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Red Rose: Red Thorns Crew Book 2

Page 3

by Hart, Rebel

  “How bad is it?”

  I looked over toward the voice and noticed the redhead sitting there. Oh, what was his name? Robert? Roland?

  “What ‘it’ are you talking about, Rupert?” Max asked.

  Rupert! That’s it.

  “The fuck you think I’m talking about? How bad are your damn injuries? What else happened?”

  Max sighed. “You don’t need a rundown of my wounds. All you need is--”

  Benji cleared his throat. “Actually, a rundown might be nice. You know those kinds of injuries tells us how those guys moved. Pivoted. Where their strengths and weaknesses are. What they target on a person. That’s valuable information.”

  I didn’t even realize that slimy little jerk was here until he spoke up. And when he did, my eyes whipped over to him. He stared at me with a cool expression. One that was virtually unreadable. His eyes stayed locked with mine. As if he were somehow attempting to command me to get up and walk out. I held my head up high, though, trying not to show Benji how shaken I still was from our personal encounter.

  “I wanted to call this meeting not to give you a rundown of what happened to me, play by play, but to warn you. As a crew. Whoever took this hit out on me not only has balls, but deep pockets. Those were expensive guys. Or stupid. I’m not sure yet. Either way, there’s a chance this person could be targeting other members of this crew. I wanted to bring you guys together and inform you of that.”

  Rupert shot up from his chair. “You got any idea who this might be from? Because I’m gunning for a fight.”

  Some of the other guys stood up and nodded their heads with the man as Max sighed.

  “I know you’re all upset. Trust me, no one is more upset than I am. I have no theories as to who’s behind this right now. We have many enemies, and just as many friends. Until I’ve got something to start narrowing the playing field, we all keep an eye over our shoulders and on our loved ones.”

  Grog nodded. “How do you start finding information on this?”

  Rupert sat back down. “Yeah. How do we even go about figuring any of this out if no one saw anything of value?”

  Max threaded our fingers together. “We have the insignias on their rings to go on. John thinks he can enhance the images enough to make them out. From there, we should be able to track down who sells the rings, and hopefully go from there. But right now, it’s the only lead we’ve got.”

  Benji snickered. “It’s a shit lead.”

  Max nodded. “Trust me, I know. Keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground. Keep your noses as clean as you can. And if you get yourself into a situation your gut doesn't like, get out. Immediately. We can’t take any chances right now. Especially with loved ones. And if you hear any whispers, you come straight to me. Is that clear?”

  The men nodded. “Yes, boss.”

  The unanimous echo. The snapping of his fingers. The way the guys hung on to his every word. My eyes slowly widened as Max nodded his head, dispersing the men to put the tables back in their rightful places. I slowly turned toward him. My eyes danced along the profile of his face.

  “Are you their boss, Max?”

  A grin ticked his cheek before his eyes flickered my way.

  “And if I am?”

  My lips parted in shock. He really was. He was their main man. The boss. The big cheese. Their president. I’d been doing a bit of research on crews like this. Their hierarchy. Their strategic thinking. Their traditions. The president wielded all the power. Well, except for the owner of the crew. Did Max own them, too? Or was John the owner?

  I didn’t see John at the meeting. Even though he was mentioned. And he was apparently helping.

  Maybe this is a family thing and his brother owns the group.

  As Max and I sat there, watching the men put the room back together, I wondered what this meant for me. I felt more powerful than ever, sitting next to him, being protected by his hand on my knee. Quickly becoming the object of his affections. Something wild stirred within me. Something that tugged a smile across my lips.

  Something I’d never felt before.

  And something I wanted to keep on feeling.

  “Anything else, boss?”

  Benji’s voice rose above the clamor and everyone turned to face him. Benji and Max stared off for a long time. I looked back and forth between the two of them, and what I wouldn’t have given to be a flicker on the inside of Max’s mind.

  “Nope. You’re all dismissed.”

  And everyone did as Max commanded.

  No wonder he’s used to getting what he wants.

  The men filed out the door, and some of them even waved to me. I still wasn’t a fan of any of them calling me Bambi. Especially Benji. But I had to figure out what Max meant by his statement.

  About me not knowing what the nickname meant.

  I know what Benji means when he says it.

  Max turned to face me. “Hope that wasn’t too boring for you.”

  I snickered. “Are you kidding? It was thrilling. Thank you for bringing me along.”

  He laughed. “You really need to get out more, gorgeous.”

  “Then take me out anytime you’d like.”

  A growl fell softly from his lips before he pulled my chair closer to him with one hand, not stopping until our knees touched. His hand wrapped around the back of my head, pulling me quickly to him. And as our lips crashed together, I drew in a deep breath.

  Before melting into his embrace.

  I moved from my chair, straddling his lap as I sat close against him. I laced my arms around his neck, tilting my head off to the side just to taste a little more of him. I felt him grunt and tried my best not to lean my full weight against him. It was hard. His arms cloaked my back, pulling me closer despite the pain he was in.

  “Max--mm--your nose is--oh--and your ribs--fuck.”

  He kissed down my neck. “Shut up and let me dote on you.”

  I sighed. “My pleasure.”

  His kisses felt delightful. His hands traveled the expanse of my body. As we sat there, alone in the pub, I felt more connected to him than ever before. His lips wrapped around my clothed, puckered nipples. His hands slid up and down my trembling thighs. I felt his raging erection pressing against me, begging to be set free from his jeans.

  Then he pulled back.

  I panted softly as my forehead fell against his. I felt his nose nuzzle mine softly as his hand cupped the nape of my neck. I gazed into his eyes. Those glorious, powerful, brooding eyes. They ignited with lust for me. I saw them sparkling. Aching for me, the way I ached for him.

  “Are we alone?” I whispered.

  Max looked around quickly before grinning.

  “All alone, gorgeous.”

  I smiled. “Good.”

  I captured his lips with my own again, refusing to let the moment pass us by. Max made me feel free, in control of my own life, spontaneous and beautiful. Important, and wanted. I didn’t want that feeling to end. I wasn’t ready to relinquish it and go back to campus.

  So I rocked against him as my tongue slid over the roof of his mouth.

  His hands went straight to my ass cheeks for round two.



  I didn’t know what the hell this second kiss was all about. But I wasn’t about to stop her. I didn’t give a shit how much pain my body was in. Nothing would ever stop me from enjoying her, holding her as close as I could get her. The pub had been abandoned. There wasn’t a soul in sight. No staff. None of my guys. And certainly no one from the public. The lights were dimmed and the streets were silent, except for the roaring of motorcycles as they drove off into the distance. As my hands slid down to Dani’s ass cheeks, gripping them with sheer delight, her giggle set off a need in me I had to fulfill.

  The last motorcycle engine faded into the distance.

  Her fingers plunged into my hair as she clung to me. I slipped my hands into the pockets of her jeans and gave her ass a nice little squeeze. Her giggle sent my
heart fluttering. Her hold on me sent my cock pulsing. And her gasps--those little sounds of hers--sent the tip of my dick leaking.

  I growled. “I need you. Now.”

  I fisted her hair and crashed our lips back together. The pain in my body and in my head dulled the second our tongues collided. With every grind of her hips against my own, it faded into nothingness. Her hands slid my leather jacket off. My fingers unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. We pawed at one another, trembling with need. Heated, and wanton, and ready for what came next.

  “Take me. I need you, Max.”

  I kissed her neck. “Why don’t you be a good girl and stand up for me?”

  She giggled as I gripped her legs, standing us both up. She clung to me as I carried her over to the bar, settling her onto its edge. I pulled up a chair and sat, admiring her pussy as it stared me in the face. I was ready to feast on her until she begged me to stop. Until she pushed me away and drenched this bar with a mess we’d have to clean up before we left.

  “Lift those hips for me, gorgeous.”

  I looped my fingers into the belt loops of her pants and she did as I asked. She planted her hands and lifted that perfect body of hers into the air. Helping me to slide her pants over that perfect ass of hers. I wanted to know what that tasted like as well. Maybe I’d make a damn fine meal out of her tonight.

  I reached down and unbuttoned my own pants. Pulling my dick out so it could breathe without pain.

  And hopefully, so I could pull her back into my lap and sink myself into her warmth.

  I pulled her pants down to her boots and slipped my head between her legs. With her wet panties taunting me with their scent, I nuzzled softly against the cotton fabric. Cotton. Such a harsh and plain fabric. I kissed it softly before my fingers slid them to the side, revealing to me the pussy lips I wanted to suck on as a little treat.

  “We need to take you underwear shopping next.”

  Then I felt something vibrating against my back.

  “What’s that?”

  Dani’s voice was breathless as her head peeked up.

  “I don’t care. Lay back down.”

  Then it vibrated again.

  “That’s my phone. Hold on. Sorry, I just--”

  I rolled my eyes as I slipped from between her legs. I watched her stuff her hand into the pockets of her jeans at her ankles as she sat there on that bar, looking more tantalizing than ever. Her cheeks were flushed red, her hair wild and free, her legs bared. Waiting for my lips to nibble until I had the lengths of them marked.

  “Darn it. It’s Hannah.”

  I grinned. “It really is okay to cuss, you know.”

  She stuck her tongue out at me before she answered her phone, much to my dismay.

  “Hey there. Where am I? I’m, uh, out.”

  I shook my head as I leaned back against the seat. Of course she’d be a terrible liar. I mean, even when she was telling the truth, she still sounded like she was lying.

  “Yes, Hannah. I know. I just needed a day to--yes, I know I don’t miss classes. I’m sorry you worried. Yeah, I see--Hannah!”

  I chuckled as I stood to my feet, turned my back to her, and rearranged my cock before regretfully burying it back behind my pants. I knew what was coming. As much as I didn’t want to admit it, I knew this would result in her having to head back to campus. And while I knew it would, I was hoping to snag a piece of dessert for myself before I had to take her back. Especially since Dani had instigated it this time.

  I liked that she finally wanted me, and wasn’t afraid of it.

  “Yes, yes. I’m coming soon. There’s no need to--Hannah, you can stop it now. Stop it!”

  I turned around to find Dani’s eyes wide and her nose flaring. She tucked her phone against her shoulder, up to her ear. She reached for her pants and I walked toward her, gripping her at her waist. I picked her up and set her down onto the floor, then helped her get her damn jeans back up her legs.

  Swallowing disappointed growls with every inch they covered.

  “Yeah. I promise, I’m coming. All right? Yes. And you can stop yelling. It’s not going to get anything productive done. Now, stop blowing up my phone. I’m on my way.”

  My eyebrows rose. “Trouble in paradise?”

  She slipped her phone into her pocket. “I’m sorry, Max. But I have to go.”

  I nodded. “It’s all right.”

  “No, it’s not all right. I wanted--”

  I quirked an eyebrow as Dani let out a heavy sigh.

  “Come on. I’ll get you home and settled.”

  “I can catch a cab or something.”

  She eyed me hotly. “Get in the damn car. I’m taking you home.”

  I grinned. “If you insist. Though I’m tempted to say ‘no’ just to rile you up.”

  “And why’s that?”

  I wrapped my arm around her. “Because you have no idea how sexy you get when you’re fed up. It’s a nice change of pace.”

  She blushed. “You’re insane, you know that?”

  “Maybe you make me that way. Ever thought of that?”

  She paused. “This is probably very true. But you know you like it.”

  I kissed her forehead. “With all I have, gorgeous.”

  The drive home was excruciating. My cock practically screamed at me to pull the damn thing over. It needed release. And so did I. With her. With this college girl who fit in so weirdly effortlessly with the rest of the guys. This college girl who didn’t even come up to the middle of my chest. This college girl with words of fire that only came out when stoked to her boiling point.

  This college girl that had completely captured my attention.

  I didn’t want her to leave for the night.

  “All right, Max. We’re here. Let me help you inside.”

  I unbuckled myself. “I’ve got it. John’s here, too. So I’m not alone.”

  “I’m coming in to help you.”

  “No, you aren’t.”

  Her eyes whipped to mine. “I want to see you inside. Please.”

  “And you need to get back to campus.”

  “Hannah can wait a few more minutes.”

  “But I can’t.”

  She blinked. “What do you mean?”

  I growled softly. “If you come inside with me, you aren’t leaving. Not of your own accord. Not until I release you. Which won’t be until well in the morning tomorrow. So if you want to make it back to campus tonight for your roommate, you better not come inside.”

  She swallowed hard. “Promise?”

  I sighed as I turned to her. I reached out and gripped her chin, making sure she was paying attention. I saw those stars in her eyes. Girls that rode with me got them all the time. They thought being with me came with power and glamour and money and freedom. When really, the only thing that came with me was death, destruction, and darkness.

  “You have to go back to campus. Okay?”

  She nodded softly. “Okay.”

  “You have classes. You have grades. You have a life.”

  “You’re part of my life now, though.”

  “A small part of it.”

  “That’s growing into a much bigger part.”

  I shook my head. “Go back to campus, Dani.”

  “And what if I don’t want to?”

  How my heart sang with those words. “Don’t make me get angry at you, Bambi. Don’t do that.”

  “What does that nickname actually mean?”


  “Bambi. That nickname. Benji started it, and I know it’s a bad thing when he says it. Does it not mean the same thing when you say it?”

  My eyes danced between hers. “No. It doesn’t mean the same thing.”

  “Then what does it mean when you say it?”

  I cupped her cheek. “If you tell anyone I’ve seen this movie, you’re in big trouble. Got it?”

  She snickered. “Yeah. I got it.”

  “Promise to go back to campus if I tell you?”

  She sighed. “Yeah. Okay. I promise.”

  “In the movie, you know, Bambi, that little deer, isn’t really weak.”


  I shook my head. “No. In the movie, Bambi goes through a lot of loss. The loss of his mother. The loss of his forest. The loss of some of his friends. But eventually, Bambi finds love. Bambi finds a relationship with his father. Bambi has a family. Becomes the head of the forest to protect those he loves.”

  She grinned. “Maybe you're more like Bambi than I am.”

  I chuckled. “And maybe you’re strong, like Bambi. Stronger than you think.”

  “You think I’m strong? That’s why you call me that?”

  “I think you’re stronger than even you realize. So, yes. That’s what I mean by Bambi.”

  She smiled. “I like that.”

  I kissed the tip of her nose. “Good. Now. Let me know when you get back to campus. Okay?”

  I slipped quickly out of her car before she could protest any longer. I closed the car door and turned around, watching as Dani sat there. Making her decision. Trying to figure out what her next move was.

  Just keep your promise. Be good for me, Bambi.

  Then I saw her car backing out of the parking lot.

  “There we go,” I murmured.

  I stood there, watching her until she drove off into the night, the sound of the car quickly dying in the distance. I sighed as I turned around, ready to hobble my beaten ass up the front porch steps. My raging hard-on kept jamming against the zipper of my jeans. It was well past time for another round of pain medication. And as I opened the screen door, the front door was ripped open.

  Revealing my brother holding two white pills and a glass of water.

  “I thought you’d never get your ass inside.”

  I chuckled. “Me neither, to be honest.”

  Then I took the pills and chugged the water, trying to wash my lust for Dani away.

  “Come on. I got lemonade and food for you, Max. You can fill me in on what happened at the meeting.”

  I sighed. “And after that, a long-ass nap.”

  My brother laughed. “Yes, yes. A long-ass, drug-induced nap.”



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