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Red Rose: Red Thorns Crew Book 2

Page 5

by Hart, Rebel

  Rupert snickered. “Ashton has no morals.”

  John hissed. “He does when it comes to his sons.”

  I scoffed. “I beg to differ on that.”

  “The garage was a one-time thing. Quit pissing him off.”

  Rupert paused. “The garage?”

  I eyed John hotly. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

  Shock rolled over his face. “What? How the hell am I supposed to know you haven’t told your best bud about shit like that?”

  “Tell me what? The hell’s going on?”

  I sighed. “Dad sicced a couple of his bodyguards on me in our garage a couple of weeks back.”

  Rupert leaned forward. “And you didn’t tell me? The fuck’s wrong with that man? And you’re sitting here thinking he didn’t order some men to jump you? After he did it himself?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to say,” I said as I stretched out my legs under the table. “If this was Dad, he would’ve been there. Physically. He would’ve given the order himself. Yes, Dad has a code. And that code is to not kill his sons, but witness their ass-kicking if they need one. This isn’t Ashton.”

  John took the reins. “Besides, we need Max. He needs Max. Without my brother, operations takes a hit. Without him alive, there’s no one to hand this club to. He doesn’t have any other sons. Or children, for that matter. Dad wouldn't kill Max. And these men clearly alluded to more coming. Right?”

  I nodded. “Right. They’re out to kill me. That, in and of itself, rules Dad out.”

  Rupert didn’t look convinced. “I still think it’s reckless to trust a snake, regardless of whether he’s blood or not. He’s done you wrong before, Max. And apparently recently. A dozen times over in the past, too. Even you can’t deny that. So who’s to say he wouldn’t cross this line for the right price? Anyone can be bought. Your old man included.”

  Damn it. Now Rupert had a point.

  I ran a hand over my scruffy face and through my hair and leaned back, feeling my spine crack back into place. I closed my eyes, drinking in the sun. I stretched my body until it shuddered. Then I sat upright back in my seat.

  “Feel better?” Rupert asked, chuckling.

  I ran my hands down my face. “Let’s just finish our beers and order lunch. I’m about to eat my own damn foot, I’m so hungry.”

  John sighed. “Why the fuck didn’t you say anything? I could’ve already had something ordered. What do you want?”

  “Pizza,” Rupert and I said in unison.

  John chuckled. “Fine by me. The usual?”

  Rupert nodded. “Oh! But with those cinnamon whatevers this time around. Those fuckers were amazing.”

  I sighed. “And extra dipping sauce.”

  John scooped up his phone. “Great. Be right back.”

  Rupert cupped his hands over his mouth. “And bring more beer!”

  I winced. “He’s right there, you idiot.”

  John barked with laughter. “Beer. Got it. Hold on.”

  As John retreated back into the house, my mind began to wander. Could my own father really be behind all this? I mean, he was a master puppeteer. That man had pulled off some of the most difficult and mind-boggling things in the past to flood his pockets and line ours as well. And if that was true--if my father really was behind this--it would be hard to crack. Very hard. My father was an expert in covering his tracks and pinning shit on other people. He’d risen to the heights of the underworld he held now because of those two reasons. Getting out scot-free and being able to pin it on others when he couldn't.

  “Has your father ever put on a hit on someone? That you know of?”

  Rupert’s voice jogged a memory that sent a chill down my spine.

  “Once,” I said.

  “What happened?”

  I sighed. “He succeeded.”

  “Well, what was it your father wanted? Why the hit?”

  My memories pulled me back. “He was making a play for a plot of land. Thousands of acres for him to sell off as he pleased, whenever it was convenient. The owner wouldn't take his offer because they had a ‘bad feeling’ about him.”

  “Are you telling me your father had someone killed over land?”

  “Not just any land, Rupert.”

  John walked back outside with more drinks. “The land he now lives on.”

  I looked up at John as he set the cooler of beers on top of the table.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Rupert asked.

  I shook my head. “No. I’m not. He had someone killed in order to take that land for himself. Half of the money he has right now came from selling that land off piece by piece to the highest bidder. Our father is smart. So if there is a chance that he’s behind this, it’s because he’s making a play for something.”

  John opened the cooler. “And what the fuck does his son have that he can’t just go out and buy? I mean, really. Come on. This is ridiculous.”

  I paused. “Thanks. I think.”

  Rupert reached for another beer. “Well, let’s play hypotheticals, then. It’s all we’ve got right now, so we might as well.”

  I shrugged. “I’m down.”

  John rolled his eyes. “This is stupid. I have those pictures, remember?”

  I turned toward him. “You got them enhanced and tracked down?”

  John paused. “Well, no. But--”

  I turned back to Rupert. “Okay. Hypothetically speaking?”

  Rupert grinned. “If your father’s behind this, what would be your most prized possession? The one thing you think someone might want to take away from you?”

  Dani. “Nothing that’s of any concern to him.”

  Rupert sighed. “Just play the game. Come on. What’s the most prized thing you own? The most expensive thing you’ve got?”

  I shook my head. “The only thing I can think of that’s changed recently is Dani. But she’s not even that big a part of my life. Just some girl riding around with me.”

  John pointed. “And attending meetings now.”

  Rupert nodded. “That’s a hell of a step.”

  I shrugged. “I can’t blame her. Dani’s the one that found me after I was jumped. She wanted to come along and make sure I’d be okay.”

  John grinned. “Sounds a bit more than ‘just some girl.’”

  Rupert chuckled. “Same thing I was thinking.”

  I felt my face turning red. “Fine. Say my father wants Dani. Why?”

  I didn't like how close to home this conversation was turning. Especially after the incident with my father that essentially put Dani on his shitlist. But as we all looked around the table, no one could really give me an answer as to why my father would want Dani. Or even want her targeted just to remove her from my life.

  Dad did mention you were distracted.

  I shook my head. “Let’s just sit tight until John can do what he does best with those images. Those insignias are all we’ve got right now. There’s no use in drumming up anything else like this, especially when we’re talking about some innocent girl.”

  Rupert furrowed his brow. “What aren’t you telling us?”

  I snickered. “You really want to know?”

  John nodded. “It would be nice.”

  I licked my lips. “If Dad’s behind this somehow, he wouldn't be after a person. He doesn’t give a shit about people. He only cares about what he can own. What he can claim as his own. Like his property. Or his money. Or his sons.”

  John snickered. “Good point.”

  Rupert propped his feet on the table. “So where does that leave us, then?”

  I sipped my beer. “I think we’re coming at it from the wrong angle.”

  John cocked his head. “How do you figure?”

  I chugged the rest of it down. “If I can figure out what the hell is being targeted in my life--other than myself--that will tell us whether or not this is Dad. He’s got very few things he treasures. But if we can figure out what this person is after--other than my death, o
f course--that might help us backtrack and figure out who the hell is at the helm of all this.”

  Rupert nodded slowly. “Shift the focus. I can get behind that.”

  I pointed at my brother. “Which means we need those pictures and anything you've got on them A.S.A.P.”

  John cleared his throat. “I’ll get on it big-time after lunch.”

  I set my drink down. “Good.”

  And before anyone could say anything else, I heard the doorbell ring from inside. Signaling pizza, more beer, and the eventual need to work.

  After a nice nap, though.

  My body needed a fucking rest.



  My eyes began wandering away from my textbook and over to the wall. And as I stared off toward the middle of the library, my thoughts wandered back to Max. My afternoon classes had been brutal. It was all I could do to focus in my lectures and take decent notes. I was so mentally fried by the time my second class was over that I had to take a nap before coming to the library to study.

  And I still wasn’t getting much done.

  What has this man done to me?

  I was worried about Max. I’d sent him a couple of text messages when I got up this morning, but I hadn’t heard back from him. No phone call. No text reply. Nothing.

  It had me very worried.

  “Come on. Be there,” I murmured.

  I pulled my phone out of my leather jacket pocket and swiped at the screen. I had plenty of messages from Hannah. Memes. Pictures. Random shit she’d heard throughout the day. Nothing from Max, though. I cleared it all out. Everything from Hannah. The one missed phone call from my mother. Just to make way for when Max got back to me. I didn’t have the capacity to speak with my parents right now. They’d hear the worry in my voice and my mouth would start running off at the first sign of them inquiring about my life. And I sure as hell didn’t have the need to speak with my roommate right now. Especially since she practically chased me out of the dorm room last night.

  I hadn’t come back until I knew she was good and asleep.

  Which wasn’t until about two in the morning.

  I kept thinking about Max’s injuries. How beaten he had been. The blood. The pain. The way he grunted every time he moved. The man needed a doctor’s watchful eye. He needed a hospital, for crying out loud. I wasn’t even sure he’d called the doctor he told me he would. For all I knew, his brother was playing doctor and feeding Max his own necessary pain medications.

  I’d never seen anything like that before.

  You’ve never seen a fight in your entire life, Dani.

  I picked up my highlighter and uncapped it. I had to stay focused. I had to get my mind back on track. There were videos of the lectures I’d missed posted online, which meant I had to dig out my headphones. I’m sure there were various things I needed to jot down. Things I needed to highlight in the book. And I was prepared for that.

  But as I rummaged around in my backpack, I couldn't find my headphones.

  “Shit,” I hissed.


  I whipped my head up and saw the librarian staring at me past her circular glasses. She had a mean glare on her face and her lips pursed into a tight pucker, staring daggers at me as if I’d just set off a bomb in the middle of the place. I nodded at her and silenced my movements, carefully moving my stuff in an attempt to find my headphones so I wouldn't have to go back to my dorm room just yet.

  But they were nowhere to be found.


  I closed my textbook in front of me and shoved it into the worn-out bag I’d had since my freshman year of high school. I stood up, sliding it over my shoulder to make the trek back to my dorm room.

  And hopefully, encounter a more cheerful Hannah.

  I couldn't remember a single thing I’d read in the library. I barely remembered my lectures. Worry pooled in my gut as I walked, my focus still elsewhere. I’d never struggled like this in school before. I’d never had an issue paying attention, or working ahead, or acing my classes. But even reading ahead hadn’t prepared me for how much I’d really fallen behind by not being in classes yesterday. I couldn't recall a single fact.

  I was much too distracted with something else.

  “Evening, Bambi.”

  My head shot up and my eyes locked in front of me. As I emerged from the doors of the library, the sight that held my gaze made me smile like a goofy little kid. There he was, leaning against his bike, his arms folded over his chest and his stare piercing straight into my soul.

  “Got a few texts from you today. Sorry I never got back. Been busy.”

  I skipped down the steps toward him. “You look good.”

  He winked. “Always.”

  I giggled. “I mean, physically. You look like you’re well. You know, better.”

  He nodded. “I feel a bit better, after some rest.”

  “How are your ribs? I’m sure riding your bike doesn’t feel the greatest.”

  “Well, they feel well enough to do this.”

  He reached out for me and I squealed with delight as he whipped me around, pinning me against his bike. My butt had barely touched the leather of his seat before his knee pressed between my legs. His hand ran through my hair while the other softly slid down my torso and over my waist, finally settling on my hip.

  I was trapped between the warm metal of his bike and the warm strength of his body.

  “Glad to see you’re getting your strength back, handsome.”

  He grinned. “Please tell me you’re done studying for the night. I’ve been out here for a while.”

  “How did you know I was here?”

  He shrugged. “I have my sources.”

  I narrowed my eyes playfully. “You saw Hannah at the dorm, didn’t you?”

  “I may or may not have ran into your very cranky roommate as she was coming out of the building.”

  “I’m surprised she told you where I was.”

  “You two okay?”

  I shrugged. “Nothing I can’t handle. She’ll just have to be okay with the fact that she doesn’t control my life.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “You two have a falling out or something?”

  I waved my hand in the air. “It’s not important.”

  “It’s always important between friends.”

  “Well, it’s not important now.”


  I blinked. “What?”

  “Friends are always important, no matter what.”

  “I know.”

  “They’re a different kind of family when you can’t go to your actual family.”

  “I get that, Max. I do.”

  “So whatever’s going on, fix it.”

  I snickered. “I will, when she realizes she can’t control me.”

  “What’s she wanting you to do?”

  I sighed. “Leave you while I still can.”

  He nodded slowly. “She’s not wrong.”

  I was taken aback by his words. “What?”

  “Let me guess. She thinks I’m dangerous, that I’m no good for you, and that I’ll pull you off your path.”

  “Yeah. In not so few words, but yeah.”

  “Well, she’s not wrong.”

  “So you agree with her.”

  He shook his head. “I never said that.”

  “So you're on my side?”

  “I didn’t say that either.”

  “Then what are you saying?”

  He grinned. “That she’s not wrong. What you choose to do with that is your business. But know she’s not wrong.”

  “So you think you’re no good for me.”

  He shrugged. “I’m no good for anyone. That’s beside the point.”

  “How could you think that about yourself?”

  “Easy. I just do.”

  I pushed at his chest a bit. “I don’t ever want to hear you saying that again. Got it? You’re a good man, Max. A great one.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, boy, d
o you have a lot to learn about me.”

  I paused. “What does that mean?”

  He smiled wolfishly. “It means that truly great men don’t do what I do. Means you still have a lot to learn.”

  “So you want me to stick around?”

  “When the hell was that ever in question?”

  I blushed. “Fair enough.”

  “Good. Because I’ve been waiting for you to stop talking.”

  “Wait, wh--? Mmmm.”

  His lips crashed against mine and everything fell to the wayside. Fire stoked in my gut and fireworks burst behind my eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck, reveling in how he gripped my hips. He bent over me, leaning closer to his bike as he pinned me harder against its surface. I thought we might fall over, he dipped me back so deeply. I clung to his jacket, holding on as if my life depended on it. His tongue stroked the roof of my mouth. His hands slid up to my waist before he cloaked my back with his arms. I felt invaded by him. Warmed by his presence.

  And I didn’t want it to stop.

  “Oh, your lips taste wonderful,” he murmured.

  My eyes fluttered open. “I think it’s my lip gloss.”

  He licked his lips. “Mmmm, honey.”

  I smiled. “And vanilla.”

  “I think I’d like another taste.”

  I gripped his leather jacket once more and pulled him back to me. I rolled my body against his, not giving a damn who saw us. My legs spread for him, and I felt my nipples puckering against my bra as his hands wandered my body. I yearned for him. I ached to be filled with him. And as he sucked on my lower lip, I gasped at the feeling of his teeth.

  “We need to finish what you tried to start yesterday.”

  I paused. “Huh?”

  He kissed down my neck. “You know, when you left me hanging like that. Do you know what that does to a man?”

  I moaned. “I didn’t do it on purpose.”

  He chuckled. “Of course you didn’t. But there are a few things I want to do to you on purpose. So where can we go”

  It was hard for me to think. Feeling his teeth raking softly against my skin made me shiver and my mind fall blank. I slipped my arms out of my backpack and heard it drop to the pavement, spilling the contents onto the ground. I didn’t care though. Not when Max was around. He gripped my ass cheeks and hoisted me up, sitting me on the leather seat of his bike. Then he stood between my legs. Forcing them open as his hands ran up and down my thighs.


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