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Page 12

by Jeanne Harrell

  She held out her hand to shake his. Eddy had the good grace to shake her hand.

  “Good luck, Amanda, with your new guy. I sincerely mean that.”

  “Thanks, Eddy, and good luck with your next girlfriend. And I mean that. I’m very happy with my guy and I wish everyone to be as happy as we are.”

  Eddy watched her enviously as she walked away. Mandy just hoped he had learned something, anything, from this encounter and would stay out of her life. She decided if he contacted her again, she’d let Colt meet with him. That should do it…

  “So what are you watching, Miles?” Colt had joined him in the media room. He sat on the couch by his brother and looked over at him. Miles looked a lot like Lily with his handsome face and dark hair. They definitely looked like brothers, -- that was for sure. But a physical resemblance seemed to about do it. Personality-wise, they were completely different. Miles didn’t have a filter and would just speak without thinking. He was a colorful character who could be as charming as he could be outrageous. Colt knew that he wouldn’t stay at the ranch much longer, because he was born to travel – see the world. His books would take him everywhere. And he would write about it all.

  “You’re looking at me weird,” said Miles. “What’s on your mind?” He paused the movie.

  “I was just thinking that I’m glad we’re brothers. We’re pretty different, but we’re also the same in lots of ways. I think you’re just a little young yet to really know yourself.”

  “Wow…and I mean that in a good way. You’ve never spoken to me like that before and I appreciate it. --- Really.”

  Colt offered his hand for Miles to shake. “Shake hands on it?”

  Miles grabbed his hand and pumped it vigorously. “And believe me, Colt, I am so sorry that I got in the middle of things with you and Mandy up in Donner. I just shot my mouth off with her mother. I’m going to try to work on that. Honest…”

  Colt laughed. “It’s all right. Dad says that things usually work out in the end.”

  “Grandma would say you’re heading into Act Three. Does it feel like Act Three yet?”

  “Yeah, it really does. Mandy is up in Sacramento, taking care of a few loose ends, and Dad and I are working on a new business plan for me here.”

  “Business plan?”

  “I’m going to start my horse training business here on the ranch. Now that I’ve paid my dues up north and in California, I think I’m ready to get things moving here.”

  “You’re going to live on the ranch?”

  “Yeah, Dad and Mom are giving Mandy and me some acreage for a wedding gift. I’m going to set up shop pretty soon. We’re working out the details… It’s coming along…”

  “I was out yesterday looking at the construction site. Are they building you a house?”

  “Well, I’m paying for it mostly, but Mom and Dad, Sam and Jeanne are chipping in some.”

  “I’ve got a bit. Could I chip in too? As a wedding gift?”

  “Absolutely. That’d help keep my bank account in the black,” he laughed.

  “When are you guys getting married?”

  “That is the question of the day,” smiled Colt. “But I don’t think it will be much longer now.” He turned toward the TV. “What’ cha watching?”

  Miles smiled and turned back to the television. “This is a really great one… ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ They just don’t make ‘em like this anymore.”

  “Oh, that is a great movie. There are some movies in the world that reflect the times and that is one of them. What’s your favorite scene?”

  Miles thought a minute. “My favorite is when drunk Bob spits at Atticus out at Tom’s home. Atticus just stares at him, with all that spit running down his face and you think he’s going to belt him. Bob thinks Atticus is going to belt him. But what does he do? He calmly reaches into his pocket, Bob reacts like he’s going to get punched, but Atticus pulls out a handkerchief and wipes off his face. Fabulous scene! It showed Bob wasn’t even worth hitting, and Atticus rises above violence.”

  Colt smiled. What was it about movies and this family? They were all a bunch of movie nuts…

  “My favorite is when Atticus is in the courthouse and the jury has just pronounced Tom guilty. Everyone leaves except for the black people sitting upstairs. Atticus starts walking out the door and all the black people stand up as he goes. They’re honoring the man who stood up for them. And then the reverend says to Scout, ‘Stand up. Your father’s passing.’ Great scene…”

  “That is a good one and how about when…”

  They continued discussing the movie, actually burying the problems between them. Like in the movie, some actions have deeper meanings. And the action here meant that Colt could forgive his brother and maybe Miles would even learn something. Anything was possible…


  I’m finally here…Mandy had just pulled up in the driveway by Jeanne and Sam’s house when her phone rang.

  “Hello? Oh, Colt, I was so hoping it was you. I have so much to tell you.” He immediately noticed the lift in her voice – it was all getting better.

  “Hi, sweetheart…. It’s wonderful to hear your voice. Where are you?”

  “In Sonoma. Isn’t that where you are?”

  “Ah…no. I’m still in Naples. I thought you were in Sacramento…I was going to drive over to surprise you.” He smiled.

  Mandy laughed. “That’s pretty funny. I thought I would surprise you in Sonoma…” They both started laughing.

  “I have a lot to tell you too. God, I miss you. Are you still wearing my ring?” He caught himself. ... “Jeez, that sounds like we’re in high school…” Still, he held his breath waiting for her answer.

  “Oh, honey, I never took it off. Why would I?”

  He let out the breath he had been holding. “I know we’ve kept in communication, but I just wasn’t sure how you felt anymore.”

  “Well,” she tried her sexy voice on him, “perhaps if we could find ourselves in the same city, I might be able to show you how I feel. Hmmm? Think that can be arranged?”

  Colt’s pulse clocked ninety in three seconds. “I’m leaving today, right after this phone call. Tell me exactly where you want to meet…” He didn’t care how anxious he sounded because that’s exactly what he was. Anxious to see her, to be with her…

  “Let’s meet in Donner at your place. I can be there in about two and a half hours. Actually… that’s just travel time. I want to go in and see your grandparents while I’m sitting here in their driveway.” She saw them come out and wave at her. “In fact, they’ve just come out of the house. I need to go.”

  “When, Mandy, when??” Colt was insistent.

  “I probably should stay for lunch, since I’m here. I don’t want to be rude. I can be in Donner by 3:00. How would that be?”

  “Not soon enough. Please meet me as soon as humanly possible at my cabin, all right?”

  “Okay, and Colt?” Mandy smiled into the phone.

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “I love you.”

  “God, I adore you so. Meet me as soon as you can. I can’t wait much longer.” Colt smiled into his phone and then kissed it.

  “I heard that! Is that some kind of phone sex?” She laughed.

  “No phone sex. I only want the real thing. See you soon, sweetheart. Give my love to Jeanne and Sam.”


  By this time, Jeanne was down by her car, opening the door for her, while Sam stayed back by the front porch. Jeanne’s smile was broad.

  “Hello, Mandy, dear. I can see by your face that the love of your life was just on the phone with you.”

  “Hi Jeanne.” Mandy got out and gave her a big hug. Such a wonderful woman… “Yes, you caught me. That was Colt. I showed up at your place, because I wanted to surprise him. I guess I’m the one surprised, because he’s not here…” She laughed.

  “Come, come, come. Sam’s dying to see you too. So glad you could stop by.” Jeanne took
her arm and they walked together up to where Sam was standing. He gave her a big hug as well.

  “Great to see you, girl. How have you been?”

  “Well, that’s the $64,000 question, Sam,” laughed Mandy.

  “Let’s get her in the house. No interrogation on the front porch. She can sit down and have some iced tea before we start grilling her for information.”

  Mandy laughed again. She was so comfortable with his grandparents, and all of his relatives, for that matter. Even Miles… He was a little impetuous, that’s all.

  What a nice place, she thought. There’s a good fire going in the pellet stove they had in the kitchen. She hoped she wouldn’t get so cozy that she fell asleep. Warmth did that to her. And what were those incredible aromas? That was enough to come here for…

  “You’ve been baking, Jeanne. What’s in the oven?”

  “You know how Sam likes my chocolate chip cookies.”

  “They smell heavenly...”

  “And are just about done. I was just going to get them out to cool.” Jeanne opened the oven door and took out the cookies. Their fragrant chocolate aroma filled the kitchen immediately. Mandy drank it in… Sam was pouring her a glass of iced tea.

  “So how are you, dear? Are you okay?” They were all concern for her.

  “Where should I start?” She looked from Sam to Jeanne’s anxious face.

  “At the beginning. That’s always the best place.”

  So Mandy told them in glowing detail about having to leave Donner for Sacramento. She knew it about killed Colt and didn’t do her much good either. She continued on to tell about meeting with her mother and Eddy, and how she dealt with them both. They beamed at her.

  “Mandy, honey, you did such a great job. That must have been rough on all counts. Good for you,” Sam said.

  “I agree,” said Jeanne. “That must have been so hard to talk to your mother about her addiction problems. Do you think she’ll follow through on your ultimatum?”

  “Well, I am fully prepared to deliver the consequences if she doesn’t. I told her I didn’t want her drinking or bad behavior at the wedding and I meant it.”

  “And the ex-boyfriend…Eddy, is it? Do you think he’ll bother you any more?” Sam was concerned.

  “I don’t think so. He’s not such a bad guy – he just used poor judgment. He sounded like he was willing to start again on a better foot with someone else. At least, he had better be. If he calls again, I’m letting Colt take over.”

  “Good girl.”

  “Colt can take him. He doesn’t work out with horses for nothing,” laughed Sam.

  “Listen, I can only stay for lunch, if that’s all right with you. I’ve arranged to meet Colt back at Donner, and I don’t want to keep him waiting.” She smiled.

  Jeanne got up and started making lunch for them. “We were just about to have some lunch, weren’t we, Sam? It is so nice that you could eat with us.”

  “Could I give you a hand?”

  “Gracious me, no, sweetie. Why don’t you and Sam go out to see the grapes while I do this. Give me about fifteen minutes.”

  With that, Sam opened the back door for her and they went to see the vines up on the hills behind the house. Sam might not have had many acres, but what he had was choice. Plump, juicy grape clusters were all over his vines and they looked ready to pluck.

  “Grape harvesting time is coming up soon, Mandy. You’ll need to come up for it, because it is an annual Johnson family event. And you’ll be a Johnson soon…” He smiled broadly at her. “The family loves you very much. I hope you know that and like us.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes. “Sam, thank you so much. You don’t know what it means to me for you to say that. I love you all. You’ve been so kind and welcoming that I feel at home with all of you.”

  “Well, now,” he sputtered, “I…didn’t mean to make you cry. Sorry…I think I have a hanky here somewhere.” He fished a wrinkled and worn handkerchief out of a back pocket and handed it to her.

  “It’s okay. Please show me the grapes,” she said while dabbing her eyes.

  “Grapes are like people, you know.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Grapes can be sturdy plants, but they can be bruised and need to be treated kindly. It takes a long time to grow a healthy grape plant and it needs nurturing. All relationships do. It’s the same with you and Colt. You just need time to get that nurturing and kindness in and you’ll have a healthy marriage.”

  Mandy opened her mouth in surprise at the wisdom of Sam’s words. He had never really said more than a few nice sentences to her. She had no idea of the depth of his feelings. She turned to look at him.

  “So I have your blessing then to marry Colt?” She smiled at him. “I do love him, you know.”

  “I know that, sweetie and he loves you too. You just had a rough Act Two, as my beloved wife would say.”

  “Sam, thank you.” She gave him a big hug. Then they heard Jeanne calling them for lunch and they walked back down the hill.

  After lunch and Mandy was walking to her car to leave, Jeanne said to her, “You know, just because you’re a counselor and I know you’re a good one, you don’t need to solve all your problems yourself. We’re a big, nosy family and you can call on any of us to help. We love you and Colt and would do anything for you.” Jeanne gave her another hug.

  She was dabbing her eyes again, as she got into the car and drove away. They stood on the front porch, waving goodbye. Mandy counted her blessings that she was marrying into such a wonderful family as the Johnsons.


  Donner Lake at long last… It was a long couple of hours. She wanted to see him so much. Finally, she pulled up at his cabin. She saw several boxes piled outside and wondered what he was doing. Even though it was getting chilly, the front door was open and she could hear music.

  Mandy walked up to the door and looked in to see him packing a box. Colt felt her presence before he saw her. He turned around and grinned.

  “Hi, sweetheart. Long time, no see.” She laughed.

  “Howdy, stranger – Remember me?” She took a step toward him.

  “You look kinda familiar… Now where have I seen you before?” He took a step toward her.

  “Probably in one of your better dreams.” She took another step toward him.

  “That could be, since I dream nightly…” He took another step toward her.

  “Oh, Colt...” With that, she ran the rest of the way right into his arms. They just wrapped their arms around each other and held on for all they were worth. Mandy got teary again. He pulled back only far enough to start kissing her. She kissed him back excitedly.

  He pulled her into his aura like they were two halves of the same whole. The feel of her, the taste… It was so exquisite and made him want more. She pressed in closer to him to smell him, to feel him… It had been too long for both of them and neither one wanted to part ever again.

  Colt took her hand up to his lips and kissed it tenderly while watching her. She felt hypnotized and couldn’t drag her eyes from his face. Then he took her face between his hands and kissed everywhere on her face there was a place to kiss. She sighed deeply and thought her bones had turned to mush. It felt so good to be loved…

  He took her hand then and led her to the bedroom. He nudged her into his bed and lay down beside her. Mandy watched him as a snake handler watches the cobra. Clothes had become an obstacle, so they were dispensed with and quickly. Lying naked together, his blood pounded and she shivered against him.


  “No, thrilled…” He smiled and began kissing her again. His hands slid over her body as she began exploring him too. She thought of no one but him -- His slow, deliberate touching caused her to moan with excitement.

  “More?” he teased with his lips touching hers.

  “Yep…” she said into his now urgent kiss.

  Making love, their bodies moved together in fluid movement. An ocean of feelin
g went through her as she crashed through any last vestiges of control.

  “Mandy…Mandy…” he breathed.

  In time, they lay back, trying slowly to regulate their erratic breathing. He pulled the covers over her, as she snuggled into the crook of his arm.

  “That’s where you belong, you know. Right under my arm as close to me as you can get.” Colt wrapped her up in the blanket and put his arms around her.

  “Mmmm….” Mandy was so content that she couldn’t speak -- a sound bubbled out instead.

  Colt chuckled. “You sound like one of our contented cows at the ranch.”

  Mandy opened one eye to peer at him. “Did you just describe me as one of your ranch cows?”

  He gently closed her eye with a kiss. “Don’t get your hackles up. It’s just an expression, not a description.”

  She peered at him again, “How can you be so lucid and literary at a moment like this? I can barely move and you’re quoting Shakespeare. Sex must energize you. It puts me to sleep…” She snuggled into him tighter.

  Colt kissed the top of her head. “If you go to sleep now, you’ll miss Round Two.”

  An eye peeked open again. “Hmmm…you don’t say. I guess we’ve been away from each other longer than we thought. What is it about you that just makes me want to take a bite?”

  At that, he bent down and nipped at her lower lip. What was that? He kissed her softly a few million times and then rolled over on her to really press his point. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, if that was possible. She kissed him back more urgently and then they were at it again.

  She found him appealing and irresistible in every possible way. His mind screamed out for her. Mandy…Mandy…


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