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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

Page 29

by R. E. Hargrave


  Late September found the international side of his business booming, so it’d been necessary for Jayden to travel to China. He’d been there for two weeks, handling account matters that needed his personal, face-to-face attention, while Erin stayed home, holding down the fort.

  In his absence, she was going to work during the day then trying to distract herself in the evenings once Matthew was down. They’d hired Kaitlyn, Katarina Svenson’s submissive, to come babysit Matthew while Erin was at work. She was lucky to have Paige swinging by to check on her and helping get a nursery sorted out for the boy. More than once, Erin had taken her friend’s offer to lay down for an early evening nap. Jillian hadn’t been kidding about a baby being draining, in particular on top of working a full-time schedule. However, she wouldn’t trade it for anything. Besides, between adopting Matthew and their decision to go forward with attempting to get pregnant, Jayden had convinced her to stop being stubborn and turn her notice in at work. They didn’t need her paycheck, but they did need her not to be exhausted.

  With the time difference, she hadn’t been able to talk to her lover every day. Jayden wanted her resting and storing up her energy for their reunion, not staying up until the middle of the night for a phone call.

  “Hello!” Her answer was breathless, since she’d run to the phone from the porch, where she’d been reading and enjoying a smoothie for dinner. Another hour and the temperature would begin descending, but it was a balmy seventy-three right then. A perfect fall evening.

  “Good evening, Catherine.” The firmness of his voice seeped through the phone like molasses and coated her skin, suggestive and arousing.

  She shuddered before replying, “Good evening, Master.”

  “How was your last day at work, sweet girl?” he inquired, becoming less formal.

  So he wants to chit-chat. Oh-kay. She rolled her eyes. Playtime sounded more fun.

  “Bittersweet, I guess.”

  “How so?”

  “I’d—” she started, but was cut off by his throat clearing. “Sorry,” Catherine whispered. “This girl had made some friends she’ll miss. But she is quite excited to be starting the next leg of our journey, Master.”

  “As am I, my jewel.” She heard his smile through the phone.

  Today had been the end of her two-week notice at work. Though she loved the job, she and Jayden wanted to focus on their family. The short time they’d shared with Matthew in the picture had solidified that decision. The baby’s addition had also taken all pressure off the couple. They wanted siblings for him, but knew if they weren’t able to have any of their own, they’d always have Matthew to love, and that would be enough.

  Dr. Ellison had discovered damage to Erin’s cervix early on in her relationship with Jayden. In all likelihood, the scarring was from Spencer’s improper use of the cane on her. Her doctor was concerned how far into term Erin would be able to carry a child before her cervix collapsed, triggering a premature delivery.

  Erin had an appointment in the morning so Holly could collect all the baseline information needed before they began the active attempt to conceive a baby. They’d left for Ireland under the assumption they’d be coming back to work on a first baby, not a sibling, but no matter. The road ahead was likely to be a long one, and the sooner they got started on it, the sooner there might be a brother or sister for Matthew. Once she got pregnant, cervical cerclage would be used to keep her cervix closed for the duration of the pregnancy. The good doctor had also hinted at extensive bed rest being a high probability. Oh, joy. Jillian had promised to be on hand if that happened though. They would need the help with Matthew.

  They’d scheduled the physical so Erin would have her test results and instructions by the time Jayden returned home from his business trip. Their collaring anniversary was coming up, too, meaning some special time with her Master was long overdue. Three weeks would’ve passed before they were reunited.

  “Just the thought of you all round, curvy, and glowing has my cock hard,” Jayden’s husky voice drew her from her wandering thoughts.

  “Oh, my.” She rubbed her thighs together, moaning softly so he’d hear what he was doing to her.

  “Have you missed your Master’s cock, my sweet slut?”

  “Aye, Master.” A tiny whimper slipped out.

  “Have you been a good girl and followed your Master’s orders, Catherine?”

  “Aye, Master. Your cailin maith has used the mock-cock each night you’ve been away to reach the edge of orgasm and then stop. She has not come.” She’s been too tired to, Catherine thought with wry amusement.

  “Very good, pet. You’ve earned a reward, then, I think.”

  The grin splitting her face was wide, but she kept her voice calm, “Thank you, Master.” How he’d arranged a reward for her from the other side of the world, she didn’t know. It was not her place to question, only to accept and enjoy.

  “In a moment, we’re going to hang up. You’ll use the bathroom, then go to the playroom and remove your clothes. I’ve left a laptop in there that I want you to boot up. Do not touch anything that is laid out without further instructions from me. I will see you on Skype in ten minutes.”

  “Aye, Master.” Her finger hovered over the ‘end’ button on the phone, eager as she was to begin, when he continued.

  “Oh, and Catherine?”


  “I love you. Don’t forget the baby monitor.” After some kissing noises, he disconnected the call before she could respond, and she smiled.

  Seven minutes later, Catherine crossed the threshold into the playroom clad in nothing but her satin robe. The submissive’s pulse picked up just being in the room. The dark colors, the strong smell of leather, images from her garden photo shoot on the wall—all reminders of the many times Master had awakened her senses and brought her to new heights.

  She placed her garment on the hook next to the door, set the monitor down on the entry table, and turned to the interior of the room. A table was set up at the foot of the king-sized bed with a laptop and a covered tray. Across the foot of the bed lay a polished board with a notched, plastic ring mounted in its center.

  Catherine fingered the edge of the cloth lying over the tray, wanting to lift the corner and take a peek before she turned on the computer. She knew better, though. Instead, she slipped between the table and the bed and flipped the on switch for the laptop. While it booted, she leaned against the mysterious board and noticed that if she sat on it, she’d be in direct view of the webcam.

  Before her mind could conjure images of what Master might’ve planned, Catherine shut it down. She was too keyed up from having been away from him for so long. Her nightly task had served to magnify that longing and need for him, and to say she hadn’t been sleeping well was an understatement. The sexual creature she was, she was too needy to lift that cloth and risk turning whatever he’d planned into a punishment, rather than the pleasure that was sure to be waiting for her. All she had to do was trust him and give her full submission to him.

  Taking her ritualistic deep breath, Catherine clicked the accept button on the webcam. It had been her full intention to lower her eyes to greet her Master when he came on the screen. However, she didn’t do it fast enough. The moment his brown eyes came into focus, Catherine was trapped in them.

  She stared for a few moments before his left eyebrow quirked up and the hint of a smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. “Feeling bold, Catherine?”

  Heat washed over her body from the sound of his voice, and her eyes widened at her own carelessness. She lowered her gaze to the floor. “Sorry, Master,” she mumbled, “your girl has missed you and couldn’t help herself.”

  His soft chuckle allowed her to relax. “I understand. I’ll let it slide this time, my jewel. Are you ready to play, Catherine? Look at me and answer.”

  A soft smile curled her mouth when she raised her eyes. In brief glances, she took in his chiseled features from his bare chest
up to his strong jaw line, then she settled her gaze once again upon his eyes.

  “Aye, Master. Your girl is more than ready.”

  “You have no idea how much that pleases me,” he confessed while his eyes roamed over her body. “I’ve missed our time together. I’m sorry that I can’t be there in the physical sense for this, but we’ll take what we can until next week. What I’ve planned will have to be satisfactory for now. I assure you this will be all about pleasure, nothing too strenuous since I can’t have you dropping without me there to care for you.”

  Her smile grew wider at his words. “Thank you, that is very thoughtful of you.”

  A slight nod was his acknowledgment. “First things first, Catherine. I want you to pull back the left corner of the fabric on the tray next to the laptop. About three inches should do. Retrieve the item you find and present it to me.”

  Following his instructions, her breath hitched when she unveiled her leather “slut” collar which he’d presented to her two years prior, on that fateful weekend when he’d proposed. Master reserved this collar for attending play parties or for when he had an extra kinky scene planned. Catherine’s nipples hardened at the thought.

  She picked up the adornment and allowed it to rest in her upturned palms that she held out in front of her while coming back into view of the camera. At his instruction, she fastened the collar around her bare neck. Her black pearls had been put away for the time being to spare them Matthew’s death grip.

  “Your servitude is always surreal, Catherine,” he whispered, beginning their ritual.

  “To serve you will always be divine, Master.”

  The familiar comfortable tightness around her neck freed her mind to get to where it needed to be. From there on out, the submissive would not try to guess what her Master’s next move would be.

  He would command.

  She would obey.


  “That is a lovely sight, Catherine. It’ll be lovelier when you spread your feet to the markers I left on the floor.” He paused while she made the adjustment. “Now, lift your chin high and bend forward from your waist, I want those tits dangling in front of the screen.”

  His voice was deepening in reaction to their exchange. The knowledge that she was affecting him, even though they were not in the same room, encouraged the wetness to gather at Catherine’s core.

  “Run a finger through your folds without stroking your clit, and show me.”

  Obedient, she presented the damp finger for his inspection.

  “I know your body is capable of more than that, slut. Your nipples aren’t hard enough, and that cunt isn’t wet enough for my liking . . . yet. Let’s see what we can do about that, shall we?”

  Her body rocked at the implication of what was to come.

  “You may straighten and return to the tray. This time, fold back the bottom right corner, then collect the items. Be sure to return your feet to the markers when you come back. Unless I say otherwise, your feet will be on those markers—when they’re on the floor—for the duration of our scene. Do you understand?”

  “This girl understands, Master.” Moving the cloth back, she revealed two teardrop-shaped weights with hooks at their pinnacles. Catherine lifted one in each hand and returned to the markers, again presenting her find out in front of her body.

  “Very good. You know what they are. Attach them to your nipple rings, but do not release the weights yet.”

  With careful dexterity, she was able to pinch open the hooks and connect the weights to her nipple rings so that they were attached next to her J’s.

  “Same as before, bend forward at the waist.”

  Palms cupping the teardrop weights, she leaned forward until her breasts hung away from her body. Catherine could hear her Master’s heavy breathing coming through the mic while he left her standing. The anticipation was building in her body. Her legs were spread by the position of the markers, causing her pussy lips to part enough to feel the cool air conditioning on her inner labia. She itched to apply pressure to her breasts, to squeeze them and pinch her nipples. Instead, Catherine waited patiently.

  “Look at me, slut,” Master ordered after several minutes.

  Her gaze traveled up to the screen, where his arm moved up and down in a slow tempo, his camera positioned so that his lap was just off the screen—hidden from her till he chose to reveal his secrets.

  “Drop them.”

  At the command, the submissive pulled her hands away, releasing the weights. When gravity took over and she felt the delicious yank, Catherine breathed out in a whoosh. The violent stinging burn was immediate.

  “Fuck, Catherine. Look at your nipples. Do you feel the weights pulling and elongating them?” His breathing was getting heavier, making his words almost incomprehensible.

  Her answering, “Aye, Master,” had to be deciphered through a groan of her own.

  “How’s that pussy doing now, my sweet slut? Has it gotten wetter for me?”

  Nodding was all she could manage with her nipples still adjusting to the heavy pull. Each breath she took caused a searing flash of pain that disappeared as fast as it came, delighting her even as it tortured her.

  “Stand up and use your finger to show me again.”

  This time Master hadn’t said to avoid her clit, so with purposeful intent, the submissive pressed against the tiny nub when dragging her fingers through her wetness. She trembled at the contact, her breasts shivered, and the weights shifted. With her eyes down, she presented her finger.

  “Mm, that’s much better, Catherine. Rub that juice on your nipple until it's coated, then repeat the process on the other one.”

  Holy hell, he was going to kill her with all the drawn-out teasing.

  Obedient, she used her own lubrication to coat her stretched nipples until they glistened under the dim lights of the playroom. Out of habit, she clasped her hands behind her back when she’d completed his instructions and awaited his next command.

  “Catherine, look at me.” Master spoke the words with a gentle lilt, coaxing her eyes up. “I appreciate your respect. However, for the remainder of our session, I want you to keep your eyes on me—unless I request otherwise. I won’t tell you again tonight. If you look down or close those eyes, there will be a punishment with the aerated paddle when we are together again. Now, would you like to see what your voluptuous body and pussy-covered nipples are doing to me?”

  He smiled, devilish and distracting. Her voice would not cooperate, so she had to nod again.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you, Catherine. Perhaps you need to beg to see your cock?”

  Fuck! If she’d not been wet before, there was no question she was now. “Please, Master. Allow this girl to see her cock all long and thick and aching to be in her pussy,” the submissive begged with no shame.

  “Whose pussy, slut?”

  She was quick to correct herself. “Master’s pussy. It’s your pussy, Sir!”

  “Very well. Shake those tits while I readjust my position. Don’t stop until I tell you. Focus on those weights and feel the pain in your nipples. That should help remind you who they, and that cunt, belong to.” His terse words finished with a growl.

  At once, she started to shimmy her chest. Catherine’s nipples began to burn, and she started to squeeze her eyes shut but remembered his instructions and snapped them open. They filled with tears, not so much from the pain, but from knowing she’d slipped up over something so simple that Master felt she needed correction. Even now, she wasn’t doing what she’d been told—to focus on nothing but the pain. With determination, she shut her mind down and put more force into her shimmy. The weights shifted side-to-side, taking her hard nipples with them, yanking them to and fro until they started to numb. Catherine’s breasts ached from the motion. With tears falling free and trailing down her cheeks, she heard his voice.

  “Shh, good girl. You may stop now. You always take your punishments so well, Catherine. Look upon your cock.”
br />   His dulcet tones coming from the laptop speakers stroked Catherine’s mind, calming her. Inhaling deeply through her nose and then letting it out through her mouth helped her take the final steps to clear her head and ready herself to continue their play.

  When she lifted her eyes, the submissive was met by her Master’s deep chocolate ones watching her carefully. She trailed her gaze down his chest, to his lap, and watched his large hand stroke his engorged flesh. A single drop of milky fluid oozed out, and Catherine licked her lips, wishing she could capture the droplet.

  “Do you like what you see, slut? Is longing to feel this cock, in any way I might allow, making your cunt throb?” His deepened voice increased the desire coursing through her.

  “Aye, Master. Your slut would like nothing more than to be able to wrap her mouth, or any other orifice that would please you, around it.” She taunted him back by letting a small purr caress her words.

  He tightened his grip on the upstroke and let out a cacophonous groan. “Fuck, Catherine! I suggest you be careful with your teasing. It is my intention to allow you a release. However, I can and will change my mind if you aren’t cautious.” Master’s threat was emphasized with a raised eyebrow.

  Catherine whimpered in response and nodded, while keeping her eyes on the motion of his hand. She ached to squeeze her thighs together, but she couldn’t in her current position. The warmth of her arousal burned trails down the inside of her thighs.

  “How are the weights, Catherine? I know they’re heavier than anything you’ve experienced before, so you may remove them if you wish.”

  The submissive didn’t contemplate his offer for long. “If it pleases you, Master, your girl would like to keep them on. They are painful, but not unbearable, and they are assisting this girl in controlling her urges.” He smiled, and so did she. She liked pleasing him.

  “As you wish. Let’s proceed. Step over to the tray and fold the cloth back another three inches. Present me with your findings.”


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