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Saving Grace (A Broken Heart Book 1)

Page 16

by Vi Carter

  “Are you serious, Amber? You tell me because Craig is my friend, staying under my roof."

  Amber snorted. “He’s a jackass. And look, I knew you were safe with him. The guy is madly in love with you."

  “No, he’s not,” I glanced at Derek. He stared at me, blatantly listening to my conversation.

  “It’s not my problem, Grace. I’m sorry; I have enough of my own.” She sounded tearful.

  “Okay hun, don’t get upset,” I said. She sniffled. There was something seriously wrong with her lately. Amber didn't do tears. “I thought you liked him?” I asked, this conversation made no sense.

  “Hardly,” she added.

  “But...” I didn’t continue. I sighed. “I have Derek here, so can I take a rain check until tomorrow evening? We can hang out then,"

  “Ohhhhh, you are going to get all frisky.” My face burned as I glanced at Derek. He hid a smile. I needed to turn the volume down on my phone.

  “No,” I said, but smiled, the smile coming through my voice.

  “Liar,” she laughed.

  “Okay, bye Amber,” I said, still smiling.

  “IF you have sex, use protection,” she added, and I hung up red-faced as I turned to Derek, who grinned.

  “I take it you heard that?” He just nodded, and I bit my lip, trying to avoid the urge to run from embarrassment. Instead, I grounded myself by taking in what he was wearing, from his check shirt and jeans, to his brown boots. He looked like a guy who knew his way around a stable. I would so roll around the hay with him. My face scorched at my thoughts, and I focused on the dog instead. “So, Twinkle Toes,” I said, sitting down opposite Derek and held my hand towards her. At her name, she barked, and I took her, cuddling her to my chest and kissing the top of her head. Derek never took his eyes off me, and I couldn’t stop smiling. He made me feel alive, desired, he made me feel beautiful. I glanced at him from under my eyelashes.

  “I want to kiss you,” he said.

  “I want you to kiss me, too,” I replied, even as my cheeks blazed. He stood, and my stomach flipped. He took Twinkle Toes out of my hands and placed her in the box he had carried in, along with a brown bag that he picked up. He took my hand and I let him lead me to my bedroom. I wasn’t entirely sure what he was thinking, but I wondered if he thought I was that easy. Was I that easy?

  “I don’t want Craig to walk in on us,” He said. Taking me to my room now made sense, yet my heart pounded as he closed the bedroom door. I faced him now, and watched as he placed the brown bag on the top of my dresser. I wondered what was in it, but I didn’t ask, as he strode towards me. When he took my face in his hands, I melted. I closed my eyes. Looking at him was going to send me into cardiac arrest, and that wouldn’t be attractive. “Look at me,” his words brushed against my lips, and I did. His eyes held a storm, one that I wanted him to unleash on me. I wanted every part of him. My hands gripped his broad shoulders, my legs no longer able to support me. He kissed me, softy, almost feather light, and brief. His eyes remained open, watching me. I fought to breathe. I never knew something could be so intense. My body hummed to life, everything pulsed when he kissed me again. This kiss was longer, he closed his eyes, releasing me.

  I let out a breath slowly against his lips as I closed my eyes again. His hands slowly dragged down my neck and moved to my sides until they rested close to my breasts. My hands worked on his shirt trying to get it off. They shook slightly as I worked the buttons and, when the last one opened, my hands touched his skin. He let out a moan into my mouth. My hands moved across a toned stomach and up his chiselled chest. Oh my God. He was flawless. My kisses turned frantic, and his hands found their way under my work blouse, lifting my bra and, when his thumb grazed my nipple, I moaned into his mouth. He did it again and my knees went weak, wetness pooled in between my legs.

  My own hands had travelled to his shoulders, where I pushed his shirt down his arms. His mouth left mine, the loss almost shattering me, but his warm kisses returned to my neck, his hands kneading my breasts and tantalizing my nipples. The sensation building in me had me gripping him tightly. Was it possible to come without him actually touching me? That would be embarrassing, but that’s what was building inside me, and if I gave in, if I opened my eyes one more time, I would come apart right here in his hands. Now he played with my nipples and I moaned, “Oh Christ.”

  He moved to my earlobe. “You like that,” he whispered. Like it? It was tearing me apart, and he was only touching my breasts. His hands left my breasts, and I growled in frustration. He moved back and watched me as he opened my blouse. But now I could see him and a part of me wished I couldn’t; he was every girl’s fantasy. Wide, tanned shoulders, and a perfect six-pack. He wasn’t too bulky, but lean. He was beautiful. His shirt lay on my bedroom floor and it looked good there.

  When I looked back at him, he removed my blouse. The way he watched me had me wanting to cover myself. My hands moved almost subconsciously, but he stopped them, holding me at the wrists. “You are beautiful, don’t hide from me.” His voice turned husky, and I let my hands drop to my side. The way he looked at me made me feel beautiful. My hands moved to his shoulders, I just needed to touch him. Our eyes locked again, and my stomach twisted. This time, when our lips clashed, there was nothing gentle about it as a hunger like I had never felt before took over. My body burned everywhere his hands roamed; my back, my stomach, my breasts, at some point, he removed my bra. Now my trousers were on the floor, and his hand brushed the inside of my thigh. I moaned into his mouth, pressure building inside me. Lights flickered behind my eyes, and my breaths came out short and fast.

  I tried to pull his trousers off, but he laid me on the bed. He didn’t break the kiss. His hand travelled back up my thigh and I couldn’t take it anymore. “Touch me,” I said between kisses. His mouth moved to my neck, giving me small bites that had my breathing now labored. His hand moved closer, and I found myself thrusting myself up, pushing his hand nearer.

  “Please,” I cried. I needed release, and when his hand moved under my underwear and his fingers slipped inside me, I cried out needing more. I was so close. His finger slowly slid out, wet from me and then back in again. “Faster,” I said. His lips found mine kissing me with a hunger I matched.

  My control slipped when his fingers plunged deeper inside me, the movements becoming faster, and I lost the war that raged inside me. I was rewarded with my release. A million colors shattered my senses as I cried out into his mouth that still kissed mine. My release had my body trembling, and it shook for a while after, even as Derek removed his hand and pulled the blanket over me. He lay beside me as I closed my eyes, smiling with happiness. I had never experienced anything like that before.


  “Do you really think there are bears here?” James looked at me, nearly falling off the platform.

  “James, what did I say?” We were nearly to the end, and I had warned him when we started that he needed to focus. It was like leaving a bowl of sweets in front of him and telling him not to touch it, and today he was being a motor mouth.

  “I know, but I think I see one over there,” he pointed, nearly losing his balance again. I grabbed him for the second time. He was going to give me a heart attack. Once I had him straightened, I looked behind me for Mam. She had stopped to talk to some people in the park. She noticed me and waved. I rolled my eyes, she was lagging behind since we had started this trip. We were trekking through a bog slash forest, hence the walkways that popped up every now and then. Once we reached the end, I felt a small amount of relief, until James started running. “James,” I called, but he kept going. I followed him. “James,” I called not seeing him at first then I spotted his red jacket. He was hunkered behind a bush, so visible to everyone.

  I crept up behind him and knelt down. “The bear,” he told me pointing to the bushes across from us. “It’s in there eating honey.”

  “Honey?” I asked, suppressing a smile. He looked at me with wide eyes, and squeezed them for
a second with excitement before they popped open.

  “He took the bees’ nest. Now the bees are in his belly.” He jumped up and threw his arms in the air. “His belly will explode releasing all the bees,” he was smiling, full dimples on display, his smile crooked, but it made him so much cutier.

  I laughed at him. “Won’t the bear hear you?” I asked. He looked thoughtful for a moment.

  “The bear can’t hear, he got attacked by ... a lion.”

  “But can he not see you?” I held in the laughter.

  He stamped his foot. “Stop it Grace. He has no eyes.”

  I couldn’t. I laughed until mam appeared, picking up James who was sulking.

  “Grace what are you doing to your brother?”

  I tried to pull myself together. “Watching a deaf and blind bear eat bees.”

  “Grace,” James whined, he was getting upset, so I pulled it together, taking him from my mam’s arms.

  “I’m only messing with you, James. But seriously I saw a bear too.” I said, and he perked up.

  “Really, Grace?” I kissed his head.

  “Yeah, really.” He beamed at me again.

  “Let’s find the bear,” I let him down and stretched out my hand. “Want to go on an adventure?”

  He squealed before placing his tiny hand in mine, smiling up at me as if I was superwoman. “I want to go on an adventure with you.”

  “Let’s go then,” I said, and we skipped into the forest. I could hear the soft chuckle from my mother behind us.


  I woke to a dark room, confused. I lay under my blankets and only had underwear on. Derek. The thought of him had me sitting up. My heart pounded. My body came alive. Where was he? Oh lord I had fallen asleep. I turned on the lamp and looked around my room. For what? I wasn’t sure. Derek, James, I couldn’t tell you. I felt disorientated. My phone wasn’t on my locker. I got up and slipped on my silk nightgown going into the sitting room. Craig was asleep on the couch, a small fluffy body tucked under his arms. Twinkle Toes? What the hell was he doing here? I thought he was staying with Luke. I grabbed my phone off the counter, it read half five in the morning. I went back to my room, but James’s voice still lingered there, the dream still raw. I sat on my bed, not wanting to think about him. I scanned my phone. Three messages. One from Derek. I opened that one first. I was smiling, and I hadn’t even read it yet.

  You fell asleep, so I didn’t want to wake you. I left Twinkle Toes in the care of Craig? I know, questionable, but I want my sleep. Left something for you on your dressing table.

  I got off the bed and picked up the brown paper bag, opening it. It was like a bag of Derek. It smelled of him. I took out a large t-shirt and sniffed it like a freak before reading the rest of the message.

  To help while minding the dog, of course. I laughed out loud. Will collect her in the morning and hopefully get a good morning kiss. x

  I lay back on my bed, clutching his t-shirt with a stupid ass smile on my face. I inhaled Derek’s scent and my body hummed, coming very much alive. I wanted his hands on me again; I wanted him. My heart gave a pang. I missed him. I took off my dressing gown and slipped on his t-shirt. Burying my head in the neck of it, I fell asleep to the scent of Derek.



  THE BARKING OF A dog and the knocking on my door woke me up for the second time. “What?” I grumbled from the bed. The door opened and Craig stood in nothing but boxers, holding Twinkle Toes.

  “This little shit won’t shut up.”

  I looked at Craig through one eye. Twinkle Toes gave another loud bark. “Just give her here, and I thought you were staying at Luke’s? ” I reached out my arms, too lazy to move. Craig came in.

  “Yeah, he had a full house.” When I opened both eyes, I moved away from Craig. “Jesus Craig,” His erection was nearly in my face. He looked down and adjusted himself, making it grow. I let out a groan.

  “Sorry, morning wood, I can’t help it,” he dropped the dog on my bed.

  “Just take it out of my room,” I said.

  “The dog?” he rubbed his eyes, his erection still there in all its glory.

  “No, that,” I pointed at it and he looked down, a grin spreading across his face.

  He winked. “Does it scare you?”

  “Get out,” I said, as my face flamed. I sat up and he left but stopped at the door frame.

  “Don’t go thinking about me when I leave,” he smirked, and I would have thrown Twinkle Toes at him, only I wanted Derek to like me. I gave a fake smile.

  “I’ll try really hard not to.” When he left, I sank back into my bed. I think I got to take a breath before knocking on the door had me sitting up and clutching Twinkle Toes too tightly, she yelped and jumped out of my arms. “Ahh, Twinkle Toes!” She left the room. I stumbled out of bed to get her, looking on the floor for trousers turned out to be unsuccessful. I gave up and turned and then froze.

  Derek stood in the doorway, freshly showered, looking like a Viking while holding a wriggling Twinkle Toes. His eyes drank in my bare legs. I became aware that his t-shirt I was wearing just covered the top of my thighs. When his eyes met mine, my face burned. “I knew it would look good on you,” he took a step into my room making it shrink. My heart pounded as he moved to me kissing me lightly on the lips. He smelled of shower gel and his own personal scent. I was afraid to breathe, I hadn’t even brushed my teeth. I moved away.

  “Just one minute,” I said quickly and moved to leave the room, but he grabbed my arm.

  “You are not going out there in that.”


  “Craig is awake.” His jaw tensed, and I hid a smile but got a pair of shorts from my drawer.

  “Better?” I asked with a smile, but he didn't smile back.

  “Not really.”

  I laughed, I couldn’t help it. I liked it when he was jealous. I quickly brushed my teeth and tried to fix my hair. I didn't look amazing, but it would have to do. When I got back to my room, Derek was sitting on my bed, Twinkle Toes lying at his feet. My heart galloped when he looked up at me. His attention moved to my legs again. I took the six steps before I stood in front of him nervously. He surprised me by pulling me onto his lap taking my face in his hands and kissing me, this time with fresh breath. I kissed him back. I was a little breathless when he let me go.

  “Good morning,” he said smiling, and my stomach erupted in butterflies, a huge smile on my face.

  “Good morning,” I said back.

  “Are you not going to class this morning?” Craig said suddenly, through the door and I groaned. I had forgotten.

  “Yeah, just give me ten minutes,” I said, before opening the door so I could see him properly. “I thought you were staying with Luke for a few days,” he didn’t look at me.

  “Yeah me too. But I got in a fight.” I didn’t ask with who or why.

  “Today you have the doctors,” I said and finally he looked at me.

  “Would you keep your voice down?” Craig pointed at my door as he spoke.

  “I didn’t say anything,” I mouthed to him before closing my door. I started to get dressed properly and paused. Derek was watching me.

  “Would you?” I made a circle gesture with my finger and he snapped out of it.

  “Oh, yeah sorry.” I pulled on my jeans. “So, are you free tonight?” Derek asked, and I smiled at his back.

  “I’m with Amber tonight, but when I get back, I can give you a text.” I took off his t-shirt and pulled on a V-neck purple jumper. “You can turn around now,” I said and when he did, I noticed he was a bit shifty. I put on my socks and boots. “Are you okay?” I asked, pausing.

  “Yeah, I have to go home for the weekend,” he picked up Twinkle Toes, “return the dog.”

  “The whole weekend?” I asked in a disappointed tone. That seemed like a long time. He smiled now.

  “Yeah, Friday, and I won’t be back until Sunday night,” I tried to hide my disappointment. I
tried, but his growing smile told me I wasn’t doing a great job. He stood up with Twinkle Toes. “It’s a long drive and boring as hell where I live, and I was wondering... if maybe... you wanted to come?” now he looked at me. “If you’re not doing anything else...”

  I didn't try to stop the smile that spread across my face. A bang at my door at me scowling at Craig. “We are going to be late, can’t you wait until tonight to have your little girl chat?”

  I rolled my eyes. God, he was being a dick this morning. “I’d love to come,” I said, and Derek grinned.

  “I knew you would,” I squinted my eyes at the double meaning, a blush rising in my cheeks. But inside I was elated; a weekend away with Derek.

  “Grace,” Craig whined like a child and I closed my eyes briefly.

  Derek gave me a quick kiss. “We’ll talk later.” We left my room at the same time. Craig leaned against the counter playing with his lighter.

  “About time,” he said. He was in a pissy mood, Derek didn’t pause, I couldn’t see him, but his tense shoulders and Craig’s smirk told me he wasn’t happy. I grabbed my bag, phone, and keys and we left. I hadn’t even washed my face or brushed my hair.

  I was on cloud nine thinking about my weekend. I had so much to do to get ready, and I was so excited to tell Amber. College ended quickly, and I hadn’t been paying attention lately. I needed to start studying again. My social life had started to get in the way, I never had one before, but since Craig moved in with me and Derek lived across the hall, I just never had a moment.

  I made a promise to myself that when I got back from my weekend with Derek, I would start studying hard.

  I texted Craig, telling him I was going to Amber’s and that he better make the doctor’s appointment today. He texted back promising he would. I really hoped he did. I started to text Derek like twenty times, but stopped. Each sentence started with I miss you, or I want to touch you. Each one I deleted. I wasn’t sure what we were, but I knew I was falling hard for him.


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