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Raise Hell

Page 3

by Briana Michaels

  Eve blew out another breath and slowly raised her hand up to Lucifer's chin. He startled, then growled even louder. Holy Moly, she felt the vibration in her very bones. Keeping her hand still, Eve kept it raised and by his chin for a few heartbeats. Of all things, Lucifer's nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed, but he was no longer growling. He was scenting her. Progress!

  "I'm going to release this bind, okay? Just... don't take my fingers off. Please." She used her calm tone and hoped her fear didn't make her voice quiver too obviously. "Nice and easy, Lucifer."

  She would keep using his name until he learned it.

  Reaching out slowly, inch by inch, she figured the first step might be to swipe the hair from his face, otherwise it would just get tangled in the mouthpiece that had been strapped on him. Carefully swiping a tendril of hair out of his eyes, Eve almost tucked it behind his ear when he lashed out and barked ferociously.

  Eve screamed and flew back to get out of his reach. Her heart beat so fast, she grew dizzy again. Holding both her hands up in the air, Eve tried to catch her breath.

  Lucifer shook the hair from his face and stared at her with his nostrils flaring, eyes blazing, and chest pumping as he hyperventilated right along with her. Then he started to tuck his wings around himself again, like he was using them as a shield.

  The door opened and in came another Angel. "What the fuck?"

  "I told you, Uriel," Constantine said from behind him.

  "Yeah, but I didn't realize that she was so—"

  "Shhh," Constantine snapped.

  The one named Uriel stopped at the cell door with a tray laden with food. "Wow, your hair is so red. It’s as red as apples."

  It wasn’t red, it was what she’d dubbed auburn because that sounded nicer than red. And it was darker than red, it was deep and rich and vibrant as the earth. But she wasn’t going to debate that with him because right now, she was in a tight fucking spot and she was as nervous as a bird in a net.

  Brushing the dirt from her knees, Eve tried her best to hide how scared she just was with Lucifer. Giving her full attention to this newest Angel, Uriel, she decided to try for playful. "Well yours is the color of pale lemons."

  It wasn’t… his hir was the color of sunshine, but she figured he’d appreciate the fruit analogy since he’d used it first.

  "I... yeah,” Uriel chuckled, “I guess it is kinda like lemons." He reached up and ran a hand through his hair and balanced the heavy tray with his other hand. The food nearly toppled onto the floor and Constantine caught it before everything spilled. "Ooops. Sorry about that. Nice catch, Con."

  Constantine took the tray from him. "Open the door. She needs to be fed."

  "What about Lucifer?" Eve stepped to the side so they could bring in the food.

  "Who is Lucifer?" Uriel asked.

  "Him," she pointed at the Angel still crouched on the ground. His hair was back in his face again.

  "I..." Uriel's mouth opened then shut. His brow furrowed with a look of confusion, "He doesn't eat."

  Eve’s cheeks grew hot. "Well you wouldn't eat that slop either if it was served to you."

  "No," Uriel shook his head, "I mean—"

  “And he has a gag in his mouth. A big one.”

  Uriel’s cheeks reddened and he looked at Constantine before saying, “I didn’t know they’d done that.”

  “Well they did,” Eve grew angrier with every word. “You all treat him terribly.”

  “He bit three of our men!” Constantine argued.

  Eve’s fury blazed, “If you treated me like this, I’d bite you too!”

  “It’s not up to us what is done to him,” Uriel argued. “We take orders like everyone else.”

  “You can’t treat him this way. It’s not right.”

  Now Uriel grew angry too. “It’s not right to let that thing out to run free, either. He’s dangerous.”

  “Says who?” Eve didn’t know why she was siding with Lucifer. He was a dangerous creature. But he was also an Angel and they should all be treated equal, even if they weren’t all on the same level of manners.

  "Uriel!" Someone shouted from the doorway. "Michael is looking for you."

  "Gotta go," Uriel backed out. “Nice meeting you, Eve.”

  Constantine's jaw ticked as he watched Uriel run out of the room. With a loud exhale, he handed the tray to Eve.

  "Thank you," she said, taking it from him.

  He swallowed. Audibly. Then dropped his head and marched out of there again after locking the cell door once more.

  Eve sat down and stared at the apple, figs, some kind of fish, currants, and green leaves with nuts on top.

  Glancing over at Lucifer, she quietly divided the food in two parts, giving him the larger portion because she figured he'd not eaten in quite a while. She only kept the apple and a few figs for herself and cautiously slid the tray of food towards him. If he kicked it away, she wouldn't be surprised, but she had to try.

  "Are you hungry, Lucifer?"

  Taking a big bite of her apple, the juice dripped off her bottom lip. His focus latched onto her mouth. It made her smile. He must be starving with how hungry his gaze looked right now. She took another bite of her apple to tempt him.

  "If you allow me to remove that gag, you could chew your food." She took another bite of her apple. "Do you like leaves and fish, Lucifer? Have you ever tried it before?" Eve slowly crawled back over to him. "It's nice. Juicy."

  Holding the apple between her teeth, she reached out and slowly tried another attempt at getting close enough to release the mouthpiece. If his hair got tangled in the buckle, she'd feel bad for it later. No way was she wasting time by swiping his hair back again. Clearly this male only allowed a fraction of kindness before he attacked.

  It took longer than she anticipated. The buckle was stuck and his hair did get tangled. But Lucifer made no move, nor did he growl. He stayed stiff as a rod and his eyes blazed brighter with all her tugging and finagling with the buckles. Finally, she was able to get the strap free and she gently peeled the contraption away and the ball released from his mouth.

  Drool and blood dripped down his chin. Lucifer’s tongue darted out and he licked his lips and winced.

  “Better now, huh?” Eve slowly backed away from him again and took another bite of her apple.

  Pride spiked within her. Leaning back against the bars, she watched Lucifer crawl over to the tray. She was so happy with herself until he stiffened. The chain tied to his collar clanked as he bent down and sniffed the food. His arms were chained to, allowing him very little movement. Unless he stuck his face into the bowl of leaves, he would not be able to eat at all.

  “Wait,” she said with some authority. She hadn’t meant to sound so bossy, but anger caused her tone to change. Fortunately, Lucifer responded to her command. He froze, mid-crouch, and stared at her. Tossing the apple core onto the ground, she wiped her hands on her pants and crawled back to him. Staying eye-level felt key with this Angel. "Do not bite the hand that feeds you," she warned.

  Eve picked up a nut and held it out to him.

  Lucifer didn't take it from her.

  "Not a nut guy, huh? Okay, how about fish?" She broke off a piece of the fillet and held it up to him.

  He dipped his head down and sniffed it. Then turned his head away.

  "This isn't going to work if you don't eat, Lucifer. You'll starve and I'll tell you right now, they'll let you. Michael isn't the most generous of commanders and weakness isn't something he'll tolerate. You have to be strong if you're going to survive. Now eat." She shoved the piece of fish at him again.

  Lucifer backed up and leaned against the wall with his head down. "It's tainted."

  Eve froze.

  Did he.... Did he just speak? "What?"

  "I said," Lucifer shook the hair out his eyes so he could look right at her and repeat, "The food is tainted."

  Chapter 3

  Michael gathered in the war room with his best warriors. "We need to wipe this
area clean of impurities," he tapped a map.

  In charge of the Protection Sect, it was his mission to keep things safe, pure, and perfect by any means necessary.

  Uriel looked down at the map and frowned. "That's going to wipe out a lot of creation."

  "So be it. We start with a blank slate, like we always do when things are not up to standard." Michael clasped his hands behind his back and strolled around the large table. "If there is resistance, conquer it. No creation there is stronger or more powerful than us. It should be a simple victory.”

  The Angels grumbled in agreement.

  "Why does this matter so much?" Gabriel asked from the far side of the room. "What cares have we for what happens in that realm?"

  Michael froze and glared at him. "We are a breed of perfection who has been given the task of overseeing this vulgar and primitive realm. What would it say about us if we allowed those creatures to tear apart their world and decimate it with their ever-growing hunger? Humans are nothing more than glorified locusts. Eat, eat, eat, they devour anything they can."

  "Gluttony," Uriel said. "That's what I heard the plague was being called lately."

  Michael's smile was tight. "Yes," he practically purred. "Whoever the Angel was to first take a bite of something... I do hope they are happy with themselves. They caused a fucking mess."

  Uriel shrugged and stepped back from the table, "Hey, I'm not complaining about hunger. I like eating. Whoever did it, I’d like to thank them. Without knowing hunger, I'd never know the taste of pineapples. And I gotta tell you, I fucking love 'em."

  Uriel was a fucking joke. Michael only kept him because he knew what Uriel was capable of. Closing his eyes, Michael focused on his breathing. He needed to calm down before his wrath ripped free.

  Wrath - one more emotion bestowed upon the Angels. The best one… the most dangerous and effective one.

  Being in charge came with so many responsibilities, Michael could scarcely imagine what might happen as more time passed. Would powers and energies level off or accelerate? Would he become stronger or weaker? Would he always rule or would pride ride his warriors hard enough to challenge him one day?

  Curiosity was a terrible calamity. It both satisfied and starved you. And power was no better.

  “Get to work and level that target area. Dismissed.” Michael began to walk away.

  “What of Eve?” Constantine’s baritone sent a chill down Michael’s back. “Or did you forget her already?”

  “Eve?” Rave repeated.

  “Who is that?” asked Raphael.

  Michael fought the urge to roll his eyes. Spinning around slowly, his smile tightened, “Eve is in good hands. And has been fed.”

  He left it at that and walked off again. When he shut the door, he knew damn well Constantine was going to tell the rest of the crew about their newest addition. Michael didn’t care. Either she survived and thrived or was eaten alive.

  Marching back to his private chambers, his wings sagged from exhaustion. Protecting so many realms was wearing him thin. And, no thanks to hunger and the asshole who’d bound the humans to the Divine, Michael’s priorities constantly teetered between self-satisfaction and self-preservation.

  To add more shit to the pile, there was still the possibility of a Dark Angel roaming freely though the lands, capable of tearing rifts in the realms and leeching power from the very air they breathed. Michael was on the hunt to find that fucker and add him to his weapons collection. For the moment, however, he needed rest.

  “Lilith,” he called out when he entered his private chambers.

  She appeared from the kitchen area. Ever since the moment she first put food into her face, all Lilith did was eat, eat, eat. “Yes, master?”

  “Get over here.”

  Long, flowing fabric covered most of her body. It made her look like a swan gliding across a lake when she approached him. Females were strange creatures. Why each species had a male and female made no sense to him. Not where Angels were concerned. For what purpose could there possibly be a male and female for other than to reproduce, which was something Angels did not do.

  Humans reproduced. Animals did the same. Fish, birds, bugs - they all had the divide between male and female. Even flowers. But Angels didn’t need to smash bodies together to make a new Angel. That was their Creator’s job.

  Angels only created messes. Everything in this world, and all connecting realms, were made by Divinity.

  Every. Single. Imperfect. Thing.

  It infuriated Michael to no end. Angels were flawless, why would their creations not reflect that?

  Because something else was afoot, that’s why. And Michael planned to discover and annihilate whatever it was.

  Lilith calmly kneeled, “Yes, sire?”

  “You did as I asked?”

  “Of course.”

  “And gave it to Constantine?”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “Good girl. Go back to the kitchen and peel me an apple.”

  Like a well-trained pet, Lilith obeyed and returned to her station. The kitchen was the perfect place for her considering she was the Angel who’d eaten the first grape to begin with.

  “What are you talking about, Con? Who’s Eve?” Rave tossed his hands up, completely exasperated. “Is he the Angel Michael’s been having us search for?”

  “Not hardly, there’s nothing dark about her,” Uriel answered before Constantine could.

  “Her?” Rave jerked his head back with confusion. “Are you saying there’s a female here?”

  “Yeah,” Con sighed., “She’s been locked in with 666.”

  Rave deadpanned. “You’ve got to be joking.”

  “Do I ever joke?”

  Nope. Constantine didn’t seem to have a humorous bone in his body. Unlike Uriel, his best friend.

  Raphael crossed his arms. “Why is she in with 666? Is she a beast like him?”

  “Not hardly,” Uriel grinned.

  “She’s named him Lucifer,” Constantine looked around the room. “She wanted to prove herself and be part of the Brotherhood. Michael gave her the task of training the beast in the cage. I mean… she’s going to train Lucifer. Make him more docile and agreeable. If she succeeds, she can train with us.”

  “Wow,” Rave whistled. “That’s impressive.”

  “It’s a fucking joke,” Gabriel growled from the far side of the room. “She’ll never survive it. Michael is exp—”

  “Get back to your stations!” Anthony roared from the doorway. “This meeting is over and there is work to be done.”

  The Angels groaned and left the room, one-by-one. Gabriel hung back and snatched Constantine’s arm just as he exited, “Do not give her the food Michael prepares.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Just don’t.” Gabriel’s eyes blazed with severity.

  “I already did.” Why did his heart have to beat so fast when he said that? Panic was not a feeling a warrior should experience.

  “Do not do it again. Bring her food you pluck yourself, understand me?”

  Constantine nodded.

  Angels were so good at obeying back then…

  Chapter 4

  It was day six of Eve and Lucifer locked in a cage together. Not much changed in their circumstances during that time. He barely spoke. More Cagers took up their posts outside and now inside the room. She figured it was because word had spread about a new Angel arriving and they were curious about her. But being stared at all the time was starting to irk Eve.

  “I want to speak with Michael. Let me out.” Fuck them if they thought she was going to drop to her knees and beg like Loony Lazarus would every once in a while. His cell was two down from theirs and she hated hearing his pleas for release whenever they brought him food. “What are you waiting for? Let me out.”

  The two Angels at the door exchanged looks and the one on the right shrugged, “He never said she couldn’t come out.”

  What? Does that mean she could have gotten out of this cell
anytime? Damnit!

  The annoyance triggered an angry emotion that was quickly followed by a guilty one. Lucifer would have been alone down here had she not been locked in with him. Odd enough, she’d started to feel a weird attachment to him. A bond of sorts.

  Lucifer hadn’t said a word since that first night when he told her the food was tainted, but Eve wasn’t discouraged. She had a few theories on why he’d grown silent again and wanted to test them out. Her curiosity was positively killing her now.

  The door unlocked and swung open. Eve bit her bottom lip and took a page from Lucifer’s book, allowing her vibrant red hair to fall around and hide some of her face. With her head tilted down, her shoulders relaxed, she kept pace with her escort. He had the number 104 on his arm.

  “I’m Eve, by the way.” Might as well make friends while she could.


  “Nice to meet you.”

  Gabriel’s jaw tensed and relaxed. “You named him Lucifer, huh?”

  “I’m shocked he had no name before I came unto him.”

  Gabriel frowned at that. Like he was a little disappointed in not having thought to name the Angel before now. They walked in silence the rest of the way and when she approached the doorway to Michael’s private chambers, she beat Gabriel to the door handle and shoved it open.

  “You must knock!” Gabriel hissed.

  Too late. She opened it wide and strolled in.

  Call her brave, cocky, or insane, but being locked in a cage with Lucifer for six days had boosted her confidence levels way up. If that beast of an Angel hadn’t found a way to gnaw on her flesh, then Michael would be no threat at all. Because mark her words, Lucifer was way more threatening and powerful than Michael ever would be.

  It was all in the energy. The power. Lucifer had his barely contained and kept trying to hide it. Meanwhile, Michael flaunted his personal power every chance he got. Eve knew enough about creatures to know that the ones who paraded weren’t nearly as impressive as the silent ones you never knew were hiding in the tall grass or beneath black waters.

  “Michael!” Slamming the door shut in Gabriel’s face, Eve felt empowered. “Michael!”


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