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Outspoken Angel

Page 13

by Mia Dymond

  Ignoring her input, Max tightened his hold on his mug. “My point is that he’s getting brave and I need all the help I can get to catch him.” He glanced at Steele. “He’s desperate for her attention. He trashed her office yesterday.”

  “How’d he get in?” Steele asked.

  “Somehow he managed to swipe a maintenance uniform, complete with ID. Waltzed right passed security.”

  “Any tapes?”

  “Yeah, but nothing obvious. Just a picture of a maintenance man who knew exactly how to avoid the camera.”

  Max gave Cameron a quick glance before he continued. She tapped her nails against her mug as if demanding he get on with his briefing.

  He gave Steele a run-down of the morning’s events. “And someone attempted to nab her while we were there.”

  Steele unfolded his arms and braced his elbows on the table. “Someone? It wasn’t Stone?”

  Cameron stopped tapping.

  Max scrubbed a hand across his jaw. “Probably, but something just doesn’t make sense. The owner of the house is Calvin Thomas. Huntington claims he met him at the gym and gave him Cameron’s name. How would Stone know that?”

  Steele shrugged. “He probably didn’t. He followed you to the house.”

  Max tossed Steele’s explanation through his brain. Coincidence. Maybe. Was it coincidence that Stone knew about the attic crawl space in the closet?

  Cameron’s dry tone interrupted his analysis. “Is there anyone else lurking around the neighborhood I need to know about?”

  Max lifted one side of his mouth. “No.”

  “I’ll call Holly.”


  “Yes,” Cameron insisted. “Ogling my neighbor is not part of the bargain.”

  “First of all, this is not a bargain. Some maniac wants you and he won’t stop until he has you.” He gave Steele a pointed stare. “Holly is not part of the investigation, naked or not.” He peered back at Cameron, angry as hell. “No one, and I mean no one, can know about me or Steele. What part of that do you not understand?”

  The smugness left her expression and her face paled. “I get it, Big Guy.”

  Max clenched his teeth as his anger turned to lust. As angry as she made him, he wanted her. Bad.

  Cameron took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. “Besides, you said Holly might have seen you in the window.”

  Max tossed a sideways glance at Steele. “I wasn’t watching her. I just noticed her as I walked by. Hell, it’s just like she knew I was there.”

  Steele shook his head as he stood and placed his mug in the sink. “I’ll be in touch, Sterling.”

  Max nodded as he and Cameron stood to follow Steele to the door.

  “Thanks for bringing Maxwell home,” Cameron told Steele. “We should have coffee more often.”

  Steele gave a slight grin and left the house.

  Cameron shut the door and twisted the lock. She spun around with fire in her eyes and poked Max’s chest with her index finger. “So, Brett is doing surveillance in the neighborhood. From Holly’s tree.”

  Max captured her finger and squeezed it in his fist. He paused at the warmth of skin on skin, tempted to wrap his lips around her finger and pull it into his mouth. He knew from experience that would shut her up. That, and make himself miserable in the process.

  He quickly redirected his thoughts. “Put your weapon away, Annie Oakley. I needed reinforcement.”

  Pulling her finger free of his hold, she wrapped her hand around his clutched fist. “And you just happened to mention the view was better from Holly’s tree.”

  “I didn’t tell him to climb her tree. Steele made that decision on his own.”

  “I’ll bet.”

  He prepared to blast her with an elaborate defense when her fingers began a seductive massage of his knuckles. His brain fought to formulate a complete sentence as he looked from his hand into her eyes. She lifted her eyebrows. With no other choice, he took off his armor and laid his sword at her feet.

  * * *


  “How come you never call me Cameron, Maxie?”

  Cameron’s bright eyes twinkled with curiosity as Max studied her for a moment and debated how much to tell her. Common sense dictated he keep his big mouth shut.

  Easier said than done.

  She tempted him worse than the devil himself, and his pitchfork had nothing on hers. The way she taunted and teased, the pet names she called him, and her kick-ass attitude - hell, he loved it all.

  He loved her.

  “Too personal,” he replied evenly. “I can’t protect you if I’m too close. Names are personal.”

  She captured his gaze with hers and the clear, blue pools drowned him.

  “You don’t want to get personal with me?”

  Damn. Yes. “I explained that to you,” he answered, trying to convince himself.

  “So, what happens,” She walked her fingers up his biceps, “if I decide to get personal with you?”

  “I’d have to run.”

  She braced her arms on his chest and molded her soft curves to his hard body.

  “You’d better run, Max,” she whispered, “before you miss the chance.”

  Standing on her bare tiptoes, she planted a soft, wistful kiss on his lips and her mouth nibbled the edge of his before she stepped back. He hesitated and hoped the split second time out would restrain his response. His whole body blazed like an inferno and screamed from the blistering hot pain inflicted by her touch. Despite his determination, he felt his harnessed control break free of his ironclad grip. The fight was over. He couldn’t deny himself any longer.

  “Cameron. Michelle. Tremaine.” His voice scraped his throat like sandpaper. “Don’t tease me.”

  She gasped and her eyes flashed. “You called me Cameron!”

  “I did.”

  “I’m not teasing.”

  “Good.” He growled and tipped her chin with his finger. ”Because teasing me is dangerous right now.”

  He took her lips between his and lightly traced them with his tongue to test her willingness one last time. She returned his kiss with a vengeance and rubbed herself against him.

  He tore his lips from hers and wound a hand in her hair to force her head back. “Be absolutely sure about this.”

  She gave him a smile that stripped him naked before she slid her hand between them to stroke the rigid length of his cock restrained by his jeans. “Oh, I’m sure. I’ve been sure for days.”

  He thrust his aching shaft against her hand before he brushed her skilled fingers to the side.

  “Come on.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs. “Before you have a new nickname for me.”

  “Like what?” She giggled as she struggled to climb the stairs at his pace.

  “Quick Draw,” he grunted.

  Max shut the bedroom door and leaned against it to catch his breath and slow his heartbeat. Through hooded eyes, she gazed at him as she grasped the hem of her camisole, slid it up over her head and dropped it to the floor. She stood there, topless, under the watchful eye of his approval while her scarlet bra encouraged him to investigate further.

  He couldn’t disguise the need in his voice. “Red is my new favorite color.”

  Once again the sound of tinkling bells filled the tense silence.

  “Damn bells,” he muttered as he glanced around the room, frustrated and aroused at the same time.


  “Yeah.” He snarled. “Tiny, little jingling bells.”

  “How long have you been hearing these bells, Max?” She stepped closer to him and the noise persisted.

  “Every time I’m near you.” He ran his finger over the satin of her barely-there bra, not sure what tempted him more - releasing her firm, swollen breasts for his touch, or locating the source of the bells.

  She wiggled her hips. “Do they sound like this?”

  Max jerked his eyes from her breasts down to her stomach and made a discovery
that threatened to take him to his knees. There, in her belly button, hung a tiny, gold bell that jingled faintly every time she moved.

  “Holy Mary, Mother of God,” he muttered.

  “Did you think the angels were singing?” she teased.

  He pulled her to him and walked her backwards to the bed. Gently, he laid her back, and came down over her to unclasp the catch of her bra with one flick of a finger.

  “Cameron baby,” he whispered, “the angels are about to sing.”

  Palming her breasts, he ran his tongue down her cleavage to taste the damp moisture on her skin. Damn, he loved her breasts. For a petite thing, she filled both of his large hands, allowing him ample access to her pleasure points. She gasped as he took one nipple into his mouth and sucked until it became rigid with need. Moving to the next one, he reached between them to ring her bell again and stroke the smooth, flat skin of her stomach.

  He unzipped his pants and granted his raging hard-on some much-needed space. His cock jumped at the top of his boxers and demanded to be unleashed but he knew better. Once he shed his pants, no one was safe.

  He sucked in a short breath as she somehow managed to slither her hand into his pants and past his boxers to wrap her fingers around his needy cock.

  Sweet Jesus.

  Max stood helpless in her grip, careful not to make any sudden moves, while he attempted to analyze her strategy. Her thumb slid across his overly-sensitive head. Her irises flickered from a pale baby blue to the color of deep midnight. So dark and murky they were almost black. Then very slowly she moved her fist up his length and down again. A tight, long pull that made him putty in her hands.

  Sweat coated the back of his neck. Something told him to back away, sprint to the nearest foxhole and hide. No way would she risk breaking a heel to chase him. Yeah, not a cold chance in hell he’d even consider that. Instead, he widened his stance and moved his hands to rest on her waist.

  She gave him a sexy wink. “Feels good, huh?”

  “Hell yeah.” He thrust further into her hold.

  She eased to her tiptoes and breathed several open-mouthed kisses against the cotton stretched over his chest. Slowly, she flattened her feet to the floor, her tongue circling one nipple and then the other on the way down. She gave his cock another pull and then squatted between his legs. Before he could see past his incredible haze of arousal, she eased him completely out of his boxers until his dick stood long and hard, pointed directly at her mouth.

  He took a deep breath. He’d never last with her mouth sucking the sweet life out of him. “Cameron, stop.”

  She looked him straight in the eye. “No.”

  And then the little imp leaned forward, rounded her lips, and blew a long, hot breath against his now purple, swollen head.

  Max wound his fingers in her curls and yanked. “Easy.”

  She gave a sly smile then wrapped her plump red lips around him and sucked. Hard.

  His dick jumped and grazed the top of her mouth. “That’s not easy,” he grunted.

  She tightened her lips to hold him in place then her tongue began to caress the hard rod. Up one side. Down the other.

  Unable to stop himself, he began to thrust in and out of her mouth. She wrapped her hand around the base of his cock and stroked as he increased his momentum. Several small whimpers left her lips and vibrated against the hard muscle. His spine began to tingle.

  With a muffled curse, he freed his dick and pulled her up to stand in front of him. “As much as I enjoy being inside that smart little mouth, I can’t take any more.”

  She gave him another sexy smirk. “What’s the matter Big Bad Max? Too hot for you?”

  He smashed her against him. “You are a pesky little tease.”

  She released a giggle against his chest. “Yes, but I literally had you in the palm of my hand.”

  Max allowed a grin to split his lips. Damn straight she held him in her hand. Even better, in her mouth.

  He rested his chin on the top of her head, wishing to hell he didn’t have to speak his next admission. “I have a small problem.”

  “Maxie,” she scolded as she slipped her hands between them to stroke his length again, “there’s absolutely nothing small about you.”

  He pushed into her hold. “I don’t have anything to protect you.”

  “Then you’re not a real Boy Scout.”

  He gave a half laugh and moved her from his chest. “Apparently not.”

  A green light flashed in her eyes. “I’m protected.”

  “You are?” he croaked.

  “Yes, but it’s been awhile for me.”

  “I’m clean.”

  “No groupies?” she taunted.

  He shook his head. Groupies again. “I saved those for Pirelli.”

  “I didn’t sleep with Pirelli.”

  His heart danced at her admission.

  “I know.” He eased her hand out of his boxers and placed the palm to his lips.

  He caressed the tender skin between each finger with his tongue, suckled gently on the edge of each fingertip, and then placed another kiss against the center of her palm. Holding her sparkling eyes hostage with his, he placed her hand flat against his heart.

  Cameron’s heart melted at Max’s tender gesture as she realized the depth of his commitment to her. Being a man of few words, he hadn’t been exactly vocal about his feelings, but deep down she knew. She felt the undeniable strength of his body language and the painful power of his restraint. And she was right there with him, her body, heart and soul in perfect harmony.

  Rolling to one side, he tucked her neatly against him and stroked the side of her breast with his knuckles.

  “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this.” The hoarse need in his voice echoed her own.

  “I know,” she teased.

  He groaned and rolled her on top of him, her legs positioned on either side. He rubbed his finger along the edge of one leg of her shorts, releasing the warm, wet heat of her desire, and tickled the tender flesh there. She squirmed and attempted to position herself over his fingers until finally, he pushed past her thin barrier of lace to touch her bare flesh. Undeniable need made her whimper as his fingers parted her, momentarily satisfied when he dared to delve deeper and slip one finger inside her.

  “You are a bad, bad boy, Max.” She hissed through gritted teeth and squeezed her eyes closed in contented agony. With her trembling hands braced against his broad chest, she rocked herself against him as he played. Desperate for relief, she increased her tempo to beg for more. With another roll of her hips, his intimate massage quickened. Her insides coiled. She fought for breath. His fingers worked her wet, slippery flesh until she shook out of control.

  “Max,” she whispered as her body took flight, dulled her sense of awareness and bathed her in ecstasy. The force of her orgasm threw her forward to rest her head on his chest. Her body continued to pulse around his fingers.

  His low chuckle finally forced her eyes open. She lifted her head to see a smile of pure male appreciation curve the corners of his mouth. “Still think I’m bad?”

  She almost screamed when he slid his hand from between her legs. “Absolutely.” Impatient and very, very needy, she sat up and reached between them to take him in hand, determined to convince herself that touching him just might take the edge off her frustration.

  He nabbed her hand in one smooth move.

  “Nuh-huh,” he grunted, “I’ve waited too long for this to be over so soon.”

  Before she could protest, he shifted to one side and deposited her beside him. She read the desire in his eyes as he caressed her stomach, drew lazy circles around the smooth area, and then dipped one finger under the waistband of her shorts. Her stomach muscles quivered and she sucked air into her lungs, frantically trying to fill them.

  Breathe, Cameron.

  Soon her shorts were inched low on her hips to expose her tan lines.

  He bent to place a kiss against the pale flesh. “You don�
��t tan naked?”

  She grinned. “I’m not much of a show off.”

  He claimed her lips and his moist, firm mouth coaxed her eager response.

  “Lift up, Sweetheart.” His breath was hot against her lips.

  As Cameron lifted her hips, Max removed her shorts and panties in one fluid movement and dropped them to the floor. Hunger for her rumbled inside him as she lay exposed. This was exactly what he wanted. Cameron. Naked. Ready for his touch.

  He leaned over her stomach and blew softly on the bell nestled inside her belly button. His erection flexed at the sound of the muffled tinkling that floated on the baited silence of the room. She arched further into him when he nudged the bell with his tongue.

  He pressed his palm to her stomach and eased her back to the bed. “Just wait, sweet stuff, it gets better.” He bent his head to her middle again and then raised it. “Don’t move your hands.

  She raised both eyebrows and he knew full well what was coming.

  So, he didn’t give her a chance. “Do I need my handcuffs?”

  Her lips twitched, almost as if she wanted to let another challenge slip out. But, she didn’t speak. Instead, the maneater smirk returned and she moved her gaze toward one bedpost then back to him.

  “Not this time.”

  His dick stretched another painful inch.

  God in heaven.

  Determined to maintain some sort of control, he lowered his head again, prepared to give her something else to think about other than how to drive him insane.

  He placed his mouth against her stomach, just below her belly button and the cock-squeezing bell. She gasped and squeezed his shoulders when his tongue drew a vertical line down until he breathed an open-mouthed kiss to the top of her mound.

  He chuckled. So much for control.

  “I thought I told you not to move your hands,” he said against her skin as he moved his mouth lower.

  Only a groan left her lips as he zeroed in on his target. Max gave her clit a flick with his tongue and then closed his lips around the tender flesh. Her fingernails bit his shoulders.

  He gave the hardened nub a tight suck and then released it from his hold as he paused to inhale the sweet smell of her arousal. His mouth watered. Damn his sweet tooth.


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