Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series)

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Sapphire Universe (The Universe Series) Page 24

by Herrera, Devon

  “You fucking bitch.” She grabs my hand and holds it up to her face. “Couldn’t call and tell your best friend you’re engaged?”

  “I wanted to tell you in person. It was so perfect Lo you should have seen it! He had a trail of mugs filled with cider leading to a bus like the one we met on in our front yard.” I say beaming at her.

  Lo smiles at me and it changes her entire face. That’s how I know she really cares about me. She could be having the worst day of her life but still be truly happy for me. “Sapphire huh? Well it’s absolutely gorgeous. I’m so happy for you Nina really I am. God, I can’t believe you came here to tell me you’re getting engaged and I start giving you a sob story about my screwed up nonexistent love life. It's no wonder Drake can’t be with me. I’m a basket case!”

  I shake my head at her and grab her hand. “Drake has feelings for you Lo I could see it when he looked at you. Sometimes there are things that hold us back that go so deep you don’t know how to get past it. Trust me I know better than anyone.”

  Lo smiles weakly at me. “I’m not so sure Nins and I have no idea how to fix what I don’t understand. Just the thought of not seeing him ever again makes me sick to my stomach.”

  “Don’t worry. It will work itself out. I doubt he will able to stay away from you for long. He’s probably just as eaten up about it as you are.”

  “I hope your right Nins.”

  “That reminds me.” I scoot a little bit closer to her and look her dead in the eye. “I told you so bitch! BOOM! That just happened.” That gets her laughing and I laugh along with her. “Oh and by the way you have some work to do. I’m going to have a wedding in three months and the maid of honor is always the one that gets stuck with all the work.” Lo jumps off the couch and starts squealing then immediately gets out her notebook and starts writing down lists.

  I love that I made her happy but I wish I could do more to help her. I think about Nick and Toni and Lo and Drake and it makes me so grateful that Connor and I have made it past the hard times and made it out together. I send a pleading message out into the Universe to work its magic on all my friends so that they may also find the happiness I was blessed with.

  When I get home I see that Connor is cleaning out the extra room in the house. “Hey baby what are you doing?” I call out to him and make my way around all the bags and boxes filled with random things. I get into the room and see that inside is just a small daybed and Connor is covering it with a plastic tarp.

  “Hey Princess. I thought this room would be the best for the baby, since it’s close to our room and the second biggest. We have room for a crib and a rocking chair and we can leave the daybed in here for when he or she gets too big for a crib and then when they get older they can share a room until we can get another one built.”

  “Connor what do you mean they?” I ask him and he smiles widely at me.

  “I mean the other children we have. I won’t be satisfied with just one. I want children with you Princess. I want a family and I don’t want any daughter or son of ours to grow up alone.”

  My eyes tear up at his words and I grab his hand. “Well it sounds like we will be needing more stuff for this room. Let’s go hit up the store.” Connor picks me up in his arms and starts to carry me through the house. “Baby I can walk, I’m not that far along yet.” I say but wrap my arms around him anyway.

  Connor kisses me lightly on the lips and sets me in the car. “When are you going to get it? I will always carry you Princess.” He smiles at me and starts the car. “Not everyone can say they have held their entire Universe in their arms.” He says stealing my reference to him.

  I reach for his hand and turn up the music. I smile when a familiar song starts to play through the speakers and sing along with Tesla. When the chorus starts Connor squeezes my hand and sings along with me. “Love will find a way.” I look out the window and revel in the feeling of utter contentment. I’m not worried about what is going on around me and what the day will bring because I know that the Universe has a plan and if we trust it and listen closely, we will all find our way.

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  Four years later

  Connor and I are walking out of the hospital from my appointment confirming I was carrying our second child. When we get in the elevator Connor reaches over and puts his hand on my stomach.

  “How are you feeling Princess?” I had been horribly nauseous for two weeks and it was only getting worse.

  “I’m doing alright, but we should probably stop at the pharmacy and get something.” My daughter tugs on my shirt so I look down into her shining emerald eyes and smile. “Yes Charlie?” After we found out we were having a girl Connor said that he always loved the name Charlotte so we decided to go with Charlotte Patricia. We both call her Charlie and it always reminds me of when Connor was guessing my name back on the bus five years ago. Charlotte had my green eyes but Connor’s blond hair. It was long and curly and she looked like a little angel. My little angel.

  “Can we go to da gift shop befow we weave da hospito momma?” She asks in her adorable little voice. Unfortunately for her, my daughter has inherited my gracefulness or lack thereof and broke her arm last year. She refused to leave the hospital until visiting the gift shop after every one of her checkups.

  “Sure you can. I’ll go get mommy some medicine and she can take you into the shop.” Connor says brushing the hair off Charlie’s forehead. Connor was a wonderful father and was totally wrapped around her little finger. The day I had her he cried when he held her for the first time and woke up to feed her every night for the first six months of her life. He told me it was his time with her and that I needed to stop being a baby hog and share.

  I smile at my husband and he leans over and kisses my temple and slyly squeezes my rear making me giggle at him. I love that our passion hasn’t died down since getting married and having a baby and Connor makes it more than clear every day that I am enough for him. Having Charlie has changed my body and I am still having issues with it. My hips are fuller and I have stretch marks that feel like stripes and make me want to throw away all of my bikinis. The first time I saw my ass in the mirror when I was nine months pregnant I burst into tears. Connor found me like that and told me that they were just my battle scars and he loved every single one because it meant my body was adjusting to give his daughter room to grow. I still don’t wear shorts, but I love him for saying it.

  I hold Charlie’s hand as we walk to the shop and I look around at some of the locally made jewelry they had displayed while Charlie heads straight for the stuffed animals. I’m eyeing some earrings when I feel another tug on my t shirt. I turn toward my daughter who holds up a little stuffed bear wearing a blue shirt. “Momma can I have dis beaw! It’s so soft and it has bwoo and bwoo is my favowit colo. Pwease I’ll cween my woom when I get home and eat all my bwoccowi at dinner I pwomise. PWEASE!”

  I giggle at her dramatics and nod. “Sure little angel. Give it to me so I can pay for it and then we will go find daddy.” She hands me the bear and when I turn it around I see that there is a message on the front of the bear’s blue t shirt. I shake my head and send a word of thanks to the Universe for yet another heads up.

  It’s a boy!

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  Connor Wright

  “What the hell am I doing?” I curse at my reflection in the mirror of the public restroom at the mall. I can’t believe I just walked out on her like that. And for what? Because she asked for some alone time? God I’m a jackass. I’ll just have to suck it up and call her. Maybe I could bring her some cider. That would probably at least get me in the door. Yea I will definitely have to bring her some cider and maybe some chocolate.

  That thought reminds me of the morning I brought her a chocolate doughnut. Just thinking about the purring and humming noises she made while eating it makes my jeans fit a little tighter. I splash some cold water on my face to calm myself down. My stomach growls and I figure it’s time I stopp
ed moping and got something to eat. Maybe if I get some food in me before calling Nina I won’t make such an ass out of myself.

  On the way to the food court I see a man standing outside of a jewelry store handing out catalogs. For some reason my legs carry me over to him and before I can think twice about it, I’m thumbing through the small magazine in front of the shop. I scan the pages and pages of diamond necklaces and rings and wonder once again what the hell I’m doing. I don’t have anyone to buy jewelry for. Of course my treacherous mind switches to the Nina Ryan channel and I snort at the ridiculous notion. The woman can’t stand to spend more than five days at a time with me. There is no way I could get away with buying her jewelry.

  I’m just about to close it when splashes of green and blue catch my eye. I open the page to a Sapphire and Emerald bracelet and smile a little to myself and touch one of the emeralds in the picture. Nina’s eyes are exactly this color. My mother used to tell me all the time that I had sapphire eyes and I can’t help but love the idea of Nina and I being represented together in a piece of jewelry. I don’t really believe in signs or fate or anything like that. I make my own decisions. Still, that’s not going to stop me from using whatever proof that the Universe wants to throw my way that Nina is supposed to be mine to my advantage. I scan the page and below the bracelet is an article on the history of Sapphires and Emeralds and what they represent. The title says, “Give her everything you feel.” I read the few short sentences and even though I’ll probably look like an ass, I’ve made my decision. This bracelet only belongs one place.

  After paying for the item I stick to my plan of dinner and groveling. I’m a few feet in front of the entrance to the food court when my I see her. Nina is standing in front of the Subway and my eyes drink her in like a glass of the finest liquor. A frown inhabits my face when I notice the difference in her. She is slightly hunched over and her eyes are wide and her hands are shaking. I’m so focused on her that it takes me a minute to see the man that is walking up behind her. He grabs Nina’s arm from behind and the way she visibly flinches makes me see red. I start to walk toward them when I see a bit of the fire I love so much play out on Nina’s face.

  I stop myself from going any further so that I can watch her. I know she is an independent person and would want to take care of herself, but mostly I just want to see how she reacts to another man. Her chin is up and her eyes narrow causing a small smile to play on my lips. I can tell by the way he is standing and looking around to make sure he has everyone’s attention that he’s an asshole.

  “You didn’t seem to think I was so disgusting when I fucked you nine years ago. If I remember right I popped your cherry too.” What the fuck?! The asshole seals his fate when he dares to speak to her that way in my presence. My vision turns red for a second time, I swear smoke comes out my ears and I stalk toward the spot where my girl is being accosted. He doesn’t even see me coming. All the beautiful fire has left Nina’s eyes and she looks like she wants to crawl under one of the tables. This just enrages me further so when I put my hand on her shoulder I have to force myself to be gentle.

  She freezes the second I come in contact with her, but as if she senses me, she visibly relaxes and slowly turns to face me. “Connor what are you doing here?” I look down into the large sparkling emeralds set in the face that constantly occupies my thoughts and the relief and joy I see in them makes me feel a thousand feet tall. This jerk is going down.

  “I’m doing some Christmas shopping. I saw you over here and it looked like you needed some help.” I look down at her and break from the daggers I’ve been shooting at the man and see something like disappointment cross her face. Before I can say something to get rid of her doubts, whatever they are, Assface interrupts me. He might as well be digging his own grave.

  “Still have to have other people fight your battles for you, huh Nina. Though, it’s usually Lola standing up to everyone for you. She doesn’t usually go for dudes if you know what I mean, so don‘t plan on being rewarded for your intervention.” His cocky voice forces my gaze away from Nina and on to him. This guy must be extremely oblivious not to notice that I’m two seconds away from killing him in front of all the people he is trying so hard to impress. I step toward him and put my hand on his shoulder in a non-threatening move so that he doesn’t attempt to escape or try anything that will cause a scene.

  Once I’ve gotten my grip I press down hard on the pressure point that I know from experience can cause some serious pain and make a grown man pass out. By the look on the asshole’s face, he knows I have him by the balls. So to speak. Good I have your attention.

  “I don’t know your history with Nina and quite frankly, I don’t give two shits. What I do care about however, is that a grown ass man is standing in a public place speaking to a woman he obviously knows as if she were the dirt on his shoe.” My own words piss me off remembering Nina’s defensive posture and I squeeze the bastard tighter, making his knees buckle. “I take the things I care about very seriously and as you can see, I can make my point excruciatingly clear without so much as breaking a sweat. So if I were you I’d run along while you have a little dignity left.” I don’t change my expression or raise my voice so as not to scare Nina. I could care less about anyone else in this damn building. I do, however squeeze harder. He won’t be able to lift his arm right for another week after this. A constant reminder of the consequences for disrespecting my girl.

  He reaches up, probably more out of a pain reflex than to actually try to do anything and makes some weak attempt to hold his composure. Just like a high school bully, apply a little pressure and they cave like the cowards they are. I nod once at him to let him know this is the only warning and the last chance he will ever have where Nina is concerned. He glances briefly in her direction and limps off.

  I turn back around and Nina is staring at me. Her green eyes are warm and there is only one thing I care about in this moment. “You okay Nina?” She reaches out and places her small hand in mine and it takes all my will power not to crush her soft body to mine and carry her away from this place.

  “I am now.” Is her answer and it makes the ice in my veins melt and fire spread to my heart. I’m starting to learn that everything about Nina is warm. Despite her cold demeanor when I first met her, she burns at a high temperature most of the time and I’ll be damned if it doesn’t heat me up as well. I follow her into a Subway and order the first thing on the menu. Food no longer is of importance, I probably won’t even taste it anyway. “Thank you for that. Ricky is an old boyfriend that never could take a hint.” So the asshole has a name. I replay her words and something about them seems off. I feel like I should be reading between the lines but she is waiting for me to respond so I just talk out of my ass. As usual.

  “I could tell you had a past with him. Is that all it was? Just a bad breakup?” At least I asked the important questions this time. Nina’s eyes get cloudy and ever so slightly, she shakes her head. The fear and hatred in her eyes makes me wish I did more than embarrass and mildly injure her ex. I feel murderous. She looks down at the table cutting me off from her expressive eyes and it brings me back to the here and now. Nina is what’s important. I can deal with Ricky later. And I will. “Do you want to tell me about it?” I can see that she doesn’t so I tell her that it’s okay. Everything with us will be her choice. I sense a need for her to be in control. I’m not sure why, but something about her screams at me to be patient.

  She finally looks up at me teary eyed and starts to apologize. I want to kick myself for being such a jackass but the only thing I can do is let her know that I’m willing to wait. That we can go at her pace and I won’t freak out on her the next time she needs some space. It will still probably suck just as bad, but she’s worth it.

  She smiles at me and I know I’m on the right track. As I’m staring into my girl’s eyes holding a bag with the bracelet I bought for her minutes ago and wishing I could hold her in my arms where she belongs, I utter the biggest lie of
my life. But I do it for her. “Friends?” I offer, even though it’s not even close to what she means to me. She looks at my hand and when her finger tips come in contact with mine, I smile. She may repeat my declaration with no deception in her voice, but her touch doesn’t lie.

  The End.

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  First of all, I want to say thank you to everyone who gave this book a chance. I hope you loved it. I have read hundreds of romance novels in the last few years and have fallen absolutely in love with this genre. Pun intended. After some reflecting, I realized just how involved I would become when reading. How I would look at the characters and their lives and how their stories would literally make me laugh out loud or cry. I’d find myself making up stories in my head and creating characters based on some of the people I’ve met and the things I’ve experienced or been inspired by. Who doesn’t have dreams of creating something incredible, something other people will love and enjoy? Reaching for those dreams is the difficult part and being an average woman from Wyoming doesn’t make it any easier. I’ve never done anything the easy way, so it didn’t take long to decide that I had to write my own book and bring some of these characters to life, just to prove to myself that I could.

  Sapphire Universe was written on a whim and it was the most amazing spontaneous decision I have ever made. I literally just sat down and started writing. I kept it a dirty little secret for a few weeks, but after getting several chapters into their story, I couldn’t keep Nina and Connor to myself any longer. I can’t tell you how wonderful it was to have all my friends and family back me up 100 percent. If I learned anything in this process, it’s that the support of your loved ones is vital. Putting something you put your heart and soul into out there for the public to judge is a scary thing. My advice to anyone wanting to jump on this train? Go for it. Put a little faith in yourself and the people in your life and just do it. You never gain big without risking big. Sound familiar? Well it’s not just a line from my book, it’s the unvarnished truth.


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