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Conventions of War

Page 51

by Walter Jon Williams

  Nothing could have served to make the new governor less popular with her citizens.

  That would be a useful lesson, Sula thought. If she had the time and energy, she could teach Lady Trani quite a lot with lessons like these, and very possibly Trani would find herself seeing Sula’s point of view.

  But she didn’t have the time, and she certainly didn’t have the energy. The lesson, therefore, would have to be for the benefit of someone else.

  As the meeting broke up, Sula found herself walking next to Julien. “You’ll take care of this, won’t you?” she said.

  Julien gave her a cold little smile. “Leave it to me,” he said.

  “My lord,” Sula sent to Tork, “your new governor lasted all of two days before she got herself killed in a riot. Exactly what happened is a little vague at this point, but it appears that during the course of a public address, she saw fit to threaten the crowd—told them that if any of them had ever cooperated with Naxids, they were going to be punished. It was the wrong sort of crowd to threaten, I’m afraid.”

  She looked into the camera pickup and suppressed her instinct to shrug.

  “I will of course launch a thorough investigation. The official video record of the proceedings seems to have been destroyed, but maybe something will turn up.”

  She had returned to the office of the commander of the Home Fleet, with its magnificent view of the Lower Town. Techs were in the process of changing the passwords to all the computer files. The ju yao pot was back in its place on her desk.

  “I have been reviewing your correspondence with Lady Trani,” Sula said, “and I have come to agree with you that the task of military governor is unsuitable to someone with the permanent rank of lieutenant.”

  She couldn’t quite hide the smile that she felt twitching at the corners of her mouth.

  “I believe I should like to be promoted Captain, at least,” she said. “I’m going to need all the advantages of rank in dealing with this situation. The people here have overthrown two governments that didn’t suit them, and I don’t want them to get into the habit.”

  Not unless it suits me as well, she thought.

  After concluding her message, with the little threat at the tail like the sting of a scorpion, Sula reached for the cup of tea that waited on the desk and turned her swivel chair to view the Lower Town below. The scent of cardamom rose from the tea, and she’d sweetened it with condensed milk, just as she liked it.

  Not caring helps, she thought. She could bet everything on a single throw of the dice because the results didn’t matter to her.

  Perhaps she’d be accused of conspiring to murder Lady Trani.

  Perhaps Lady Trani was but the first governor of Zanshaa she’d have to kill.

  Perhaps she’d even be promoted to Captain. She was open to that sort of surprise.

  Tork showed that he’d learned Sula’s lesson, and promoted her to Captain, though he couldn’t bring himself to do it in person—the message came from a staff officer. Sula sent to her tailor for new uniforms.

  Her mastery of the Records Office computers proved a bonus. Fictional killers were created, their names proclaimed to the public at large, and police sent after them.

  She decided to keep the back door into the Records Office after her term as governor ended. It was proving too useful.

  She now was surprised to discover the existence of another loyalist force that had remained behind, one that she’d never guessed at.

  There were small stay-behind intelligence teams in the fragments of Zanshaa’s demolished ring, floating weightless for months, listening to electronic communications and forwarding it to the Convocation and the Fleet, relaying it through stealthy, uncharted satellites placed on the far sides of the wormholes. Sula surmised that they must have been providing Lord Tork with very detailed knowledge of the Naxid Fleet throughout the enemy occupation of Zanshaa.

  The teams asked Sula for relief. She wanted to oblige—particularly since the highest-ranking of them was a warrant officer and there was no danger of them trying to supplant her—but the only way she had of relieving them was to pick them up with shuttles, and since the only shuttles she had on the planet were configured for Naxid crews, she had to tell them to wait.

  Perhaps, she thought, she’d overestimated Lady Trani. She hadn’t been reporting behind her back to Lord Tork, it had been the intelligence teams on the ring.

  Two days after Lady Trani’s death, as frozen sleet pounded the High City, regular communication was opened between the empire and Zanshaa. Another wave of Tork’s commandos had been launched at the relay stations, and this time there was no Naxid fleet to vaporize them.

  After months of silence, massive amounts of information began to flood into Zanshaa. Messages, held in some remote electronic buffers for ages, now poured into the private files of Zanshaa’s citizens: information about relatives and loved ones, births and deaths, money and markets. The capital went mad with rejoicing.

  Sula received very little personal mail. A kind note from Lord Durward Li, a former client of the Sula clan whose son, Sula’s captain, had died at Magaria. A formal change of address notice from Morgen, who had been the senior surviving lieutenant of the Delhi, and who had been promoted to Lieutenant Captain.

  Two queries from Lady Terza Chen, Martinez’s wife, asking where she was and how she was faring. Terza also happened to mention that she was pregnant with Martinez’s child.

  Hatred exploded in Sula’s breast. She erased the messages and hoped that, through some kind of sympathetic magic, Terza would be erased along with them.

  Among the news items was the information that the Convocation had appointed a new governor of Zanshaa, Lord Eldey, who had been in transit from Laredo to Zanshaa for nearly two months and would arrive in something like twenty days. Sula checked the capital’s copious data banks and found that the head of the Eldey clan was a sixty-one-year-old Torminel and had chaired the Power, Antimatter, and Ring Committee in the Convocation. Between that connection to extraplanetary matters and a nephew who was a captain in the Fleet, perhaps he would have a more sympathetic view of an upstart young officer than someone like Tork.

  It seemed worth a try anyway. Sula sent him a complete report of the state of Zanshaa, along with a brief history of her activities and those of the secret army. She also enclosed advice on how to treat the army and the various interests that it represented.

  The report, minus the advice, also went to the Convocation and to the Fleet Control Board. She wanted them to see her own words and her own achievements without being filtered through Tork.

  To her immense surprise, a reply came from Eldey two days later. The camera showed him in an elaborate acceleration couch, brown leather and silver mountings, and he was dressed informally, in the simple vest that Torminel often wore to keep from overheating in their fur. His voice was very soft, with a bit of a hesitation. His fur was thinning with age. He looked like a slightly worn, much beloved stuffed toy.

  “I take your point in regard to the army,” he said, “and I quite agree with your solutions. I will confirm all amnesties and awards under my own authority. I think you have done an extraordinary thing, and I will recommend to the Fleet Control Board that you be decorated. I can’t help but think you have a remarkable career ahead of you.”

  This might have been flattery mixed with a careful politician’s appreciation of the possibilities for his own survival—perhaps he meant none of it at all—but at least the words were the right ones. Sula began to think the Convocation might have made a good choice.

  If she’d known a few days earlier that someone like Eldey was on his way, perhaps Lady Trani wouldn’t have died. Perhaps the planet could have endured Trani’s presence for twenty-odd days.

  On the scale of Sula’s regrets, however, Trani’s fate didn’t rate very high.

  Since it appeared she wasn’t about to be killed on orders of higher authority, she began to consider her own future. She went to a pharmacy, donat
ed a drop of blood, and had her genetic code read. Then, with the nonchalance she was developing as an absolute ruler, she marched into the Peers’ Gene Bank, an ornate building of brown stone squeezed between two government offices, and asked for a tour. A flustered Lai-own clerk showed her how the genetic records of every Peer on Zanshaa were collected when that Peer applied for a marriage license, and how these were recorded in the gene banks that went back to the founding of the empire. She showed Sula how the scanned genetic material would be compared for points of coincidence to determine ancestry, if there were ever a question about a given person’s genetic heritage.

  “Is there a backup?” Sula asked.

  “Yes. In the safe downstairs.”

  Sula tried to suppress her amusement. The priceless genetic record of the Peerage and its only copy were kept in the same building, and could be subjected to the same accidents, a fact that revealed a confidence that the High City, and the empire, would stand forever.

  “Let me see the backup,” Sula said.

  The clerk took her to a room in the basement and opened the safe. Sula had pictured a small, perhaps antique safe, but in fact the safe was huge and magnificent, all gleaming, polished metal. She watched her distorted reflection ooze across the door as it swung open. She and the clerk stepped inside. The interior of the safe smelled faintly of lubricating oil.

  The data store, and its operation, were identical to those of the primary computer on the ground floor.

  “Show me how it works,” Sula said.

  The clerk obeyed.

  “Very good,” Sula said. “Now clear out.”

  The clerk stared at her with wide golden eyes. “My lady?”

  “Leave. Take an early lunch, and take everyone else with you. I need to extract genetic information on some wanted Naxid fugitives, murderous officials who are escaping punishment for their crimes.”

  The clerk’s muzzle dropped open in shock. “My lady. We can do that for you.”

  “No, you can’t. I can’t allow you to know their names. It’s a military secret.”

  “But my lady—”

  “You know,” Sula said, “I could save a lot of money for the administration just by shutting this place down. It’s not like any Peers have been getting married lately.”

  There was a scurrying for overcoats and hats, and the clerks fled into the slate-gray winter day. Sula locked the front door and sat at the control station. After a pause to savor the moment, she deleted all Caro Sula’s ancestors going back some 3,500 years, replaced them all with herself, then shut down the terminal.

  She did the same for the backup.

  Perhaps, she thought, that would finally put Caro to rest.

  Sula and Lord Eldey developed a cordial relationship in the days that followed their first exchange. He confirmed all her appointments, her amnesties, and recommended to the Fleet Control Board that they confirm the awards she had given to the army. She told him of the shortages Zanshaa was experiencing in antimatter for power generation, and he told her that the shortage had been anticipated and shipments of antihydrogen were on the way. She told him of the various conflicts that were appearing between loyalist factions that had stepped into power in various cities, and Eldey offered suggestions for handling them.

  “I have to compliment you on your firmness in dealing with the Naxids in charge of the food ration,” he added. “But you might have accomplished your task much easier by announcing a stiff tax on food, to go into effect in, say, six months.”

  Sula grinned. There really was a macroeconomic solution to the problem.

  “What truly surprises me is the Naxids,” Sula said. “They’ve been very quiet and cooperative, even the captives. I understand that the prisoners may be cooperating so we won’t go after their relatives, but there’s no way to tell if there’s some Naxid out there working from my playbook, and that any day we’re going to start seeing assassinations and bombings.”

  The answer, when it arrived a day later, startled her.

  “I think that after their defeat, the Naxids will become good and loyal citizens,” Eldey said. “When the revolt first happened, I couldn’t understand it—why would some of the most prominent people in the empire, Peers who already held vast amounts of wealth and power, risk so much?”

  He bobbed his venerable head. “I think the Naxids’ revolt should be read through their species psychology—they are pack animals, and will follow a clear leader. The Shaa were the head of the pack that was the empire, and when their replacement was a committee of equals, it must have made the Naxids uneasy. The situation was too ambiguous. They couldn’t be certain where they stood in relation to all the other members of the pack.

  “When the war is over, and it’s clear that the Naxids have been thoroughly beaten and are driven to the absolute bottom of our society, I think they will be content with that. Once they know for certain where they are in the hierarchy, they will be happier than they would be otherwise. They will excel in their particular niche.”

  Sula considered this through a haze of surprise, and decided that though the theory was interesting, she’d better continue to be ready for a Naxid counterattack. This thought occupied her sufficiently that Eldey’s next statement caught her unprepared.

  “What we should perhaps begin to concern ourselves with,” he said gently, “is sending the army back to their normal lives. I will welcome your suggestions.”

  Well, Sula thought, that was the crux of the matter, wasn’t it? Her own position on Zanshaa depended on the army, and the army was small, imperfectly trained and equipped, and already longing for their own beds. Someone like Lady Trani, a latecomer of little understanding and deserving no respect, could be dealt with. Tork, confined to running circles around the Zanshaa system and unable to unleash his formidable weaponry on his own capital, could be kept at arm’s length.

  Lord Eldey, intelligent and credible and with the authority of the Convocation and the empire behind him, was something else. Once he landed, Sula realized she became not simply redundant, but a potential embarrassment. What exactly could she do, in command of an army that was no longer needed? If she rebelled, who would it be against?

  For a moment she entertained the thought of returning to her underground life and becoming Bandit Queen of Zanshaa, but common sense reasserted itself before she developed this fantasy very far. It was a role without a future, and it could only bring jeopardy to people she cared about.

  There were many roles available to her now, but the only plausible one was that of Captain Sula, a high-ranking Peer of the empire. At least she’d wangled command rank out of Tork—it would have been difficult to be reduced in rank to Lieutenant after so absolutely ruling an entire planet.

  Besides, the only thing she was absolutely good at—besides being unlucky with men—was killing things.

  Time to threaten Tork again, she thought.

  She sent the message in text rather than video because she didn’t want Tork to see the smirk on her face:

  Lord Commander, I am pleased to report to your excellency that within a few days I will welcome Lord Eldey to his new posting in Zanshaa High City. As my presence in the city afterward may prove at best a distraction and at worst a focus of discontent, I should like to request an immediate posting. As I desire nothing so much as to once more lead loyal citizens into action against the Naxids, I request command of a warship in the Righteous and Orthodox Fleet of Vengeance.

  It wasn’t quite Give me a job or we’ll have civil war, but it would do.

  She copied the message to Eldey and to the Fleet Control Board, and made certain this was plainly indicated on the message before she ordered it coded and sent. That way Tork couldn’t order her to a remote posting on Harzapid or into the Hone Reach without the others noticing.

  What remained now, alas, was to tell the army.

  She told her friends first, in a dinner in the eight-hundred-year-old New Bridge restaurant. She had once been part of a drunken celebratio
n there, rejoicing at Jeremy Foote’s promotion to lieutenant, and had topped her evening by threatening to set one of Foote’s friends on fire.

  The current setting was a lot more sedate. She had rented one of the private dining rooms upstairs, with ancient roof-beams of a deep amber gold, a fireplace of soot-scarred red brick, and a balcony with a wrought-iron rail topped by polished bronze. Thick snowflakes, so heavy and majestic they might have been created by a firm specializing in high-quality atmospheric effects, fell in silent grandeur outside, building a rich, cold carpet on the balcony.

  Logs crackled and roared in the fireplace. An antique spring-loaded mechanism, with chains and cogs of black iron, roasted a Hone-bar phoenix on the slowly rotating spit. The odors of cooking filled the room. Patel and Julien drank hot toddies from a punch bowl placed on a heavy wooden table, and Sula had tea sweetened with cane sugar.

  “I should make the rounds of the guard posts before I turn in,” Julien said. “A night like this, the guards are probably all hiding indoors.”

  Sula smiled. Julien was turning into a martinet, and his newfound rigor saved her a good deal of disciplinary work.

  “Eldey,” Sula said, “suggested we should begin to think about disbanding the army.”

  Julien gave a contemptuous laugh. “What does Eldey have to say about it? He’s one of those that ran and left us here with the Naxids.”

  Patel, however, was looking carefully at Sula. “You’re going to do it,” he said. “Aren’t you, princess?”

  “Yes. I’ve requested a posting with the Fleet.” And to Julien’s shocked look, she said, “Once they’re back—the real government—we become a danger to them. And we can’t beat them.”

  Julien flushed with anger, all but the thin white scars he’d received in the Naxid interrogation. “You’re giving up!” he said.

  “I’m getting on with fighting Naxids. That’s what I’m good at.” She looked at him. “We’ve got to quit while we’re ahead. Before we make too many enemies. Ask your father—he’ll agree.”


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