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Saving Grace (A Broken Heart Book 1)

Page 3

by Vi Carter



  I HAD FORGOTTEN TO set my alarm and woke up late. I cursed Claire for every wrong thing that happened that morning. First, I had woken up twenty minutes late for college. Second, my car wouldn’t start, so I had to jog the fifteen minutes distance to get to class. Then, the strap snapped on my bag, and I had forgotten to brush my hair. I arrived into class out of breath and dishevelled, looking pretty much like a mad woman.

  “Nice of you to join us, Ms. Bradley.” Prof. Anderson took in my appearance over the rim of his glasses. Sniggers erupted around the lecture hall. I gave an apologetic smile and mumbled ‘sorry’ before climbing the steps to my desk. Prof. Anderson didn't assign us seats, but I always sat in the same spot. As I neared my table, I nearly fell flat on my face when I came eye to eye with my saviour from last night. The jogger. My mind halted. What the hell? Since when did we share a class? I would have noticed.

  “Ms. Bradley, if you wouldn’t mind taking your seat, so I can continue on with the lecture that you interrupted.”

  I cringed. I had been staring at blue eyes; giggles erupted, and my face flamed. I slid into my seat, mortified beyond belief and cursed Claire again.

  Not one word that Prof. Anderson spoke sank in during that class. He could have been speaking Japanese for all I cared, my mind hadn't moved past the fact that Blue Eyes was in my class. Twice in twenty-four hours I had run into him. Yet, I had never seen him before. And twice he had seen me at my worst. When the bell rang I didn’t leave, I sat until the classroom emptied and the next class started to fill. Hiding in here forever wasn’t an option. I gathered my broken bag and dignity and left the room. Economics was my second class; I skipped it, already late, and not up to being embarrassed twice in one day, I choose to hide in the toilets instead.


  The cold water cooled down my face. I sat in the toilets for ten minutes staring at the door. I had never been so humiliated in all my life. My phone started to ring. Claire. Stabbing the image of the red phone handle allowed me to hang up on her. I should have done that last night and saved myself all the hassle. After three more missed calls from her, and two from Craig, I switched my phone to silent, left the toilets and made my way to the cafeteria. I needed a coffee. A strong one.

  Jogger guy wasn't in the cafeteria. I know because I searched for him. It was the first thing I did the moment I stepped in. Relief had me relaxing, but disappointment followed quickly.

  “Why are you not answering your phone?” Amber asked, and I smiled at her as she bounced beside me, looking fabulous as she always did.

  “Coffee?” I asked.

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  I ordered her a coffee, along with mine. “Let’s sit and I’ll tell you all.”

  Amber’s eyes lit up with excitement, and I found myself laughing. But there was no laughter as I told Amber about Craig. I even toned it down, not telling her about him being high. I didn’t mention about him not allowing me to leave, either.

  “God, what a creep. Grace, you got to drop him. I swear, because if you don’t, I will not be held responsible for my actions-” She clenched her cup tightly. “-I will make him fatherless.”

  I held in the laughter. “Fatherless? Is that even a word?”

  “Yes, it is. I swear he gives me the willies.”

  I laughed again, feeling lighter. I told her all the rest about bumping into the jogger.

  “Oh my god. You're crushing on him?”

  “Why do you sound surprised?”

  "Grace, you never crush on anyone."

  “Yeah, I do,” I said in self-defence.

  “Who? Name one person.” Amber sat back expectantly, and I tried to think. I really hadn’t. I hadn’t allowed myself. Not going out didn’t help. I never went to parties, so I didn’t meet guys. Focusing in class and spending most weekends with either the girls in my place or by myself was my life. Anxiety clawed at my stomach.

  “Anyway, he made that horrible comment so ...” I trailed off.

  "I will leave it for now. But it’s not over." She was such a good friend. “So, Claire? Like seriously. She isn’t right in the head, Grace. She needs to be cut loose, too.” I spent the next fifteen minutes laughing at Amber’s spiel about cutting people loose. I knew she didn’t dislike Claire that much; she just loved to go on about it. I was still mad at Claire, but I would get over it.


  My next few classes flew, and I was so happy when the day ended. As a bonus, I didn’t see blue eyes again, either. I didn’t run, but walked slowly home. I was tired when my apartment building came into sight, and a different kind of tiredness settled on me at the sight of Craig. He hadn’t noticed me yet. He leaned against the low wall, hands in his jeans pockets. He wore a t-shirt again, showing off both his tat sleeves. The v-neck showed some of his chest, which was also covered in tattoos. The guy was addicted. He was chewing on his lip ring, and for a moment I pitied him. He was a disaster. He looked up and smiled, my sympathy fled. “Hi, beautiful.”

  I ignored his greeting, knowing I was anything but beautiful. I was a mess. He pushed off the wall and stood in my path holding his hands up. “I messed up, I get it.”

  “You call that an apology?” I shifted my broken bag into my other arm, at my struggle, Craig took it from me. “I’m sorry, Grace. I really am.” He sounded so sincere.

  “You really scared me last night.”

  He looked at his feet briefly. “I’m an asshole,” he said with a grin. “Am I forgiven?”

  Was he? Did he even care? Did he understand how afraid I truly was?

  “Honestly, Craig, I don’t know."

  “Let’s talk about this inside. I’m pretty cold.” I gave a doubtful stare. One, he never got cold, and two, he was so not coming into my apartment.

  He raised his pierced eyebrow. “I promise, the moment you say leave, I will.” he crossed his heart then grinned “Scout’s honor.”

  “Fine.” I found myself saying, and his grin turned into a full smile. As I let him in, I hoped that this wouldn’t be a mistake.

  He didn’t say anything until I had changed, tied my hair up and put on the kettle.

  “I like you, Grace, but I respect your decision. I acted as a jerk about the whole thing.”

  I took down two cups feeling really surprised with how honest he was being. “You did,” I said adding coffee and sugar to the cups.

  “Go easy on me. I’m pouring my heart out here.” Craig’s playful tone, and his hands crossed over his heart, made me laugh.

  He had tried to look wounded now as I laughed, but it didn’t work as a smile spread across his face. “Thank you for being honest,” I said, finishing making our coffees. I needed to get serious with him again. My stomach gave a little twist. “But what about the drugs? Claire? We need to talk about this.” Now he stiffened, and I knew this wasn’t going to be honest, or easy.

  “Claire’s a bit of fun, she knows that.” His usual arrogant smile didn’t live up to its normal impact.

  "Don’t hurt her, Craig. I know how easily girls fall for you." Now he tried to look as if he couldn’t fathom why a girl would fall for him. "You know you’re good looking. Don’t try to act all confused," I added.

  “I wasn’t. I wanted to hear how much you wanted me." I gave him my ‘don’t mess with me’ look. "Too soon?" he asked.


  Silence followed. I wanted him to start off; I didn’t want to have to force him to talk about it. He cracked his knuckles several times. His hands were also tattooed down to his knuckles, like half-gloves.

  “Is it your mam?” I bit the bullet, and he sprang out of the chair.

  “I said sorry, and I meant it. But I’m not talking about this. Now I’m asking you to leave it. You have your secrets, and I have mine.” He paused, and I had nothing to say to that. “And I don’t push you.” Christ, she must have been on some bender for him to be this upset.

  Forcing a smile, I said, . “It’s
fine. Sorry. Just ... take care of yourself,” and I meant it. I wasn’t letting the drug thing go, but for now, I would let it lie.


  It was like someone flipped a switch; he was his usual self. “Chinese and From Dusk Till Dawn?” I asked, and he smiled a real smile.

  “This is why we are friends,” he said while taking out his phone.

  "No, we are friends because you are super intelligent and an amazing study partner."

  He frowned, "Grace, I never want you to use study partner or super intelligent again about my personality. You will destroy my bad boy rep."

  “It’s just us here, no one heard.”

  He winked while placing the phone to his ear. “Keep it that way.”

  I listened to him order our food; we got the same thing every time. I put on the tv and changed over to Netflix. I should have been catching up on school work but, after such a shitty day, I needed this. Lying on the couch, I checked my phone. Claire had rung four more times and sent three messages. I needed to have a chat with her too, but not now. Amber had texted also, saying she was heading over to Luke’s for the evening. He lived in the nicer part of town in a house with three other lads, it was always full of people. I rarely visited there.

  I hated crowds.

  “Ten minutes.” Craig announced as he sat down. We both scrolled through our phones, his beeping constantly. A grin would appear on his face now and again. I wasn’t going to ask. Most of his friends were women, and nearly all of them he had slept with. I texted Amber back.

  Here with Craig. Don’t freak. We made up. It’s all cool. It didn’t take her two seconds to respond.

  You are shitting me. Lord girl, you need to get a grip. I couldn’t stop smiling at Amber’s over-the-top message.

  “Something interesting?” I looked over my phone to Craig, who had been watching me.

  “Amber being a drama queen,” I said, and he snorted looking back at his phone. He wasn’t her biggest fan, and she wasn’t his. Amber had a way with words that most didn’t get. I just loved her for it.

  He said sorry. Seriously, it’s all fine. We are good. How’s Peter?


  I didn’t get to respond as a second message came in.

  LOL only messing he is here with me. Kinda was hoping for you to meet him???

  Bring him to mine.

  Are you crazy? He would think I liked him then.

  I laughed this time.

  “Amber?” Craig asked, and I nodded while responding to her.

  But you do like him?

  Of course. Do you listen to anything I say? I just don’t want him to know that.

  “I’m going for the food. Be back in five,” Craig said as he slid his phone into his pocket.

  “Don’t forget the prawn crackers.” I called, and he looked horrified.

  “I never would.” He had the last time, but he had closed the door, so I didn’t get to tell him that.

  Okay, hun. Whatever suits you? I support you 100%

  She sent back an emoji blowing a kiss. I put the phone on the coffee table and closed my eyes. A few minutes to myself, and I needed just to let my brain shut down and relax, but instead, it went straight to the jogger. My stomach twisted at the image of his eyes. They were so intense. I wondered if his dreadlocks were long, or if he had any tattoos.

  “Okay,” I said getting off the couch. I was crushing on him. This wasn’t me. I wasn’t going there. Instead, I grabbed plates, forks, and two glasses and set them on the coffee table. I washed up our mugs and tidied the small kitchen. I had just watered my pothos plant when Craig arrived. He took one glance at my dying plant while closing the door with his foot. “It’s dead, Grace,” he said while going to the couch. I joined him.

  “It’s not. It’s just sleeping.” My stomach grumbled at the smell of the food.

  “Whatever you say.” Sitting down, I opened the container and took a bite of the rib. It melted in my mouth, and I made a noise of pure pleasure. Craig froze for a moment. “Sorry too loud,” I said trying to rein in just how amazing the Chinese was.

  “I’ve heard a lot louder than that.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Trust me,” he added. “A lot louder.”

  “I get it.” I said. I didn’t need a visual. We ate, and watched From Dusk till Dawn until one in the morning.

  “Oh, Christ look at the time?” I had college in the morning. So did Craig. I rubbed my eyes, feeling every minute of the hour. Craig stood and stretched showing off half his stomach. I would have admired it. But I was way too tired. “Okay get out, I need to go to bed.” I stood too, while looking at the mess. Craig didn’t offer to clean it. He just kissed me on the forehead and made tracks for the door. Before I closed it, he paused.

  “Thanks for tonight. It was really great just hanging out.”

  I smiled “Yeah me too. It reminded me of old times.”

  He left, and I closed the door. The mess on the coffee table made me groan as I made my way past it. I normally would never leave a mess and go to bed, but I was beyond tired. I plugged my phone into the wall, set my alarm and fell into bed.



  MY BODY TOLD ME I had slept a solid night, as I stretched myself across my bed. I had to get up. Reluctantly I got out of bed and glanced at my clock on my nightstand. “No. No. No!” I grabbed my phone hoping that somehow my clock had stopped, but no such luck. My phone confirmed it, 11.00 in the morning. Grabbing the clothes that lay on the floor, I started to dress. If I hurried, I might make the 11.20 class. I dressed quickly, brushed my teeth, and grabbed my book bag. Completely forgetting about the broken strap, I whipped it off the ground and all my books poured out onto the floor. I would have screamed at the top of my lungs but instead, I stopped took three calming breaths, and walked back into my bedroom.

  I stripped down to my underwear and climbed back into bed. Restarting the day was my only option. After five minutes I got out and dressed properly into a black pair of jeans and a red jumper. I brushed my hair and washed my face. I gathered up my boots and slipped them on. I sidestepped the books, ignored the mess on the coffee table from last night, and moved into the kitchen. The noise of the kettle boiling was all I listened to for the next few moments. Once it boiled, I made myself a coffee. I had a spare backpack in the bottom drawer of my bedroom. I got it and placed all my books in it. Once I had that done, I sat. I would finish my coffee first. Then, I would clean up and go.


  I made it to college at two for my last class. Thankfully, my car had started, so I didn’t have to run. I grabbed my jacket from the back seat. The darkness of the sky threatened to open and pour rain. I had just stepped into the building when the skies opened. I smiled; restarting the day really had worked.

  “Grace.” I turned to Sarah as she walked towards me with three other girls. “I noticed you weren’t here this morning. Afternoon classes have been dismissed.” She continued when I didn’t say anything. I groaned. Well, that sucked.

  “Jesus, I wish someone had texted me.” Once I said it, I took out my phone. I had like twenty messages. I opened up Amber’s.

  “I’d say Amber did,” Sarah said. I looked down at Amber’s message; yep she had.

  “Thanks, Sarah.”

  She smiled and left with her friends.

  After all the hassle to get here, I decided I was not going to go home. Instead, I decided to stay and study. I grabbed a sandwich and coffee from the canteen. I hadn’t eaten, and my stomach growled at me now. With food in tow, I made my way to the library. The silence of library always made me relax, and I found myself walking slowly to my table at the centre of the room. I always sat at the same table, it was the one with the best lighting, and I was a creature of habit. My books spread out across the table. Once I was set up, I took out my sandwich and ate as I studied. I loved the smell of the library. It made me feel safe. It made me feel like I was home. Lost in my book, I got that feeli
ng of someone watching me.

  Glancing up, my heart galloped. Three tables over sat my guy. His head dipped low, buried in a book. His hands moved quickly, jotting notes down as he read. He was left-handed, and his wrist had several bands on it, all in different colors. My eyes moved from his hands to his ice-blue eyes. Colour rose in my cheeks at being caught checking him out, so to save face I gave a small smile and a little wave. He looked down at his book without returning it.

  “Awkward.” I mumbled, while burning with mortification.

  “What’s awkward?” I squealed with surprise as Amber sat down beside me.

  “What? Have you got super hearing?” I asked as a few other students gave us sidelong glances. I quickly looked at my guy.

  “No, you mumble loudly, now what was awkward? Why is your face all red?” For once, I didn’t want Amber to be Amber.

  “Later,” I said hoping my face would cool down. Amber gave me one final stare before setting out her books. She started to study, as well. Now I couldn’t. Every few seconds, I glanced at my guy, who still wrote in his notepad.

  That’s him, isn’t it? It’s the one who saved you and insulted you.

  The note landed in front of me. Amber drummed her biro against her notepad, impatiently waiting for my answer.


  I wrote back and tried to focus on my book again, hoping that she would take the hint. Amber snorted loudly.

  My bad. Just the blond dreadlocks and large frame give it away. And the fact that you are red-faced, you won’t stop looking at him, and I can practically smell your hormones. Oh, and he keeps looking over here.

  My head snapped up quickly. “Really?” I asked and Amber smiled. I got hushed by a guy across from us. Amber snickered.

  “No. But now I know it is him,” she whispered. Disappointment coursed through me, and when I looked up, he had left his table. I gave Amber my best glare that should have terrified her. Instead, her smile widened. Throwing my books into my bag angrily caused too much noise, according to the same guy as before, who hushed me again. I wanted to give him the finger, but I left the library with Amber heavy on my heels. We had barely gotten out the door before Amber turned on me.


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