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Saving Grace (A Broken Heart Book 1)

Page 24

by Vi Carter


  DEREK DIDN’T WASTE a second, his arms wrapped around me tightly as he pulled me into his chest. “Please don’t go,” I told his chest, already fearing the moment he let me go. But he moved so he could see my face.

  “I have to.” He wiped away my tears. “But I promise you, I’ll come back.” He kissed each eyelid before kissing my nose and then my lips gently. “I love you, Grace.” My heart pumped faster as the hole that James had left grew that bit smaller by his words. I kissed Derek, and it wasn’t gentle. I let what I felt for him go into the kiss. When he looked at me, his eyes were so alive. I reached up on my tippy toes and kissed him gently on each eyelid, then his nose before leaning back.

  “I love you, too.”

  His smile had my stomach exploding with butterflies.

  “Say it again.”

  I smiled at his words. “I love you,” I told him. He pulled me back into his chest and held me. I knew our time was coming to an end. He kissed my forehead.

  “I love you.” His words were a whisper, but I heard him as he walked away from me and climbed into the back of his jeep. I stood, watching as he left the parking lot.


  I couldn’t look at her as we pulled away; I had never felt as weak as I did when I walked away from her. It took everything for me to keep moving. I had rung Emmett to come to my place, I wanted to try to fix things. I didn’t want to run, but Grace arriving was the worst thing that could have happened. Emmett had promised me a bloody punishment for hurting her and telling her about my father. Now she knew, even more, not the whole truth, but more than Emmett ever wanted her to, so I wondered how much worse my punishment was going to be, and whether I would ever see Grace again.

  Emmett wound the tie around his hand, then loosened it, and then did the process all over again. He hadn’t spoken a word to me, and that I was glad of, but also fearful.

  Right now, I hated my father; his mess shouldn’t be my debt.


  I woke up the next day feeling a little raw, but clean also, after finding out so much. I thought today I would feel bogged down, but instead, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I checked my phone. I had no messages or missed calls. Derek wouldn’t return straight away, but I feared I might not see him again. I laughed at my dark, absurd thoughts. No one was going to kill him. This was Emmett. My imagination was running wild. I got dressed into my jogging gear and hit the park. I tried not to think about anything as I ran, I wanted to find the “zone.”

  I think I did when I was puking on the freshly cut green grass. No one was around to see me, thankfully, and I walked my unfit ass back to the apartment.

  My phone was ringing. I couldn’t get the door open quick enough. I raced to the counter picking it up, but my heart deflated. It was work.

  “Hi Bernie, everything okay?”

  “I was wondering if you could come in, we are swamped here. Just for a few hours.” I had nothing better to do, so I agreed. I jumped in the shower before getting ready for work.

  Bernie hadn’t been exaggerating when she said they were swamped, the cafe was crazy busy. It wasn’t until ten o'clock that we got all cleaned up.

  “Thank you, Grace. You are such a lifesaver.” Bernie leaned against the counter sipping a coffee. She didn’t look as tired as she normally did.

  “No problem, always glad to help." I moved to grab my bag, but Bernie stopped me.

  “I was meant to tell you the cafe sold, but nothing is changing."

  “Are you happy?” I asked her, wondering if she was disappointed that she didn’t buy it herself.

  “Yeah, I’m relieved, to be honest, that I didn’t have to tie up my own savings in it, and the new owner, who is young and dreamy, gave me a pay rise. Actually, he gave all of us a pay rise."

  I high fived Bernie’s raised a hand and laughed. “Wow, that’s great." I actually had forgotten about work, but now that I still had a job and with more pay, things were looking up.

  “So, is our dreamy boss single?” I asked, and smiled as Bernie rolled her eyes and licked her lips in bliss.

  “God, I hope Emmett is.” Heat rushed to my face as my pulse pounded in my ears. It couldn’t be.

  “What does he look like?” I asked carefully, hoping it wasn’t true. Bernie’s words sounded like a glass was held to my ears. I could hear her, but it was far away as she described my brother to a tee.

  “Grace, are you okay?” Bernie’s hand on my arm brought me back.

  “Yeah, just tired.” I told her, keeping my face blank. I wasn’t going to tell her that Emmett was my brother.

  “Okay, well thanks for tonight.”

  I said my goodbyes, got my bag, and headed home. I wasn’t sure how I felt about Emmett being in my business again, but he bought it. Why? To keep me in a job? Or was it just a coincidence?

  I arrived home to find Emmett at my door. My foot paused on the last step, as my heart squeezed. “Please tell me he’s okay?”

  “He’s fine.” Irritation coated his words. Relief had me letting Emmett into my apartment.

  “You bought the café I work in?” I questioned.

  “You work there?” Emmett asked in his usual tone. He was so hard to read. I looked at him, looking for a sign that he was lying, but I couldn’t tell either way.


  “I didn’t know that. It won’t affect your work at all.” Emmett stood in a new suit, his hands in his trousers’ pockets, once again seeing him in my apartment made me look poor. He was better suited in some penthouse, which no doubt he lived in.

  “Well, thank you,” I said unsure of what to say, and he just nodded looking slightly uncomfortable.

  “Where is Derek?”

  “Grace, he’s fine. I just wanted to see how you were.” Once again, I couldn’t read Emmett. I was like an open book to him, and that annoyed me.

  That was a loaded question.

  “Not great. Especially since you took Derek and did God knows what to him, for a reason I don’t fully understand. And you have some hold over him that seems so much more. And I’m beginning to think you’re a criminal or something, Emmett. So no, I’m not good."

  Emmett smiled, it was brief, but I saw it. I wanted to point at him and say I caught you, but I acted like an adult. “Am I amusing you?”

  “You always had an odd way with words,” he said.

  “What does that even mean, is this another riddle?”

  Emmett sat down in the armchair. “No Grace. It’s a compliment.” A backhanded one maybe, but I didn’t say that.

  “Thanks.” I finally said, and sat across from him. I wanted to know where Derek was, but didn’t want to ask again. Instead, I asked the question that I should have asked a long time ago. “So how’s mam?”

  “She’s doing great. That was one of the reasons I came here. She’s allowed visitors soon. So, I got you a ticket to fly over to her next weekend.” Emmett took a white envelope out of his shirt pocket and placed it on my coffee table, pushing it towards me with one manicured index finger.

  “What? I have work and college. I can’t just drop everything."

  “I spoke to Bernie, it’s sorted, and you’re on your mid-term."

  “God, Emmett. I’m sorry, I don’t get this. You spoke to my manager? You can’t just come into my life and start rearranging it as you see fit. I’m sorry, I won’t have it." I was breathing heavy, but I couldn’t take much more of this. Emmett didn’t even blink, but I held his stare, I wasn’t backing down. “Are you listening to me," I scolded, and he smiled.

  “Yes, I’m listening Grace.” His smile had me sitting back and feeling slightly confused.

  “Good. So, no more interfering, even if you think it’s for the best,” I said, and he agreed no more. I was shocked, to say the least.

  “Well, I better go.” Emmett stood up and my heart leaped.

  “What about Derek?” I clenched my fists. Why was he dragging this out?

be back next weekend. Now, I must go.” Emmett didn’t give me a moment, but moved towards me, for a moment I thought he might have wanted a hug, but then paused as if he wasn’t sure. “Goodbye Grace.” Awkward wasn’t the word.

  Once the door closed, I cursed him and lay down on the couch.

  “Bastard,” I said. I would be in France visiting my mother when Derek got here. He did it on purpose. Tears blurred my vision. I sat up and grabbed the envelope, tempted to rip it in half, but I wanted to see my mother. It was sealed, I took out its contents. Two first-class tickets, a cheque for a ridiculous amount of money, and a note. My stomach tightened as I stared at the two tickets, was he coming with me? I opened the note, taking in the neat handwriting that filled the page.

  Dear Grace,

  Words are not my strong suit, so the only way I could tell you what I wanted to tell you was through a letter.

  I always kept you at arm’s length because I have a habit of breaking beautiful things, and that’s what you are Grace, beautiful. Your way with James always amazed me, and I envied your relationship so much. At times, I wanted to join in, but I was the brother who seemed to cast a shadow over things, so I stayed away. I always checked in to make sure both of you were good.

  It wasn’t until three years ago that I noticed Mother was getting worse. She drinks far too much, always did, and that darkness that’s in her was pouring out onto you and James. I need you to know that I tried to fix it; I tried to keep you in the dark. I thought I had it all under control, but I didn’t. Losing James was devastating, and I’m sorry I never comforted you. I’m sorry I left you alone, but the guilt I felt was too much. I had wanted to keep both of you safe, and I failed as your big brother. I tried to right my wrongs, but whenever I tried, I just couldn’t face you. You were always so full of life, and I felt like I broke you, but even as I tried to keep you away I still managed to break you, Grace.

  My tears blurred the ink on the page; I had no idea that Emmett felt this way. My heart swelled with love for him. I wiped away my tears, and continued to read on.

  Sending Derek to watch you was also wrong of me. I should have come to you myself, not sent someone else, especially not someone that was so close to what happened to our family, but I was afraid of you not wanting me after so long, and seeing you at the hospital confirmed it to me, your anger was so clear on your face. I don’t blame you at all. What I’m trying to say is I’m sorry for letting you down and not being there. I’m sorry for hurting you, and I hope you might forgive me and let me into your life, I would love a second chance at being your brother.

  Love Emmett

  P.S the second ticket is for Derek. I’m glad something good came out of this. It is not his fault.

  I cried for a while, clutching the letter. My heart broke for Emmett. He sounded so lonely. I didn’t know; I would never have thought he felt left out. He always seemed so put together, and just not bothered with me that I never suspected a thing.

  I moved to the counter and found the business card I had placed behind my fruit bowl. He picked up on the first ring.

  “I want my big brother.” I sniffled into the phone, and I could hear Emmett let out a sigh.

  “Thank you.” I could hear the smile and emotion in his words.

  “And this wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t your responsibility. You weren’t our father, Emmett, you are our brother." Silence followed my words, and when Emmett spoke it sounded like he was holding back tears.

  “Okay, Grace."

  We didn’t talk much longer, but promised to stay in touch and meet up more often. I sat in the kitchen, holding the phone long after the conversation ended. I wondered again, what would it have been like to have Emmett while I was growing up. A pang of longing resounded in my chest, but I pushed off the stool and made my way to bed. Exhaustion pulled heavily on me, now. I had to be grateful that I got a second chance with Emmett.


  The week dragged, and I had packed like a hundred times. My flight was leaving in the morning, and I had rung Emmett and Derek’s phone. No one answered, but Emmett texted me saying he was at a meeting. I was getting nervous. What if Derek didn’t show? What if he changed his mind? It had been nearly two weeks since he left.

  I was sitting on the couch, clutching my phone, staring at the black television screen when a knock at my door had me racing to it.

  Ripping open the door, my stomach lurched as I took in Derek. He was here. I didn’t give Derek a second but wrapped my arms around his neck as I inhaled his scent. The bag he had been holding dropped to the ground, and he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist as he moved into the apartment. We didn’t speak, he kicked the door closed and carried me to the bedroom, where we got reacquainted.

  Afterwards, I lay on his tanned chest and played with one of his blond dreadlocks. I was content and at peace in his arms. “What did you have to do?” I asked, looking up at Derek.

  He studied me for a moment as a shadow of something flickered across his eyes before he kissed the top of my nose. “It doesn’t matter, it’s over now and I’m just glad to be home.” I smiled at the word ‘home’ and decided to drop it. He was right; it was over.

  “I love you.” I kissed his chest before looking up at him.

  “I love you too, Grace."


  Holding Grace in my arms felt like I held the world. How quickly she had become everything to me. My debt now was paid in full to Emmett. Anyone could have done what he wanted me to do, but that was just it, he wanted me to do it.

  I believe it was so he had something to hold over me forever if I messed up with Grace. I just needed to make sure I never messed up, or I would be an accessory to murder. I didn’t kill anyone. No. But I helped clean it up. I closed my eyes tightly against the image of the elderly man, whose throat had been sliced from ear to ear. I didn’t ask what he had done, I focused on not throwing up.

  “Derek?” I looked down at Grace, her brows furrowed with concern. I traced the lines with my fingers, relaxing her. A small yawn from her made me smile.

  “Are you tired?” I said, pulling her close into me.

  “Yeah.” She said again, around another yawn. I turned off the lamp and pulled Grace even closer to me.

  “Thank you for taking this trip with me to see my mam.” She whispered while kissing the arm I had wrapped around her.

  “You’re welcome, Grace. Now go to sleep.” I told her as I kissed the back of her head. This would be a new start for us. A new beginning. The only wish I had was that Emmett stayed a million miles away from us. I inhaled the scent of Grace and smiled. The future, for the first time, looked bright.

  Do you want to read more about Emmett?

  Claiming Amber (A Broken Heart Series Book Two)

  Do you want to read more about Craig?

  Taking Laura (A Broken Heart Series Book Three)


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