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Out of The Box Awakening

Page 11

by Theriot, Jennifer

  Sort things out? Oh, please! I don’t think so. I have sorted things out. It’s like separating laundry: you sort out the dark clothes so they don’t bleed onto the others. That’s what I have done with you, Alan Petersen. You are sorted out of my life. No bleeding onto me ever again.

  “Who was that on your phone” Ash asks.

  “It was Alan. He left a voice mail. Here, you can listen to it if you want to.”

  “No honey. I don’t need to listen to anything that guy has to say! You should just delete it.”

  Shortly after my voice mail from Alan, the house phone rings, startling me. Ash jumps up and answers abruptly, thinking its Alan. “Hello! What do you want!”?

  “Hey, big brother! Happy Thanksgiving!” It’s Ellen checking in.

  Ash looks relieved. “Oh, hey, baby sis! Same to you! What’s up?”

  “Wellllll…We are living the high life in sunny south Florida. How is everything at home? Did the boys make it in?” Ash tells her that all is good, and tells her about the kids and the band joining us.

  “Well, I wish we were there, but really not, because we are having a wonderful time here,” she says, laughing. ”Listen, tell everyone hi, and we’ll all spend Christmas together. We’ll have dinner at our house. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds wonderful, sis! Tell everyone out there we send our love and will see you soon. Thanks for calling. Love you!”

  “Ash, can I talk to Olivia?“

  He gives me a shit-eating grin and gives the phone to me. “She wants to talk to you.”

  I take the phone with a smile.

  “So, has your honey gotten in yet?” she asks, as soon as she knows I’m on the line. “I’ll bet you are so glad to see him and your kids!”

  I tell her that Alan won’t be in, but that my kids are here and I am happy to see them.

  “Well, that sucks big time!” she says. “Listen, when we get back in town, please plan on a lunch date with me!”

  I tell her that I look forward to it.

  Ash has such a nice sister. I can tell we’re on the same page, and I hope we can become better friends. God knows, I’ll need a girlfriend in the next few months. I can’t even imagine what lies ahead.

  I can’t think about that now. Over and over, I keep thinking of the scene from Gone With the Wind, when Scarlet tells herself that she’ll figure things out tomorrow, because tomorrow is another day.

  I can do that…right? Yeah, right

  Thanksgiving dinner goes off without a hitch. I have the table set with the fine china and beautiful flowers that Ash brought me. I found crystal in the china cabinet and decide to use everything I can find to make the table look spectacular. Ash told me to help myself to whatever I wanted to use. I am used to having Alan do this task, but Ash is a perfect stand in. Ash gives the blessing, thanking God for such a beautiful day, new friends, family, health, and prosperity.

  After the blessing, Todd pipes up “Amen, dig in, open up, and shove it in! Sorry, but that’s what I used to say when I was a kid!”

  My kids all laugh hysterically. Tommy tells us all that Todd has issues with being serious.

  “Damn right I do, dude!”

  Ash brings a bottle of Cristal in and pours everyone a glass. He proposes a toast before dinner.

  “Here’s to Olivia, who has so masterfully prepared a beautiful meal, and to her kids, who traveled to be with her—with us all. To Tommy and the guys for hanging out with us today. Hear, hear!”

  Everyone, except Lainey drinks the champagne. I wonder why she isn’t drinking hers….not drinking Cristal? Are you kidding me? What is wrong with this child! Before we eat, I have everyone read his or her I-am-thankful-fors.

  We go around the table. Bradley and Dalton are thankful for their jobs and family. Tommy is thankful for a home-cooked Thanksgiving at home and for having such an awesome dad. Silently, I think to myself, boy, you ain’t lyin’! He is awesome! Todd is thankful that he hasn’t fathered any children that he knows of and that he is disease free. Typical Todd. The other band members are thankful for new friends and family and that we have invited them for Thanksgiving dinner. Ash is thankful for his kids, his health and for a certain woman breathing life back into his house. Lainey and Kellan have their turn and speak up. “Wellll… Here goes. We’re thankful that my mother and father will soon be grandparents and that my brothers will soon be uncles.”

  I am speechless and tears immediately form in my eyes. “Oh, my God! Lainey and Kel! What a blessing! Are y’all serious? You’re 100 percent sure?”

  “Yes! Absolutely, Mom! Why do you think I didn’t drink the Cristal? You looked at me like I was crazy.” She laughed; delighted she’s fooled me. “Gotcha! You should see your grandbaby in July! I hope you will plan on coming to Houston and being there when she or he is born.”

  “Lainey, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”

  Ash gives me a congratulatory hug and squeezes my leg under the table.

  “Mom, what is your thankful for,” Bradley asks.

  “I am so very thankful for my family. You kids are my life, and I can’t tell you how much you all mean to me. I am so sorry your father couldn’t be here today. I’m thankful, as well, for new friends. Tommy, guys—you are the best and I thank you for spending this day with us. Ash, you are the perfect host and turkey carver. Lainey, you and Kellan have made this day so special.!”

  We all toast to family and friends.

  “Awesome fuckin’ news! A baby! Oh, dang, now who’s gonna be the mother of my children?” Todd says.

  “Bert, come on, man!” Tommy moans. “Watch your mouth! We’re at the table and its Thanksgiving. Geez.”

  We all laugh at him. I think he loves it when people laugh at him. Ash goes into the kitchen and comes back with another bottle of Cristal. “A toast to Lainey and Kellan and new Baby Childress!”

  “Hear-hear!” Tommy cheers.

  We all lift our glasses.

  “Good shit, Mr. H.!” Todd says.

  Tommy nods agreement. “Yeah, good shit. My dad knows his stuff. The best champagne.”

  After dinner, we all sit totally stuffed and content. Todd stands up, clinks his glass with a fork and says, “Ummmmm attention all young adults! Get your asses up and let’s go clean the kitchen!” My kids look at him like he is an alien. “What the fuck?” he growls. “Don’t look at me like I’m crazy. Get up and let’s get going! Ándale!”

  I tell Todd that I can handle it, but he won’t let me win.

  “Olivia, you do the math. There are nine of us and two of you. Who are you thinking can get this done faster, hmmmmm? You and Mr. H. go have coffee, more champagne, or whatever the fuck old folks do after dinner and let us handle this. Trust me, we can do it. I’m all over this! Oh, and Lainey, since you got yourself knocked up, I guess you can go hang with the ‘rents. We don’t want you on your feet. You need to relax, little momma, even though you coulda had me. You just don’t know what you’re missing! ”

  Ash, Lainey, and I go have coffee out on the covered patio, while the kids take control of the kitchen, thanks to Todd.

  “He is a really good kid—in spite of the rough exterior and potty mouth,” Ash says.

  “I totally have him figured out, and yes, I agree!”

  “Hey! I’m just glad I got out of cleanup because I’m pregnant,” Lainey laughs, “I am milking this for all it’s worth!”

  “Let’s spy on them and see how many pieces of china they have broken,” Ash says.

  We peek into the kitchen to watch the kids clean up. Tommy and the guys are loading the dishwasher. Brian taps a wooden spoon on the counter and starts counting, “One, two, one-two-three-four!” They all start singing “I’m Yours” acapella.”

  “Oh look Ash! How adorable! I had no idea they could sing acapella!”

  “I told you they’re really talented!”

  My boys are singing along with them having a blast. Lainey, looking left out, says “Tha
t does it—I’m going to hang with them, Mom. I love that song. Anyway, they probably need someone to dry the silverware.”

  She decides to wander—more like run—into the kitchen. Looks like they are having way more fun than Ash and I are.

  Ash and I have another cup of coffee, and I find myself daydreaming and thinking of how this has been the best Thanksgiving I can remember, ever. There was no Alan coming in the kitchen criticizing me, telling me what I did and didn’t do right. Our dinner today wasn’t centered around football. We never sat at our formal dining table in Houston for Thanksgiving, because Alan was addicted to football, so he and the boys and male guests ate on TV-trays in front of the television.

  There was absolutely no mention of football today, and it strikes me as odd. Maybe Ash and the guys aren’t into football? Still, my boys didn’t mention it, either, though I suspect they will want to watch their respective college teams play. The Longhorns play tonight and the Aggies tomorrow. Still, the day was better than I could have imagined. Coupled with the news of my grandchild, I am so blessed.

  “Liv? Honey, whatcha thinkin about?”

  “Oh, I was just thinking of how amazing this day has been. I have never in my life had a Thanksgiving this wonderful.”


  “Seriously. Without a doubt. Ash, do you guys not like football?”

  “We do, why?”

  “Well, nobody even mentioned football today. No one jumped up to turn on a TV and watch—not one of you guys.”

  “Well, in our household, baseball is our favorite game. The Cubs are my team. I have season tickets and I’ll take you to some games when the season starts. As for your boys, I suspect they’ll be huddled around a TV somewhere tonight. Don’t the Longhorns play at seven? And I think I saw in the paper that A&M plays tomorrow. Tommy will probably take them all to the Parkers’ house, tonight. Rest assured, the guys will watch football!

  After the kids have everything cleaned up, Ash and I inspect the kitchen.

  “Ta-da! Voila!” Todd says. “See, Olivia, I told you we could do this. And not one broken dish, I swear.”

  “Well, Todd, we will have to remember this night forever. The night my kids stepped into a kitchen to actually clean up and not mess up!” My kids all nod, admitting that I am right, and I laugh. “Seriously, guys, thank you all so much for cleaning up.”

  Tommy says they are all headed over to Seth’s house. Seth is Tommy’s friend from high school. He lives with his parents; about five miles from here, and his folks always have a big Thanksgiving party.

  Lainey decides to tag along with the guys as well. “You don’t mind if we abandon you, Mom, do you?”

  “No, honey, of course not. Go. Have a great time. Bradley doesn’t Texas play tonight?”

  “Oh, you know it, Mom. I’ll find a TV somewhere, believe me! Hook ‘em!” He holds up the sign.

  They all head out. Suddenly the house is so quiet. After they have left, Ash comes into the entry way and backs me up to the wall, raises my arms and rubs them softly.

  “So, it looks like you and I are alone for the night,” Ash says. “Why don’t we slip into a nice warm bath?”

  I tell him that I am afraid the kids will come back soon. “Trust me, no chance of that, Liv. Seth’s house is party central, and they’ll have a blast. Their Thanksgiving party always goes on until the wee hours of the morning. But, just in case you don’t believe me…”

  He texts Tommy and asks what time he thinks they will be home. Tommy texts back and tells him not to expect them until really late—probably early morning. He tells Ash that they will take the kids back to their hotel and pick them up again for dinner tomorrow.

  Chapter 13

  “There you go,” he said. “Right from the horse’s mouth. We’re on our own. Why don’t you go get the bath started? I’ll be in shortly.”

  I light candles in his room and in the bathroom. The room is dark except for candlelight and the outside lights shining in. The view of the lake is stunning and the candlelight only makes it more amazing. He comes in and takes me into his arms.

  “Liv, I didn’t get a chance to tell you my real thankful for. Are you ready?”


  “I am thankful—so thankful—that you came into my life. That you brought happiness to me. You’re my everything and I’ll do everything possible to make sure you’re happy. Forever. I promise, honey. I know life has thrown you a curve ball, but you will rebound, and I’ll be there with you every step of the way.”

  “Ash, you complete me. I thank God that we were brought together. Never, in a million years would I have thought someone like you would love me. I’m afraid that you’re my everything, too! I’m falling…no, correction, I have fallen for you.”

  “Well then, get out of those clothes and let’s get into this nice warm bath!”

  We are quickly undressed and into the bath. Ash sits with bended knees, and holds me close, my back to his front. The music comes on. “Green Eyes.”

  “Do you remember that song came on when we were driving home from the airport?”

  “Yes, I do!”

  “You’re my green eyes, Liv.”

  I sit on his lap, and he massages bath oil onto my breasts and kisses the back of my shoulders and up my neck tenderly. My breasts and body are on fire. Every single nerve in my body is in high gear. Feelings I have never felt are happening. What this is all about, I have no idea. I feel like a total woman, desired and sexy. I whisper, “Ash, make love to me tonight…”

  He whispers back, “Are you sure you are ready for this? I know I am, but I don’t want to rush things with you.”

  “Yes, absolutely. With all my heart soul, I am ready. I want you so much.”

  I turn around to face him and straddle him in the tub in an attempt to take him into me. We are now face to face and I am totally uninhibited. Up until now, I have been totally inhibited about my body and about expressing my feelings. He has made me feel safe, secure, and desirable, and he lets me know that it’s okay to express feelings. I am aroused and ready for him. I can feel that he’s ready too. I flinch slightly as I try to take him in.

  “Liv, just take it slowly. Just feel me and let me get in slow.”

  He is extremely endowed, length and width wise, like nothing I have ever seen or felt before. I want all of him inside me at once, but realize that isn’t possible.

  “Liv, honey, take your time. We have all night. I need you to slow down. You aren’t ready for me all at once. Trust me, I can tell, and I don’t want to hurt you. This should bring you pleasure, not pain, so please let me take the lead. Here I’ll take over and drive, now.”

  Shocked at myself for being so wanton, I relax and give him total control. He eases into me slowly, inch by inch. I find that going slow is so very erotic and pleasurable. I am filled with so much passion that I am transfixed, and totally give myself to him. Oh, my God, this is so good…

  “Olivia Petersen, you.are.amazing. Do you know that? Your body is so beautiful. I think I love you… no let me rephrase that. I do love you.” Saying that, he sinks nearly every inch of himself into me. I am ready for him, body and soul.

  Making love in the bath... I have never done this in my life. It is beautiful, and so is this wonderful, sexy man. I keep thinking I’m dreaming and I will wake up back in Houston. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine moving away from my hometown, much less letting another man make love to me.

  ”Liv, let’s get out and go into the bedroom. You need to ease up on me woman! I am almost sixty years old. I don’t have the stamina that I did when I was thirty.” He winks at me and we both laugh.

  He lifts me out of the bath and carries me into his bed, where we resume our lovemaking. He is so skilled, knowing exactly what to do and where to do it and I feel like a novice. Alan and I had plain vanilla, basically one-sided sex, so this whole experience is new to me. He actually cares about pleasing me?

  “Olivia, I want you to enjoy s
ex and making love—truly passionate love. I want to satisfy you in every single way, to show you new things and let you experience what the bond of intimacy really means. It’s an amazing experience with the right person.” He guides himself back into me and I’m in total bliss. As he enters me, my breath hitches. I feel, actually feel him in me.

  “Gawwww! Oh, my. God. This is incredible.” He brings me to not one, but two incredible orgasms, and his own was spectacular. My second orgasm is in sync with his. I never experienced this with Alan. Never.

  “Oh, my. God! Olivia, you are without a doubt amazing!”

  “Ash, I can’t believe I’ve come multiple times. This has never, ever happened to me!”

  After we have both climaxed intensely, we fall limp and exhausted into each other’s arms and lie just holding each other, each of us breathing fast.

  “Ash, can I ask you something?”

  “Of course you can, hon. Anything.”

  “Were you with a lot of women after Anne died?”

  “Well, I can honestly tell you that after she died, I really wasn’t looking for anyone. She was sick for so long it drained me, both emotionally and physically. You can’t even imagine. When she finally did die, I threw myself into my work, and wasn’t looking to find another relationship. Anne and I—well, we had a different kind of relationship. The sex was great, but we just always had other things going on in our lives. She wasn’t my ‘soul mate,’ if that’s what you’re asking. I dated a few women after she died, but wasn’t attracted sexually to them. So, no. I can say, though, that I have been with one woman since Anne died. Ellen introduced me to her. We dated for a year and tried to make it work—she more than me. It just didn’t work out, so that was that.”

  “I just assumed that you had played the field. You’re such a good-looking guy, and have a lot to offer. I just thought some woman would have scooped you up by now.”


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