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Eyes on the Target

Page 10

by Gracie Meadows

  “Yeah, it has, what are you doing here?” But she looked around and didn’t see anything out of place.

  “I was actually visiting a friend that lives here and I heard your horse, or dog growl, and it spooked me. You know how I am with dogs.” Jess watched as he smiled at her but did try to avoid Thompson.

  “He’s not so bad.” She smiled back at him when Trent cleared his throat.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, is this your boyfriend?” Topher said as he reached his hand out to Trent.

  “Who Trent, oh no, he’s just a friend.”

  “So you’re single then, maybe we could catch up with some coffee sometime.” Was he really hitting on her? She really didn’t want to, but she wanted to get him away from Thompson, who must have recognized Topher for the cheating weasel he was.

  “Sure, yeah, just call me.”

  “Great.” She watched his face light up and he moved in for a hug. Trying to be polite, she leaned into him, but then she felt something stick in her side. Trying to move away from Topher she saw Thompson laying on the ground whimpering with a small dart in his side, and Trent had been grabbed by two thugs she didn’t recognize.

  “You see, Jess, even those eyes of yours can’t see a target that’s right in front of you.” Before she could retort she saw his fist come flying at her face and the world went black.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Preston and Liam looked at the screen wondering what the damn evidence meant.

  “Where is Trent?” Preston had no idea what any of this meant. It was to someone who was paid, but that’s it. Coffee was working on finding the information, but Trent’s forensic person was doing this under the radar and now they had something and the dipshit goes out with Jess to walk Thompson. He would have been jealous of the man spending time with his woman, but Trent was like a big brother to the girls so he knew they had no interest in him.

  “He went to keep Jess and Thompson company. He is good at talking sense into people, maybe he could help her some.”

  “Okay, but how long ago was that?” Preston looked down at his watch and then back at Liam who seemed to be having the same thought he was.

  “Find her cell and Trent’s now, she has been gone close to forty-five minutes. I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “Her cell is turned off. Trent’s is down about two blocks. Maybe they are heading back.” Coffee was offering her advice to help make him feel better, but the fact was he didn’t.

  “I think we should go out and get them,” Liam stated as he checked his gun.

  “Guys, she’s armed, she always is, and Thompson is with her.”

  “Don’t care,” Preston stated plainly as he headed out the door with Liam in tow. They walked down the path he knew she would take. It was a small community with nice houses, a real family type of setting, well except for Coffee’s house. Her house was wired with so many things he doubted anyone could step on her grass without alerting her.

  Surveying the area where Trent’s phone was supposed to be didn’t turn up either of them. Preston’s gut started to turn, she wasn’t there.

  “Preston, over here.” He saw Liam down near a side of one of the houses between some fencing and bushes. Running with his gun out, Preston spotted a pair of shoes. Shit, shit, fuck and shit. He cursed when he recognized Trent’s shoes. He was lying on his side with a nasty gash on his forehead, a swollen eye, along with some marks on his hands.

  “Call an ambulance. Someone took her. Where is Thompson? Damn it, how could this happen?” Preston was losing his mind. Someone knew her to get this close. And by the looks of Trent he did his best to stop them. He needed Trent to wake up now and tell him who it was.

  Dylan and Bubbles came running out as the sound of a siren was heard in the distance.

  “Shit, Trent, where’s Smokey Eyes?” Dylan asked as he looked around.

  “They got her.”

  “Fuck,” everyone said almost simultaneously, and he couldn’t have agreed more.

  Pain, severe pain radiated from her jaw. Did she fall and hit something? And then it hit her. Topher. Topher was the one who set this all up. But he would never kill anyone, it wasn’t his style.

  “Oh good, glad to see your waking up. I wasn’t sure about the drug amount I gave you, but you were always a stubborn bitch and wouldn’t do anything anyone else told you, now would you.” Jess opened her eyes to see him bending over her. She was tied down to a bed. Her arms and legs spread wide tied to four metal posts. She pulled at her restraints, but the plastic from the zip ties cut into her wrists. She could try to snap them, but these were thick, normally used in construction areas. Damn it.

  “By all means keep struggling, it’s not bothering me any. After all, it’s only going to make you bleed more. I was hoping to get to the good part of tonight first.”

  “You’re messed up in the head you know. Why? Why do this?” She was lost, he was a computer programmer for heaven sakes.

  “You really need to ask me why? Don’t you remember your jealous tirade on our work?” Oh Jess remembered all right. She had gone that night to see him at work, and found his secretary bent over his desk as he pounded into her.

  “Really, you set me up and took me just to get even?”

  “Well, if you hadn’t been fucking those two feds your happy ass would be in jail. You are a hazard to people around you. Everything you touch turns to ice, and it dies. But since you don’t want to go to jail, and have your resources to avoid jail, I thought it was time to take matters into my own hands.”

  “How, you work on fucking computers. How could you shoot and set someone up?”

  “Oh but you see, I know people too. I know how Coffee works, and I know everything. You thought you were so damn smart, but you’re just a useless bitch. Only thing a bitch is good for is fucking, but even then you fucked that up.”

  “Fuck you, you sick fucker. When I get out of here, I am going to kick your pencil dick so hard you are going to have to open your mouth to piss.” She didn’t expect him to smack her. Okay, so she did egg him on, but in all the years she’d known him he’d always been so quiet.

  “Well times had changed haven’t they, Jess. But before we do anything, my associates wanna play a little.” His smile grew wide as two men with ski masks walked in.

  “She’s all yours, you can touch, but that’s it, for now.” And Topher left the room. She started to struggle as each man climbed on the bed next to her. The only thing she could see was their eyes and they seemed to be filled with evil and lust. Kicking and trying to avoid them as one grabbed and ripped her shirt. She tried to scream, but one covered her mouth with his hand. Closing her eyes, she silently sent out a prayer someone would come, because this time she didn’t think she could get out of it herself.

  Liam just about had it with the babying of Trent. Yes, the man was hurt, but he needed to know who the fuck had Jess and Thompson.

  “Just give him some time,” Bubbles said. She had started to do the whole mothering thing with him, but Trent, being a former agent, was trying to calm her down.

  “Bubbles, chill, honey, we don’t have much time. I only got the name she called him, and even then I’m not sure if that is right. It was something like tofu, no, pher, something like that.”

  “Topher?” Rainbow asked as she walked into the room.

  “Yeah, that’s what she said. I didn’t catch a last name. He was talking to her and she seemed to know him. He went to hug her when someone grabbed me and shot something into Thompson. He went down hard, but then the fucker hit her and that was the last thing I saw. I’m sorry, guys, I didn’t suspect him, shit, he was dressed in a designer suit and all.”

  "Who the hell is this Topher?” Preston started to shout, making a nurse come in and telling them they had to leave. Liam didn’t hesitate as Bubbles and Rainbow walked into the room.

  “That’s her ex, and it was a messy breakup, but he’s a computer guy.” He watched as Bubbles played out the idea in her head.
r />   “Well, he’s obviously a lot more now,” he snapped at her, making Dylan push him away from her. Tension was high now as everyone stood in the living room.

  “Listen, this isn’t going to help get her back. We need Coffee to get us some information on him and go from there.”

  “And do what, sit and watch her type on a computer while he does God knows what to her. I can’t wait like that. Hell, he knew what he was doing, he even shot Thompson, and he’s a big ass dog.”

  “Thompson,” Rainbows shouted, running over to them while on her cell phone.

  “What about him, he’s probably hurt too.”

  “No you morons, she loved him and wanted to keep him safe.”

  “So,” he motioned for her to continue.

  “Well, she had him chipped. She wanted us chipped but we all told her no, but she did chip him. When she picked him up from the vet. Coffee should be able to find her if they are together.”

  “What if they just dumped him somewhere?” Bubbles asked.

  “Hell it’s worth a shot and it’s all we have for now.”

  “Make the call.” God Liam had never been so scared. Preston was already on the phone with his connections with the FBI, and now that Trent had ideas on the shooter, they should be able to connect the two.

  For the first time in her life Jess prayed for the darkness to take her away, at least for some time. It seemed the men in masks had a fetish with whips and she was now naked and lash marks covered her whole body.

  “Check out these tits, man, he said we could touch, and I can’t help but mark her.” The man in the mask moved to her breast and bit the small area above her nipple. He bit so hard it was the first time she really screamed as she felt him break the skin leaving marks on her.

  “Look at that. See, my own branding.”

  “You’re sick you know that,” she panted out as pain started to take hold from being tied up. She hadn’t been there long, but it seemed like forever.

  “Oh, baby, when the bossman says it's okay, we will take you in ways you didn’t think were possible, but then again, you fuck two men, so maybe you can take me.”

  The sound of a zipper made her snap her eyes open and look to the left. He had pulled his cock out and was stroking it. The bile started to rise in her throat as he jerked off while running his hands up and down her body. Looking toward the right the other man smacked her breast before pinching her nipple really hard. “Come now, baby, he wants a show. Let’s give him one.” He then unzipped his pants and grabbed her head. “Open up, bitch.” Jess closed her eyes and kept her mouth shut.

  “I wouldn’t do that, she has teeth and she isn’t afraid of messing with a man’s cock, isn’t that right, Jess.” Topher had shown up, and this time he was pulling a cage next to him.

  “But she does have a weakness, don’t you, Jess. You like hairy beasts.” He kicked the cage and she could see Thompson growling through it. He bared his teeth.

  “You can’t hurt me you dumb mutt,” Topher said as he kicked the cage.

  “Now, Jess, you gonna play a little, but I get to do the punishment, after all, you dealt your own to me, didn’t you.”

  “Fuck you,” she blurted out.

  “Oh no, it’s me that will fuck you, and it will be the last thing you will ever do.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “I got it,” Coffee said as she pulled out the information between the shooter's cigarette butts and Topher.

  “Well, he is pissed at Jess obviously, but he put a trace on her name in the main computer system and when she was freed because of Zach, he must have gotten the information from the system about me looking for the ATF agent and so on. He just followed the crumbs we laid out for him. He must have been desperate when we found DNA on the shooter. He was some type of thug for hire who normally runs with this guy right here.” Coffee pointed to a picture on the screen. “Both have rap sheets longer than my wallpaper. They must have been the ones doing the dirty work.”

  “Okay, great, computer nerd turned asshat, got it, but how do we find her?” Preston pressed.

  “Well, that has been tricky because I had to remove his tracker and throw up a bunch of firewalls to keep him out before I started the GPS on Thompson. But it looks like he has him at some house about a half hour from here. But it’s pretty secluded. You’ll need to find a way to sneak in without his surveillance detecting you,” Coffee said as she looked at a screen and then his phone pinged. Looking down he saw the location beeping in his phone. He had to hand it to her, the woman had unbelievable skills.

  “Great, lets head out.” He was shocked when Bubbles started clicking guns in place and looking at them.

  “We don’t need help.” Preston didn’t want to be rude, but he didn’t need anyone else hurt.

  “Are you fucking kidding me? She saved my life, and without her I wouldn’t be here, plus, we both know Topher and can help get her out of there, maybe cause a distraction. Anything to avoid her getting hurt.”

  “Fine, let’s go.” He didn’t wait as Liam followed beside him strapping his knife to his hip. They were going to get their woman back.

  “Seriously, haven't you heard that song, it went something like, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but whips and chains excite me.” Jess knew she was goading Topher, but she’d had enough of his shit. Either he would kill her and be done, or let her the fuck go so she could kill him.

  “Really, I knew you turned into a slut, but I didn’t know the ice queen liked games. Maybe I should have done them with you when we were together, but I figured you just were a simple fuck and didn’t know how to please a man.” Jess felt her wrists and ankles bleeding, but she struggled anyway to try to snap them off. If she could just get one loose she could get out of there.

  “Well, maybe if you kept your dick to yourself, things would have been different, speaking of which, how is it doing. Can you use it, or are you peeing sitting down now?” She smiled at him, but it earned her a slap to her face. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as her lip split. Spitting it out, she looked at him. He was pissed and that look was good. Smart guys who got mad got careless, and she needed him to be so she could take advantage of the situation. Or at least that was her theory.

  “Well it works, after some surgery, no thanks to you. But don’t worry your pretty little head about that now. Because you’re going to find out anyway.” He turned and looked at the thugs. “Untie her hands and feet.” Both men came over to her, snapping open a knife, and she froze. Liam was big into knives, but she trusted him, these dumb shits, she didn’t. She held her breath and waited for the knife to slice through the zip tie before she tried to move. She had managed to kick one in the gut sending him toppling over before the other one grabbed her by her hair making her cry out as he held a blade to her throat.

  “Don’t move,” he growled in her ear as he licked her skin at the junction of her neck and shoulder. The man held her tight as he shoved his erection into her backside.

  “I say we cut the bitch,” the man on the ground sputtered.

  “Well, you can take it out on her later. Tie her to the table. I want to teach her who is in charge when I shove my cock in her ass.” She struggled to get away, but the blade nicked her.

  “Fight me, baby, go ahead, I like it rough,” the thug said again as he lifted her up and carried her over to a wooden table. She could see Topher off to the side as both men tied her tightly to the table. They put her on her stomach and tied her hands and ankles to the legs, forcing her to lie flat and exposed on the table.

  Each man took turns smacking her ass, and unlike her men, these men did it to leave a mark and to cause pain.

  “Enough, it’s time to break this cunt.” Topher ran his hand up and down her spine and she shivered at his touch. He moved down and soon ripped the only thing she had on, which were her panties.

  Looking around at her surroundings, she took in what she could. The table she was strapped to wasn’t very sturdy and if
she could shift some maybe she could break the leg. Okay, so plan one was done, but she needed a backup. She saw that Thompson was pissed and growling in his cage and it was bent. He was biting at it, good dog. But as she looked at him she remembered he was chipped. She sent a silent prayer that Coffee would look it up and send help, but in case she forgot, she would get out. Now that she could think, she whispered something.

  “What was that?” Topher asked.

  Once again she whispered her response. The curiosity got the best of him and he leaned over her, bringing his hand by her head to hear her. Then, she struck, biting him as hard as she could until she could taste his vile blood. He cursed and yanked, but she didn’t let go, he grabbed her head lifting her up and she used the weight to crack the table, causing it to fall to the ground. One of her legs came free, and she couldn’t have timed it better because Thompson broke out of his cage and attacked one of the thugs making him yell out. The other man found his knife and went for Thompson but her dog was too smart for that and lunged for him, biting his hand and dislodging the knife. She saw blood as Thompson continued attacking the men.

  “You dumb bitch,” Topher attack her. She fought him, hitting him in the nose, watching blood pour out. He seemed to drop backwards as one of the thugs got free and found a gun and aimed it to Thompson, she screamed at him to stop as she watched the bullet hit Thompson in the side. Not thinking anymore as Topher lay knocked out on the ground next to her, she broke free from the wood and went after the thug. He went to aim at her, but the gun was empty. Thank God. He took off in a run and the two of them fought. She hit him in the side, but he countered, knocking her backwards and then he was on her. His large hands around her throat. She struggled trying to catch her breath while trying to find something to get him off with. She couldn’t breathe and he was going to kill her. As the world started to spin and get fuzzy the sound of guns went off and voices called her name.


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