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Page 14

by Jeanne Harrell

  When the girls came back, they were both in tears, hugging each other. When they confessed to Lily, there were more hugs.

  “And what do my wonderful sons say about this news?”

  “I told Colt yesterday and he was thrilled.” Mandy smiled. “He wants to figure out which room in the new house could be the nursery.”

  “Jesse just found out this morning when we arrived at the hospital. I knew I couldn’t be around some equipment like the x-ray machine, and I had to tell him. There we were with the doctor, nurse and technician around us, trying to look anywhere but at us. You should have seen the look on his face – It was part pain and part happiness.” She laughed. “I had planned on telling him today anyway, but then he had the accident and everything was chaos.” Audrey smiled.

  “So Jesse got bucked off a horse and found out he was going to be a father on the same day?” She chuckled when Audrey nodded. “It’s turning out to be quite a memorable day.”


  The house was going to be great. Mandy and Lily had gone over to see how the construction was going, while Colt went to work with his dad. Jesse was resting up at his house, but complaining about not being able to at least get on his horse. He obviously wasn’t a good patient. Lily thought Audrey was the patron saint of patience with him.

  Mandy thought Colt had done a great job of planning everything out. She hadn’t helped due to being stuck in Sacramento, sorting out her life. But the house was situated in a beautiful area with a stream running alongside it. A driveway was being poured part way and the rest of it would be gravel. A huge barn was being built off towards the back, not too close and not too far away. Three corrals had been built already behind and the both sides of the barn. Colt would be able to keep some horses in the barn, since it was huge, and others in the outside corrals as needed for training. It was the perfect set-up, she thought.

  When Lily took her inside, she was overwhelmed. Mandy hadn’t lived in a house for many years – In Sacramento her apartment had been more of a prison devoid of color, but she had rented a cute little cabin in Donner Lake. She could think back fondly to many happy memories there. But this place was something else.

  “You have 3,000 square feet of living space here, Mandy,” Lily told her, “with a loft over the garage for additional living space and an attic.”

  “Wow…Impressive. Colt helped the architect with all this?”

  “Yes, he was very particular and thought about what you would want through every decision. He loves you very much.” Lily got a little teary, which made Mandy a little teary.

  “I won’t be able to see the house if we’re going to cry,” she sniffed.

  “Right…well, here’s the floor plan.”

  They went from room to room, discussing what the rooms should be used for and determining appliances for the kitchen. And the kitchen…Wow, again. It was huge, open and airy with a high ceiling and lights hanging down over the granite countertops. There was an island with an additional sink and two dishwashers.

  “Either he wants to throw lots of parties or …” Lily started.

  “… have lots of babies.” Mandy finished. They both laughed. “I think we could do both.”

  “You and Colt need to go to a few places up in Reno to buy furniture. Since you have none,” she stopped and smiled, “you’ll need to get everything. I bet you go for the nursery first.”

  “Yes, indeed, but it would be nice to have a bed to sleep on, at least.”

  Colt came in the front door then. “Sweetheart, you here?” he yelled.

  “Back here,” Mandy called out. He came in the room with dust all over him. “Did you ride your horse over here?”

  “Yep. I thought you two would be here and I wanted to see how you liked the place.”

  “It’s gorgeous, but we need furniture.”

  “I was telling Mandy, Colt, that you need to go up to a few places in Reno and start getting some furniture. The house is about finished and you should be able to move in before the wedding.”

  “Okay, sounds good. How about tomorrow? I have to go into town anyway to order a few things for dad. We can make a day of it.” They smiled at each other. Just then his cell buzzed. “Hey, I gotta go. Dad’s got me on a short leash.” He leaned over to kiss Mandy. “See you later. Bye, Mom.” He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as well. He dashed out still brushing dust off his chaps.

  Lily and Mandy both sighed. “Gotta love these cowboys,” they said at the same time.


  This was going to be a hoot… The whole town had been invited… The last wedding at the ranch had been twenty-five years ago when Sandy and Lily were married, and had been a barnburner. Just like then, there had been so much to do…the wedding planner rode herd and the place looked exquisite. An archway had been built out in the back part of the yard just past the patio and was decorated with daisies, gerberas, blooming cherry and garlands of laurel. The brides would be carrying bouquets with mixtures of roses, lilacs and lilies. There would be clear vases of roses and lilies on the tables to match.

  A cowboy band had been hired for the reception and was setting up on one side of the yard. Janie and a few cousins were decorating the tables, while others were bringing in drinks and some food. Refrigerated foods and dishes to be heated were still in the kitchen and would be taken care of after the service.

  Candles had been set out on tables and lights were already twinkling from the posts on which they had been strung. Many more tasks were being completed at this final hour before the ceremony was to begin.

  The brides were in Sandy and Lily’s bedroom putting on the final touches. When Jeanne and Page, Lily’s friend from San Francisco, went to retrieve the wedding gowns from the closet, they reminisced about another wedding.

  “Doesn’t seem that long ago that we were doing this for Lily, does it, Jeanne?”

  “Got that right, Page.”

  “I couldn’t believe the same wedding dress shop was still there when Mandy and Audrey came up to pick out gowns. Incredible… and remember Lily had been pregnant with Colt when they were married.” She and Jeanne got teary – again – and shared a tissue.

  Lily had come in to help with the finishing touches and brought their bouquets.

  “Mandy and Audrey, you both look wonderful…”

  Everyone had lumps in their throats helping the girls put on their wedding dresses. The dresses were yards of satiny material, lace and beadwork. Mandy’s was sleeveless and Audrey chose capped sleeves with a scoop neck and back. The trains weren’t too long – maybe two feet each, and neither girl had wanted a veil. They wanted to see and be seen. Jason and Sandy knocked on the door. Jason would walk his daughter, Audrey, up the aisle and Sandy had volunteered to walk Mandy, since her father was deceased.

  “Show time, girls...” Sandy said. “Ready?” He opened the door and gasped. They both looked so beautiful – Mandy with her gorgeous auburn hair piled on her head with beads in it and Audrey’s lovely brown hair elegantly styled in curly waves on her shoulders. The expression on their faces told the story of how they felt just then - Going out to be joined in matrimony with the men they loved… He thought he was a hardened cowboy until he looked at them, and then his good friend, Jason, who had tears in his eyes.

  “We’ve got to man up, Jason,” he said shakily.

  “Yep, let’s do it.” Jason hastily wiped his eyes.

  Colt and Jesse were already at the archway altar dressed to kill. They had talked their girls out of regular tuxedos and had gone to San Francisco to buy very elegant western clothes. Colt had on a long waist coat, cut western style with a white pleated shirt and formal tie. On his matching slacks was his signature belt buckle with a ‘C’ engraved on it. Jesse wore a shorter jacket with satin lapels, also cut western. He wore a gray vest, white pleated shirt with a bolo tie that Grandpa Sam had given him to wear. Unfortunately, the whole effect was thrown a bit off with his arm in a sling.

bsp; Colt noticed Jesse getting a little nervous. “Look around, bro. We are being appreciated by many of the ladies in the audience. Enjoy it, since it’s your last as a single man…” He laughed at him.

  “I’m just glad you’re here to help me through it. Thanks, brother, you’ve been the whole way with me actually.” He reached over with his good arm to shake Colt’s hand. Just then the music started and they turned to see Jason and Audrey walking up the aisle strewn with rose petals. About five steps behind them were Sandy and Mandy walking up arm-in-arm. Sandy and Jason both beamed as they hugged Colt and Jesse, and then placed their hands with the girls’ hands.

  The girls and their guys smiled at each other and then took their places in front of the preacher. After reciting the sweet vows they had written to each other, they were pronounced ‘husband and wife’ and were kissing. Lots of cowboy hats were thrown in the air and there was actually hooting and hollering. It certainly was a cowboy crowd.

  After that, everyone got serious about eating and drinking. More food was brought out constantly and the bartenders had trouble keeping up with demand. It was dusk now and the band was in full swing. People were mingling and having a good time. Mandy’s mother, Deidre, had been true to her word, gotten some counseling and was there at the wedding. She met Sandy and Lily who were gracious to her and she seemed genuinely happy to be there. Jeanne and Sam took her off to meet some other relatives.

  Joey and Anna were slow dancing, even when the music was fast…Hmmm??

  Sheriff Bud Moody, who had attended Sandy and Lily’s wedding, came up to Janie and put his arm around her. “Well, hello, little lady. I think you’re going to be a fine deputy sheriff someday. How do you feel about that?”

  “Gee, thanks, Sheriff. I’m working hard and enjoying what I’m doing. Do you really think I’ll make deputy someday?”

  “Absolutely and remember, I have an eligible son who has a crush on you…” He winked at her and watched her turn crimson.

  A ways over were Stacy and Kim chatting with Meg and her friend Lainey from San Francisco. Lainey had been telling them about an attractive teacher who kept coming into their restaurant to eat and talk to Meg, if he got half a chance. He was persistent, she told them. Meg looked embarrassed.

  “Hmmm…. Meg, are you the next Johnson to get married?” Stacy kidded her.

  “I guess you never really know about that sort of thing, do you?” said Meg smiling.

  Just then, her Uncle Bill’s two sons were moving purposely toward Stacy and Kim to ask them to dance. Jesse was trying to dance with Audrey, but looked uncomfortable with his arm in a sling. Audrey smiled like she was in Seventh Heaven. Jesse grinned whenever he looked at her.

  Colt and Mandy were talking with his Uncle Bill and Aunt Emily from Reno. Bill smiled when he noticed Colt kept a hand on her at all times – like she was going to get away if he didn’t … When they started to dance, he asked her, “Was this everything you hoped it would be, sweetheart?” He twirled her around, just to see how beautifully her dress moved.

  She looked up at him through her thick black lashes. “I plan on thanking you for this day later tonight. Got any plans?”

  Colt laughed and said, “Sweetheart, I will always love you.” He paused.

  “ ‘Love me, that’s all I ask of you.’ ”

  “You really are the most romantic man in the universe, aren’t you, Colt Johnson? And I caught your quote from ‘Phantom of the Opera’.

  Then he smiled the most extraordinary smile she had ever seen. Her lips parted in surprise. He whispered in her ear, “ ‘My heart is, and always will be yours.’ ” Colt moved his lips around to hers and said softly, “Mrs. Johnson.”

  The End


  Mandy and Audrey both had baby boys who grew up together as best friends. The next year Mandy had twin girls and Audrey had a little girl. Two years later, one more baby boy joined each family. With their enlarging families, their businesses enlarged as well. Colt’s horse training business became well known and was very successful, while Jesse eventually took over management of the Johnson Ranch from his father, Sandy. Their sons would eventually follow in their fathers’ footsteps. Like father, like son…


  Jeanne Harrell lives in Nevada with her husband. They are both long time Nevadans mired in the Old West spirit. Traveling to different places in the country, especially the western states, gives Jeanne ideas for books that she writes down in her “magic notebook.” The MN used to be made of paper, but now the Notes app on her iPhone and iPad work beautifully.

  Thank you again for reading her work and please write on her blog if you have any comments –

  Her next book in the Rancher Series will focus on one of Sandy and Lily’s daughters. Will it be Meg, the assistant chef in San Francisco, or will it be Janie, the deputy-in-training in Naples, Nevada. Hmmm….

  Watch for Always and Forever – coming soon to




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