Country Bride (Country Brides)

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Country Bride (Country Brides) Page 5

by Catori, Ava

  Kristin fell asleep with a smile on her face. Ty fell asleep uncertain of his future.

  Chapter 8

  When the sun rose, he had to check on her one last time, even if to make himself feel better. She wouldn’t have left without saying good-bye, right? On driving over, thousands of thoughts ran through his mind, and on driving down her road, his stomach clenched as he got closer, afraid her driveway would still be empty.

  Relief swam through his veins on seeing her truck parked in the driveway. She hadn’t left him already, she didn’t run away scared. Was it too early to knock?

  A gentle tap at the door had Molly barking, alerting her somebody was there. Rolling over, looking at the clock, Kristin saw it was only six-thirty. Who would stop by so early? Dragging herself out of bed, she went to answer the door.


  “Thank goodness you’re okay,” he said, taking her in his arms.

  “And I’m happy to see you too, but it’s six-thirty,” she pointed out.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t see your truck last night, and then it got dark, you still weren’t back. I was worried, wondering if maybe you’d left.”

  “Left? Like left Wyoming?”

  He looked at her, “I thought maybe you were scared.”

  “I am scared,” Kristin said, “but only because I can’t turn off what I’m feeling.”

  He pulled her tighter, wrapping her in his arms. “I was worried.”

  “I broke my tooth on a walnut,” she laughed. “I had to go find a dentist and get a temporary crown. The nerve was exposed and it hurt pretty badly.”

  “Are you okay now?”

  “Yeah, much better, thankfully I was able to find somebody over in Lawrence that could fit me in. My replacement will be here in about two weeks he said.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, you can go back to sleep. I didn’t mean to wake you; I just needed to know you were okay.”

  “That’s sweet of you. Can you stay for a bit? I can make some coffee.”

  “It’s not a bother?”

  “Not at all, I’m just going to let Molly out to relieve herself, and then I’ll start a pot of coffee.”

  “I have appointments starting at nine o’clock this morning.”

  “I’ll have you out of here in no time,” she smiled.

  “It’s a nice treat to see you.”

  “I didn’t know you’d be home already.”

  “Yep, wrapped up at the farm, and Dad is feeling like himself again. He sent me on my way.”

  On letting Molly back in, she washed up and started a pot of coffee. Sitting at the table with Ty, Kristin was happy. It was nice to see him again. She’d missed him and thought of the last time he was here, wrapped in his arms, his lips on hers.

  There was an awkward dance by the coffee pot. As she got up, he did as well, following her.

  She looked at him, and put the coffee pot back down. He pulled her closer, his arms closing around her. She could hear him breathing, and with her head to his chest, heard his heart beating loudly for her.

  Tipping her head up, she looked into his eyes. She wanted this, they both wanted this, and now there was nothing holding them back.

  Ty leaned down, parting his lips, and drinking her in, kissed the girl from New Jersey. Kristin picked up hints of his cologne, melting into him.

  When her phone rang, it startled them both. It was early, who would be calling at this time. “I’m sorry,” she said breaking free.

  Picking up the phone, she was surprised to hear her father’s voice. “What? When? Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “My mother, she fell and hurt her hip. I need to go help her.”

  “You’re leaving.”

  Her stomach churned, “I have to.”

  Ty’s chest felt tight. Barely audible, “Will you be back?”

  “I don’t know,” she looked down. “I don’t know how bad it is, but my dad asked me to come home and help. Could you watch Molly for a few days? I’d like to fly out and get there faster, see how she is. Once I know that, I’ll know whether it’s temporary or if I’ll be heading back east.”

  Ty tried to swallow. At least with Molly here, she’d be returning. “Sure,” he said. “She can come to work with me today.”

  Kristin dug out her keys and gave Ty a spare. “If you need anything, here’s the key. I’m so sorry. I’ll try to get back in a few days. I’ll know more after I get there.”

  “Right, I hope she’s okay.”

  “Me too,” she said, turning to her room. She started pulling things from the drawers and closet, and threw together a suitcase. She lowered her head, “I’m sorry about the timing.”

  “Not much you can do about that,” he said, hoping she’d be coming back to stay.

  Turning off the coffee pot, she poured two mugs. “I’m going to go straight to the airport, and just try to catch a standby flight.” She shook her head laughing in frustration. “I don’t even know where the airport is.”

  “It’s about two hours out. I’ll give you directions before you leave.”

  “I need to get a GPS,” she frowned.

  “It won’t help you much out in these parts. The paved roads are on it, but I’m guessing most of our dirt roads won’t be listed.”

  “I’m sorry I have to leave.”

  “It’s the right thing to do. Your mother needs your help.”

  Chapter 9

  “I hope to be back sometime next week. How is Molly making out?”

  “She’s good, we’re buddies. She likes my table scraps more than her food,” he laughed.

  “You’re going to fatten her up.”

  “Nothing wrong with that,” he said. “How’s your mother doing today?”

  “Good, she’s wrapping up with physical therapy, though she’ll have some things she’ll still do at home. I can’t believe it’s been six weeks,” she hesitated, “I’ve missed you.”

  “And I’ve missed you. I hope you’ll hurry back to me.”

  “As soon as I can,” Kristin answered. “Give Molly a hug for me.”

  “Will do,” he agreed.

  After saying their good-byes, Kristin hung up the phone and sighed. She did miss him, more than she expected to.

  It was good to see her parents again, even under these circumstances, but she longed to get back to Ty. It surprised her at first, but once she accepted what her heart wanted, she gave into the feeling. There was something between them, and she needed to know where it was going.

  With her mother healing up and getting around easier, Kristin was on her way back to Wyoming the following week.

  She couldn’t wait to see Ty and Molly. Heading home, she watched the clock. She’d see them in less than two hours. Two hours felt like forever after seven weeks. She wanted to speed up and hurry back, but it wasn’t worth risking the ticket or her life. Her heart was beating faster the closer she got to home. She was happy to see Molly, but knew it was Ty making her anxious. She’d talked to him often over the last few weeks, but hadn’t been in his arms since she’d left.

  Pulling into his driveway, she was relieved to see his truck. She wasn’t sure what time his appointments ran until. On getting out, he came out to greet her.

  She couldn’t help herself, and ran into his arms. She’d missed him so much. On seeing him, she knew what she needed to know – he was the one she needed, the one that made her heart sing. He was the one she wanted to start over with.

  Ty’s smile said it all, and wrapping his arms around Kristin, he felt like he was complete. He never expected to fall so hard, but on seeing her again, he knew what he needed to know. She was the one that made him feel like a man, the one that he wanted to take care of, and the one he wanted to start over with.

  Tangled in each other’s arms, they stood unmoving, simply enjoying the moment. Molly came out with him, and was running circles around them. Laughing, Kristin pulled away long enough to greet her old friend.

  “Have you been a good girl?” She bent down to pat her on her head.

  “We’ve missed you,” Ty smiled.

  “It feels good to be home.”


  “Home,” she said. “At least for now,” she said cautiously. “All I know is that I need to be here, with you.”

  Ty pulled her back into an embrace, holding her close. “Those are words that warm my heart.”

  Standing in the driveway, holding Kristin, Ty felt complete. With his hand, he tipped her chin up toward him. Leaning down, he let his mouth speak for him, telling her how much he missed her. Parting his lips, brushing them against hers, he kissed her with love and passion. Kristin accepted the love. It was as if her feet were glued to the very ground. She couldn’t move, didn’t want to the moment to stop.

  Ty’s hands moved up into her hair, raking his fingers through it, and pulling her closer. Locked in an embraced, a heated kiss between them, Ty knew things would be okay. For the first time, there was an unspoken understanding. They were in this together, they were both ready to move forward, and they both wanted this.

  Taking her hand, he led her into the house. He pressed her to the closed door, needing to taste her sweet lips again. Labored breathing, tiny words slipping out, “I want you,” he whispered.

  Their kisses great more heated, and as his hands started to roam, Kristin slowed things down. “I’m not ready to do that yet,” she said, embarrassed to stop him in his tracks. “I do want to go there, eventually, but not yet. Are you okay with that?”

  “As long as you’re mine, we can take as long as you need.” His hands came up and stroked her cheek softly. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

  Her liquid blue eyes looked into his warm face, filled with wanting, but knew it was the right thing to go slowly. It would be so easy to go there, let go and let passion take over, but she wanted to be sure. She knew she was ready to be in a relationship – but until she was fully committed, until she knew they’d be together forever, she wasn’t ready to consummate their relationship just yet.

  “Come here,” she whispered, wanting to taste his kisses one more time.

  She didn’t have to ask him twice. Leaning into her, their heated breath between them, their lips came together sharing secrets and dreams.

  “It got cool outside,” she said, finally breaking free from the kiss.

  “Wyoming does that this time of year.”

  “It was chilly at home too, but we get lucky and still get a couple of nice days in the fall.”

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you, would you like to celebrate the holidays with me? You could go meet my folks, and then we could have a quiet night here.”

  “I’d love to spend them with you.”

  Falling into his arms, they spend the next hour catching up, snuggling, and then Kristin had to head out. Gathering Molly, she made the trip back to her own home, after making plans to see Ty the following day.

  “It’s been wonderful to see you,” she said, not wanting to leave.

  “Stay with me tonight,” he whispered. “We don’t have to do anything; I just want to hold you.”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she admitted. “I should head home. It’s been a long day.”

  “You’re right, maybe another time.”

  Chapter 10

  When the snow fell, Kristin wasn’t expecting it. It seemed earlier than she was ready for. Ty warned her it would snow randomly all year, though most of it came from the fall to the spring. Once it started, it could go until May, and they’d even get random summer snow. While most of the snow fell through winter, there was no way to know what the weather would be. There was a saying in Wyoming when asking about the weather, that if you wait five minutes, the weather will change. It was unpredictable most of the time, and always kept you guessing.

  At least it was a light snow. Kristin dug around the shed and found a snow shovel. If it was deeper, she’d have trouble driving into town. She had four wheel drive, but wasn’t used to actually needing it.

  It was official; it was the season to stock up on essentials. Molly rolled around in the fresh coating of snow on the ground, enjoying the change in weather.

  She’d been seeing Ty regularly, and when the holidays rolled around, they made plans to visit his parent’s farm. She was both nervous and excited to meet them. There was no way to know how they’d react, and she wondered if they’d have the same ruffled feathers learning she was from New Jersey. She didn’t see what the big deal was. On the east coast, nobody flinched if you were from another area, but out here, it was almost an insult that she was from the small, congested state.

  She wished people wouldn’t have expectations of who she would be. It was just an invisible line on a map; people were people no matter where you went. She never quite understood the reaction.

  With Christmas approaching them, Ty and Kristin talked about family traditions. She shared a story about how the houses in the neighborhood would all put lights along the curbs of her development. The entire road was lit up like a landing strip at an airport. It started with a few houses, and then more joined in. Soon the entire neighborhood was lit. One of her favorite past times was driving through the area, enjoying all the decorations and Christmas lights. One of the neighbors a street over always seemed to outdo themselves with an over the top display. It was gaudy, but she loved seeing it each year.

  He shared stories about his parent’s surprising him with a new saddle one year, a highly polished black leather saddle to replace the old brown leather one that he’d been using for years as a kid.

  Kristin made hot chocolate as they shared more stories of their youth. Curling up on the sofa with Ty, she’d never felt more comfortable. It was a natural comfort. She didn’t have to be something she wasn’t – he took her just as she was.

  They would spend Christmas Eve sharing an intimate dinner, and then spend Christmas Day at the farm with Mr. and Mrs. Addison.

  The days rolled by quickly, and on Christmas Eve, Kristin took a moment to call home. Checking in with her mom, she was pleased to see she was feeling stronger, and getting around much easier. Her father was glad to hear from her, and mentioned how happy she sounded. She knew it was Ty; he filled the hole that was in her heart.

  Ty was coming over to her place, and she had a nice dinner planned. She’d even sprung for some Champagne, and made a cherry cheesecake. She hadn’t been sure what to get him for the holidays, and they didn’t really talk about it, but finally decided on a nice watch with a leather band. It was personal, but wasn’t extravagant.

  When Ty showed up, Molly greeted him with a bark and a wag of her tail. Bending down, he offered her a special treat. “Shh, don’t tell your mother, she says I spoil you.”

  Kristin laughed, greeting him with a hug and a kiss.

  “How was your day,” she asked, making small talk.

  “Nothing exciting, just the usual.” He pulled her back into an embrace, “Come here, you.”

  Kristin turned around, letting him wrap her in his arms. Everything felt right in the world. She never thought she’d be this happy again.

  “I’ve got something for you,” he whispered, “but I need more of your sweetness first,” he said, lowering his head. His lips came to hers in a tender kiss.

  Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out a long narrow box. Handing the box to Kristin, she smiled. “What is it?”

  “You’ll need to open it.”

  Removing the wrapping, she opened the jewelry box. A gold bracelet with a heart charm was inside, and turning to Ty she smiled. “It’s beautiful; will you help me put it on?”

  As he put it onto her slender wrist, she thanked him.

  Excusing herself for a moment, she went and pulled his gift off of the bookshelf, handing it to him.

  “For me?” He grinned and opened the present.

  “I love it, it’s perfect,” he said. “It’s rugged and handsome, thank you,” he
leaned in for a kiss.

  Ty opened the champagne, pouring in into the glasses, as Kristin finished supper.

  “I don’t have flutes,” she laughed. “These will have to do.”

  “It all drinks the same,” he said. “I haven’t had champagne in years.”

  After a couple of glasses, they were laughing and sharing dinner. Soon one thing led to another, and bringing the dishes to the counter, Ty swept her into his arms. Kissing her, his hands slowly started to roam. It felt so good, and Kristin had trouble saying no…she wanted to feel his hands on her body. She didn’t want to keep stopping him. She wasn’t even sure why she did. Maybe tonight would be the night.

  But something told her she should wait. Wait until things were more serious. Wait until they’d made a major commitment. She couldn’t make love to a man only to lose him again. It would crush her soul. She’d wait. If he was the one, and wanted to be in her life – he would wait.

  Pulling back, “Ty, let’s go sit down for a bit. I don’t want to lose control of myself.”

  “Losing control wouldn’t be a bad thing,” he said.

  “For me it would. It’s not that I don’t adore you. It’s just that I’m afraid of what happens after, worried that I’d lose you.”

  “I love you, how would you lose me?”

  “I love you too, but I just need to wait. I hope you understand.”

  “I’ll wait as long as you need. It doesn’t mean that I don’t have urges. I want to be with you, but I’ll wait until you’re ready – you’re worth it.”

  Snuggled on the sofa, they talked about the future and what it meant to them.

  An emergency house call came in for Ty, and they were reminded that work came at all hours of the night, and even on holidays.

  “I’ll be here tomorrow afternoon to pick you up,” he reminded, before heading out. “Thank you for tonight, and thank you for my watch.”


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