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Out of Line: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 3

by Juliana Conners

  I spot some of my old high school teammates who now play for Calton and make my way over to them. Some faces I know some I don’t. Chelsea is holding hands with a guy who, from his height and width, I can tell is a quarterback.

  He looks like he’s a Wildcat from the way he’s going back and forth with the guys. But, Dad isn’t the kind of man who’d let his precious princess date someone from the team. Curious, I go introduce myself.

  “Aaron Thompson.” I hold out my hand, which the guy takes into a short, firm handshake.

  “Wesley Reynolds, Chelsea’s boyfriend. Nice to meet you, man.”

  I quirk an eyebrow towards Chelsea. “Dad’s letting you date a player? How times have changed.”

  “You missed a lot,” she says, “I’ll fill you in later.”

  I say hi to the other guys on the team. Some are happy to see me. Some see me as a traitor. Some eye me curiously. Not that I give a crap. I’m not here for their approval.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, and I glance over my shoulder. Taylor glances away, but not before I catch her staring. Yeah, she’s thinking about me all right, and I’d bet anyone a million bucks that by the end of the night, I’ll have her crying my name and begging for more.

  Chapter 4


  I can’t concentrate, and it’s all Aaron Thompson’s fault. Of all the nights he had to show up, why did it have to be tonight? Why did it have to be the one night when I didn’t need him here? The night I need all my wits about me so I can focus all my attention on my mom and Jack.

  Sure, I was disappointed that he hadn’t RSVP’d, but I didn’t actually think he’d come.

  Plus, Aaron’s dressed totally wrong and looks totally out of place, but at the same time totally sexy in an “I don’t give a fuck” way.

  The way his t-shirt clings to his chest and his arms makes me want to lick him from head to toe. And he’s so stacked right now, he looks like he could bench-press ten times my body weight without breaking a sweat.

  The past two years have been good to him. They’ve added a maturity to his face along with a few spiderweb lines around his eyes, probably caused by squinting on the field. His nose looks like it’s been broken one or two times, but that only adds to the allure. His stubbled chin is as strong as ever, his cheekbones still high, and his lips are full and pouting. As for his eyes, they’re not called bedroom brown for nothing.

  Every time I glance at him, he catches me. It’s like my eyes are attached to him because I can’t look away for more than a second. And when he looks at me, the intensity of his gaze makes me feel buck naked. Like he’s imagining me with no clothes on.

  I’ve piled a plate full of salads and chicken, and hold a fork in my hand, but my appetite is less than zero, and I end up playing around with my food instead of eating.

  His proposition loops around my mind. He’s right, after the wedding tomorrow we’ll be brother and sister. Not blood related, obviously, but still, brother and sister.

  What would it be like to relive the night he took my virginity? To have sex with him again? It’s not like I haven’t relived that night in my mind every single night since. I know I’m crazy to even consider it.

  The band starts playing top forty music, and the makeshift dance floor in the garden fills. Everyone has had enough drinks by now and they’ve loosened up. They all look like they’re having a good time, but I still can’t seem to relax.

  I glance over at my mom who’s holding Jack’s hand and is laughing at something he said. She’s glowing. I’ve never seen her this happy in my life, and I’m happy that she’s happy. I’m happy that finally after all these years, she’s found a man she can trust and believe.

  A light tap on my shoulder makes me jump, and I spill my food on the grass.

  “Fucking wonderful,” I mumble.

  I turn around to glare at whoever snuck up on me. I should have known. Aaron. He’s smiling and holding out his hand.

  “Care to dance with your soon-to-be brother?” He asks, his dark brown eyes glinting with mischief.

  “No. I’m all good,” I say. “Now excuse me. This mess isn’t going to clean itself.”

  “Come on, Taylor, I’m not going to maul you on the dance floor. Don’t leave me hanging.”

  I blow out an exasperated sigh, but I’m secretly thrilled. “Fine. But keep your hands above my waist. Got it?”

  “I can’t promise because you’re so fucking gorgeous, but I’ll do my best.”

  I roll my eyes as if to say, save your crap for someone else.

  The band starts playing a schmaltzy song by one of the 80s hairbands my mom loves so much. Something about not being in love and it being a phase. Sounds something similar to what I’m going through right now.

  Once we’re on the dance floor, and in the middle of the other couples, Aaron rests his hands on the curve of my waist. I shudder at his touch. I hate how I’m ready to lay down, spread my legs and say “do me now.”

  By the grin in his eyes, he can tell how much his touch affects me. Bastard.

  Even though I’m five-seven and wearing 4-inch stilettos, my forehead only reaches his nose, and I have to look up to see his eyes.

  I place my hands on his broad shoulders but don’t get too close. I’m afraid if I do, his beachy cologne will intoxicate me and make me do something I’ll later regret.

  “So,” he begins, “what have you been doing for the past two years.”

  “Like you really care,” I say with another roll of my eyes.

  “I’m serious, Tay. I want to know what you’ve been up to.”

  “Oh, the usual. Pining for you. I spend my days wishing you were mine. Wishing you were here with me.”

  Now it’s his turn to roll his eyes. “You don’t think I’m genuinely interested?”

  I give my head a slight shake. “If you were interested in anyone here, like, say, your family, you would’ve come home a long time ago.”

  “It’s complicated. And we all do things we regret.”

  I snort out a laugh. “You’ve got that right.”

  He lowers his lips and brushes them over the shell of my ear. “If you really regret me fucking you on the sand, I’ll leave you alone. But you don’t regret it, do you? You want me.”

  I shiver, and goosebumps dot my skin. “I won’t lie, you look good Aaron. Better than good. You’re hot, and you know it, but I won’t go there. I’d rather screw every member of the football team than give myself to you again.” At my lies, my heartbeat quickens, and my body overheats through my summer dress. “I’m a lot pickier now when it comes to who, or what, I get into bed with. Lots of guys want to date me. Lots of guys have asked me, but I’m not interested.

  “Your dad is a good guy, and I know he’ll be good to my mom, but in my mind all men are users. They may not start that way, but that’s the way it always ends up. And I won’t allow that to happen to me again.”

  He tightens his grip on my waist. “Don’t bullshit a bullshitter. You’re not curious to see if we can make it even better than the last time? See if I can make you scream my name even louder?”

  “Why are you such a jerk?” I walk off the dancefloor leaving him standing there with his arms hanging by his side. I don’t look back, but I do see his dad glaring towards him with a pissed expression on his face.

  “He giving you a hard time,” Coach asks when I walk past.

  I shake my head and smile. The last thing I want to do is to cause any tension between Aaron and his dad. “He’s just teasing me the way he did when we were growing up. Taking the annoying big brother roll a little too seriously.” Jack smiles totally getting what I mean when I say that.

  For the rest of the evening, I avoid Aaron by talking to the other guests and dancing with Chelsea and my sisters.

  When the night comes to an end, it’s been a while since I last saw him, and I’m pretty sure he’s gone back to whatever rock he crawled out from under. I breathe a sigh of relief because him
not being here means I don’t have to deal with him and my off-the-charts hormones. My body and the brain are at war. If I’d taken him up on his so-called proposition, would it be like the first time or even better?

  The night we slept together is seared into my brain and has kept me entertained on many occasions. It’s my go-to fantasy, the one that always gets me off.

  My mom comes over and pulls me into a vanilla scented hug. “Baby, everything was amazing. I can’t thank you enough for all the work you put into this.”

  “Are you happy, Mom?” She cups my cheek in her hand, and I inhale the scent of her ever-familiar perfume. “When your dad left, I was young and angry, and I didn’t think I’d ever fall in love again. I didn’t think I’d ever need anyone but you girls. This wasn’t something that happened overnight. My friendship with Jack built for years before I’d even have a cup of coffee with him.

  “And then, it snowballed. He gets and accepts everything about me. We’ve both been through a rough time and know there’s baggage, but that’s the baggage we’ll carry for each other. I hope someday you’ll find someone like him.”

  “Thanks, Mom. Men like him are few and far between and are snapped up straight away. I won’t hold my breath.”

  “Someday, baby girl, you’ll fall in love. Just don’t be in a hurry. It’s hard to believe when I was your age, I was married and had a baby. Do I regret getting married so young, hell yes, but I’ll never regret you or your sisters. There isn’t a mom alive who’s prouder of her daughter than I am of you.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  She yawns and presses a kiss to my forehead. “Time for bed or this blushing bride will look like an old hag in the morning. Don’t stay up too much later.”

  “I won’t, Mom. Promise”

  And then there was just me. Chelsea and Wesley skipped off early, probably to have sex in the fairground or something, and the other guests left sometime around eleven.

  I walk around the tent, giving it one last check, making sure everything is in its place for tomorrow.

  Outside the tent, a balmy summer breeze wraps around my body. I’m surrounded by nothing but silence and the crashing ocean. A quick walk along the beach will clear my head before bed and allow me to process everything that’s happened this evening.

  I kick off my heels and walk across the deck towards the sand.

  It’s funny how fast life can change. In the space of a year, Chelsea found Wesley, my mom found Chelsea’s dad, and now I’m thinking about changing majors. Lord only knows what else is on the horizon for me.

  I step off the deck onto the powder-soft sand and dig my toes in. For a moment, I stand there enjoying the salty air.

  I head toward the edge of the ocean, the tide is in, so I can’t go very far. There are enough lights from houses lining the beach to guide my way, which means I don’t have to worry about getting lost or falling and breaking my neck.

  When I’ve been walking for about fifteen minutes, the silhouette of the man who fills my dreams, or should that be nightmares, stands at the water’s edge. I stop walking and debate on whether I should turn back or not, but before I can decide, the silhouette makes his way towards me. My head yells run, but my feet won’t cooperate.

  “I knew you couldn’t resist me,” he says, but the way he says it lets me know he’s joking.

  “Can any woman?”

  I plop down on the sand and wrap my dress around my legs. “So, this is where you disappeared to.”

  “Don’t think I was very welcome, do you?” he says, sitting down beside me.

  “It’s not that you’re not welcome. It’s just it was a surprise that you showed up. You certainly know how to make an entrance.” I pick up a shell and score it back and forth on the sand. “Are you coming to the wedding tomorrow?” I turn to look at him and wait for his answer.

  “Guess I am.”

  “Are you going to stick around for a while?”

  He shakes his head. “Have a few things I need to take care of.”

  After that, I rest my chin on my knees, and we both sit there in silence, watching the ocean. I don’t know how it happened or when, but his fingers begin playing with the hem of my dress, and with that I make a decision. One I might regret for the rest of my life.

  “So, I guess you’re right,” I say. “After tomorrow we’re going to be siblings or step-siblings. Whatever that entails.” My body takes control, aching to experience him again, aching to feel beautiful and desired. Maybe it’s because my mom is getting married tomorrow. Maybe it’s because I’m horny and he’s here. Or maybe it’s because I haven’t had sex in two years.

  Even though I use toys, I want to feel the touch of a man again—not just any man—him. I want to be held and kissed and want to feel that fizzle in my belly.

  “What are you saying, Taylor?”

  “I am not saying anything.”

  “Coward,” he says with a gentle laugh.

  He’s right. I’m being a coward. Afraid of not being the good girl. Well, fuck being the good girl for one night.

  “We’re not going to have sex,” I blurt out. “I mean, I want to do things with you, but we’re not having sex. As in no cock in my pussy.”

  He laughs again, this time the sound is deep and raspy and makes me smile. “When did you get such a dirty mouth? I like it. There are plenty of things we can do without me sliding my cock into your pussy.”

  He stands, and I look up at him confused. “Where are you going?”

  “If we’re going to relive the night we had two years ago, we should go back to where it all began.” He takes my hand and pulls me up. “You sure about this?” He hooks his hands under my butt and lifts me, and I wrap my legs around his hips. His massive erection presses through the crotch of his pants, and I don’t mind. Not one little bit.

  “More than sure,” I whisper.

  “You don’t know how many nights I’ve thought about this moment. About making you mine again.”

  You have no idea, I think.

  Chapter 5


  With Taylor’s legs wrapped around my hips, I carry her over to the secluded spot by the rocks where I first took her virginity. I get that she doesn’t want to have sex, but there are plenty of things we can do that don’t involve me fucking her.

  I set her on a smooth, waist-high boulder, and she bolsters herself back on her hands and slightly spreads her legs. Looking a little unsure, she bites her lips. Before we go through with this, I need to make sure she truly wants to. Just because I want her doesn’t mean I’ll force myself on her. I’m not a monster, despite what my dad thinks.

  “You know you can leave at any time. I’ll walk you back to your mom’s house, and we can both forget this even happened.”

  She shakes her head no. “If I didn’t want this, I wouldn’t be here. It’s just… honestly, I’ve never gotten intimate with any other guy but you. I’m nervous. Lame, right? The last time I had a few too many wine coolers. This time I’ve had none.”

  “Then it’ll be even more memorable because you don’t have a wine buzz,” I say.

  “But at least wine made me feel braver.”

  “This from the girl who’s thrown from the top of a cheerleading pyramid during football games and cheer competitions.” She laughs, and the sweet, intoxicating sound does nothing to soften my rock-hard dick.

  “That’s very different. I know what I’m doing up there. I know I’m not going to get hurt.”

  “You think I’m going to hurt you?”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  I take a step towards her and place my hands on her knees. “Even if we wanted something more after tonight, we can’t. We’re practically brother and sister,” I explain. “Can you imagine how that would go down at the dinner table? ‘Hey, Dad meet my new girlfriend—your stepdaughter.”

  “Chelsea would freak the fuck out,” Taylor adds. “My mom, I don’t know. But your dad for sure. It would give people in town so
mething to talk about if nothing else.”

  “It’s not like they don’t already have plenty to say about me.”

  I rest my palms on her thighs just above the knee and ease my fingers beneath the hem of her dress. At that one small movement, her legs shake beneath my touch. Again, just to make sure she wants this, I study her eyes and her face.

  It’s not fear I see there. It’s pure lust, pure want, pure need.

  Her nostrils flare as she breathes deeply, and I push my hands up her thighs. Hers is the softest, smoothest skin I’ve ever touched.

  When I reach the edge of her panties, I slide my fingertips around the silky fabric. She flicks the tip of her tongue over her lips and sighs.

  Our eyes don’t break contact, not once.

  I run my fingertips deeper beneath her panty line, skimming the soft tufts of hair covering her folds.

  “You like that,” I ask in a whisper.

  She rolls her lips between her teeth and slowly nods. “Mmmmm.”

  With my thumbs now massaging her damp folds, I lean forward. Her mouth opens, and I run my tongue over her parted lips. Tentatively, her tongue flicks out and touches mine. This time I’m the one who moans and takes a breath.

  The taste of her is as intoxicating as I remember, and I already can’t wait to taste the rest of her. Keeping one hand in her panties, I move the other one slowly up the front of her body to her shoulders, and when I reach the thin straps holding up her dress, I move one down and then the other.

  Still watching her face, I trace my fingertips down the center of her chest and then trace them over the swell of her tits. I love the way her body responds by pushing into my touch, asking for more.

  Through her dress, I hold one of her heavy breasts, but do nothing more than keep my hand still. Taylor squirms and presses herself into me.

  I take this as her consent for more. I kiss her deeply and push down the front of her dress. Breaking away, I step back so I can admire her creamy tits with their dark brown, puckered nipples.


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