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Saving Grace (A Broken Heart Book 1)

Page 19

by Vi Carter

  When we finished the meal my stomach ached, I had eaten way too much. I took another sip of wine, feeling a little tipsy from my three, no, four, glasses of wine. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but every time Derek filled my glass up, I didn’t object.

  “Come on, we'll get out for some fresh air.” Derek got me a pair of wellies and one of his jackets, the day had cooled and when we got outside, I tightened the jacket around me, while inhaling Derek's scent. I buried my nose deeper into it, until Derek joined me, in his own wellies and jacket. I got a little shock when Derek took my hand, entwining our fingers. “I want you to meet Liz and Lucy,” he smiled at me and my stomach somersaulted. It took me a moment to remember that Liz and Lucy were his horses.

  “Oh, I can’t wait to meet all your ladies.” I giggled with happiness. I had too much wine, I told myself, or maybe it wasn't the wine at all. The stables held eight horses in total. When we walked in, they all stuck their heads out of their stables. Liz and Lucy were the last two, but Derek took a moment with each horse, rubbing them behind the ears. Then, when he got to Liz and Lucy, he opened the stalls, I moved back from the two large animals, fear sobering me up slightly.

  “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you,” Derek took my hand again and pulled me closer, his hands ran the full length of Lucy, the love in his eyes for her visible. “She was my first,” I would have snickered at the phrasing, but he was sharing so I didn’t. I came to the conclusion that the wine had me giddy.

  A jeep pulled into the yard and Derek closed Lucy’s stall door, the bolt making a loud click, from his heavy hand. “Ignore everything he says,” Derek said with a warning, as a guy walked towards us, whistling. He was straight out of a country and western movie the hat included. He had a grin that rose higher on one side, reminding me of an Elvis impersonator.

  “Well, well, well, look what we have here.” He took the hat off and gave me a slight bow. “Nice to meet you, ma’am. I said I would make my way over here and introduce myself. The name’s Jack." I took his hand with a lot of hesitation. He was handsome, in a comical kind of way. His flawless skin and teeth snow white, it seemed too much.

  “Grace,” I said while glancing at Derek who hadn’t said a word.

  “Who told you I was here?” Derek asked. Jack slipped his hat back on to his mop of jet black hair. It didn't move with all the gel that held it in place. He leaned against a stall door, and out of nowhere, he placed a piece of straw in his mouth. I almost giggled at the stereotype playing out in front of me.

  “Well, Marian was doin’ some friendly neighborhood watchin’ when she spotted a jeep roll up. We all know your mama ain’t home, so she rang Phil to take a look.” He gave a laugh, as if this story was funny. “Well, Phil, having the top of range binoculars, said that it was you and you had a lady friend at dinner." I pulled the jacket tighter around my shoulders feeling somewhat creeped out by that statement. “So when he rang me, I had to come see for myself, to make sure it was a lady friend," he laughed again and tipped his head towards me. “And you sure are a lady, and a fine looking one, might I add," he winked now and chewed on the straw, before looking at Derek.

  “Could you tell Phil that I don’t appreciate him watching me eat?” Derek sounded pissed.

  “Come on now, Derek, don’t be like that. Phil’s been watching your family since the beginning of time. If he hadn’t been, you would have never caught two burglars. They were sleeping in bed, Grace. It could have been really bad, only Phil rang and warned them.”

  I suppose it had its perks. “That was nice,” I found myself saying.

  “No, it wasn’t because it was Phil’s drunk sons breaking in.” Derek’s words were clipped.

  Jack gave another one of his odd laughs. “He still warned you,” he shook his head at me as if to say that Derek was acting ungrateful. I tried not to laugh at how bizarre this all was.

  “And as for Marian doing a neighborhood watch, it’s more like she was being nosy,” Derek said, and Jack didn’t argue with that. “So, you single, Grace?” I was thrown by his question, but he asked me another one before I could answer the first. “If you are, I’m interested, single, willing, and young,” he rattled with another wink.

  “Jack, she’s here with me.” Derek sounded pissed and Jack held up his hands removing the straw from his mouth, I don’t know how it sat in it the whole time he spoke.

  “I’m just being friendly.” Jack turned to me. “If you ever get sick of Mr. Grumpy here, I’ll braid your tail.”

  “Braid my tail?” I asked thinking I must have heard him wrong.

  “You won’t be braiding her tail. I told you, she’s here with me." Derek took a step closer to me.

  “The girl got a mouth, and a pouty one at that,” Jack laughed, and I saw it. He knew he was pissing Derek off, and he was enjoying every second of it. “What would braiding my tail entail?” I asked not meeting Derek’s stare, that I could feel burning into the side of face.

  “Well, now beautiful lady, it would mean I would take care of you; hold you close on cold nights, feed you sweet things, whisper sweet nothings in your ear, and brush your hair."

  I smiled at his exaggerated words, but I pretended to consider it. “The hair brushing is pulling me in Jack,” I said, and he laughed.

  “I’ve got all kind of brushes and I can use them in several ways." Now he was losing me, not a clue what he meant. I narrowed my eyes at him with confusion.

  “We are actually dating so you can go and report back," Derek entwined our fingers. “See you around, Jack," Jack wasn’t at all discouraged by Derek’s words. I was surprised by the word dating. And did that mean that we were now boyfriend and girlfriend? The word ‘girlfriend’ sent thrills through me, but also fear.

  “Well, I best be off,” he tilted his hat again at me. “A pleasure, Grace,” he turned to Derek grinning. “Maybe you’ll stop by before you go, say hi to old pops.” Jack wasn’t being his funny self now; a seriousness had entered his voice and Derek seemed to visibly relax now that the topic had changed.

  “Yeah I will, Jack, tell them I said hi. I might get over tomorrow.”

  Jack grinned, “Well see you and Grace tomorrow,” he left with a sway of his hips, of course exaggerating his walk and I found myself holding back laughter, he turned and winked before climbing into his pickup truck.

  We stood staring as the jeep pulled out, our fingers still entwined. “So...” I said looking up at Derek who still watched the departing Jeep.

  He finally looked at me. “Sorry about that. Jack is a little touched.”

  “I think he’s nice,” I said, we started walking back to the house.

  “Nice isn’t a word I would use to describe Jack. He’s annoying, noisy and irritating.” It was weird to hear the irritation in Derek’s voice, he always seemed so together. I was going to take a stab in the dark here.

  “So you don’t like him.” I shed the oversize jacket and kicked off the wellie boots as we entered the house, the warmth immediate.

  Derek took off his own jacket. “We grew up together, and everything to Jack is a competition. Who was the better son? Who got the prettiest girl? Who was more popular?”

  “Who won?” I asked, and Derek smiled.

  “Me, of course.”

  I laughed. “Don’t be modest.”

  “I’m not,” he took a step closer to me “Why would I be…” another step, my heart lurched. “…when I have you?” His lips were warm against my cold ones. My body came alive, but something different had blossomed in my chest. Something that I hadn’t felt before, and it kind of scared me.



  DEREK DEEPENED THE KISS, and I focused completely on that. He moved us towards the wall until my back hit it, his warm body against mine. His hands entwined with mine, resting at our sides. I wanted to yank them out and touch him, but he held them firm, just kissing me. He pushed us harder against the wall and wet pooled between my legs as a moan escape
d my lips. I tried to pull my hands free of his grasp, but he held them in place. I pushed harder against him, his length sent electricity through me, and the sensation it caused was overwhelming. My heart raced and my chest swelled as the electricity crackled through my body.

  The feeling slowly took over all my senses and I opened my eyes. As if sensing me, Derek’s eyes opened at the same time and our kiss slowed until it completely stopped, our lips just resting against each other’s. Our breaths laboured, I continued to fall into his stare. This part of me was opening up at an alarming rate, pouring hot liquid through my body, warmth spilt into my cheeks my hands became sweaty, and I broke eye contact.

  Derek let my hands go and he took my face in his, making me look at him again. I wanted to squeeze my eyes shut; I didn’t want to acknowledge that something was happening to me. Something that terrified me. “Do you want to see my bedroom?” Derek asked while taking a step back from me allowing the cold to seep in.

  “Are you trying to seduce me?” I asked, and Derek smiled. In one swooping movement, he had his top off and my body changed gears from the terrifying sensation to one of pure lust. I soaked in every inch of exposed flesh.

  “Is it working?” he asked, and I just nodded. I wanted him, needed him. I don’t remember going upstairs or entering his room as my body hit his double bed, the kiss never broken as Derek managed to fall with me, but held himself above me. My hands roamed his chest, his shoulders, across his back and returned to his chest again, while his hands ran up my thighs and disappeared under my dress. He stopped an inch from where I needed him to go. I groaned with frustration, but managed to shimmy out from under him. I stood and lifted my dress over my head. I stood in just my red lace bra and thong. Derek drank in the sight of me. The power his stare held over me had me standing taller, feeling truly beautiful.

  “Take off your jeans,” I demanded, I wasn’t taking one more step until his jeans were off. They landed on the ground far quicker than I expected, and he stood in white boxers. He stood in front of me, all shoulders and intense eyes. His Viking looks had me squirming under his stare. I was a drowning woman right now. I wanted to run, but instead, I closed my eyes as Derek kissed my lips gently. His lips grazed my cheek before he kissed my left eyelid then my right.

  “I want to see you, Grace.” He said my name in his husky voice, and the way it rasped out was doing so many things to my body. I was breathless, my heart pounded, but I opened my eyes. My stomach lurched, words coming to my lips as I looked at him, words that terrified me. I shut it down, and let lust fuel me. I bit my lip as he looked at me, and his nostrils flared. He closed his eyes as my fingers went under the band of his boxers, his length filling my hand. I stroked it and his head flopped back, a moan releasing from his mouth. The noise stroked my ego and made me feel powerful. I stroked him again, and he moaned again, louder this time. I quickened my pace, moving faster, and he looked at me, his eyes overcast with lust. “That’s so good.” I moved faster.

  “You like that?” I asked, letting my thumb slide off the head.

  “Oh yeah,” he moaned again, and I smiled. His fingers moved fluidly as he removed my bra freeing my breasts. “You're perfect.” He didn’t look at me as he spoke, his eyes focused on my very hard nipples that he squeezed between his fingers, sending my nerves zinging. I leaned back and had to stop stroking him when he touched me, the sensation too much, but he used the moment to move us back to the bed.

  I wasn’t complaining. The only things keeping us apart now were two small pieces of flimsy cloth. I didn’t wait, but tugged at his waistband, and he obediently pulled them off, allowing me to see him in all his glory. He was perfection. His hard length had my body humming for release. His long fingers slid between the sides of my underwear and he dragged them down my legs. His eyes remained locked with mine. He did it so slowly, so deliberately, that it had my skin on fire until I was close to screaming. His eyes told me he knew what he was doing to me. His naked and hard body soon covered my bare one, no barriers left now, and our lips crashed together until they became frantic. His length brushed against my clit, driving me mad but I didn’t want to come. I wanted him inside me, I moved my legs, widening them until he was right there at my entrance. All he had to do was jerk forward, and he would be inside me. My hands grabbed his bum, pushing him closer.

  “Please.” I begged between kisses. He broke the kiss.

  “Are you sure?” His eyes looked like he had just woken up as if coming out of a trance. What kind of question was that? A part of me was tempted to say ‘no actually’ just to see what would happen, but that part of me had no say right now.

  “Yes.” He slid away for a mere moment as he opened the drawer beside the bed and took out a condom. I had never watched anyone put one on before, but his fingers, his length everything about him was sexy and appealing. I had never wanted anyone like I wanted him. His hands ran along my thighs until his mouth moved back over mine, his fingers entered me, and bliss took over. My breathing became laboured as his mouth moved from mine and he kissed my neck. Then his mouth moved to my breast, he took one nipple in his mouth sucking, nipping, until I was sure I was going to come.

  When he moved to the other one, I was so close, but then his fingers left me, his mouth trailing back up my neck. And I finally got what I wanted. His slow thrust filled me, pain and pleasure mingled together, taking me to a level of bliss that I never knew existed. There was no bed, no time, only feelings of pleasure, his smell, his moans mixed with mine…he moved faster taking me higher, higher than I have ever been before, and we shattered together as sparks rained down behind my eyelids. I slowly came back down to Earth as Derek moved off me, breathing heavily. When I finally looked at him, my heart stuttered at his intense eyes. My chest expanded with a feeling that I pushed away while I looked at the ceiling, and focused as if the ceiling was of the Sistine Chapel itself.

  “You okay?” His voice carried a note of worry.

  I looked at Derek and smiled. “I think I went to heaven, or some other place.”

  He grinned. “Thanks.” He sounded pretty delighted with himself. “I think I met you there.”

  My smile widened as my heart swelled, and I struck his chest playfully. “Stop sweet talking me.”

  He grabbed my fists pulling my body into his. “I don’t need to sweet talk you, I already have you.” I really couldn’t argue with that. Derek kissed me, and my body responded. His came alive, too and my eyes widened.

  “Again really?” I asked, and he grinned.

  “Yeah, Grace. Really.” My name on his lips did funny things to me and I kissed him, letting all the feelings building up inside me fill each kiss, each touch, and this time, we moved slower, gentler taking everything in, and it was earth-shattering.

  After three times, I had to call a timeout. My stomach growled. Derek gave me one of his t-shirts to wear. I tied my hair up. Derek covered his perfect body with jeans and a t-shirt but stayed barefoot. He must have sensed me watching him. He smiled. “You look good in my clothes,” he said making his way to me, his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to him.

  “You look good in your clothes too,” I said without thinking. He let out a little laugh before kissing me gently. We stared at each other not saying anything, but there was so much unsaid, so much building up between us, that I looked away. “Let’s eat,” I said before looking back at him. Derek let me go but entwined our fingers together as he led me downstairs. I sat at the counter as he made us a sandwich. I watched him, and I couldn’t stop smiling. He was perfect.

  “Mayonnaise?” he asked with a grin still on his face.

  “Yeah,” I was still smiling. We both grinned at each other. He pushed my plate towards me and sat facing me. I took a bite, but didn’t break eye contact. It was hard to eat while smiling, but I managed it. Derek blinked, and I yelped, “I won. You blinked.”

  Derek put his sandwich down, his tone serious. “That was a contest? I call a null. I wasn’t aware. I w
ant a rematch,” he kept his face so serious, but his eyes still smiled.

  “Fine, we start...” I blinked several times, “…now,” and he laughed. “I won again,” I declared.

  “Not fair! You can’t do that crazy eye twitching thing.” He protested.

  I snorted, “I blinked, Derek. I will give you one more chance.” We both grew serious.

  “Start,” Derek said, leaning in we stared at each other, neither smiling. As I stared, I realized that his eyes weren’t just one color blue, they were a mix, and I bit my lip. “You’re beautiful,” Derek said, still not blinking. My stomach tightened.

  “Thank you,” I whispered back, but I didn’t blink either. “You remind me of a sculpture,” I said, holding his stare.

  “Which sculpture?”

  I wanted to narrow my eyes at him. “Not any one in particular. Just your body is all toned and edges… like it’s sculpted.”

  Derek grinned. “Thank you, your body reminds me ...”

  I cut his words off. “Don’t say a sculpture?” I said, keeping my eyes really wide.


  “Because sculptures of women are never nice, they are either, naked, fat or ugly, take your pick."

  Derek grinned again. “Well, I wasn’t going to compare you to a sculpture," Derek grew serious, he was good at this. My eyes burned a little.

  “What were you going to compare me to?” I asked, curious.

  “Blink and I will tell you."

  I smiled. “Not going to happen, Viking."

  Derek laughed but still kept his eyes wide making him appear unstable, I suppressed my laughter. “Viking?” he questioned.

  “Yeah, I call you that all the time."

  “Like when?”

  It dawned on me then that I only did it in my head. “In my head. You remind me of a Viking.” My eyes burned now, but I would not give up. We both grew silent, concentrating on not blinking.


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