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Out of Line: A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

Page 82

by Juliana Conners

  “It’s Wyatt.”

  When he reached for the paper, our hands brushed, and my pulse thundered. There was no way he didn’t notice my intake of breath.

  “My pleasure, Ms. Matthews.”


  I was happy to get out of Wyatt’s apartment and into the elevator. Not because I was glad to get away from Wyatt; I could have stayed there all day talking to him. The reason I was happy was because my attraction, or should I say my desire, for him was way too much to deal with.

  He seemed to like me, but maybe I’d imagined that. Despite what he’d said, no way would a man like Wyatt— one of the world’s wealthiest men— be attracted to a broke college graduate who wrote a sarcasm-laced advice column.

  Before I left The Avalon, I stopped by the café to grab the hot chocolate I’d promised myself. When I reached the counter, my phone rang. I dug it out of my pocket and answered.

  “This is Jimmy from Expose Club. We found your phone. Come by tonight after nine.”

  He hung up before I was able to get a word in. I pushed his rudeness away and focused on my phone being found. Relief, the size of Niagara Falls, washed over me.

  Excitement and fear soon replaced the relief. Had the masked man found my phone? If he had, had he looked through it before I’d locked it? I’d hold out hope that a cleaning lady or someone else had been the one to find it. Otherwise going back to the club could be a mistake I’d live to regret.

  I forgot all about the hot chocolate I had been wanting. My nipples tightened to points and anticipation clenched my gut.

  This isn’t because I wanted anything to happen when I went back, I told myself. Fight or flight was the reason for my body’s reaction and nothing else.

  Yeah, right, I thought, and a bear doesn’t shit in the woods.

  Chapter 10 – Wyatt Palmer

  As soon as Paige left my apartment, I’d called Jimmy and asked if a girl had come into the club looking for a phone. He’d said someone called Patricia had. She’d left her number. I’d asked him to call her to let her know her phone had been found, and to instruct her that she was to come back tonight at nine.

  He’d tried to ask if he should report her for breaking club rules. I’d told him I would handle it and that it was none of his business. Jimmy knew his place, and shut up about snitching on her.

  I glanced at the time. One minute to nine and she still hadn’t arrived. But, if the photos of her grandmother meant as much to her as she’d claimed and if she wanted her phone back, the little mouse would come. I smiled at the unintended pun.

  It had been years since I’d enjoyed an interview so much. They were usually a necessary evil I put up with, but talking to her was like chatting with an old friend.

  Paige, while inexperienced, was intelligent, sexy and sweet and everything I didn’t know I desired. For years, I’d contracted subs who looked tough as nails on the outside but who were soft and submissive on the inside. The opposite could be said of Paige. She looked soft and submissive on the outside, but beneath was a ballsy woman.

  Not since Linda had a woman called to me as much as Paige did, and that terrified me. Inviting her to come back to the club was a dangerous move for both of us, but one I couldn’t resist.

  Today, I got an idea of why she wanted the story. She wanted to prove her worth to Henry, and she saw her exposé on the club as her way to do that. If the other members found out she was a journalist who had secretly brought a camera in, she would never work another day in her life.

  Too many influential people from governors to members of Congress to late night TV show hosts were members. People who had too much to lose if their sexual persuasions or kinks got out. I knew I should expose her intentions but I also couldn’t imagine being so heartless. I decided I’d do what I could to change her mind before she did something she’d regret for the rest of her life.

  I could call Alec or Henry and let them know what she was up to, but Alec would ruin her career before it had even begun. He was a vindictive son of a bitch only out for himself.

  For now, Paige didn’t need to know I was the man she’d spent the afternoon talking to, laughing and flirting with. Guilt twisted my stomach into a pretzel, but not even that was enough to convince me to reveal who I was.

  If I wasn’t dead set against falling in love, we could have had something. But I would only break her heart. I huffed out a laugh. Whose heartbreak worried me more? Hers or mine?

  The lights in my room were as dim as they had been last night and I wore the same mask and black pants. I was curious to see if she would play. To see how far she’d go. Or if she was in denial about what she’d experienced.

  I had a feeling she would be game. The way she shifted every so often on my sofa in my apartment, showed me her ass still throbbed from the punishment I’d given.

  My pager beeped. Jimmy was on his way up with her.

  It was nine exactly. Seemed she’d learned her lesson on lateness. Blood surged into my cock, but I wouldn’t fuck her. That didn’t mean I wouldn’t sate my desire some other way, though.

  Jimmy knocked, and without waiting for a reply, he opened the door. He stood back and allowed Paige to step in. Her tense shoulders and the way she glanced around the room like a cornered creature, showed me her nerves.

  After our interview, she must have gone home to change because now she wore a pair of thigh-high fuck-me boots, black leggings, and a fitted sweater dress that skimmed the top of her thighs. Not appropriate attire for a sex club, but in time she’d learn.

  When Jimmy left, I remained in the shadows and stayed silent. I simply watched her. I had the advantage, and I planned to use it. She began her usual nervous habits of smoothing her hair, playing with her fingers, and biting her lip and inner cheek. It was surprising how much I knew— and loved— her ticks when I had only been with her two times, and once was in a completely professional manner.

  “I know you’re here,” she said. “Stop hiding.”

  “I recall telling you last night that when a sub comes into my room, she gets undressed and assumes the position.” I made an effort to keep my voice low and even. “You also seem to have forgotten how to address me.”

  She lifted her head and stared in the direction of my voice.

  “Last night was different. I’m here for my phone and nothing else. Can I have it, please?”

  I stepped from the shadows, and said, “If you want it, you can have it.”

  The innuendo behind my words was evident. I took a few stalking steps toward her and didn’t miss the uptake in her breath. I stood behind her and gently wrapped my hand around her throat. Her head fell back and rested on my chest. The same sweet vanilla perfume she wore last night and today drifted upwards, and the Neanderthal inside of me beat at my chest wanting to take control.

  Reaching up, I brushed the pad of my thumbs over her lower lip. Her tongue snaked out and flicked over the tip, and a groan sounded in my throat. The little mouse came to play. Maybe that wasn’t her intention when she came into the club or when she got into the elevator, not even when she came into the room, but now it was.

  I lowered my lips to her ear and whispered, “I need you to answer a question for me.”

  I pressed my hand down the front of her body and smoothed it over her breasts before resting it on her chest.

  “How did you get Vivian’s invitation?”

  Five heartbeats passed before she answered. “I know someone who can get anything for anyone. I didn’t ask any questions. I just handed him the money. I didn’t know who owned the invitation. I thought I would be on the main floor, not in a private room.”

  Beneath the thick fabric of her sweater, I felt the hardening of her nipple.

  “No one asked you to come here and spy on the other members or me?”

  She shook her head and swallowed hard. “No one. This is all my doing. All my idea.”

  Satisfied she was telling me the truth, I said, “You have two choices, Ms. Matthews. I can g
ive you your phone, and you can leave, or I can give you something else, and you can stay.” My hands found their way to the curve of her waist, and I pressed my crotch against her lower back, clarifying what one choice meant. “What’s it to be?”

  Chapter 11 – Paige Matthews

  “You know everything, don’t you? Who I am and what I do for a living?”

  I needed to get away and fast. Terror seized me, and I felt like I would collapse. If his hands weren’t wrapped around my waist, I might have. I was way out of my depth. How did I think I’d ever get away with doing something so idiotic?

  “Everything,” he confirmed, in a dangerously low voice.

  I was having the worst kind of Stockholm syndrome reaction right now because I was alarmingly turned on. So much so that one flick of his finger against my clit would make me climax.

  “Did you think a hack like you could come to Expose and tell the world its secrets?”

  From behind me, he ran his hands up my arms and through my hair, gathering it into a tight ponytail. His erection pressed against my lower back and I was powerless to stop the whimper escaping from my throat. Damn my body— including my vocal chords— for betraying me by wanting him so much and showing him how much I wanted him.

  “Are you one of those journalists who’ve justified their devious and dishonest tactics to themselves? Do you think by exposing the indulgences and secrets of the rich and famous you’re somehow doing the world a service?” he asked.

  He didn’t wait for me to answer before continuing. “I thought The Reporter was a reputable paper, not a supermarket rag. Whatever your reasons for sneaking a phone in here, don’t make innocent people your victims. They don’t deserve it. You have a promising career, Little Mouse. Don’t ruin it before it’s begun.”

  Was he threatening me or warning me off? Either way, he was right. A story shouldn’t make me feel guilty or like a piece of scum. A story should make me feel the way I’d felt when I left the interview with Wyatt Palmer today. A story should make me feel good about my job and good about myself, and right now I felt neither.

  Before I even left Wyatt’s I’d decided to kill the story. Who was I to reveal what happened at Expose? Especially since what they did wasn’t wrong. I’d experienced one night, and because of that, I wanted more, more and more. So maybe they felt the exact same way, and weren’t so different from me.

  “What are you going to do?” I asked.

  “It’s not about what I’m going to do,” he replied, giving my hair a tug. “It’s about what you’re going to do. Tell me, why did you become a journalist? Was it to write lies and hurt people?”

  I had no answer for him because it was the same question I’d been asking myself repeatedly all day.

  “I wish I could answer that, but I don’t know anymore.” I pressed myself against his rock-hard body, relishing the warmth seeping through my clothes. “If you let me go, I won’t breathe a word to anyone about what happens here or about anything I saw… or experienced… last night.”

  “I already know you won’t say a word, Mouse. I know you’re a good person who won’t deliberately hurt others. But you still haven’t told me what you want. Your phone, or something else?”

  If I said I’d come for my phone and nothing else, he would know I was lying, and if I told myself I’d come for my phone and nothing else, I would know I was lying, too.

  As much as my body and mind battled over my desires, I couldn’t help wanting to take what the man in the mask offered. I wanted him to do what he did last night. I wanted him to do more than that. So much more. The only time I had stopped thinking about him was when I was with Wyatt, but now my need for the stranger consumed me.

  Fate wasn’t something I believed in. I believed you made things happen for yourself, but meeting him seemed fated. That, for some reason, he was supposed to be part of my life. Whether that reason was to teach me a lesson about where I wanted my career to go, or to teach me a lesson about my wants and desires, I didn’t know.

  “Aren’t you going to take your mask off? It’s not fair that you know who I am but I don’t know your name or what you look like.”

  He nuzzled his nose against the shell of my ear, and I shivered.

  “Your phone, or something else?”

  From the way he moved against me, I could tell he was getting impatient.

  If I pushed him and refused to answer, how would he respond? Would he do what he wanted anyway?

  Going against the warning voice in my head, I whispered, “Something else.”

  “Did you say something, Little Mouse? I don’t think I heard you.”

  “You heard me, Master.”

  He bit my earlobe, hard enough to sting but not hard enough to hurt, and then said, “When your Master tells you to do something, you do it. That’s one punishment. You’ve been in my room for five minutes and have only addressed me once in the appropriate manner. We’re up to two punishments already.”

  My backside clenched and a reminder of last night prickled my skin.

  “Repeat what you said, sub.”

  I remained silent and stared into the darkness.

  “Three punishments.”

  “I said ‘something else.’”

  I smiled to myself because I had purposely left out the word master.

  “Four punishments.”

  He pushed up my sweater and smoothed his fingertips over the curves at the top of my thighs.

  “Is there something you want to say to me?”

  “No,” I replied. “I don’t think so.”


  Now I knew how Alice felt when she fell down the hole, because I was dizzy and disorientated and I couldn’t believe this was happening. He stepped away from me, and a chill covered my body. I already missed his warmth.

  “Sub, don’t push me any further. Go to my wardrobe and pick a paddle or a flogger.”

  “I know what a flogger looks like, but I’m not sure what a paddle looks like.”

  “Six. Trust me— you don’t want to go any higher than that. A paddle is a smooth board made especially for spanking disobedient little subs like you.”

  I went to the wardrobe and opened it up. A light clicked on and— Holy fuck— inside was a treasure trove of toys. Crops, clamps, cuffs, lotions, and lubes. Some of the dildos must have been three inches wide or more. The vibrators had bunny ears, double heads, and soft spikes. Wet heat saturated my pussy at the thought of him using his collection on me.

  I looked to my left and beneath the handcuffs was a collection of paddles. One was heart-shaped, one was made from leather, one looked like a meat tenderizer, and one was made from smooth polished wood.

  I selected that one because it didn’t look like it would hurt me as much as the others. I wanted to feel some pain, but not too much pain. It was heavy and made from cedar, and to test it out I hit it against my palm.

  My clit tingled at the slapping sound it made. But, I decided I wasn’t ready to have my ass walloped with a piece of wood, so I put the paddle back and selected a black leather flogger. I ran the super-soft tails through my fingers and figured it wouldn’t hurt as much as a paddle or sting as much as his hand had. After I closed the wardrobe, I turned to face him.

  “This one?” I still hadn’t used the word master, and I knew I would pay for that.

  The game I played was a risky one, but I couldn’t seem to help it. Something inside me wanted to push and push and push. Maybe somewhere deep inside I somehow felt like I deserved the punishment for what I’d planned to do.

  “Good choice. One of my favorites.”

  The masked man sat on a chair and patted his lap. “Lie over my lap, Mouse.”

  Unsure if I was ready, I stood awkwardly with the flogger clutched in my hand.

  He chuckled. “Seven.”

  Since I hadn’t been flogged before, I didn’t know if the lashes would build on each other until the pain was unbearable, so I cut my losses because I didn’t want or need
any more punishments added.

  “Coming, Master.”

  I handed him the flogger and draped myself over his lap. My fingertips touched the ground, and my pussy rippled at the feel of his strong thighs beneath my stomach. He splayed his hands over my ass and stroked me ever so softly.

  “Why are you over my lap, Mouse?”

  “Because I brought a phone into the club.”


  “I didn’t repeat myself when you asked.”


  “I didn’t address you as master, Master.”

  “Good girl.”

  He pulled down my leggings but left my underwear in place. “The perfect ass for flogging.”

  I blushed at his compliment and then tensed in readiness for the first lash, but after what seemed like years of waiting, nothing happened.

  “I like these sheer, lacey shorts,” he said, running his finger beneath the edges. “When we’re done, and they’re wet with your arousal, I think I’ll take them home.”

  He tickled the tails of the flogger along my skin, and I stifled a giggle.

  “Every time this hits off your ass,” he said while continuing to tickle me, “count the punishments out loud. What number were we up to?”

  “Six,” I squeaked, and then instantly regretted it. Why was I purposefully giving myself more lashes?

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure, Master.”

  “From my recollection, it was seven.”

  Without warning, the flogger swished down. My little game had suddenly gotten very serious indeed.

  Chapter 12 – Paige Matthews

  “Ouch.” I yelped at the stinging pain, but my wet pussy rippled with delight.

  “I didn’t hear you.”

  “One,” I said through gritted teeth.

  He drew back the tails and brought them down on the other side.

  “Two,” I gasped.

  Tears stung my eyes, but I blinked them back. No matter how much it hurt, I wouldn’t cry.


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