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Deadly Obsession (Deadly Series Book 2)

Page 7

by K. L. Humphreys

  He starts laughing. “Sophia, I forgot how funny you are. It’s been a long time; you always were a fierce one. I see Maddie’s gone? Funny she was the one that told me how much Winter was into me, I met her that night. She left you alone Winter, and I followed you home. It was the best night of my life.” Winter starts crying and Skye walks over to her with tears in her eyes and holds her. Nathan walks up to Sophia and holds her from behind, pulling the phone out of her hands. Scott walks over and takes it from him. He looks enraged, probably no more than the rest of us.

  “You were amazing that night Winter. We will have a replay babe; I can’t wait much longer. Watching you the past two years it’s been torturous. Watching you undress, seeing your luscious curves. I’ve missed you, babe, knowing your home and I can see you soon it has made me so happy.” I’m going to kill him. I don’t give a fuck, I’ll do the time, as long as this fucker is dead and away from Winter, who is currently frozen in her place.

  “You piece of shit. I will kill you. I will find you, and I will kill you.” Scott says, his breathing erratic, I can see him balling his fists up as he listens to this deranged motherfucker.

  “Of course, you will Scott, but you don’t even know who I am. The only person who knows for sure is Winter, but she will never tell, she’s too frightened. She is too scared. Look at her now, she’s frozen to the spot. Don’t worry babe, we will see each other soon, I’ll be counting down the days.” With that, he hangs up. Scott throws the receiver against the wall, and I watch as it breaks and leaves a whole in the wall. Hearing everything that maniac said through the machine has everyone in a rage.

  “Motherfucking asshole, I couldn’t get a trace, by the time I got it set up it was too late. Fuck.” Oscar says dejectedly and walks out of the room. I know right now Oscar is feeling like he’s failed us.

  “Somebody had better fucking tell me what the fuck is going on, who is that guy?” Scott looks like he wants to join me and commit murder. Winter takes a step forward and takes a deep breath. She realizes everyone’s eyes are on her, she hesitantly steps back. I walk up to her. Once in her line of sight, I hold out my hand. She smiles at me and takes it. Those beautiful brown eyes are filled with so much fear.

  “Almost four years ago Maddie and I went to a club. As he said Maddie left me in there. I had no way home so I started walking home.” She takes a deep breath and looks up at me. Her eyes are swimming in tears. She swallows, and continues, all the while she still stares at me. “I didn’t know I was being followed until I was being pushed into an alley.” I watch as her legs give out, and she crumbles. I catch her before she hits the floor and lift her in my arms. She wraps her arms around the back of my neck and shoves her face into my neck and sobs.

  “He’s going to hurt me again. I can’t go through that again.” She says over and over again. All the while sobbing into my neck. I feel helpless as I listen to her cry. Sophia takes over and tells the rest what happened.

  “Winter has never told me the full story. But that night the man followed her home.” She pauses, as she tries to compose herself. I watch as Nathan pulls her closer to him. “He pushed her into an alley. He raped her. The bastard raped my best friend!” She yells the last part. She too is crying. Hearing Soph say that has Winter crying harder. I pull her even closer to me feeling the shudders run through her body. “He beat her until she was unconscious. She knows who he is but is too frightened to tell us since she doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. It’s why she moved to Maui. I brought her to the rape crisis center. She needed help, and it was the only thing I could do to help her.” Soph’s tone is like a plea, begging us to understand. “She had a setback while in the center, and she told me she wanted to get away from New York.” She looks at me, and I understand, she needed to heal. I’m fucking thankful they got her help.

  “So you sent her away, we could have helped her,” Scott says adamantly, he has tears in his eyes, I can’t imagine what he is going through right now. Knowing the woman you consider your sister was raped.

  “No, we couldn’t have. That fucking hurts, knowing that my best friend, my sister was hurting, and there was nothing I could do to ease the pain and suffering. I did the only thing that I hoped would help, I sent her to Maui, to a retreat that helps people deal with being raped. I’m fucking glad I did. I watched my best friend fall to bits, I watched her shatter. Now, now she is better, she can hold her own, but she knows she doesn’t need to. I’m proud of what she has achieved. So yes I sent her away.” That must have been hard, I don’t know if I could have done that.

  “Look, I was there the day Winter broke, I watched a woman I didn’t know absolutely shatter, I saw how she was back then, and I see her now, the difference in her now is inspiring. Sophia was right to send her away to get help.” Skye says emphatically, and I notice everyone is looking at her. She doesn’t care, these three women have a bond that I believe is unbreakable.

  “So how do we find out who this guy is without sending Winter spiraling?” Nathan asks, his eyes glued to Winter, who is still wrapped in my arms. He’s still holding Soph, and he seems to be fighting back the tears.

  “He knows me, Maddie and Winter, he said it had been a long time, that I was always fierce. That narrows it down, it’s someone we knew when we were younger. He said Maddie told him Winter was into him. He told Scott that he doesn’t know who he is, so that means it’s someone we weren’t very close too. Damn it! Wints, hon can you tell me if I’m at least right in that sense.” Winter freezes and her eyes dart around the apartment.

  “I can’t he’s watching and listening. Just like in Maui.” She sounds frightened, her body shaking against me. I look at Ryder who is in a deep whispered conversation with Oscar. Whatever they are talking about, it can’t be good.

  Something that fucker said clicks in my head. He knew she was frozen to the spot. He’s watching her. Shit. Oscar and Dwayne leave the room, and nobody but Ryder and I notice as everyone else is either staring at Winter or looking at the floor.

  “I’ve sent Oscar to get the equipment, I have the newest PGCMS-15 Countermeasures Set, they’re in prototype right now, but they’re accurate as hell,” Ryder says, and everyone looks to him. I look at Sophia to see her nodding her head and looking slightly impressed. I want these fucking bugs out of her apartment.

  “Okay Wints, tell me hon, what happened in Maui?” Soph asks her, and Winter pulls away from my neck and looks up at me. Her face is tear stained and blotchy.

  “It’s okay Sweets, you can tell us.” She nods and unwinds are arms from my neck, and I place her on the ground. She stands at my hip and takes a deep breath.

  “I was fine for ages, then about a month before I came home, I started getting prank calls, they’d ring and when I’d answer they wouldn’t say anything. This went on for about a month. One call a week, then it got worse. The week leading up to me leaving, it was every day. Still, no-one saying a word. It was my last day, and the reasons for my leaving was because the phone rang again. Again when I answered no one spoke, and I threatened to call the cops.” She’s staring off into space, Oscar and Dwayne walk back into the apartment as she began talking and are both rooted to the spot as they listen to Winter tell us what happened. It’s the most haunting voice I have ever heard.

  “He laughed at me.” I hate that fucking laugh. He said “You won’t call the cops Winter, just like you never told anyone about me. You’re too scared. Don’t worry, I’ll be seeing you soon.” I was so scared I called Kathy, she was my counselor and my friend, she told me that it was time to go home and confront my fears. We spoke for a bit and hung up, the phone rang again, and I answered it. It was him again.” She has tears in her eyes, I look around the room, and everyone is listening, wanting to get any bit of detail that can identify this fucking bastard.

  “He said “Winter she is right, it’s time to come home, are you ready to face your past? Are you ready to face me, babe?” I hate that he was listening to my conversation. How could he have
been? He must have been in my house.” She starts shaking and I wrap her in my arms but she flinches back I try not to let it sting, I know that she doesn’t mean it but it fucking hurts. She looks at me, and I see the apology in her eyes, she doesn’t come any closer to me, though.

  “Winter, will you let me and Oscar check your house?” Ryder says in a soft voice. Now that is something I’ve never heard from him before. Usually, he’s barking orders at everyone.

  “Yes, can you get rid of them?” Her voice is loud but shaky, she’s slowly coming back. Ryder nods and he and Oscar walk off.

  “I’m sorry this happened to you Winter, Maddie should be here,” Hailey says. I never knew why they all stopped talking. It’s Sophia that speaks up.

  “Over my fucking dead body. Maddie will get nowhere near Winter.” That seems to get Hailey riled. Damn, they were great friends, what the hell happened?

  “What the fuck is your problem? You were all friends, and now you don’t even speak.” She looks between Winter and Sophia; she keeps her gaze away from Skye as she looks as though she will kill Hailey.

  “Your sister slapped my pregnant fiancée for no fucking reason, that was bad enough, but that night in the hospital, the night Soph was taken, by that fucker. The things Maddie said to Winter, they were out of line.”

  “Oh come on it can’t have been that bad that you’re all excluding her. The girls were best friends; she should be here!” Hailey shouts, but I’m not paying her much attention, I’m confused, what did she say to Winter?

  “Look Hailey, Maddie shouldn’t be here ever! She knows that Winter was raped, she accused her of lying. There is something wrong with your sister, just make sure she stays away from everyone.” Connor says with venom in his voice. Fuck the guy seems to hate the woman. I only met her once, and she seemed quiet.

  “What? No! She wouldn’t, I’m telling you my sister isn’t like that. You must have misheard her. Soph, tell him he must have misheard her!” Hailey says, her voice contradicting the words she is saying as there is no conviction in her tone.

  Sophia’s eyes are full of pain; she shakes her head, “Hails, I heard her. She laughed and called her a slut that fucks everything that walks. I’m sorry, but Maddie was way out of line!” Soph tells her gently, and I’m reminding myself that men don’t put their hands on a woman in anger, but listening to them repeating what that fucking bitch said, it’s hard. I want to hurt the bitch. I watch as Hailey realizes the truth, her face crumbles and she runs out of the apartment.

  “Will she be alright?” Winter asks and its times like these that I see the woman behind the fear and walls. So loving and caring.

  “Yeah, she’ll be fine she’s on the phone. I can see her from here,” Scott says as he’s looking out of Winter’s window. Oscar comes out of her bedroom and walks into the kitchen his face is completely blank, I know what that means, and it isn’t good. I follow him into the kitchen and see he’s setting up in here.

  “What’s up man?” He turns, and I see the rage in his eyes. He shakes his head and continues on setting up. I leave him be and walk into Winter’s bedroom, it’s very plain looking, it’s a creamy color but it has a basic look. A wooden double bed that’s fucking tiny, I doubt we both would be able to fit, she has a wardrobe and a dresser, that is it. It looks empty.

  I notice Ryder isn’t in the bedroom so I walk into the bathroom, he looks up at me as I enter but doesn’t say anything. I stare at him, fuck why aren’t these fuckers talking. “Ryder, want to tell me what’s wrong?” I ask he knows I’m here, and he’s ignoring me, which is pissing me off.

  He reaches up and places his hand on the back of his neck and sighs. “This fucker was definitely watching her. The sick fucking pervert.” Then he walks out of the room and into the bedroom. I have a bad feeling; I don’t think I want to know what they found. I walk into the bedroom and find Winter and Soph in there, they look up when I come in the room.

  “Hey Sweets, you doing okay?” Soph stands and leaves. Winter nods and I walk and take a seat on the bed.

  “Talk to me Sweets, what’s running through your mind?” she looks at a picture in her hand, it’s a picture of her, Soph and Maddie, by the looks of it, it’s the day Soph left for Basic. Winter looks so young and carefree.

  “I’m scared Sammy, he’s coming for me, I can feel it. I’m fucking terrified. I don’t understand why he’s after me?” she’s crying, and it’s tearing me apart.

  “Look, he’s obsessed with you. You haven’t done anything wrong. It’s not your fault.” I get up and go to the bathroom and grab some tissues. I walk back in and hand them to her. She thanks me with such a sad small smile. I hear someone approaching and look at the bedroom door, it’s Soph.

  “Hey hon, you should call and talk to Kathy. She will help okay.” She hands Winter a phone and leaves us alone.

  “Do you think I should call her?” She still sounds scared. I hate seeing her like this.

  “Does she help you normally?” As soon as I ask the question I get my answer; Winters face lights up.

  “Yeah, she really does, she has a way of knowing what I’m thinking and helps me see what I need to do to move forward without me feeling any pressure.” I can tell by the way Winter talks about her that she means a lot to her.

  “Call her Sweets.” She nods and picks up the phone. I leave the room to give her privacy. I walk into the living room, and I was right, I didn’t want to know what Ryder and Oscar found.

  “Good, Sam’s here now, let’s hear it. What did you find?” Nathan says growling. His face is red with rage. I look to Luke who looks as though he’s been crying.

  Ryder looks pissed. “Okay, there was a camera in the living room and two mics. The same goes for the kitchen. In her bedroom, we found three cameras and two mics. One camera was in the ceiling above her bed, one was in the mirror and the other above the door.” He tells us. What a fucking fucker. Like raping her wasn’t enough of a violation, but to watch her as well. It’s too much. “That wasn’t all we found. There were two cameras in the bathroom, no mics, though. This is a sick individual we’re dealing with. And yes I said we’re. No man should make a woman as scared as Winter is right now, let alone do everything he has done to her. He needs to be stopped.” I couldn’t fucking agree more, having cameras in her bathroom. The sick fucker.

  “Hopefully, Winter will get the strength to tell us who he is,” Soph says, and I pray to god she has the strength to tell us who he is.

  “Did Hailey get home alright?” Soph asks Scott. Even though Maddie seems like a bitch, they all have love for Hailey. That is one of the great things about the Dallas’ they have kind hearts.

  “She’s with Maddie. I didn’t even know Maddie was still in New York. She says she needs to talk to her about some stuff.” He sounds drained. I don’t blame him; this is a lot to take in. I look around the room and see that everyone is worried and either in deep thought or looking towards the bedroom. We’ve been silent for a few minutes, each of us knowing what this means to have this bastard watching her. He’s never going to let her go.

  “We’ll leave Winter alone tonight, and we will talk to her tomorrow about it. She’s had enough for today.” Skye says breaking the silence and everyone stands up.

  “I’ll stay with her tonight,” Skye says. That is never going to happen.

  “You must be out of your fucking mind if you think I’m leaving, what the fuck is wrong with you Skye?” I say and watch as Ryder narrow his eyes at the tone of my voice. He has no right to say anything, at least I’m claiming my woman.

  “Winter will decide who stays when she’s off the phone,” Soph says in a placating tone. I’m not leaving. I don’t care I’ll sit outside her front door if I have to. I won’t leave her alone while this maniac is out there.

  “Sam, we will make sure no one gets near her, you can’t be around her 24/7,” Ryder says. I know he means well. But that isn’t helping.

  “Leave him alone. If he wants to be here and Win
ter wants him, then he will be. Now fucking drop it until Winter decides.” Sophia says sharply. Ending that conversation. Fucking A!

  Chapter Six


  I watch Sammy leave and take a deep breath. I’m so scared. David is after me, and I don’t know what to do, he’s taunting me. He seems to love hurting me. I don’t think I will ever be able to get over what he has done to me. Move on yes, but never get over it. I will hate him until the day I die.

  I call Kathy. I’ve missed talking to her; she has a way of getting me centered. “Hello?” my body deflates at the sound of her voice. It feels good to talk to her.

  “Kathy.” I can’t say anything else I just cry. She stays on the phone just listening to me cry. After a few minutes, my sobs turn to sniffles.

  “What’s going on Winter?” Kathy has so much concern in her voice. I don’t want to say it out loud. It’s like saying it makes it real. Like that’s even a choice.

  “He’s found me again. He sent me flowers, and then he called me. Everyone knows now.” I say it in a rush just needing to get it out there.

  “Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Okay, calm down. So he sent you flowers then called you is that right?” She always has to slow down the conversation, she has to make sure she has every piece of detail right.

  “Yes, okay so I came home after meeting Soph, flowers were waiting for me with a note, telling me he’d be seeing me soon as well as telling me I’m his and the next time we should do it in a bed. I texted Soph who brought Sam, then she told Nathan who told Skye and Connor, then everyone was here.” I take a deep breath hoping she’s still with me. “Then the phone rang, and I let it go to the messages, it was him, God! Now everybody knows that I was raped.” I start crying again. I hate being this emotional. I feel kind of free knowing those I’m closest to know what happened and they haven’t looked at me like Maddie did. Like I deserved it, or I lied.


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