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Raise Hell

Page 20

by Briana Michaels

  “The rabbit,” she sighed. “You captured a rabbit for dinner.”

  “Does that please you?”

  “Does it please you?”

  No. Any pride for his capture burned away when he saw her sway in the water just now. “You’re trembling.”

  “Put me down, Lucy.”

  He had no choice but to obey. Gently letting her go, he stepped back and hated how hard he was. His shaft throbbed, the twin sacks hung heavily between his thighs, and his chest felt too tight to catch his breath. There wasn’t enough room in his skin for all he was holding back.

  When Eve’s gaze dropped down, her cheeks reddened and breath hitched. For some fucked up, no good reason, Lucifer grabbed his shaft and stroked it just to see what she’d look like watching him.

  Eve moaned.

  “Do you like this?” he asked. If she did, he’d continue to do it. Merciful Hounds, Lucifer didn’t think he would be able to stop touching himself like this even if she asked him to. No wonder Uriel was enthralled when he’d done it. Lucifer doubted anything could feel better than this.

  Eve approached him cautiously. “Does it hurt?”

  “No,” he groaned, his pace quickening.

  “Then,” she touched his chest with a feather-light brush of her finger tips, “why does your expression look so pained?”

  Because I can’t get enough, I don’t want to stop, and I don’t want to scare you. “I have no idea what this is I’m doing. Something that feels this good is bound to be forbidden.” His head jerked back and he slammed down on his knees as he continued to stroke himself. “You make me want this. You make me want so many things I have no business wanting.”

  Eve crouched down and watched him. Fuck him for all he was worth, Lucifer wanted to give her a show too. Make this moment worthy of a fucking legend to tell throughout the ages. Growling, he locked his gaze to hers, “Does this not frighten you, female?”

  Eve shook her head and bit her lip. Her scent filled his nose and coated his lungs. The animalistic parts of him ripped free from restraint and he crawled over to her so fast, she was knocked onto her back. Lucifer shoved his face between her thighs and inhaled as deep as possible.

  Ohhhh. Fuuuuck.

  He stroked himself harder, faster. Hips bucking, Lucifer roared as an all-consuming energy erupted out of him. His vision flashed white. His skin lit on fire. With a howl to the skies, Lucifer exploded and, damn his soul, he never wanted it to end.

  His cock throbbed and every piece of his body grew so sensitive, he thought he’d die from it. Blinking and sucking in ragged breaths, his vision took its time going back to normal. Under him, Eve lay flat on her back, her heart beating so fast, Lucifer could see her pulse race in her neck. Her scent permeated everything and he held his breath.

  He knew damn well if he inhaled again, he’d most likely do something they both would regret.

  Bury yourself in her. Taste her. Mark her. So many instincts and so little sense.

  Lucifer rolled back on his haunches and stared down at himself. Between their bodies, white liquid covered the ground. “What have I done?” he asked. “What… what is all this?”

  It was the same that happened to Uriel, and now Lucifer understood why that Angel had such a stupid looking smile on his face afterwards. Lucy was rocking the same thing right now.

  Eve sat up and studied the mess. Carefully dipping her hand into one of the small puddles, she rubbed her finger and the pad of her thumb in a circle, “It feels nice. Slick.”

  His face grew hot with embarrassment. “Clean that off your hand.” He stood and backed away from her. “Get it off now. It might infect you.”

  What if whatever came out of him was the evil that tainted his skin? What if just touching it turned her into someone like him?

  “I’ve seen this with humans,” she wiped the residue onto her leg. “Even animals have this similar reaction.”

  “Reaction to what?”


  Lucifer froze. “Do… Do Angels procreate, then? Do we reproduce?”

  Eve shook her head. “Not that I’ve ever heard of. Fertility is not a gift blessed upon us… yet. Maybe. I don’t know,” the more she rambled, the more unhinged Lucifer became.

  “We need to ask Lazarus,” he snatched her arm and started pulling her back into the woods and towards the cottage. Hopefully Lazarus would tell them something that would make Lucifer feel more like a good guy, instead of a raging beast ready to rut.

  Chapter 30

  Eve could not, for the life of her, wipe the smile from her face. Besides feeling a little dizzy, the rest of her body was sluggish in a heated way. What she watched Lucifer do to himself was intoxicating.

  Parts of her body swelled; other parts turned liquid. She didn’t want to go talk with Laz about it, but with Lucifer looking so worried, she agreed just to ease his mind.

  If watching that Angel touch himself in such a manner was wrong, she never wanted to be right. In fact, she wished she could stop walking right now and touch herself to see what would happen to her body when it, too, was played with.

  For every one of Lucifer’s strides, it took two of Eve’s. The fact that he was walking upright made her worry. She knew he was more comfortable on all fours.

  Or maybe she misread that?

  Lucifer stopped and flicked his wings out. The wingspan of those suckers was over twenty feet – so impressive. Just like the rest of him, she mused. From this vantage point, she marveled at his tight ass. She could probably crack walnuts on it. Chip a tooth or a nail, too. Hmmph. And his thighs? Gracious, his thighs were thick and muscular with a dusting of dark hair. His back and shoulders were built to withstand storms.


  No wonder Michael was jealous of him. Lucifer wouldn’t hurt a fly, but you’d never know it just by looking at him.

  “What is it?” she asked when he refused to budge.

  “Shhh,” he turned his head slowly to the right, his nostrils flaring as he scented the air.

  A rustling beyond the bushes drew her gaze away from Lucifer’s physique. Swift movement darted between the trees. Eve immediately thought of that spirit they’d run into in the jungle. Was this another? Were these souls going to chase her for the rest of her life?

  Lucifer’s head dipped and a low, deep growl rumbled out of him. Six wolves stalked out of the forest’s shadows. The hair on their backs raised, their heads dipped low, and mouths showing every single one of their sharp teeth.

  Oh shit.

  A large grey one approached Lucifer, snarling and licking his teeth.

  Eve wanted to intervene, but—

  The wolf pounced and Lucifer didn’t hesitate to snatch it by the throat and slam it to the ground. Within seconds, he asserted dominance and the alpha of the pack submitted. Lucifer rose to his full height again and barked once. All the wolves pressed their bellies to the ground, pawing towards Lucifer’s bare feet. He crouched down and let out a shorter, softer bark.

  Holy moly… the entire pack started head butting him, exposing their necks, nuzzling him. Two had their tails tucked, but the alpha sat with his tail stiff and straight.

  Eve approached the pack cautiously, “I’ve never seen submission so fast before.”

  The wolves kept pawing and bumping up to him, vying for his attention. He bent down and scratched behind a white wolf’s ears. “I wasn’t necessarily asserting dominance.”

  “What was it then?”

  “I…” he frowned and started petting another one, “I was just telling them that you were off limits. I didn’t want them touching you. Hurting you.” He leaned over and coaxed the alpha to come forth. “This one didn’t listen, so I had to…”

  “Punish him,” they both said at the same time.

  Eve dropped down to her knees and started petting the grey one. “They’re beautiful.”

  He looked over at her and smiled. “You really do like animals, don’t you, Eve?”

” she began scratching a black one’s belly next. “What’s not to love about an animal? They’re simple creatures. They give and expect respect and are so protective. Loving. Strong. Independent.”

  “Living in a pack,” Lucifer stood, “is not being very independent.”

  “They all have a place in their pack – each have their own rank. And they have the ability to work together or break off and become lone wolves.”

  “Lone wolves,” Lucifer rolled the words around. “Secluded then?”


  Lucifer ran a hand through his hair. “Which is better?”

  “Depends on the wolf and the pack as a whole.”

  “I see,” he barked once and pointed towards the waterfall. The wolves took off at a dead run. A few moments later, she heard them all howling.

  The hairs on the back of her neck and all down her arms stood on end. That sweet music was scary and lovely at the same time. When Lucifer tilted his head back and joined their chorus, Eve’s nipples hardened.

  What on earth?

  She bit her bottom lip. How was it possible that her body kept responding in such ways to him?

  The sound of footsteps approaching shattered the moment and Lucifer immediately went back on guard – his wings fanning out, legs braced to lunge, and arms ready to strike.

  “Easy, big guy,” Lazarus the golden-winged mood killer, rounded the bend carrying an armful of fruit. “How about we have dinner, eh?”

  “I just fed the rabbit to the wolves,” Lucifer confessed. “I have nothing to offer.”

  Lazarus ignored him and led the way home.

  “What is wrong with my body, Lazarus?” Lucifer didn’t beat around the bush.

  “Absolutely nothing is wrong with your body.”

  “I’m hard,” he dropped his gaze to his lap, “constantly.”

  “Find relief. Exhaust yourself. Remedies are all within your grasp, my friend.” Lazarus sucked the flesh of an orange and tossed the rind on the table.

  “Relief?” Lucifer wondered if that was a good word for it. “I touched myself. The same as Uriel. Something… happened.”

  “Then you’re in fine working order, Angel. Don’t sweat it.” Lazarus grabbed a bunch of grapes and popped one into his mouth. “You know what these need? Whipped cream. Whipped cream makes everything better. So does ice cream for that matter. And cookies.”

  “What’s a cookie?” Eve asked from the far end of the table.

  Was she keeping her distance from me now? Lucifer hoped not.

  “Cookies are divine, Flower. You’ll see. You’re going to flip for the soft sugar ones.”

  “Laz,” she practically cooed. “What does it mean - that Lucifer and Uriel can have the same reaction to stimulation as the humans who reproduce?”

  “You mean, can Angels have babies?”

  Eve nodded and Lucifer’s heart clenched at the hopeful look in her eyes. Of course, she would want a child… she had a soft spot for them. Big enough to breathe life into one.

  His gaze fell upon her bare arm then he looked down at his own and stared at his number. 666. Lucifer worried the number would never go away.

  Bad things never go away for him.

  While in the woods earlier, the evil had almost entirely disappeared and for the first time ever, Luce felt like he could breathe. But by the time he reached the cottage, the darkness reappeared.

  It could be worse, he thought. It could always be worse.

  At least Eve and the others never treated him like a plague.

  What was taking Gabriel and the others so long? Shortly after they left, Lucifer’s gut clenched and twisted. His energy pulsed erratically. Figuring it was nerves, he ignored it. But what if it wasn’t nerves? What if they were in trouble and had pulled energy from him?

  Did he want them to do that?

  Lucifer stopped chewing for a moment. The apple between his teeth tasted bitter. He spat it out and placed the core on the table.

  “—more than that.”

  Lucifer blinked and snapped his attention back to Lazarus. “What?”

  “I said our bodies are built for more than that.” He sunk his teeth into a green apple. “There is more than one purpose for everything, you know.”

  Eve’s hands flattened against the table. “What other purpose would there be other than to reproduce?”

  “Lucy can answer that. He’s experienced it.”

  They both stared at him. Shit. Should he confess what it felt like? “It was… an unimaginable amount of pleasure.”

  Eve’s cheeks reddened. “Pleasure?”

  “Yes,” he growled. Fuck, he was getting hard again.

  “Pleasure is not without consequence,” Eve’s voice trembled and she shot up from the table and stormed out of the cottage.

  “Don’t,” Lazarus said. “Leave her be, Lucy. She must accept this. Eve must learn to accept many things before this is over.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means there is much to be done. Let her discover life on her own for now.”

  “I don’t want her to be alone. Not if she doesn’t have to be.”

  The golden-winged Angel snatched a pineapple and slammed it against the edge of the table to bust it. “You have your own self-discovery to see to, Lucy.”

  He’d done enough of that already today, fuck you very much. “Why have the others not returned yet?”

  “They can’t right now.”

  Dread coiled in his gut, “Can’t or won’t?”

  “Did you know flamingos turn pink because they eat so much shrimp? Fascinating, really.” Lazarus handed Lucifer half of the pineapple. “Some creatures manifest things in strange ways.”

  “Laz,” Lucifer slammed his fist on the table, “are they ever coming back?”

  The lunatic looked down at his pineapple and frowned. “Sometimes, to keep his flock safe, a Sheppard may break a lamb’s leg to keep it from wandering off.”

  The fruit felt like thorns in Lucifer’s belly. “We’ve got to go back. We need to help them.”

  “Help is not what they need in the brotherhood,” Lazarus stood and stretched. “They need a fucking miracle.”

  “I’m going back there.” If he left now, he might save them before too much damage was done.

  “You’re unprepared.”

  Lucifer’s jaw clenched. He couldn’t stay here in good conscience, knowing Gabriel and the others were in danger. But he couldn’t go storming into the brotherhood to save the day either. He was only one Angel. One Angel who couldn’t fly and had yet to yield a sword properly. “I don’t care. I can’t sit here and do nothing.”

  “So, you would leave Eve here to fend for herself?”

  “You can stay with her. Guard her until we return.”

  “And you trust me, a lunatic, to keep her safe?”

  Yes. For whatever stupid reason, Lucifer trusted Lazarus completely. Eve would stay safe with him. “I trust you, Laz.” Lucifer’s heart pounded. “And I trust you to tell me – as the Angel who knows all – what is the best thing for me to do right now? What action must I take to save those I care for?”

  Something passed over Laz’s eyes – a shadow, a regret, a thought – fuck if Lucifer could tell what it was, but the Angel took a long time to answer him.

  “Well? What must I do?”

  “Stay,” Laz whispered. “One day, you will all be united, as was meant to be.”

  Lucifer exhaled and his wings sagged. Why did Laz say it like it was going to take lifetimes for that to ever happen?

  Chapter 31

  Stopping to puke every so often, Constantine tried his best to keep pace with Michael and not get into more trouble.

  Michael refused to allow any of them to heal with aides and Constantine had been taken away first – lest he be tempted to show mercy to the others and heal them with his energy. Con could only assume Gabriel carried Uriel back in their room by now.

  This wasn’t their first trip down this ago
nizing road.

  “You can heal yourself now,” Michael said over his shoulder.

  Fuck that. If his brothers suffered, so would he. They were in this together.

  Right before they made their descent to the brotherhood’s sect, and Gabriel screamed in unholy fury and Constantine raged within for the same reason. Returning to Michael’s territory meant they were accepting the consequences of their so called “failures” and anyone who dove, head first, into this kind of life was a glutton for punishment.

  They knew Michael would make them suffer, and returned anyway just to give Eve, Lucifer, and Lazarus time.

  Even knowing their punishments would be vicious, Constantine clutched to a sliver of hope that it wouldn’t be unbearable. That lasted for less than thirty seconds after Michael forced them to take their places in the courtyard. Fuck, he hoped Uriel survived those wounds. What Michael did was just –

  “Get over here,” the bastard ordered.

  Stripped of weapons, Constantine hobbled over to Michael’s private rooms. When the door opened, Con caught a faint scent of female. Lilith. He quickly masked his expression and cast his gaze to the ground. “What would you have me do, sire?”

  “Sit your ass down, for starters. And do as you’re told. Heal.”

  Con bit his tongue and eased on to the chair. His back screamed in protest and his arms still shook. His stress levels were so fucking high, his wings wouldn’t bend at all, which made sitting impossible.

  “Shall I cut your feathers clean to the bone, Constantine? I will if that’s the only way for you to obey and sit when I tell you to.”

  He couldn’t afford to have his wings cut down that much. He needed to be able to fly the fuck out of here when the time was right. No, scratch that, he was flying out of here sooner than planned. There was no hope here. Gabriel was on a mission to take over the brotherhood and send Michael packing and Con was all for Gabe taking over, but not right now. Not with Uriel looking like a sieve, and the others too far away to protect.

  The atmosphere of this sect was intense, yet Con hadn’t seen a single brother. “Where is everyone?”


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