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Red Rose: Red Thorns Crew Book 2

Page 18

by Hart, Rebel

  I pushed off the edge of the pool, desperate to get away from him. But he reached out quickly and caught my wrist.

  “Let me go,” I hissed.

  His grip tightened. “You made a mistake, little deer. I know exactly what that tattoo is. And it makes you one of them. For life. Your timing couldn’t have been any worse.”

  “Let. Me. Go!”

  He chuckled. “Your mistake is my gain, I suppose.”

  I struggled to break free, but he wouldn’t release me. I pressed my feet against the edge of the pool, but I felt the bandages around my thigh giving way. I gasped and quickly straightened my legs. If any water got up underneath those wrappings, I could get an infection. So I splashed him with water. Trying to get it in his eyes so he’d let me loose.

  But all he did was bark with laughter.

  “Cute. I’ll give you that.”

  I snarled. “I swear to fuck, Benji, if you don’t let me go, I’ll scream.”

  He looked me dead in my eyes. “Yes. Yes, you will.”

  I thought he was going to drag me out of the pool. Just hoist me up and have his way with me. I didn’t like the twinkle in his eye. I didn’t like the feeling of his skin against my own. But, instead of pulling me out, he released my wrist. I quickly pushed off the edge of the pool, treading water a few feet away from the edge. And as he stood to his feet, smirking down his nose at me, he straightened up his jacket.

  “Watch yourself, Bambi. This town isn’t going to be good for the Red Thorns anymore.”

  My heart raced. “What are you talking about?”

  He slid his hands into his pockets. “You’ll see. I promise you, you’ll see.”

  His laughter echoed off the walls as he made his way to the exit. I watched him the entire way, feeling those bandages getting looser around my thigh. He peered over his shoulder at me and winked, then disappeared out the door. And the second I could, I scrambled to the edge of the pool.

  Where I hoisted myself out.

  I quickly unwrapped the bandages and sighed with relief. No water had gotten in, though my skin looked irritated. I needed to air it out and get some Vaseline on it. So I slipped my goggles off and ripped off my rubber cap.

  “Shit,” I groaned.

  As I stood to my feet, Benji’s words tumbled around in my head. What did he mean by all of that? Did this have something to do with Max? Or the crew? Had they done something?

  Am I in trouble?

  I didn’t know what to do, but I knew who to call. I had to talk with Max. I scrambled to my feet and ran into the locker room, desperate to gather my things. I slipped into my clothes, pulled my hair up into a bun and shoved my things into my backpack. Max needed to know what happened. He needed to know that Benji was bad. That Benji wasn’t on his side.

  And there wasn’t a moment to waste.



  “Rupert, I’m telling you. You paid last time. You had to settle that tab when I was drunk off my ass. So I’m picking this one up.”

  He shook his head. “I invited you out. It’s my tab.”

  I yanked the check from him. “Tough shit, asshole.”

  He grinned. “I’m getting the next one.”

  “Yeah, you are. And we’re taking shots on that one, too.”

  As I handed my card and my check to the waitress, I heard my phone ringing with a familiar tune. Usually, I had my phone on silent. But, with shit the way it was right now, I had my ringer on constantly. I didn’t want to miss a call. Or a text. Or a voicemail. Or any notification from my guys, for that matter. But when I heard the ringtone I’d set specifically for Dani ringing from my pocket, I didn’t hesitate to pick it up.

  “Hey there, gorgeou--”

  “Max! Max. Holy shit, thank God. You have to listen.”

  I quickly stood. “Where are you and what’s wrong?”

  Rupert stood with me, concern etched over his face.

  “Max, you have to listen to me. I just--hold on. Fuck, I can’t--”

  “Deep breaths. Are you on campus?”

  The waitress came back with my check and I nodded at her, stuffing everything into my pocket.

  “I got the tip. Let’s get out of here,” Rupert whispered.

  I pointed at the table. “Dani!”

  She gasped. “Sorry, sorry. I just--I uh, I was at the pool, and I was swimming--”

  “With your tattoo? Did you have it covered?”

  “Damn it with the tattoo, Max! Benji was there!”

  I felt my blood boiling. “What the fuck did he do to you?”

  I grabbed Rupert and dragged him out of the bar. I felt all eyes on us as we rushed out the front doors. We got out to our bikes and I put her on speaker so Rupert could hear. Just in case I needed an alibi before I killed Benji myself.

  “Dani, are you there?” I asked.

  She sniffled. “Max, something bad is happening. This isn’t like all the other times. He was talking nonsense. Talking crazy.”

  I growled. “Did he hurt you?”

  “Benji. He-he-he--uh… he grabbed my wrist so I couldn't go anywhere. But--but I’m not hurt.”

  My eyes held Rupert’s and I watched my best friend’s face turn red.

  “Where are you? Start with that question,” I said.

  “No, Max. Please, listen to--”

  I bellowed. “Where are you!?”

  Rupert squeezed my shoulder, trying to get me to calm down as Dani sniffled again.

  “I’m on campus. In my dorm. He lives in my dorm building, right? Fuck. That’s not good. None of this is good.”

  “What did he say to you? Try to recall, word for word, what he said.”

  She sniffled. “This wasn’t like the other times he’s ever cornered me, Max. He seemed… I don’t know. More serious somehow. Like this wasn’t just his typical bullshit he likes to rattle off. He meant what he was saying when he said something was going to happen. I’m scared, Max. What if he comes to my dorm room?”

  “I’ll kill him if he does that.”

  “Don’t say that,” she whispered.

  “I don’t say shit I don’t mean. Are you alone in your dorm?”

  She sighed. “Yeah. Hannah’s not here. We’re still not on good terms.”

  I nodded. “Okay. Lock your door. Stay put. I’m coming to get you. We can talk then. Face to face.”

  I heard a knock in the background and Dani yelped. I heard her talking in muffled tones before something like a door opened. I whipped my leg around my bike. I pointed to Rupert and pointed to his bike. Then I flashed a small signal. One all of the guys knew by heart. With my pointer finger in the air and my thumb off to the side, I made the motion like I was shooting off a gun into the air.

  Signaling for him to round up the guys at my place.

  “Sorry. I’m sorry. That was Hannah. She’s wondering what’s going on. I think I look really flustered,” she said.

  I cranked up my bike. “You’re going to come stay with me for a while. We’ll figure out your classes as we can. Understand me? Pack a bag, get your toiletries, and pack up your electronics.”

  She swallowed hard. “Okay. Max?”


  “Please hurry.”

  I heard her voice crack. I heard it shaking as she uttered those small little words. I hated how scared my girl sounded. How weak she probably felt. And all because of me. Because I was an idiot. Because I was weak myself.

  Because I was a selfish asshole.

  “I’m leaving the bar now. I’m less than ten minutes out. Lock your door and don’t you leave until I call. Got it?”

  She sniffled. “Got it.”

  “Good. I love you.”

  She lowered her voice. “Love you, too.”

  I hung up the phone and looked over at Rupert. Who still hadn’t fucking left. I glared at him as I slid my phone into my pocket and kicked up my kickstand.

  “The fuck you still doing here?” I asked.

  He gave me a grim look
. “So, Benji does have a hand in this after all?”

  I sucked air through my teeth. “Sounds like it.”

  “Little rat bastard. I never liked him, you know. Always thought he was a slippery little dude with a bad attitude and an uncanny knack for getting other people in trouble on his account.”

  I revved my engine. “Yeah, well. Not happening again. You know what to do. See you tonight.”

  I was pissed. So pissed that my vision started tunneling. My cousin had fucked around with my girl for the last goddamn time. It was time to teach this asshole a lesson in learning his place. And if he didn’t want to stay in his damn place, I’d beat him into submission and nail him there for good. I knew Benji saw me as a peacekeeper. Someone willing to bend over and take it up the ass just to make sure no one broke out into a fight.

  Well, Benji was about to get a taste of what I called ‘peacekeeping tactics.’

  “Max, look out!”

  I whipped my head up and watched Rupert’s eyes grow wide before a sharp pain in the back of my head sent me plummeting to the ground. I felt my bike fall on top of me, pinning me. The engine still churned. The bike was warming as it vibrated against me. But every time I moved to get the bike off me, a searing pain in the back of my head stopped me in my tracks.

  “Get the hell off me, you piece of--mmph. Fuck. Oh, no you don’t.”

  I coughed. “Rupert?”

  I heard punches landing and boots scuffling against the tarmac.


  I heard him grunting. I heard bones cracking. I felt something connect with the side of my head and it made me vomit. I felt it rising up the back of my throat. I turned my head off to the side and heaved with the pain coursing down my spine. Fucking hell. I knew enough to know I had a concussion. The one thing I couldn't do was lose consciousness.

  Honk your horn.

  I felt my hand along my bike. As Rupert cursed and grunted and gurgled, I slid my hand along the hot metal. I continued vomiting onto the pavement, feeling it trickle down my skin. And just as I reached the handlebar, I heard a gruff voice in my ear.

  “Surprise, bitch.”

  A sharp pain raked up my arm and I yanked it back. I fell to the ground, staring up at the sky as I choked on my own vomit. I didn’t hear Rupert any longer. I saw the sky fading into darkness from the bright blue it boasted of today. And as the world continued to go dark on me, only one thing crossed my mind.


  As my world fell silent, the only thing I could think about was Dani.

  And whether or not she was all right.



  I peeked out the window and listened to the sounds of people walking by. Giggling. Laughing. Having the time of their lives. And what was I doing?

  Fearing for my own safety.

  Hannah sighed. “You’re stressing me out. Will you sit down already?”

  I shook my head. “Can’t. Something isn’t right.”

  And it was the truth. I had spoken to Max half an hour ago, and he still hadn’t arrived. Too much time had passed.

  Something’s happened to Max.

  Hannah slapped her book closed. “Damn it, Dani. Sit down, would you? You’re going to give all of us a heart attack.”

  I sighed. “Something’s wrong. I can’t sit down when something’s wrong.”

  Her voice lowered. “No shit.”

  I whipped around. “The hell’s that supposed to mean?”

  She snickered. “You’re dating a criminal, Dani. Of course something isn’t right.”

  “You wouldn't understand. Just go back to studying.”

  “What? I don’t understand because I’ve never been there, done that with a criminal? Well, let me fix your perception of me for a second. Because I have been. I’ve done the bad boy thing to piss my parents off. I’ve done the rebellion thing. It’s overdone and overdue. This is exactly what I was worried about when you hooked up with him in the first place.”

  “Can it, Hannah. I’m trying to listen out.”

  “And this will keep happening, too. This is his life, Dani. This is how this man gets by. That’s how guys like this are. It’s not a one-off thing for them. I wanted something better for you. Something nicer. Something easier.”

  I growled. “I don’t want easy.”

  She sighed. “I don’t even know who you are anymore.”

  I stared at her. “Maybe you didn’t know who I was in the first place.”

  I turned back toward the window. I didn’t need to be dealing with her shit right now. I had enough on my plate. Like figuring out what the hell had happened to Max. He should’ve been here by now. I knew he wasn’t far away. But how the hell could I help him?

  I don’t even know where he is.

  “Pack. I have to keep packing.”

  Hannah snickered. “Yeah. What’s with that anyway? You're packing as if you’re going away for the summer or something.”

  “Again, wouldn't understand.”

  “Try me.”

  “No, thanks. I’ve heard enough of your mouth to last a lifetime.”

  She scoffed. “I don’t know what you’ve done with the Dani I love and cherish, but I’d like her back, please.”

  I shoved shirts into my bag. “Yeah, well, she’s not coming back. Don’t like it? Get a new roommate.”

  I walked over to my closet and ripped it open. If I had more time to pack, then I might as well pack as much as I could. I ripped shirts off the hangers. I pulled open drawers and picked up socks. Panties. Jeans. I shoved it all into my bag until the damn thing wouldn't zip. Then I paused to see if I heard Max. I walked back to the window. I peeked out it again. And when I didn’t hear him, I rushed to my bag.

  Pouring the contents out over my bed.

  “Now, what are you doing?”

  I shook my head. “Will you shut the fuck up? No one wants to hear you talk anymore.”

  Hannah paused. “Wow. I knew this man might change you. But I didn’t think he’d make you into a bully, Dani.”

  I sighed. “When you stop bullying me about my choices in men, I’ll stop bullying you about your unwanted opinions on every single part of my life. Okay?”

  I looked back at her and her gaze dropped to her book. She flipped it back open and I started rolling my clothes down as small as I could get them. If I had things my way, I’d just move in with Max. Commute to and from school. Save my parents’ money on campus housing. But I’d settle for a new roommate.

  No, not a new roommate. A new dorm.

  I needed a new dorm.

  I picked up my phone and sent a text message to Max. Where the hell was he? I needed to know what was going on. I leaned against my bed and started looking up the paperwork information for requesting a dorm room change. I needed something across campus, even if that meant my classes would be a hike. Preferably, the dorm room across the street from campus police.

  What’s that dorm building’s name again?

  “And another thing, Dani. What is it with you and this--?”

  I groaned. “Hannah, I can’t with you right now. Max is in trouble, I need to figure out what the hell’s happened, and the last thing I need to be doing is bickering with you. You want to bicker with someone? Call my parents. They’ll bicker with you until you’re blue in the face. But unless you want to be my friend again, I have no interest in speaking with you. Let alone fighting with you. I’ll be doing that enough with my parents once they find out everything that’s going on.”

  She paused. “Trouble? And you want to help this man? Do you even hear yourself?”

  I whipped around on her. “I hear myself just fine!”

  My voice bellowed over our dorm room and Hannah winced. Physically winced. I felt my fists balling up and my heart rate skyrocketing out of control. I needed her to back off. I needed her to be done with this shit for a little while. I turned around and took in deep breaths, forcing myself to continue packing. Because the more time that passed, the more
I was convinced I wasn’t ever coming back to this damn room.

  “What do you think you're going to do, Dani?”

  Hannah’s voice was light. Calm. Collected. A far cry from the tinny, prissy voice I’d gotten lately from her. I felt my back tense as my movements paused. I clutched a pair of jeans to my stomach as Hannah stood behind me. Hovering. Interjecting. Poking her nose around where it didn’t belong.

  “If Max really is in trouble, what in the world do you think you can do for him?” she asked.

  I snickered. “You have no idea what I’m capable of.”

  “Do you have a gun?”

  I turned around. “What?”

  She shrugged. “He carries a gun, right? Do you have one so you can shoot your way to him?”

  “That isn’t the--”

  “Do you have anyone else you can call? A friend of his?”

  “I can call them, yeah.”

  “Do you have their numbers? Right now? So you can stop blowing up his phone and call them?”

  I swallowed hard. “All I have to do is--”

  “Do you know where he goes to hide? Where he goes to hang out? Where he might flee to if he’s in trouble? Do you two have a rendezvous point? A code word, in case shit goes south?”

  I blinked. “What in the world is up with your questions?”

  Her face fell. “Like I said, been there, done it. You're not capable of helping him. You don’t have the tools to save him from whatever it is you think he’s gotten wrapped up in. If you march out those doors, the only thing you are is dead.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  “Judging by how frantic you’ve been for the past forty minutes? I’d say that’s enough for me to go ‘I just know, Dani.’”

  I blinked. “It’s been forty minutes now?”

  I whipped back around to my bag and started packing quicker. I rolled up my things and shoved them inside, finally getting all of my clothes in there. She didn’t understand. Even if she thought she understood, she didn’t. Obviously, she hadn’t loved her guy like I did if she wasn’t still with him. I loved Max. And he loved me. And together, we were unstoppable.


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