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Red Rose: Red Thorns Crew Book 2

Page 21

by Hart, Rebel

  I needed to get to Dani. I needed to go get her. I needed to get her somewhere safe before I eliminated my father for good. Because if my father got to her first, he would do something worse than kill her. He’d torture her. He’d rape her. Damn it, he might even ship her off somewhere. I knew the kinds of things my father had his hands in. He could make anyone take their own life if he dangled the right thing in front of them. I clicked the alarm button for the car. I saw the lights and heard the horn through the woods that surrounded the warehouse and took off, ignoring the pain in my head as I lunged for the car.

  I wasn’t going to let anything happen to Dani.

  Even if I had to kill my own father myself.



  What in the world were you thinking!?

  My mother’s voice chastised me as I raced down the road. I skidded around corners and sat anxiously at red lights, debating on whether or not to run them. It was dark. The night sky taunted me every time the lights turned green. And once they did, I raced off into the darkness as it rushed by me.

  What the hell is wrong with you? Where’s your sense?

  My father’s voice made me wince. I had no idea what in the world he’d say to me once we spoke, but it wouldn’t be good. It never was. My father would condemn him. He’d tell me I was no longer allowed to see Max. Hell, he’d probably pull me out of school and refuse to pay for my education if I didn’t do as he asked. It wouldn't work, though. My father would eventually get a very stern piece of my mind. Just like Hannah had.

  I forbid you to see him. Do you hear me?

  “No one can forbid me to do anything,” I murmured.

  I gripped the steering wheel as the bar came into view. I pressed down onto the gas, shoving my parents’ voices out of my head. I didn’t want to focus on how my father would berate me. How my mother would probably start crying. How they’d both ask me what in the world I was thinking and what kind of person I had turned into. I forgot about it all. I let it all slip away as my tires skidded into the parking lot. It took all the focus I had to keep control of my SUV as I careened into the handicap spaces.

  “Max!” I exclaimed.

  I shoved my car door open and turned off the engine. I gripped my keys and made sure I had my phone on me before I leapt out of the car. I had to find him. At the very least, I had to find Rupert. And if he was gathering up the guys, this is where they’d be.


  I slammed my car door behind me and my keys dropped from my hand. I grumbled to myself as I picked them up, trying to figure out where I’d go next. This place practically looked deserted. For a biker bar, it was empty of bikes. Hell, it didn’t even look like anyone was here.

  Was anyone here?

  “Rupert? John? Max!?”

  I stood up and caught my reflection in the mirror. My worried, sweating, haggard reflection. I shoved my keys into my pocket and drew in a few deep breaths. I wasn't going to find Max in the disheveled condition I was in.

  I had to be calm so I could think straight.

  Check the bar. Check around back. Head to his house.

  I’d break into the damn place if it meant finding something I needed.

  Suddenly, a shadow cloaked me. A figure appeared behind me in the reflection of the window and I drew in a deep breath. I let out a scream before the man grabbed me. He pulled me away from my car, causing my feet to stumble over themselves.

  “Help!” I roared.

  The man clamped his hand over my mouth. “You won’t need help where you’re going.”

  My arms flailed. “Let me go.”

  My words were muffled as I breathed raggedly through my nose.

  “Not another sound,” he whispered into my ear. “You’re coming with me without a fight, or he dies.”

  I froze. This person was talking about Max. His grip grew tighter and I stopped struggling. I fought the urge to keep screaming. I felt the man’s free hand running down my side and I trembled with fear. I felt his hand slip into my pocket and I grimaced at the way his touch felt. He plucked my keys out of my pocket and dangled them in front of me. With a chuckle, they disappeared. And I prayed that he didn’t do the same thing with my phone.

  “Now, come on. In you go.”

  He dragged me over to a car before stuffing me into the back seat. I tumbled in headfirst, barely catching myself before I fell to the floorboards. The door slammed behind me as I tried to get my bearings. And the next thing I knew, the car was peeling away from the bar.

  I clamored up just enough to watch my pearl white SUV fade away into the night.

  I didn’t have my purse. Which meant I had no money. I didn’t have my keys. Or my driver’s license. My only hope was my phone, and there was nowhere to hide in this stupid compact car so I could use it. I sat down onto the seat, facing the man as he drove with black leather gloves on his hands. He was covered from head to toe in black. Even his hair was sleek black. In the darkness, he had on sunglasses. In the soft, cool temperatures of the fall weather, he dressed as if we were in the Arctic. Every inch of him was covered in something.

  I have to get out of here.

  I looked over at the door handles, but my eyes widened. What the fuck? The insides of the doors didn’t have handles. I scooted over to the door, looking around for the lock. I started pressing buttons, but the driver started chuckling.

  “Good luck,” he said.

  I searched around for something. Anything. A weapon. A secret handle. A crowbar. A fucking bobby pin, for crying out loud. Anything to help get me out of this mobile prison. I shoved my shoulder into the door. Then I did it again. And again. Hoping and praying that my sheer force of will would send the thing opening.

  The man reached back and fisted my hair.


  He hissed. “Sit still, or you’re dead before we get back. Got it?”

  I nodded quickly. “Got it.”


  He shoved me down against the seat and I stayed there. I didn’t dare look up. I don’t know how long I rode in that car, or where the hell he was taking me. But when I heard the creaking of metal against metal, I peeked up.

  Only to see us driving through a wrought-iron gate.

  The smell of apples was almost overwhelming. The perfectly-groomed trees that lined the manicured lot lined a driveway as it led us up a hill. The mansion at the top made my jaw drop open. There wasn’t a mark on the perfectly-poured driveway. The house practically sparkled in the moonlight as it sat there in all its immaculate glory. Everything had a place. Everything had a purpose. Even with the gaudiness of it all, it still felt put-together.

  This wasn’t the house of a disorganized kidnapper.

  My door opening from the outside ripped me from my trance. The man inside reached for my hair again, but I moved backward. I scooted all the way to the other side of the seat, hoping that I might be able to get the other door open. If I could get out of the--


  He grabbed my ankles. “Come here, you little bitch.”

  I tried to kick my way out, but I was no match for the man’s grip. He pulled me out onto the ground, my back hitting the pavement with a crash. Then he fisted my hair, yanked me up off the ground, and dragged me up the porch. He tossed me into the house as I stumbled over my feet, trying to get my bearings. A massive door closed, making me jump. My eyes darted around as I tried to find my assailant. My kidnapper. The man who meant to do me harm tonight.

  My eyes were drawn to the expanse around me.

  The black and white marble floors shone by the dim light of the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The walls were painted a dark color, but the crown molding was a bright, impeccable white. It looked hand-carved. Incredibly ornate. Much too decadent for a machine to have replicated. I slowly turned around. The massive staircase leading up to the second floor was a masterpiece in and of itself. The winding cherry mahogany. The sparkling overlay of the banister. The subtle--

>   “Come with me.”

  The man grabbed my hair again. “Shit.”

  I stumbled after him, trying not to fight too much. Because something told me this man would have no issues killing me at the drop of a hat. He led me through the mansion and out a back door. And when we stepped off his back porch, the scene unfolding in front of me struck me with absolute terror.

  There was a crystal clear pool surrounded by concrete. And on the edge of the pool was a lone chair with its back turned towards the water.

  And leather ties sitting off to the side.

  “No,” I said.

  I tried to backtrack as the man pushed me toward the chair.

  “No, no, no, no. No! I said, no!”

  As much as I tried to get away, the man only held me tighter. He picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder and walking me over to the chair. I kicked. I beat him against the back. I did everything I could to get out of his grasp. The freshly-mowed lawn was the last thing I’d smell. The impeccable concrete sculptures that surrounded this dumbass pool would be the last thing I ever saw. How long could I hold my breath? Would it be possible for me to get myself out? Maybe I had something sharp on me. Something that could cut through the--

  “And down we go,” the man said.

  I grunted. “Fuck.”

  The man sat on top of me as he bound my wrists to the chair. Then he got up and wrestled with my legs as he tied them to the chair as well. The leather cut into my skin. I already felt my hands going numb as my ankles began to swell. I struggled against the bonds, anyway. I couldn't go out like this. There was no way in hell that was happening.

  “If you keep struggling, they’ll only get tighter.”

  The smooth voice caught my ear and I whipped my head up. I was ashamed of the frightened tears streaking down my cheeks. The man that had taken me from the parking lot went to stand off to the side with his hands clutched behind his back and his gun shining in the moonlight for my viewing pleasure. My eyes panned over to the man in the dark suit. The only thing with any color on him was his blood red tie.

  And his dark green eyes.

  He’s got Max’s eyes.

  The man sighed. “Danika Young.”

  He stood before me with his hands clasped in front of him like some disapproving parent. I couldn't read the expression on his face. But that was mostly because I couldn’t look away from his eyes.

  It can’t be.

  He tsked. “I must say, I expected more from my son. Especially when it came to his choice in… women.”

  I blinked. “Your son?”

  He grinned. “Yes. My son. I’m sure you know him. Max?”

  Realization slammed into my gut, almost knocking the wind out of me.

  Holy shit. The man who had orchestrated my kidnapping was Max’s father.



  I skidded into a gas station as dirt and dust kicked up behind me. It was the first place I’d seen that was open since I left the warehouse behind. I pushed the car door open and barreled inside, storming through the front doors. The bell above me dinged. People turned to look at me as if I were growing a third head. A couple of the women gasped. A man clutched what looked to be his daughter close to him. They all moved toward the back of the gas station, and it took me a second to remember why.

  Because you look like you’ve got one foot in the grave, asshole.


  I turned my head toward the cashier.

  “Phone. Now.”

  She blinked. “I think you need an ambulance more than a phone.”

  I strode for her. “Give me a phone. Now. It’s an emergency.”

  Her eyes ran down my face. “Yeah. Obviously.”

  “And a first aid kit, too. If you have them here.”

  She pointed. “Down the first aisle.”

  “I’ll tip you forty bucks if you go get it for me and leave your cell unlocked for me to use.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me as the entire gas station fell silent. I held my breath, staring her down before she shrugged her shoulders. She slipped her phone out of her back pocket and tapped something along the screen. Then she tossed it to me.

  “You want one first aid kit? Or four?”

  I growled. “As many as you’ve got over there. And a Mountain Dew.”

  “You want a sandwich, too?”

  “You make ‘em?”

  She snickered. “No, asshole. I don’t. And you got fifteen minutes before I call the cops myself. You’re scaring everyone in here.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

  Focusing on the phone was a chore. Hell, focusing at all was a chore in the first place. Things faded in and out of focus. Some things were blurry, while others hurt to look at. Like how damn bright her fucking phone screen was. I turned the brightness down just so I could type in Dani’s number. But it was as if the phone kept moving. For every right number I pressed, I got three wrong. So I had to keep backspacing.

  “That’ll be sixty bucks for the first aid kits, plus the forty you offered me. So, a hundred bucks and we’ll call it even for the night. I’ll throw in the drink for free.”

  I scoffed. “Thanks.”

  “Hey, I could’ve pressed the silent alarm button on you.”

  My head whipped up. “Did you?”

  She nodded to her phone. “Why don’t you place that call and get out of here, just in case. Okay?”

  I growled again. “Yeah. Thanks.”

  I finally got Dani’s number typed in and I called her. It rang and it rang. And it rang some more. I grew frustrated when her voicemail picked up. I hung up and dialed her right back. Surely, she hadn’t fallen asleep on me in that damn dorm room of hers.

  When she didn’t pick up the second time around, I became worried.

  “You almost done?” the clerk asked.

  I nodded. “One more phone call. It’s an emergency.”

  “By the looks of you? I’d say it is.”

  I wanted to fly off the handle, but I didn’t. I had bigger fish to fry than this woman who kept flexing her muscles at me. It took me ages to type in Rupert’s number, but I got it. And when he picked up on the first ring, I almost rejoiced with relief.

  “Who the fuck is this?” he growled into the phone.

  “Rupert. It’s me.”

  “Max. Holy fuck. Where the hell are you? Are you okay?”

  I snickered. “I’m all right. Kind of.”

  “Kind of? The hell does that mean? Tell me where you are. I’ll send someone for you.”

  I couldn't dwell on the pain. Even though the weight of my injuries was getting worse, every second I wasted meant Dani’s chances of injury grew. I had to find her, and quickly.

  “Rupert, listen to me. They’re going after Dani.”

  I heard an engine roar. “I’m close to the school. I’ll go and get her. Now, tell me, where are you?”

  “I’m going to my father’s.”

  “What? Are you insane? Think rationally for a second. You can’t go there by yourself. I think we can confidently say he has a hand in this. You need backup. You need to let me help. Wait for me or the boys.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t. I need to go, and now. Go to the school. If she’s there, get her the hell out of there. Get her out of town, for all I care. As fast as you can, and don’t look back. Then tell John not to come after me. I know he’ll try. And I’m telling you, he won’t make it out if he does.”

  He sighed. “Fucking hell, what have we gotten ourselves into?”

  “It’s messed up, I know. Trust me, I get it. But I trust you to handle this. Don’t let me down, Rupert. She means too much to me.”

  “I won’t, boss. Watch your back.”

  I sighed. “You too.”

  I hung up the phone and tossed it back to the girl. She caught it with only one hand, and I snatched up the bag. I pulled my wallet out and slapped a hundred dollar bill onto the counter. Then I shoved my wallet into the bag and reached for th
e drink.

  “Anything else I can help you with?” she asked sarcastically.

  I paused. “Actually, yeah. There is. If anyone calls you back on that number looking for someone named Max, and their name isn’t Rupert or John, tell them to kick fucking rocks.”

  She grinned. “It’ll be my pleasure.”

  I made my way out of the gas station and I could’ve sworn I heard everyone collectively sigh with relief. No matter, though. I only had one goal in mind. And that was to get to my father. I knew Rupert would take care of Dani. I knew he’d put her somewhere safe. Now, I had to confront my father. He needed to know that I wouldn't be that easy to wipe off the face of this planet.

  And if I got trigger happy enough, I might wipe him off the face of this planet first.

  I jumped back into the car that was still running and tossed the first aid kits into the passenger’s seat. I didn’t bother with the seatbelt as I started ripping the plastic off them. I needed Tylenol. I needed gauze. I needed alcohol wipes to clean my fucking face off as I raced down the road. I cracked the small bottle of pills open in my hand and tossed three of them back. I reached for my drink and drove with my knees as I chugged the caffeine down. Hopefully, that did something for the pain. Because a hospital wasn’t in my future until I knew Dani was safe.

  Until my father had been dealt with.

  “Come on. You can go faster than this.”

  I ripped open alcohol wipes with my teeth and wiped at my face. I was coated in blood and it hurt to breathe. My nose sat crooked on my face. One of my eyes was completely swollen shut. Too bad none of these first aid kits had a knife or a scalpel in them. Because I could’ve used my other eye. No matter, though. The alcohol wipes helped to clean off my face. My lips. My neck. My hands. I even tried to wipe some of my shirt off, since it was practically caked in blood.

  Not all of it mine, though.

  The closer I grew to my father’s house, the more I smiled. I couldn't wait to wrap my hands around that man’s throat. I couldn't wait to choke the life out of him and see that light dim behind his eyes. Never in my life had I wanted death so badly to fall onto someone. Never in my life had I lusted for blood like this before. I pushed the gas pedal all the way to the floor as some of my pain started to subside. Even the swelling in my eye receded a bit.


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