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Counterfeit Date: Echo Ridge Romance

Page 6

by Checketts, Cami

  “If Axel hadn’t been the one, I never could’ve left you.”

  Wow, this was getting even worse. Mason leaned against his building, his stomach pitching.

  “Mason,” Axel said. “We’ve never gotten into this, but from the first day I met you, I thought you were a total stud. You know the story—I’d already fallen for Kaitlyn, but I remember wishing her boyfriend wasn’t the best guy I’d ever met. From that first day, I wanted to be friends with you.” He cleared his throat. “This is getting awkward. Like, I have a bro crush on you, but seriously, you’re one of the most chill and stand-up dudes I know.”

  Mason had to swallow to hide the emotion that surfaced at Axel’s words. Axel wasn’t one to throw fluff words around. “Thanks, man. I feel the same about you.”

  There was silence on the line for a beat. Then Kaitlyn said, “Please don’t disparage yourself because of what you went through. You’ve risen above that, and your family has risen above that. You’re the best, Mace. Please give you and Lolly a chance.”

  Mason appreciated their words, all of them. It was still hard to feel worthy of Lolly, and not just because of the money, but he wouldn’t give up if he had these two behind him. “Okay,” he said.

  “Yes!” Kaitlyn cried out. “So we’ve only got two more days before Saturday. What’s the plan?”

  Mason smiled. Same old Kaitlyn. “I don’t know what other excuses I have to spend time with her.”

  “She loves to hike. Why don’t you take her on a hike tonight?”

  Mason liked the idea. “I’ll ask.”

  “Good man.”

  “Talk to you soon.”

  “Bye,” they said together.

  Mason hung up the phone and pushed a hand through his hair. When Kaitlyn broke up with him three years ago, it had about ripped him apart. Who knew that he’d be at a spot where she and her husband were his confidants and the ones building him up? He smiled. They were great together, and even though it was hard to imagine he was the stud they thought he was, he had hope that there might be a chance for him and Lolly.

  Chapter Eight

  Lolly was pleasantly surprised when she got the text from Mason asking if she’d go on a hike with him tonight. Lunch had ended on a solemn note, and he was only two days away from his date with stupid dream girl. Lolly wasn’t sure why he wanted to spend more time with her, but she couldn’t say no.

  She drove up to his cabin and parked her Mercedes GLE next to his restored truck. Funny that they’d spent a lot of time together this week but she hadn’t seen what vehicle he drove. Popping out of her sport utility, she spotted him coming down the steps of his cabin. He was in a fitted blue T-shirt and jogger-style fleece shorts. Oh my yumminess. Lolly’s breath came in pants as he strode up to her and his slow grin materialized.

  “Hey,” he said huskily.

  “Hey, you.” She flashed him a smile, but she had to break contact from those luscious baby blues or she might beg him to ditch his date Saturday night. She glanced around at his well-kept cabin with the sprawling front porch overlooking the lake and the mountain setting. “You are just living the dream, aren’t you?”

  “I love it here,” he said.

  “I’ll bet you do. So stinking lucky.”

  “You said this is your dream spot,” he said, the words rushing out.

  “For sure.” Lolly nodded. “I would absolutely love it here.”

  She met his gaze and was surprised that he looked relieved. What bearing did it have on him where she wanted to live?

  He gestured toward the road next to his cabin, and they started their uphill trek. Neither of them were pushing hard; it was just a leisurely hike, and she enjoyed looking around at all the greenery that grew thicker as they left the road and set foot on a trail. Thankfully, they could still walk side by side. She didn’t want to walk in front of him and worry if he was checking out her backside, nor did she want to walk behind him and focus on all she was missing out on. Dang, that Lily chick was lucky.

  “Did you restore that truck or buy it that way?” she asked.

  “My stepdad, Chayton, helped me restore it.”

  “That’s awesome. I love it.”

  “Thanks. A little different from your Mercedes.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “My parents gave me that for a college graduation present. Not really my style.”

  He arched an eyebrow at her. “Really? I think it fits you—classy and beautiful.”

  Lolly felt her cheeks go hot. That was the big number three on him saying she was beautiful. Not that she should count, but how could she help herself? “Thanks.”

  “What would you drive besides the Mercedes?”

  “A VW bug, baby!” She punched her fist into the air. “Oh, oh, or a mini cooper. How stinking cute are those?”

  Mason chuckled, and she couldn’t resist looking at him. He was so perfect. “How stinking cute are you?” he murmured.

  Lolly’s eyes widened and she tripped on an exposed root. She put out her hands to break her fall, but Mason’s hands surrounded her waist, saving her from hitting the ground. Her breath whooshed out and her heart thumped.

  Mason lifted her back to her feet, but kept his hands on her waist. He turned her to face him. “You okay?” he asked.

  She nodded. “You’re quick.”

  “Lacrosse reflexes.”

  His large palms were warm against her sides and lower back. Lolly’s breath sped up. She glanced up at him and saw that his blue eyes were focused on her face. “You think I’m cute?” she asked, then wished she could bite her tongue.

  Mason’s slow smile reached his eyes. “Ah, Lolly. I think you’re much more than cute.”

  She was going to hyperventilate if he kept looking at her like that. Lolly let her hands move of their own accord, placing both her palms on his chest. He pulled in a quick breath at her touch. His muscular chest felt perfect under her fingertips. She wanted to keep touching him, to go on tiptoes and yank his head down to hers and kiss him until he knew she thought he was much more than cute too, but that stinking date with his dream girl was Saturday.

  Why was he playing Lolly like this? Fire rushed through her, and irrationally she wanted to smack him for confusing her, making her feel so desired when he had his sights set on someone else. “Why am I here with you?” she asked.

  He blinked at her. Then his brow wrinkled. “Lolly, I know you’re too good for me or any man, but I …” A muscle worked in his jaw as he paused.

  She drew back, shame and anger filling her with nausea. So he was going to throw out a lame excuse about her being too good for him or any man? Yes, she dated a lot, but she didn’t think she was above men. She just hadn’t found the right one. She’d wanted Mason to be the right one, but he had someone else. “Why are you spending all this time with me when you should be with Lily? Is she or is she not your dream girl?”

  Mason’s hands dropped away from her and his lips pursed. “Lolly, I …” He jammed a hand through his hair.

  “I think you’re more than ready for your date. You don’t need my help anymore.” She spun and stomped back down the trail.

  Mason caught up to her in a few strides. He wrapped his hands around her arms from behind and pulled her to a stop. Lolly’s body reacted to his warm touch, even though she hated herself for it. She was supposed to help him get ready for his date, but she’d been selfish and fallen in love with him. She could have her pick of men, and she usually did, but she only wanted Mason. Was it because he was taken? Was she one of those girls who only wanted the guy who was hard to get? No. Mason was amazing and Lily was stinking lucky.

  She whirled to face him. “I’m sorry, Mace. This isn’t you; it’s all me. You deserve every happiness, and if this Lily girl will make you happy, I’ll be there cheering for you.”

  Mason tenderly brushed the hair from her face. “You will?”

  She gave him a brave smile and blinked quickly, praying the tears wouldn’t surface. She couldn’t be selfis
h enough to jeopardize Mason’s happiness. “Of course. She’s very lucky.”

  Mason stared at her. Long enough that it got uncomfortable. Finally, he took her hand and said, “Thank you, Lolly.”

  Lolly let him lead her back up the trail. They held hands, which confused her even more, and they talked about their families, college, lacrosse, and their future plans. It would’ve been the perfect evening with the perfect guy. If only he wasn’t in love with someone else.

  * * *

  Mason dialed Kaitlyn’s number before Lolly had driven more than a hundred yards away.

  “How was the hike?” she asked all bright and bee-boppy.

  “I feel like I’m lying to her, Kait. I can’t do this anymore.”

  “Yes, you can! She’s falling for you, Mace. Trust me and Jessica, please. Two more days; then she’ll know the truth. She’ll know she’s your dream girl.”

  “She’s going to hate me.” He gripped the phone tighter.

  “She’ll love it, I promise. This is, like, straight out of a chick flick.” She squealed. “It’s perfect. What are you going to do with her tomorrow?”

  “We’re set up to go to dinner at Jack’s and practice my table manners.” He groaned and pushed a hand through his hair. “I’m seriously going nuts, Kait. I want to kiss her so bad.” His eyes widened as he realized he’d just admitted that to his ex-girlfriend.

  “Yes! So when you do finally kiss, it’s going to be dynamite.”

  “She probably thinks I’m playing her and this stupid Lily girl.”

  “Who’s Lily?”

  “That’s the name I made up for the girl.”

  Kaitlyn laughed. “You couldn’t come up with anything further from Lolly?”

  He chuckled. “I know. I’m not good at this.”

  “So Lolly is Lily?”


  “And Lily is Lolly?”

  “I guess.” He shook his head.

  “Wow, that’s not confusing at all. But we’re almost there, and you are great at this! Two more days, and then you sweep Lolly off her feet and you’ll kiss her and kiss her. Can I watch?”

  “No.” Mason laughed again, but visions of kissing Lolly swam through his mind. “Okay. I’m going to swim in the cold lake now.”

  Kaitlyn giggled. “You do that. See you Saturday.”

  Mason hung up and shook his head. He peeled off his shirt, then dropped it and his phone on the dock. Swimming in the lake might not help, but it was worth a try.

  Chapter Nine

  Dinner Friday night went quickly as they talked and laughed and ate delicious pizza for the second time that week. Lolly found herself falling even harder for Mason. She regaled him with stories about traveling in Europe with her parents, and he listened attentively, asking questions, laughing in all the right spots. He was a lot more laid-back than she was, but he got her humor, made her feel great about herself, and was just a cool cat.

  They finished their pizza and salads and Mason paid the waitress, but before they could stand up to leave, Jack, the owner, came over to their table. Mason stood, and they shook hands. “This is my … friend, Lolly,” Mason said.

  Lolly stood and offered her hand. “Hi.”

  “Hello, friend.” Jack grinned and pumped her hand. “I gotta brag about this guy. Hardest worker I’ve ever employed,” Jack said. “And don’t get me started on how much our customers loved him, especially the ladies.”

  Mason’s neck turned red and he shook his head. “Okay, Jack, that’s enough of that.”

  Jack winked at Lolly. “I’m sure this pretty lady knows exactly what I’m talking about.”

  Lolly pumped her eyebrows. “Do I ever! The women just flock to him and I have to beat them off with a stick.”

  Jack roared with laughter, and Mason turned even redder. “It was great to see you,” Mason said. He took Lolly’s hand and she savored the connection. She wished they were a couple like this guy obviously assumed they were. “We’d better go before he starts telling you stories.”

  “You never could handle any praise.” Jack turned to Lolly. “You look like a smart girl. Don’t let this guy go.”

  Sadness swept over Lolly. She didn’t want to let Mason go, but she’d never had any hold on him. “He’s actually dating someone else,” she said before reason could stop her.

  Mason’s hand tightened around hers.

  Jack’s eyes widened. “What?” he sputtered, glaring at Mason. “I always thought you were a smart one, but how could you not be pursuing this angelic creature?”

  “I wish I was,” Mason said, his eyes soft and warm on Lolly.

  Lolly’s own eyes widened. She tugged on Mason’s hand. “Well, we’d better be going. Nice to meet you.”

  Jack didn’t say anything, but watched them go.

  Mason matched Lolly’s quickened pace out of the pizza parlor. She tried to pull her hand free, but he held on to it. She wanted to balk at him holding her hand while he was planning on being with Lily tomorrow night. Lolly dreaded tomorrow night like the flu. No, worse than the flu. It was smallpox without a vaccination. After tomorrow, she’d be dead to Mason. Why, oh why couldn’t he have fallen for her this week? She apologized to Lily in her mind for probably the hundredth time. She wanted to steal Faceless Chick’s man more than she wanted her clothing business to succeed.

  “Perfect night for a walk.” Mason tilted his head and smiled at her.

  Lolly should’ve said no, but she didn’t have it in her. “Shouldn’t waste perfection.”

  His eyes traveled over her face slowly. “No, we shouldn’t.”

  Her face went hot and she turned and started walking. He was by her side quickly, and they meandered along Main Street, which was lit by quaint old-fashioned streetlights.

  Lolly really liked Echo Ridge, and tonight was especially beautiful with mild summer temperatures. The park and lake appeared, the moonlight reflecting off the small lake. Mason directed her through the grass and toward the lake. It was quiet and peaceful, too dark for children to still be playing, and no one else seemed to be around. The moment was romantic and beautiful and … Mason was meant to be with someone else.

  Lolly pulled her hand free of his and folded her arms across her chest, glaring out at the lake as if the beauty of nature personally offended her. “Are you feeling ready for tomorrow night?”

  Mason didn’t answer right away, and she glanced at him. His blue eyes sparkled at her. “Almost. I think I need help with one more thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I don’t know if it’s something you can help with. It might be too much to ask.”

  Lolly was heartily sick of helping him get ready for his one true love, but he was irresistible and she couldn’t say no. Focusing on his blue gaze, she muttered, “Of course I’ll help you, Mace.”

  His slow smile appeared and he took a step closer. Lolly was wrapped up in his clean scent. She clenched her hands tightly around her folded arms to stop herself from touching that beautifully formed chest. His V-neck shirt clung to his muscles in just the right way.

  “I think I need some practice.” His voice had gone low and husky.

  “At what?”

  “I haven’t kissed anyone in a really long time.”

  “Oh?” Lolly gasped out, her body going cold and hot at the same time. Did he want to kiss her, or was it just practice for his date tomorrow? Was she the worst person in the world to wish there was no dream woman, that it was only her and Mason? She’d never felt like this about anyone and she didn’t want to let him go. With the tension crackling between them, maybe the kiss would wrap him up as surely as it would her.

  Mason bent down and tenderly touched his lips to hers. The kiss sparked delicious tingles. He pulled back and studied her face for a few seconds. Lolly didn’t know what her face was saying, but her body was begging him to try that again.

  Wrapping his hands around her hips, he tugged her closer. She released her clenched arms and placed her
palms on his chest, giving in to that urge to fully appreciate the time he must spend lifting weights. Arching onto her tiptoes, she tilted her head up and waited, making the invitation as clear as she could.

  Mason grinned before bowing his head and covering the rest of the distance. His warm lips met hers with an urgency that flung all rational thought out the window.

  Their lips moved in a beautiful harmony that trampled every other kiss she’d experienced. She may or may not have moaned before wholeheartedly returning the kiss that surpassed her wildest imaginations. This kiss was better than anything the big screen could portray.

  Mason lifted her easily off her feet so their faces were level. On instinct, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He smiled slightly at her impulsive move before going back to kissing her like the sun wasn’t going to shine tomorrow. Lolly was in heaven, with Mason’s strong body close, Mason’s hands holding her, Mason’s lips taking possession of hers.

  Then, suddenly, it hit her. Faceless Chick, Dream Girl, Lily. No! Lolly pulled back from the kiss but was still suspended in the air with him holding her close and her legs wrapped around him.

  They were both breathing heavily and all she wanted to do was kiss him again, but that wasn’t right. He wasn’t meant to be hers, and now she’d just given in to all her desires. She felt like he’d used her, even though she’d been a more than willing participant.

  “Um … I think you’re going to do great with the kiss,” she squeaked out.

  His eyebrows arched up.

  Lolly unwrapped her legs and jumped down, wrenching herself from his arms. “Okay, um, I’m sorry I got a little carried away in my training there.”

  “Lolly.” He tenderly touched her face, tilting her chin up so she had to look into those blue eyes that she loved so much. “I’m falling hard for you.”

  She gasped, warmth rushing through her. She wanted to tell him she’d already crash-landed at his feet. She wanted to kiss him again so badly it hurt. Instead, she backed up. “Mace, you’ve got your big date tomorrow and I obviously took this whole training thing too far.”


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