. Put on a pair denim cut-offs and a t-shirt. No underwear at all. A pair of pink flip-flops.

  I connected the pull-tie that was out and another I got from the bag and then cut them apart roughly with the knife. Then I rubbed them in blood and kicked them under the bed. I threw some bleach in the bathroom for a clean-up attempt effect and splashed some about the room and then looped some duck tape together, stretched it and then cut it loose. What I was going for was this: he’d hit her, bound her, fucked her, stabbed her, unbound her, cleaned up, bleached the evidence, taped her up, fucked it up the first go, did it again, then took the body with him. I grabbed her hand bag and flung it against the wall spilling the contents all over the place. She understood everything but what she was wearing wasn’t gonna leave the room.

  Time to play dead Evie.

  I put the case on the floor. Put the contents on the flipped open lid of it and then looked over at her.

  How long do I have to be in there?

  I’ll unzip it some when I put it in the boot and you can get out and climb through onto the back seat.

  How long?

  Ten minutes at least.

  I hadn’t measured it but I was pretty sure she’d fit. She stood in it a moment and then went to work making it so. Knees up, elbows in and head down. It was cramped even though she was small and she looked up at me with that dog to its owner expression that said under hot breath you motherfucker.

  I fit the other items about her and told her to be careful or she’d have ice down her top. I smiled and zipped it up. I did a quick but systematic once over of the joint. She called out a couple of times but I ignored it. I was looking for hair mostly. My hat and hood were still sitting tight but it didn’t hurt to have method. What I realised mostly was how much I needed a drink. And how much I wanted Evie. I was planning on ripping the clothes she had on off too. I gave the bed a crude shove with my boot so as it looked like a brawl had occurred on it and then went and heaved the case up and made my way.

  I didn’t look once toward loverb
oy’s locale and loaded that case in the boot with one swift scoop then unzipped it enough for her to escape from.


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