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Surreal (Divine Trilogy #3)

Page 33

by R. E. Hargrave

  The Dom in him raced to the surface, and he grappled with his uncertainty. Surely she isn’t in there pleasuring herself? Taking what was His before they even got in the playroom?

  Like you just did, Jayden? A smug, small voice whispered in his mind, making him step back.

  “Master,” she cried out, louder that time, and without a hint of pleasure in her voice. There was plenty of panic, however.

  Jayden threw open the bedroom door and rushed into the room. Her outfit still lay on the bed, untouched. Spinning around, he noticed the closed door to the en suite and hurried over to it to push it open, scared of what he might find on the other side. He relaxed at the sight of her grinning in the tub with her abundant red hair atop her head in a messy pile.

  “Erin? Sweet girl, are you okay? What’s wrong?” When she started giggling, Jayden’s jaw dropped and he gaped at her.

  “I’m so . . . sorry, Jay–Master,” she stammered out while trying to regain control of her adorable giggles. Her green eyes glazed over while they roamed his body.

  “Catherine?” The surprise of his appearance was now blown, but he’d be damned if he wouldn’t keep up the Dom façade. “Why did you call me in here when you are supposed to be in the playroom in,” he looked to the clock on the wall to verify, “fifteen minutes?”

  At his question, she had the grace to lower her eyes. Her lip started quivering, and the smile vanished. “Well, your girl wanted to shave and, um, that was a fail because she can’t even reach the lower part of her legs.” Her lip trembled while she waved at her feet.

  Jayden let his gaze follow her hand to see that her ankles sported a set of stubble cuffs. Suppressing a sympathetic grin, he asked in a soft tone, “So you called me in here to help you finish?”

  “Well, that would be lovely, Master, but this girl thought you would be understanding and wouldn’t hold it against her. This girl actually called for you because . . .” she trailed off, and looked away in a coy manner, causing his cock to react.

  “Because?” He quirked an eyebrow at her to continue.

  Her smile was sheepish. “Because I realized I can’t get out of the tub,” Erin whispered.

  Jayden wanted to smack himself for not thinking of that possibility when he’d been so meticulous in planning everything else for this evening. He should’ve known that when he instructed her to prepare for the playroom, she would include shaving. Way to be attentive, Jayden, he chastised himself in silence, then he knelt beside the tub.

  With a gentle shushing to allay her embarrassment, he picked up the razor and finished for her. Once he’d rinsed the area clean of small hairs and soap, he stood. She accepted his arms under hers, and he helped her rise out of the water and step over the edge of the tub. When he had her firmly on her feet, he released her and turned to grab one of the warm towels.

  “I love you,” she whispered near his ear while Jayden dried her swollen body, caressing every one of her curves with the soft, warm cotton.

  He couldn’t contain his smile when he swiped the towel over her belly and a small foot stretched the skin outward. Moving quickly, he kissed the little appendage before it retreated, then looked up to find Erin gazing down at him with a look of complete adoration on her face.

  “As I do you, A rúnsearc.” He stood to kiss her plump lips, which were turned up in a smile.

  Their tender moment over and knowing she was okay, Jayden moved behind her to guide her out to the bedroom. He gave her ass a quick swat, earning him a small squeak followed by a low moan while she wiggled her derriere at him.

  “Get dressed, Catherine. I will see you in the playroom shortly,” the Dom instructed, reclaiming the mood with his departing words.

  Jayden let his guests in when he passed the front door. Landon went to relieve Kaitlyn, while Paige accompanied Jayden to the playroom, where he lit the candles before they retreated to the shadows to await his jewel’s arrival. He couldn’t wait to see Catherine’s reaction.


  No one but me. Only I could get stuck in a bathtub. I feel like a cow, and I can’t believe Jayden finds anything remotely attractive, let alone sexy, about me right now.

  On instinct, Erin had called out for Jayden when she realized she wouldn’t be getting out of the tub by herself. She’d been so excited that he was taking her into the playroom that she hadn’t thought ahead before lowering herself into the warm water.

  The look on his face when he’d barged into the bathroom had been priceless and endearing. In response, the giggles had poured out of her until she really looked at him and saw what she’d been missing for so long—her Master.

  But it was her husband who helped her, making her believe with his simple touch that he found her beyond beautiful. He’d been so tender while finishing her hack shaving job, and then getting her out and dried off. However, His final reminder of what was to come—his hand smacking her ass—had left her standing there with a throbbing pussy.

  Let’s not keep the Dominant waiting, Erin.

  She went to the bed to see what he’d chosen for her. White and lacy, Erin first picked up a scrap of material meant to pass for panties and slipped them on. They sat just beneath her belly, and when the material confined her, a sexy awareness began taking over her. Next, she lifted the matching gown from the bed and slipped it on like a coat, since it was open in the front. The wide straps were lacy, as was the rest of the top. She drew the sides together and tied the satin ribbons in a pretty bow to keep her engorged breasts from being bared. Beneath the ties, the top flared open, framing her swollen belly in virginal lace. The satin-finished hemline swished over her calves and sent goose bumps skittering over her sensitive flesh. The final item had been hidden beneath the gown—Catherine’s play collar.

  It had been too long since her throat had been enclosed. Their Skype session about four months ago had been the last time. Matthew’s tendency to latch his chubby fingers onto anything he could these days was still keeping her black pearls stored until the boy had outgrown the grab-and-yank phase, whenever that would be. With a content sigh, she buckled the leather around her neck. To serve is divine, the words echoed in her head with her actions.

  Her reflection in the mirror amazed her. Like a seductress, Erin looked bewitching, and she felt incredible. The messy up-do didn’t detract from the ensemble but rather added to it, so she left her scarlet locks alone. With a deep breath, a feeling of excitement, and an air of confidence long absent, Catherine descended the stairs to meet her Master.

  Stepping into the playroom, the submissive inhaled deeply and was overcome by the smell of leather, fire, and wax. She shivered and glanced around, discovering a white rosebud sitting under a low light near the door, like it was spotlighted for her. Low music pulsed through the speakers, not loud enough to demand her focus, but enough to add an erotic heartbeat to the dim room. Shadows from the candles danced along the wall.

  Catherine picked up the rose, pausing with the thorny stem half out of the vase to see if there would be a reprimand. When none came, she brought the pearly bud closer to her chest and turned to face the center of the room. There was a single bright light over her kneeling area.

  However, instead of bare floor or even a pillow waiting for her, centered under the light was a Z-shaped chair. She recognized it as one of those ergonomic office chairs that let a person kneel, but with support. Her eyes grew misty at the sentiment. Master had found a way for her to safely be on her knees.

  Next to the chair stood another table, housing a small collection of items—flickering candles, a length of chain, and a square of white satin. She’d just walked to the chair and was preparing to settle into it when first His voice, and then her Master, came from the shadows.

  “Good evening, my jewel.” In his fingers, he held the velvety rose from upstairs.

  “Hey, sweetie. Aren’t you looking gorgeous tonight?”

  Catherine startled—open palm landing on her chest—at the appearance of her friend at Jayden’s
heels. “Oh, my goodness. Thank you, Paige, but . . .” her confusion stalled her words.

  “Paige is here tonight to act as witness for us.”

  “Witness?” Her gaze dropped to her hands, then moved to the table, Paige, and finally, back to him while she put the pieces together. Everything was set up for a private ritual of some kind.

  With a gentle smile, he extended the rose in his hand, “Catherine, will you partake in the Ceremony of the Roses with me?”

  She glanced down to the white bud in her own trembling fingers and began blubbering. “Aye, Master Jayden.” It was the first time she’d ever reconciled his two halves as one, and she knew they’d both felt something shift inside.


  She was breathtaking.

  He wanted to run to her, gather her in his arms, and get lost in her, but he refrained from such overzealous actions. In an almost enchanted state, Jayden stepped forward, and placing a modest kiss upon her lips, he murmured a reverent, “Thank you.” Before pulling back, he reached behind her neck to unfasten the collar and begin.

  Pivoting toward the table, he ran the leather choker through the candle flames, then returned it to her neck, buckling it. Jayden choked on his emotions when trying to speak, but he pressed forward, needing to get the words out. “By fire, this is my promise to you, Catherine. For now and for always, it will be my greatest honor and duty to protect and guide you. Like fire untethered, my desire for you rages on, burning away the negative influences of your past.” He stole another kiss, then took one of her hands in his and turned her palm up.

  Before she could think about it, he’d pricked her middle finger with one of the thorns on his red bloom. Catherine let him move her bleeding finger over the rose bud in her other hand, and they both held their breath while two crimson drops splattered onto the white landscape, symbolizing the giving of herself—her pure self.

  The tears trailed down her cheek, unbidden yet welcome while she wordlessly proffered the bloodied flower to Jayden. He turned a thorn on himself and hovered his finger above the bud, letting his own life force drip and blend with Catherine’s. Pressing their fingers, and thereby their open wounds, together, their union extended, making them flesh and blood—making them one.

  At that point, Paige lifted the length of chain, and like Jayden had done with the collar, she ran it through the flames. “Each of these links represent different parts of your separate lives, coming together until the chain was formed. Passing it through the flame removes the bad and leaves the good. By accepting the binding, you both promise to be bound in heart and soul for the rest of eternity.”

  Catherine and Jayden nodded their acceptance and raised their arms, each holding their respective rose. Paige wrapped the length around their forearms and then the lovers tipped their flowers together in a ‘kiss’ before exchanging them. He moved to kiss Catherine’s salty lips right after.

  Next, Paige removed the chain and wrapped it in the silk cloth. She then took their roses and returned them to the vase. With a polite curtsy, the blonde wished them both well and good blessings, and then backed from the room, leaving them to finish their scene in private.


  Keeping her under his intent stare, the Dom waited, watching while Catherine’s breathing settled after she returned to the z-chair until he could barely make out the movement. Only then did he approach her from behind. With head bowed and hair up, her exposed neck beckoned him, and he leaned forward to kiss her once, twice, and then he nipped her with his teeth.

  She shivered but stayed quiet like the good girl she was.

  “Good evening, Catherine,” he murmured into the flesh of her neck, testing her.

  Again, she remained silent.

  His cock was already fighting to break free of his jeans when he hooked his fingers under her lingerie straps and slid them up to her shoulders. Rotating his hands outward, he slipped the straps off her shoulders.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered with a kiss to her left shoulder, then her right. Her breath stuttered, and his cock pulsed.

  “Is my naughty girl excited to be on her knees before her Master again?” When she didn’t respond, he gave her permission to speak.

  “Aye, Master, but Dr. Ellison said that it was not safe to play.”

  He nearly smacked himself, realizing that she couldn’t know that he’d coordinated this evening with Dr. Ellison. “Holly has assured me that everything I want to do with you is safe,” he paused to swallow, “and that if you go into labor because of it, our babies are healthy enough to make their appearance.”

  “Oh.” There was a brief flash of alarm in her eyes.

  “Jewel, if you want to stop, we can. I don’t want to do anything you don’t.” The decision was hers. Jayden would never pressure her to keep going, particularly if she was worried about their children.

  She studied him for several moments before taking a deep breath and nodding. “Aye, Master, your girl wants to proceed.”

  The man circled round to the front of her, squatting to kiss the big baby belly with a wink. He stood back up and pushed her knees further apart, until they were on the edges of the chair. Jayden caressed her pussy before pressing his fingers into the warmth of her folds where he found her already so wet. He approved.

  Standing back up, Jayden pulled his tee up and over his head tortuously slow. She was watching his every move, soaking it all in while her tongue darted out to wet her lips. He unfastened the button on his jeans and teased the zipper down. The flaps of material fell open, and he knew when she realized he was bare underneath, because she gasped.

  “Have you missed your cock, my pet?” The Dom slid his hand into his jeans to grip himself, pulling his cock out of its confines. Her lips parted like she was going to answer, but she caught herself just in time.

  Jayden went to retrieve the step stool he’d hidden earlier. Returning, he set it on the floor in front of her and mounted it. Not exactly ‘sexy,’ but it was the best he could come up with to reach her mouth since she was higher in the z-chair. She must’ve sensed that he felt a little ashamed of the setup, because she sniggered.

  “Catherine, I can think of a better use for your mouth than laughing at my attempts to accommodate you. Now, why don’t you open and show me how much you’ve missed this?” He pushed his jeans down over his ass, allowing his cock to stand proudly at attention mere inches from her face.

  The submissive nodded and licked her lips again, leaning forward. She ran her tongue over his piercing, catching it with her teeth and tugging on it until Jayden moaned. Her tongue trailed along the underside, all the way down to his balls, which she took great care in giving a thorough laving.

  “Fuck! Are you teasing me, you naughty thing?” Through clenched teeth, Jayden fought to remember to use sensual, dirty talk to tantalize her sense of hearing. It would’ve been all too easy to close his eyes and give over to the sensations.

  With a nod, Catherine abandoned his balls, dragging her lips and tongue around to the top of his cock, right where the inked E was. She licked at the symbol then shifted down to the R, followed by the I, and finally, the N that branded his cock as hers. Her nibbling and licking teased him the whole time.

  As soon as she freed him from the torture and wrapped her lips around him, sliding her mouth back down his length while relaxing her throat to get all of him in, Jayden grunted and shot his load down her throat like a sixteen-year-old getting his first head.

  It was amazing.

  Earth shattering.

  Mind fucking blowing.

  Jayden withdrew, his spent cock slipping from her lips while she looked up at him with a content smile. “Well done, my pet. I think you’ve earned a reward for that.” He wriggled the rest of the way out of his jeans, leaving them on the floor. He took Catherine’s hand, helping her to stand, and then led her across the room to the St. Andrew’s Cross.

  Leaving her there, the Dom went to get the things he needed for the next step. Jayden returned
with the items in hand and set them on the floor before he returned his attention to his jewel. In quiet tones, he started telling her the things he wanted to do her, her flushed and heaving chest letting him know that he was affecting her.

  Jayden moved in close, and taking her hands, he turned her so that her back was to the Cross. Slow and easy, he lifted each of her hands and latched her wrists into the waiting cuffs while continuing to whisper naughty nothings to her. She squirmed, trying to rub her thighs together for friction.

  The Dom used his feet to get her to spread her legs a little, and then he gave the insides of her thighs a soft smack. “Knock it off, Catherine. You know that your orgasms belong to me, and you will come only when I allow it.”

  “Aye, Master,” she whispered.

  Jayden cocked an eyebrow at her for speaking, then with a small sigh realized he should probably lift that ban. “Catherine, as what I have planned next will be a bit . . . intense, I want to hear you while we progress. I need to be able to assess how you’re doing. I won’t do anything that pushes your regular limits, but it is of utmost importance, now more than any other time we’ve played, that you use your safe words because of the babies. Do you understand?”

  “Aye, Master, your girl understands, and she trusts you implicitly.”

  God, she is perfect.

  “Cailin maith,” he crooned at her while running his hands up her thighs, curving in so that both hands brushed over her pussy where he could feel her arousal already seeping out. Jayden proceeded to move his hands up over her belly, seeking the ties to her top. With a firm tug, he released the neat bow she’d tied, and he was delighted when her enlarged tits held the top in place, the fabric pulling apart just enough to expose the valley between them, teasing him.

  Stretching his arms out along hers, Jayden threaded their fingers together and leaned in to run his tongue from the top of her swollen belly, all the way up through that delicious valley to her neck, where Jayden sucked her skin into his mouth.


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