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The Long Road Home: A Devil Chaser's MC Novella

Page 5

by L. Wilder

  Sunny sat across the room at her desk as she watched Katelyn finish getting dolled up. Her friend had gone all out with a sparkly, new top and tight-fitting jeans, and the new highlights in her short blonde hair made her blue eyes seem even brighter than usual. Unlike her best friend, Sunny had chosen to keep it simple and was wearing one of her t-shirts and worn-out jeans with boots.

  “First, it’s been over a year. It’s time for you to move on and let Drew stop screwing with your life. He’s done that enough. Take back the control and move on. Find a way to be happy. And furthermore… Gavin totally has the hots for you, and you know it. He can’t keep his eyes off of you, and he’s always doing all these sweet things for you.” She motioned her hand over to the kitten, who was sprawled out on the bed like she owned it, and continued, “And he got you a cat!”

  “He didn’t get me the cat. He found her and let me have her.”

  “I doubt it. I bet that poor guy went out and bought that cat just to give it to you. Just look at her. She’s too cute and healthy to be some stray kitten. Now, stop worrying so much and get Drew out of your head.”

  Sunny took a deep breath as she tried to fight the tears that were pooling in her eyes. “It’s not that easy. How do I move on when I know he’s still out there? What if he decides to come back and finish what he started?”

  “He’s gone Sunny. He’s probably sitting on some beach somewhere drinking. Besides, there’s no way he’d come back here. He knows that Bishop and the guys would never let that happen.”

  “It all makes sense when you say it out loud. It’s just all the crazy doubts and fears that keep bouncing around in my head. I just want it to stop. I think I might like Gavin… but I’m afraid I’ll just screw it all up.”

  “You’ll never know unless you try, and from what I can tell, it would be pretty damn hard to screw things up with him. He’s got it bad for you, girl.”

  Sunny rolled her eyes and said, “Whatever.”

  “He does, and you know it.” She looked over on the bedside table wanting to put on some tunes. “Where’s your phone?”

  “I left it on the charger in my car. I’ll go get it.”

  “No, don’t do that. I can do without. I’m sure there will be plenty of music at the bar.” She tossed her mascara back into her bag and stood up, brushing the lint from her jeans. “I’m all set. Now it’s your turn.”

  “My turn?”

  “You heard me. Tonight, you’re getting the works, whether you want them or not.”

  While Katelyn was busy making over Sunny, the brothers were on their way to church. Bishop had called them all together to go over the next month’s agenda and other club business. Gavin’s nerves were on high alert as he watched his brothers file into the conference room, and seeing Goliath and Crack Nut’s angry glares as they passed by didn’t help matters. He knew his patch was up for vote, and after his conversation with Goliath and Sheppard, he worried that he might just get shot down. If the club decided to vote against him, he would lose his only chance at becoming a brother. Panic washed over him as he thought that he might have screwed things up, but he would have to wait it out. He knew they had a lot to cover, and his vote would be the last thing on the agenda.

  Before Bishop started, he had some important information to share. “The Sheriff came by today.”

  Goliath looked over at him with concern. “About Sunny?”

  “He’s not giving up. He has his mind set on finding Drew. We all know he’s got good intentions, but I don’t want him stirring up shit, not when she’s finally pulling herself together.”

  “What do you need us to do?” Sheppard asked.

  “Be vigilant. Keep your eyes and ears open. If they find anything, I don’t want us to be the last to know.”

  “I’ll keep an eye on things,” Crack Nut assured him. Hacking into the department’s server had never been a problem where he was concerned; he’d always had a way with computers, and even though they hadn’t needed his hacking skills in quite some time, they could definitely use him now.

  “Let me know if you find something. It’s time for Sunny to be able to put this behind her and I don’t want anything screwing that up.” Bishop took a cleansing breath, trying to push back his concern so that he could move on to the next task at hand. He spent the following hour going over all the new orders that needed to be completed by spring. Seeing how much work they had coming their way, the brothers all agreed it was time to take on a couple of new prospects. They needed the extra help with the garage, and it was what needed to be done if they wanted the club to continue to grow—especially since Gavin was up for vote.

  “As you all know, Gavin’s patch is up for vote tonight. It’s been a year since he started prospecting for us, and I think we can all say that he’s shown he would be a good addition to the club. But ultimately, that is up to the vote. So, let’s get this thing done. All in favor, say aye.” The room immediately filled with an echo of ‘ayes’ from the brothers of the Devil Chaser’s MC. “All that oppose.” The room fell silent. Not a single member of the club had qualms with Gavin, and all wanted to call him brother. “Then, it’s official. Gavin’s in. Now, Goliath and Shep… figure it’s time for you two to give the poor kid a break and tell him the good news.”

  A knowing grin spread across Sheppard’s face. “It was all in good fun, Prez.”

  “I’m sure it was.” He shook his head and chuckled as he slammed down the gavel. “Meeting dismissed.”

  By the time the brothers started to come out of the conference room, Gavin was a complete mess. He’d spent the last hour pacing back and forth as he prayed the vote would go his way. His eyes widened as he watched Goliath start walking in his direction. He studied his expression, trying to decipher his mood.

  Gavin clenched his jaw as he listened to Goliath say, “Welcome to the club, brother.”

  Gavin’s eyes widened with anticipation as Goliath handed him his new leather cut. He took it from his hand and held it in the air, admiring the Devil Chaser’s logo embroidered on the back. With an overwhelming sense of pride, he pulled it on and said, “Thanks, brother.”

  Goliath pulled him in for a quick hug and a friendly slap on the back. “Congratulations, Knuckles.”

  The others followed suit, giving their celebratory hugs and welcomes, and Gavin couldn’t have been happier. When Sheppard came up to him, Gavin looked up to him and asked, “So you and Goliath were just fucking with me?”

  “Yeah. Needed to keep you on your toes. And it worked. I wish you could’ve seen your face.”

  “I was sweatin’ it, man. No doubt about that.”

  “It’s all over now.” He chuckled as he gave him a quick hug. “You did good. Glad to call you brother.”

  “Thanks, Shep.”

  “Now it’s time to drink.”

  They followed the others into the bar. They were all looking forward to a night to let off some steam and celebrate. When Gavin stepped up to the counter, Lily handed him a cold beer and said, “Congrats, Gavin.”

  “Thanks, Lil.” He took a long pull from the beer. He glanced around at all of his brothers and their wives gathered nearby, and his lips curled into a smile as he spotted Maverick and Henley sitting at the end of the bar. He and his brother had been through so much over the past few years, and it meant a great deal to Gavin that they’d been able to put it behind them. Having his brother there made the night seem even more surreal.

  As soon as Maverick noticed him walking in his direction, he stood up and started towards him. After everything they’d been through, Maverick never failed to be there for his little brother, and even though it didn’t surprise him that he’d come, it still meant a great deal to him. Gavin wrapped his arms around his brother’s neck and said, “Thanks for coming.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it, little brother. Proud of you.”

  He took a step back and looked at his big brother. “It’s really good to see you. Both of you.”

  “Good to se
e you, too. It’s been too long.”

  They walked over to Henley, and Gavin gave her a tight hug before sitting down next to her. “How’s that nephew of mine?”

  Henley’s eyes lit up at the mention of her newborn son. There was no mistaking her love for him as she said, “He’s growing like a weed. I can’t believe how big he’s gotten over the past couple of months. I can’t wait for you to see him.”

  “Did you bring him along?”

  “We did. He’s at Lily’s with the sitter. You’ll have to come by tomorrow before we leave.”

  Gavin looked over at Maverick. “You’re leaving tomorrow? Why so soon?”

  “Wanted to stay longer, but couldn’t swing it this time.”

  Henley leaned forward as she said, “Things are a little crazy back at home.”

  “I know how it is. Maybe the next visit can be longer,” Gavin told them hopefully.

  They’d been talking for almost an hour when Courtney walked up. Maverick smiled when he saw his old friend and stood up to give her a hug. Just seeing her reminded him of the weeks he’d stayed with her while the Devil Chaser’s were under attack. He had been there to protect her, but he ended up developing a soft spot for the spunky redhead. Her smile was contagious, and there was no doubt that she had a way of keeping him on his toes.

  “Hey there, guys! I wasn’t expecting you two to be here.”

  “We wanted it to be a surprise. It’s good to see ya, Court. Where’s Bobby?”

  “He’s over playing a game of pool with Shep and the guys. Why don’t you fellas go join them so us girls can talk for a bit.” She sat down next to Henley as she motioned over to Lily for a drink.

  “Let’s go, bro. Leave the ladies to their idle gossip.” Maverick gave Henley a quick kiss on the forehead. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  As they made their way over to the pool tables, Gavin spotted Sunny. She was sitting at one of the tables with Katelyn, and they were talking to Levi and Conner. Sunny looked over to him and smiled, and everything around him stilled. He’d never seen her look so beautiful. It wasn’t the new clothes or the makeup. It wasn’t even the different way she’d done her long, auburn hair. It was that spark in her eyes when she smiled at him that made his heart hammer against his chest. He could’ve spent the entire night just standing there staring at her and would have if he hadn’t heard his brother calling his name.

  Sunny watched as Gavin walked by their table. Without saying a word, he went over to join the others playing pool. Disappointment crept over her when he didn’t stop to say hello. She’d noticed the way he’d just looked at her and wondered if Katelyn had overdone it with her little makeover. She glanced back over to Gavin and her heart sank as she spotted Brandy making her move by slipping her arm around his waist.

  Sensing Sunny’s sudden change in mood, Katelyn tapped her on the knee and asked, “How you doing over there, hotness?”

  She picked up her drink and took a quick sip. “I’m great,” she lied. “Thinking I might go grab another drink. You want one?”

  “I’ll get it,” Conner offered.

  Her eyes skirted over to the pool tables one last time, seeing once again that Brandy and her friend, Stacey, were pawing over Gavin and Otis. She quickly looked away and stood up from the table. “No, that’s okay. I’ll get it. Can I get you guys anything?”

  Katelyn’s eyebrows furrowed as she asked, “Sunny, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, silly. I’m just going to get a drink. I’ll be right back.” Before Katelyn had a chance to question her further, she turned and walked over to the bar. She’d just asked Doc for another drink, when she heard Tessa call out her name.

  “Sunny! Come sit with us for a minute.” Tessa motioned her over to the end of the bar where she was sitting with Henley, Courtney, and Taylor. She felt a slight tightness in her chest as she walked over to all the ol’ ladies. Each of them were great one-on-one, but as a group they seemed a bit intimidating.

  “Hey, y’all.”

  Tessa patted the seat of one of the empty stools. “Come over and chat with us. I haven’t had a chance to talk to you much lately. Tell me how things are going.”

  “Ummm… okay.” All eyes were on her as she sat down next to Tessa. She gave Doc a friendly smile when he placed her fresh drink on the counter in front of her, then she looked back over at Tessa. “Not much to tell. Things are going good. My finals are in a couple of weeks, and then I’ll start the spring semester at UTM.”

  “Have you decided on a major yet?” Courtney asked. “Please don’t say teaching.”

  Sunny couldn’t help but smile. Tessa and Courtney taught at the same school, and even though they both complained at times, everyone knew they loved their jobs. It was obvious by all the crazy tales they told about their students. Sunny’s all-time favorite story had always been Tessa’s account of the day she’d met Bishop. He’d come to her school for a parent-teacher conference after Myles had gotten in a fight in her class. Even though she tried to deny it, she fell for him from the start, not that anyone could blame her. Bishop was not only handsome, but smart and protective, making those around him feel safer just being in his presence.

  “I’m not sure yet, but I don’t think teaching is for me. Maybe I’ll try nursing or social work.” Sunny looked over her shoulder, taking one last look at Gavin, and sighed when she saw Stacey was whispering something in his ear.

  When she turned back around, Courtney asked, “What’s with the look?”

  “What look?”

  Courtney leaned back, looking over at the boys playing pool, and groaned. “Oh, I see what’s wrong… it’s the hoochie momma twins.”

  Tessa rested her hand on Sunny’s shoulder and said, “Sweetie, you don’t have anything to worry about with those girls, especially when it comes to Gavin.”

  Courtney’s eyes lit up. “Gavin? You’ve got a thing for Gavin? How did I not know this?”

  A dark red blush rushed over Sunny’s face. “No… it’s not like that.”

  “Why not? He’s a great guy,” Courtney pushed. “And he’s so pretty.”

  Tessa gave Courtney a disapproving look as she said, “Gavin is a great guy, and he obviously thinks a lot of you. Brandy is just…”

  “A bag full of dicks. Don’t worry about her,” Courtney interrupted. “I don’t even know why she still sticks around. It might be time for her to get the Cindy treatment.”

  Taylor laughed out and said, “The Cindy treatment might be a little drastic, Court.”

  “Wait… what are y’all talking about? What’s the Cindy treatment?” Sunny asked.

  Tessa looked over to her with a big smile. “Let’s just say, Courtney got her revenge on one of the fallen girls who just wouldn’t get the hint. She kept messing around with Bobby until Courtney set her straight.”

  “How’d she do that?”

  “I left her a little surprise in her bed. One that left a lasting impression. After that, she steered clear of both of us,” Courtney explained.

  “You can’t leave me hanging like this, Court. What did you leave in her bed?” Sunny pushed.

  “Just a big ol’ mess of wieners and all kinds of other goodies. I’m sure it took her a while to get the smell out of her room, and looking back, I might’ve gone a little overboard.”

  Taylor shook her head and said, “No, she was asking for it. Considering everything, I think you were pretty easy on her. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if she was like that with Renegade.”

  Taylor was Renegade’s ol’ lady, and although Sunny didn’t know the full story of how Taylor and Renegade came together, she did know that Taylor’s brother was a member of the club who was killed several years ago. They all had a hard time coping with his death, especially Renegade. Ace had been a close friend of his from the beginning, and he’d never really gotten over losing him. As Sergeant at Arms of the club, Renegade had always seemed a little more intense and on edge than the other brothers, unless he was around Taylor.
When they were together, he seemed more laidback—happy. They were good together, just like all the other couples. Sunny wanted what they had. She wanted someone who would love her unconditionally and help keep the darkness away.

  Sunny tried to fight the urge, but couldn’t stop herself from taking another look over in Gavin’s direction. Her peek turned into a glare when she saw that he was talking to Stacey. She had no idea what he was saying to her, but the provocative look on Stacey’s face made her stomach turn with jealousy. Sunny hated what she was feeling. She knew she had no reason to feel that way. She had no claim to Gavin. He hadn’t even asked her out, but that didn’t stop that gnawing feeling deep inside her chest.

  When she couldn’t stand it any longer, she stood up and said, “I’m going to get a little air. I’ll be right back.”

  “You want me to go with you?” Tessa offered.

  Sunny sat her drink down on the counter and turned for the door. “No. That’s okay. Just need a minute to clear my head.”

  When Gavin saw Sunny go out the back door, he knew something must’ve been wrong. She didn’t go outside alone, especially late at night. He leaned his pool stick against the table and started towards the door. He hadn’t made it far when Stacey purred, “Where you running off to?”


  She took a step in his direction. “Want some company?”


  She curled into him as her hand raked across his chest. “Are you sure? I thought we might spend a little time together… alone.”

  Gavin pushed her to the side and repeated, “No.”

  His mind was set on finding Sunny as he made his way through the crowd. Before he stepped outside, he looked over at Bishop. He knew that getting his patch changed things. He was now part of something bigger than himself—a brother, and no different than the others. But he still wanted his president’s approval before he stepped out that door. Bishop had always known how Gavin felt about Sunny and trusted that he would be good for her, but in his own way, he’d let him know that the time just wasn’t right. They’d all seen that she was finding her way back, and he hoped it was enough.


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