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David (Control Series)

Page 6

by Willis, M. S.

  “No. But it’s sensitive. I don’t want to take any chances of knocking it crooked!”

  He laughed, but then paused. “Okay. We’ll just have to do this a different way.” He placed his hands against the wall on either side of my head and went right back to kissing me – no pause, no take-a-deep-breath-I’m-going-in moment, no countdown. It was everything he’d given me a preview of in the hospital room that morning. I considered myself a good kisser, in fact, I once won a gold medal at a party for it, but there was no comparison to Matt. His kiss was sensuality and heat, wild and intense. Every sweep of his tongue, every slide of his lips against mine and I fell down a rabbit hole of lust, never wanting to come up for air.

  He pulled away and left me panting against the wall behind me. His green eyes were hooded and the tip of his nose brushed across mine. “Now, I know you were bringin’ me back here with every intention of keepin’ me here for the night. But I was raised better than that. Let’s go enjoy at least part of the evenin’ with your friends and we’ll continue where we left off when we return.”

  “Yu prmis?”

  Was that English? I don’t think that was English. I held up a finger indicating I needed a minute while I got my brain operating properly once again.


  A grin appeared on his face. “Promise.”

  (David Note: Once again this had nothing to do with how I’m a hero, but did you not love that kiss?! I’m mean, that kiss should have been up for some kind of award! I would not have been a good friend to you had I not told you about it. No need to thank me. Back to story…)

  . . .

  Two hours passed and Matt and I were working on the second bottle of wine. Paige was walking around tipsy and I had to admit, it looked cute on her. Normally, she was always so serious and gruff and emotionally unavailable, but a few glasses of grapes and she resembled an actual person. I was proud of her for so many things that night; especially every time I saw her approach Daemon just to hug him, or when she attempted to steal kisses when she thought I wasn’t looking – which I was totally looking. We’re talking ManGod, don’t forget that.

  Matt sat to my side on the couch and I heard the unmistakable pop of the wine cork being pulled from the bottle. Tilting my glass to the side I accepted another glass, then another and another – not necessarily in that order – until I was pretty wasted. Very soon after, I launched into my Monty Python routine and, to my complete and utter amazement, Matt was able to keep up with me line for line. It was like a little light beamed down on him from Heaven. This kept up for an hour or so until I was thoroughly exhausted and snuggled up with Matt and Paige on the couch.

  The night was wearing down, but I kept eyeing Matt every once in a while, silently reminding him of our promise to pick up where we’d left off. I was excited and nervous at the same time. He was almost too perfect and I was afraid that the chemistry would somehow fizzle for me just because I’d built it up too much in my head.

  “If you two would excuse us. It’s late and I think I’ll take Paige to bed. The evening has been entertaining and rather enjoyable. Thank you.” As Daemon led Paige out of the living room and towards his room, I sighed. She had a smile on her face as she left and Daemon steadied her when she stumbled over her own feet.

  My heart swelled and I mentally patted myself on the back. Paige was really coming around when it came to Daemon. Never before had I seen her trust a man so completely, not even Alex. I know in her stubborn little head she still thought she was fighting against Daemon, however any outside observer could see that he’d won their battle weeks before when he’d convinced her to stay with him.

  It was turning point for Paige; a moment in her life that would move her away from the closed off woman that she’d been and force her to open her heart to another person. And that was a miracle all in itself…for a woman who’d been hurt as much as her to finally find the ability to let go, to trust, to heal.

  I’m writing this book to show you how I was the hero of the Control series, but what I didn’t tell you is why. I wasn’t a hero for stopping Chris as many of you presumed. No. I was a hero for having been there for Paige. Bad things happen, every day, and sometimes the direct results are the only things people notice. But it’s the indirect consequences that can sneak past – the ones that occur years later. Paige was one of those indirect consequences to a life of tragedy. Sure, it wasn’t only her pain that shaped her, it was the combined weight of the pain of a friend she’d thought she lost and the women and children she’d known at The Center. It was a lifetime of reminders that life would be hard, that people couldn’t always be trusted.

  I’m a hero because I never stopped listening to a friend. I’m a hero because I redirected that friend and forced her to look at things differently. I’m a hero because I was patient, I was available and I was kind. I was everything Paige needed and I was the person who recognized, that beneath her tough exterior, there was a soft-hearted person who needed help.

  So there you have it. That is where M.S. Willis was wrong when she wrote the Control series. Although the victory of Annie over Chris, the rekindling of two former friends and even the ability of a victim of abuse to rise from the ashes and recover from trauma were important themes, there was a smaller theme that was missed:

  How I was a hero for simply being a friend to Paige.

  I’m concluding my book right here. I can look back and say I’m satisfied to have added this piece to the story you already know. But, as I’ve said before, I’m a good friend and I allow others the privilege of living vicariously through me. Therefore, I may have included a little bit more just so you can experience first hand just how wonderful Matt and I are together, but mostly, so you can read more about me; because, let’s face it…I’m awesome.

  By the way, I’m going to skip ahead in time here because you all have read the series and you know how the next year or so plays out. I could let you know what happened when Matt and I returned to my room to pick up where we’d left off…but unlike my friend, Paige, I’m a gentleman and I don’t kiss and tell. However, I will tell you that it was everything I had hoped for and more and you should be really upset that you missed it. *wink*


  “Don’t smother my sparkles, Matt!”


  So David, now that Annie’s movin’ in, don’t you think we need to clean out the closet in her room? I mean, I know you love clothes and all, but do you really need half of my closet and the entire second bedroom closet? I dunno, I just think it’s a bit much.”

  I stood behind Matt with my jaw dropping to the ground. Did he just refer to my love of all things clothing as ‘a bit much’? He was obviously in need of some professional help if he couldn’t understand my desperate need to not only cover my beautiful body in materials and colors that were deserving of me, but also to accessorize those materials and colors to reward them for looking so good when I wore them.

  Matt arched a single brow at me and chuckled as he turned back to the closet. He selected two items and turned to hold them out to me. In his right hand was the zombie clown costume I’d purchased to help train Paige in the gym and in his left, was the Richard Simmons tribute costume – it was my proudest achievement.

  “No! I’m not getting rid of the workout costume. Do you know how long it took me to bedazzle that shirt?! And it sparkles! How can you even think of getting rid of something like that? Don’t smother my sparkles, Matt! Please!”

  A crooked smile curled his lips, and he held up the zombie clown costume. “This is just disgusting David. Seriously. What use is this costume, except for Halloween?”

  Oh. He had no idea.

  “Paige is getting married in two months, right?” I straightened my spine after posing my question.

  Sounding very skeptical in response, Matt said, “Yeah, she is. What does that have to do with anythin’?”

  I huffed out an indignant sigh. “Well, it’s simple. Paige
is not going to want to walk up that aisle. Daemon and I have already discussed this. I mean, yes, she agreed to marry him, but I know her well enough to know, she’s the type to cut and run at the last second. We’re going to have to lock the doors from the outside to prevent her escape. Plans have already been put in place for that exact thing, however, forcing her up the aisle will be the tricky part. So, to ensure that happens, I’ll be dressing up as a zombie clown and chasing her ass up the aisle if she gives us any problems. Therefore, the zombie clown costume stays.”

  Matt stood dumbfounded. “Daemon is really going to let you chase his bride up the aisle dressed as a zombie clown?”

  I snickered. “It was his idea.”

  “The woman is goin’ to strangle you both. I love you, David, but I’m goin’ to avoid you like the plague for the weddin’ if you do this. I don’t want to be the innocent bystander caught in the line of fire when Paige attempts to murder you.”

  I smiled. Not because I thought Paige wouldn’t actually attempt to murder me, but because he said he loved me. He’d said it numerous times in the past, however, I would never get enough of those three words being spoken by his lips.

  The doorbell rang and I pushed off of the wall where I’d been leaning. “Oh my God, Annie’s here.” I clapped my hands together in excitement and hightailed it to the front door. Pulling the door open, my breath caught in my chest at how beautiful Annie looked standing there with her suitcases.

  Rushing forward, I took her into a large bear hug and may have held on too long because Matt reminded me that she needed to breathe once her skin had taken on a blueish tone.

  She pulled away but still held onto my arms. Laughing, she said, “I’m glad to see you too, David!”

  Tears welled at the back of my eyes and I sniffled in an attempt to hold them at bay. It felt like it had taken forever for this day to come and I couldn’t be any prouder of the girl standing in front of me. She was a tiny little thing, but she was a fighter. The things that had happened to her would have been enough to shatter even the strongest person – but Annie had not only endured, she’d conquered. She was an inspiration and a person that people could look to as an example of the true strength of the human spirit.

  “Well, are you going to stand there looking at me all day, or are you going to show me to my room? Logan and Daemon are downstairs now getting my boxes and furniture out of the truck.”

  My mind instantly snapped to what she’d said. “ManGod is here?” Quickly looking around the apartment, I noticed traces of dust in some areas and clutter in others. “Oh shit, I’m not prepared.” I moved to start cleaning up and Matt grabbed me and pulled my back to his chest.

  “Calm down, David. He’s been here before.”

  Annie laughed and allowed Matt to show her back to her room. Almost instantly I heard her laughing. “Hey David! I’ll be needing some of this closet!”

  Yelling back at her, I asked, “How much?”

  She stepped out of the room and glared at me. “All. Of. It.”

  My head dropped in defeat. “Fine.”

  Logan and Daemon eventually dragged all the boxes back to her room. When they were finished setting up her furniture and stacking the boxes where she could get to them, we sat down in the living room.

  “So, David, I’ve been going over the plans for the wedding and I don’t think we’ve secured all of the exits as well as we should. I know you have it listed that we’ll use chains and padlocks, but she can still slip out through a window or something. This is Paige we’re talking about.”

  I nodded. Damn. I hadn’t even considered the windows. “Think there’s any way her mom and dad will let us nail the windows to The Center shut?”

  Daemon chuckled. “Not a chance.”


  The wedding was to be held at The Center. The ceremony was expected to take place in the backyard, however Paige’s mom was also setting up a place inside should the weather not work out. And given that it was the wetlands in Florida, you could almost assume that the weather would not work out; thus the need for protecting the building. When it came to the outside ceremony, Daemon and I had arranged for an elaborate set of traps which involved netting in order to catch Paige if she made a break for it. We’d also enlisted Alex’ help in our planned recovery operations. Ava would be photographing the wedding and Alex would always be in the vicinity of Paige because he’d be assisting Ava. It was the perfect cover and Paige would never suspect a thing.

  Standing up, Daemon patted my shoulder before walking to the front door. “We’ll figure it out as we get closer. I’m sure James and Maia have already come up with ways to ensure that the wedding is a success. It’s actually kind of cute. I’ve never seen Paige’s mom so excited about anything. I guess she was afraid it would never actually happen.”

  I smiled. My joy for Paige was overflowing and I was proud of Daemon for having powered through all the barriers that existed within her. I was proud of myself as well. I don’t want to point out my heroism once again, but it’s the point of this story. Daemon provided the temptation and I pushed Paige into his open arms. It was a team effort and it worked.

  “Alright, man. I’m out. Logan? You ready?” Daemon looked over my shoulder and I turned to follow his line of sight. Annie and Logan sat on the couch with their shoulders pressed together. Both had their heads down and they whispered back and forth and Logan held her hands, but never made a move beyond that. It was, quite simply, the sweetest moment I’d ever seen in my life. My appreciation for Logan had soared over the past months. His level head and relaxed spirit had been a miracle in Annie’s life. At first, I was skeptical that he’d push her too quickly into dating; but after a few weeks I realized that Logan was looking out for a girl he considered to be a friend. I had no doubt that those two would eventually become one hell of a love story and I got misty eyed just by the thought of it.

  Reluctantly, Logan stood up from the couch and walked to stand next to Daemon by the front door. Waving their goodbyes, the two men left and I moved to take Logan’s previous seat on the couch. Annie sat to my right and Matt sat to my left. I sat quietly for a moment and thought about the future for our group. I was excited to see what would happen with Annie and Logan, I was more than thrilled to have Alex back around now that he’d fallen for Ava, and I was nervous for the events of Paige’s wedding. I knew that our story would continue forward despite what had occurred to us. Life had returned to normal again, but we were all a little bit better for what had happened in the past – the good, the bad and the ugly.

  Reaching over I grabbed the remote control and flicked on the television. “Are you two up for some T.V.? There’s a great fashion show coming on!”

  Annie looked over at me and smiled. “Oh! You know what, I think my favorite reality show is on right now.” She reached over and tried to grab the remote. In our struggles over it, Matt reached over and took the advantage, snatching it from both of our hands.

  “Sorry, you two, but there is a kickass zombie flick about to start and I’ve been meaning to see it for a while now.” He turned the channel quickly and shushed us so he could hear what was being said.

  Annie and I looked at each other and broke out into a fit of laughter. Yep. Things had returned to normal. Maybe it wasn’t exactly as it had been before everything happened, but it was normal nonetheless.

  Kicking my feet up on the coffee table, I put my arms around Annie and Matt and started my argument.

  “You know, Matt, I’m pretty positive that missing a second of this riveting dialogue and images of blown up body parts isn’t going to ruin the whole plot. I’ll tell you how it ends…”

  Annie finished my statement for me while giggling. “They all die.”


  Future books in this series will be:

  “Captured” – Alex and Ava’s story


  “Changed” – Annie and Logan’s story

  Anticipated release: early 2014r />
  M.S. Willis

  If you are interested in reading additional books by M.S. Willis or would like to know when new books are being released, M.S. Willis can be found at:






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