Playboy Boss
Page 17
“You can’t make any noise. Not everyone’s left for the day yet.”
“My noise won’t be the problem.” She gave him a wicked grin.
His eyebrows lifted. “Oh?”
She walked over to him, dropping to her knees in front of him.
“Scottie,” he groaned.
“Let me do this. I haven’t yet.” She unbuckled his belt. “I want to so much.”
She’d never necessarily wanted to do that with a man. It had never occurred to her that she could give pleasure. She’d never felt protected enough to want to. But, with Konrad, she’d stay on her knees until they ached to show him how protected she felt.
She unzipped his trousers, pushing down until they pooled at his feet. He gasped at his freed erection as she stroked him. She was in control. No question there. And it was exhilarating to see this big, hard man succumb to her.
Though she’d never done this with a man, she knew by instinct alone what to do. She put him in her mouth, tasting him. Going further, she took him fully in her mouth, her grip tight on his base. He thrust his hands into her ponytail.
“My God, Scottie. Your mouth … it’s…” He groaned. “Heaven.”
She continued. Feeling him. Knowing what he wanted her to do. The satisfaction she’d received from this act made her feel free. She’d even forgotten where she was. She just kept pleasuring him until he grew steel hard in her mouth and yanked her ponytail.
“I’m coming,” he choked out, and attempted to remove himself from her mouth.
But she remained and took every bit of him, swallowing it down until he stopped, and she became aware of her aching knees.
Scottie sat back on her heels, staring up at him anew. Everything was new in her eyes. “Did you like it?”
He dropped to his knees, pulling her into him. “Fuck yes.”
His mouth came down on hers in a savage kiss. She was floating, and she knew this was what people talked about. This feeling. This was true ecstasy. True connection.
She’d given him her trust, and she couldn’t feel more vulnerable. Or secure.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
By Wednesday, Konrad was on a fucking cloud. That was the only way to express it. It must have been the same cloud Fabian had been on. Now Konrad didn’t blame the poor bastard. He understood it, and he couldn’t wait to be with Scottie again. He wanted to tell her things he’d never told anyone, to find out everything about her.
“You’ve got this goofy look in your eyes, Kon. What’s the deal?” asked Dallas, breaking Konrad’s daydream. The reality was, they were in Dallas’s office at Halman Hotel, waiting on a conference call with Jacob Moreau.
“Have you ever been in love?” Konrad felt like an idiot for asking. “And how fast does something like that happen? Shouldn’t it take years?”
Dallas sat back in his executive chair, his brown eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong with you?”
Konrad sighed. “I don’t know.”
“Is it your temp?”
She wasn’t just his temp anymore. He grinned, looking down at the hotel specs printout.
“No shit!” Dallas dropped his hand on the desk, getting Konrad’s attention. “You’re in love with your temp.”
“Yes. I don’t know. Maybe.” Fuck. He was in love. He absolutely was. “How do you know if you are?”
“You start acting like Fabian.” Dallas chuckled. “And, it looks like you’re there, my friend.”
“But I’ve only known her ten days. Is it even possible? I mean, I’ve had women on rotation for six months and never felt anything like this for them.”
“Well, I guess it’s because you were just fucking ’em.” Dallas didn’t candy-coat anything, which is what Konrad liked about him. “I mean, just using them. You know what I’m saying.”
“Eloquent as ever, Mr. Halman.” He sighed. He was not just fucking Scottie. He didn’t fuck her. He made love to her, which, as it turned out, was a whole different, more satisfying experience entirely. “I’m not using her, and she’s not using me.”
“Is she your … girlfriend?” Dallas said with hesitation. It seemed weird coming from his lips. Konrad had never thought someone would ask him that question.
He’d also never thought he’d say he was in love. But here he was. “I want her to be.”
“Damn. Well, that’s a first.” Dallas shook his head in disbelief.
“I can’t really do anything about it right now though. Not while she’s my temp.” How would they get around it? He couldn’t request another temp. That would seem as if Scottie was unsuitable. And she wouldn’t let him hire her, which probably was for the best. She’d have to get a job elsewhere. “Are you hiring?”
Dallas laughed but stopped when he realized Konrad was dead serious. “In corporate? I’m not sure. Wait … are you seriously asking me?”
Konrad leaned back in his chair. “Not really. It would be so much better if she had a permanent job somewhere.”
“Though, does she really need one?” Dallas glanced at his screen following an email notification. “How serious are you about her?”
“I think fairly to moderately.” Konrad shook his head. “No, more. Severely serious.”
“Well, just move her into your place.”
Konrad had already thought of that, but he didn’t think it was the time to ask. Something told him she would reject the idea, which he admired. Most women he’d bedded would jump at the chance to be the queen of his penthouse.
The phone rang before Konrad could answer. It was Jacob. Konrad put on his business hat and focused on the hotel he intended to buy. However, the idea of Scottie living in his penthouse didn’t leave his mind once.
Konrad stayed at Halman Hotel for the rest of Wednesday, discussing the new boutique hotel. He’d felt good about the purchase. They’d agreed to go to Dallas the next day to discuss terms and meet with Jacob’s team. A whole day without seeing Scottie would be torture. Because of that, he’d planned a romantic evening as soon as he left Halman.
He took out his phone to send a text.
Me: Schatzi—I’ll not be back to the office. But, I’m picking you up at eight tonight for the best night of your life. Thoughts?
Immediately, she responded.
Scottie: You know my thoughts.
He smiled. If she only knew his.
Me: I do.
Scottie: See you at eight.
“What are you smiling at?” Dallas walked over from his mini bar, two glasses of scotch in each hand.
“Scottie.” Konrad took the glass.
“My God. You are in love.” He shook his head and drank. “Damn love is taking my friends.”
Konrad laughed. “You’re next, Dallas. I can feel it.”
“Nah. I’ll say Tylund is. I swear he and Mel act like an old married couple.”
Konrad shook his head. “No. It’s you. You’re next. I’d bet my Mercedes on it.”
“Hmmm. I’ll take that bet. I need to add a Mercedes to my collection.”
“And if you lose? What do I get?” Konrad took a sip, savoring it.
“To keep your Mercedes.”
“That’s not fair!” Konrad laughed. “You have to give something up.”
Dallas thought a moment, setting down his glass. “I tell you what. If I lose, I’ll let you buy me out on the hotel.”
“That’s a big wager, Dallas.” Konrad didn’t think Dallas could be serious.
“Love is a big wager.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Scottie waited in the living room, wearing her little black dress. She’d worn it to her graduation dinner in May, and to an evening out afterward with Tara and a couple other classmates she’d kept in touch with. Not many though.
“I see cleavage. Must be a special night.” Tara walked into the living room, her Decadent Chick apron wrapped around her waist, sarcasm twisting her lips.
“You already stated your opinion, Tara
. I don’t need to hear it again.” She glanced at her cell phone. Five until eight. “Where’s Brett? Can’t you annoy him instead?” That was low. Scottie felt regret immediately after.
“He isn’t around anymore. But of course, you wouldn’t know because you’ve been screwing your boss every night this week. I’ve hardly seen you.”
Scottie snapped her eyes to Tara. When had she become so cruel? She’d not remembered their relationship hitting this low in the past twenty years of their friendship.
“God, Tara. It’s not like that.” Scottie’s voice grew soft. “What happened with Brett?”
Tara sighed heavily, her head falling in her palm. “Nothing. I’m sorry. I’ve been really upset lately.”
Scottie didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t okay for Tara to treat her that way, but she forgave her anyway. “I know you have.”
“I need help with another catering job. It’s a party for fifty people on Friday. Can you do it?”
The doorbell rang. Scottie didn’t inquire about the party. With only a few more hundred dollars before she could buy her brooch back, she couldn’t refuse. Everything was finally starting to fall into place for her. “Yes, I’ll do it.” The doorbell rang again. “I have to go.”
“God, he’s demanding. Give a girl a minute to answer the door.” Tara rolled her eyes and walked back into the kitchen, her attitude resurfacing.
Scottie sighed, grabbing her clutch and the overnight bag she’d packed, and strode to the door with Konrad on the other side.
His blue eyes gleamed like sapphires. “My God, we may not make it to dinner.”
“We better.” She slipped outside and closed the door behind her. “I’m starving.”
He leaned down to kiss her, his moan dancing in her ear. “Yes, milady.”
Like the gentleman she’d started to see him as, Konrad opened the passenger door and helped her in the sports car. “You smell good,” he said.
“Thank you.” She rode her palms up his chest from his naval, his eyes eating her alive as she did it.
“I thought you were starving? A move like that will get you naked in my bed without dinner.”
“Oh…” She dropped her hand in her lap. “Sorry.”
He laughed, shutting the door. Scottie watched him walk around the front, all the while thinking how lucky she was. Despite any initial impression, he was perfect. He was an absolute dream. He was the dream.
Konrad drove the car through the Heights and into the Museum District to L’Atelier Restaurant. Scottie had never been there. Inside, Konrad had reserved the chef’s private table for two, complete with prix fixe menu and wine pairing. Scottie noticed all the attention they received. Konrad couldn’t be missed. With his suit and handsome looks, every set of eyes were on him. She’d have to get used to it.
She became aware of Konrad staring at her from across the table. She’d been too focused on everyone else. “What?” She felt nervous. Aware of herself.
“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”
The heat of embarrassment warmed her cheeks. “I-I don’t know.” Konrad had been the only one to say that to her with that look in his eyes. As if he really meant it.
“You should know, and you should never forget it.” He took the prix fixe menu, scanning it casually as if he hadn’t just rocked her world with his words.
The waiter came to take drink orders. Konrad ordered scotch, of course, and she ordered a lemon drop martini. He snickered when she ordered it.
When the waiter left, Konrad said, “That’s not far off from a fuzzy navel, love.”
“Shut up!” She threw a sugar packet at him, which was totally unacceptable for the fine dining restaurant.
He tossed it back at her, which was not what she expected. He was too refined to do it. “You’re in so much trouble, Scottine Roberts.”
“I don’t think you know what trouble is, Konrad Korr.” She narrowed her gaze.
But playtime was quickly over. He grew serious and pensive.
Scottie wanted to know more. She wanted to know what had moved him so much in that moment. “Where did you go?”
“I just thought about my Mutter—mother.” His answer was quick, but the explanation was put on hold as the waiter set down their drinks.
“Your first course will come out shortly. Are you on the three-hour dining experience?”
Konrad glanced at Scottie. “Can you make it two?”
The waiter nodded. “Of course.” He was gone again.
Scottie took her martini glass, her tongue touching the sugared rim. The sweet liquid eased down her throat. Her gaze was still on Konrad, who also had his gaze on her.
“You’re waiting for me to finish, aren’t you?”
“Yes. If you want to tell me. It’s up to you.”
He sipped again, dragging the gulp down. She hung on his every move. “I was noncompliant as a youth. She said to me ‘you don’t know what trouble is, my son.’ Sie wissen nicht, was das Problem ist mein Sohn. That was the last time I talked to her. She died not long after.”
Her heart clenched up. “Oh.”
“Your words … it just reminded me of her.”
“Oh no. I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”
“It’s okay. How could you know?” Konrad dropped his gaze a moment. Scottie didn’t believe that for one second. He continued on his own accord, “She overdosed on her medication. That’s what I was told.”
Oh God. Scottie’s eyes welled up. Konrad’s mother committed suicide? Maybe intentionally? She wanted to go to him and ease that tortured look off his face.
He drank again, this time draining the glass and leaving nothing but a ball of ice. “She had depression.”
“That’s awful.” She was breathless.
“Yeah, it really is.”
“Were you close to her?”
His eyes darkened to almost black. The man looked like he was in agony talking about it. It passed quickly though. She wondered how long he’d been suppressing his feelings about it.
“Not as close as I should have been. My father made sure of that.” There was a bitterness in his voice.
Scottie’s heart could burst with all the emotions she felt. She didn’t blame him anymore for who he was. How could a person get close to someone else when the prospect of losing them was all too possible? Scottie knew the feeling. Her own father might as well have been dead.
“Does your father live in Germany?”
He shook his head, looking done with the heavy stuff. “No. That bastard lives six feet under in Austria.” Konrad lifted his glass to their passing waiter.
“I’m sorry. I hope I haven’t ruined this evening with my questions.” She reached out to touch his hand and get his full attention. “I just wanted to know.”
He smiled, weaving his fingers through hers. “I know. That’s what I love about you. You want to know me.”
She did. She wanted to know everything.
Thursday morning arrived too fast. She woke in Konrad’s arms, warm and comfortable. She was sore all over from their perfect night. Konrad stirred, pulling her tighter into him, his thick leg slung over her hip. There was no escaping him.
“Kon?” She rubbed his forearm that was crossing her chest. He moaned, nuzzling her neck. His erection hit the back of her thigh, and she wanted him again. “Kon?”
“Mmm … keep doing that, and you’ll be late for work,” he whispered against her ear.
She pushed herself farther into his erection. Before she knew it, he awoke, gripping her hips, his erection moving against her, back and forth, teasing her. Reminding her how powerful he was.
She moaned in pleasure. Every cell in her body sparked with energy. She wanted him so much. Every morning, she wanted to wake up this way.
He groaned as he pushed inside of her, filling her, making her soreness pop. “You feel so amazing. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of this.”
She thrust her hips back into him, fin
ding a rhythm that took her to the edge. They were moving together, like an orchestra, feeling each other, hearing each other, knowing each other as they reached their heights of pleasure.
“Yeah,” he moaned, his lips on her shoulder, sucking her skin. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” she cried, taking his faster, harder thrusts. She begged for them.
“I want this all the time, Scottie,” he said, breathless between movements. “I want you like this every morning.”
“What?” she choked out, moving harder against him.
“You and me.” He went faster still, making her pinnacle of pleasure emerge quickly. “I want you to be my girlfriend.”
In a hard explosion within, she came undone. The room fell around her, and she was falling into Konrad. He was next, pulling her into him as he pulled out of her and released against her. His heart beat wildly through his skin. She could count every pulse. It matched hers.
When she’d calmed, resuming normal breathing, she turned to face him. His eyes were closed, and he looked peaceful. “Konrad?”
Slowly opening his eyes, he gave her those gorgeous ocean eyes that made her heart still. “Yes, baby.”
“I want that too. I want to be your girlfriend.”
He kissed her softly, then hard. When they parted, she couldn’t imagine him being the man she’d met less than two weeks ago. Had it only it been eleven days? It felt more like eleven months. Eleven years.
“I always thought, if my father didn’t want to hang around, why would anyone else? But you changed that for me. You changed me.” She closed her eyes because she didn’t want to cry.
Warm fingertips trailed down her cheek. Konrad kissed her fallen tear. “And you changed me too, Schatzi.”
Konrad dropped off Scottie at the office just after nine in the morning. He’d summoned his pilot to fly his company plane to Dallas for a meeting and would be gone all day. Scottie kissed him before she opened the car door.
“I’ll be back later today.”
“You’re coming with me to guys’ night this evening. I want to introduce you properly.”
“But this job…”