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Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm Book 1)

Page 17

by Jillian Neal

  “She wants to do that because she loves you.” He willed Logan to believe him. Rainer felt his face flush. “I mean I think she wants to be with you because she wants you to have that, and she wants you to give her that.” He sincerely hoped this wasn’t too much for Logan right then.

  “I want all of that, too.” He was digging deep, laying it all out for Rainer in his terror. “But that doesn’t mean that I know what the hell I’m doing. What if I do it wrong?”

  Clearly, everything that had happened in the past twenty-four hours, coupled with the fact that Rainer knew Logan hadn’t slept at all, had nearly driven Logan Haydenshire right over the edge. He’d stayed up all night, kept Adeline casted, and made certain that she was ok.

  Rainer wasn’t going to let him down just because he was embarrassed. He tried to remember everything he’d wished someone had told him the night before.

  “Ok,” he drew a deep breath. “Uh, the first time is a little rough, but it will be way better the next time.”

  Logan nodded and looked deeply appreciative of Rainer’s advice.

  “Rough, how?”

  Rainer grimaced. He closed his eyes and willed away the repulsion that always washed over him when he thought about this particular part of it.

  “It’s, uh, gonna hurt her, a little.” He shuddered. To his shock, Logan didn’t look quite as appalled as Rainer had expected.

  He nodded. “Right because of the...” He couldn’t say the word hymen, but he gestured to his own abdomen for a split second. Rainer nodded, and Logan shuddered slightly.

  “I heard Mom tell Em about the bath thing; did that work?” he quizzed hopefully.

  “I don’t know,” Rainer couldn’t look at him; he spoke to the ground instead. “We, uh, didn’t know that until this morning.”

  “Do you want me and Em to stay somewhere else?” he offered, but Logan shook his head.

  “No, then she’ll know I told you.”

  “Yeah.” Rainer finally met Logan’s eyes. “Well, she’s in there talking to Em about it right now, so....”

  “Still, though,” Logan shook his head. “I don’t want her to freak about anything else. The whole thing with her mom, and I still don’t know how to do this!”

  Rainer gave him a sorrowful look.

  “Well, yeah you do,” he didn’t really want to tell Logan anything else. “Just do whatever she asks, I guess, and it’ll work itself out, but you have to chill.”

  “Whatever she asks!” Logan stunned incredulously. “Rainer, you’ve been my best friend since I was born. I’ve been dating her for four years. Now, when exactly has Adeline Parker ever asked for anything? She’s perfectly happy with nothing at all. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

  “Em might tell you what she wants,” Logan clearly didn’t want to think about that, “but Adeline isn’t going to!”

  After clenching his jaw, Rainer decided to go ahead with it.

  “Then ask her,” he stated firmly.

  “What do you mean?” he suddenly looked less frightened.

  “Logan,” Rainer forced himself to go on. “You’ll be able to tell what she likes once you stop freaking out, but if you can’t the first time, then ask her.”

  He shut his eyes to finish the command.

  “Just ask her if it feels good. If she seems like it does, keep going; if not change it up.”

  They instantly looked away from one another, as neither wanted to comment on the command. After a few minutes, a long haggard breath hissed from Logan’s lungs.

  “Do you think that will really work?”

  Rainer nodded.

  “Ok, thanks,” Logan finally managed to breathe. His face was crimson, but Rainer was certain his was, as well.

  The girls made their way out of the store. Logan appeared thrilled that they were both carrying bags.

  “Good luck,” Rainer whispered as they stood and took the bags from the girls.

  “Thanks,” Logan mumbled. He was still looking rather frightened as they continued on towards the amusement park.

  The Ride of Your Life

  Emily and Adeline were thick as thieves as they traipsed along the boardwalk. Emily was beaming as they walked. Rainer knew why, but didn’t call her on it. He didn’t want to embarrass Adeline.

  They made their way to the ticket booths. Logan and Rainer bought enough tickets for them all to ride several rides.

  Rainer felt his heart pick up pace and his palms begin to sweat, though he couldn’t reason why. He kept his hand on Emily’s back, as they got in line for the Ferris Wheel. She squealed delightedly, which made Rainer chuckle. Logan rolled his eyes and shook his head.

  “Em loves the Ferris Wheel,” he stated as if this were new information.

  “Uh, even I know that,” Adeline informed him. With his signature smirk, Logan slapped Rainer on the back as they entered the loading area.

  “Good luck,” he repeated Rainer’s wish back to him as Emily took her seat.

  “Thanks,” Rainer breathed as he seated himself.

  “You ok?” Emily quizzed as she studied him.

  How does anyone surprise a Receiver?

  “I’m fine,” he insisted and gave her a forced smile.

  She knew he was lying, but didn’t comment.

  The ride began with several metallic clicks of the motor, and Rainer felt his heart stutter as the wheel lurched and began its rhythmic spin.

  A broad grin lit Emily’s face as she stared out over the boardwalk, and then turned to see the ocean as it kissed the shore below them. He let the wheel circle a few times until she gave him a goading grin, and he chuckled and winked at her.

  Harnessing the energy from a lift motor that spins a Ferris Wheel is one of the first things they’d learned at the Academy. The energy was fairly simple to lock on to, and Governor Haydenshire had taught Rainer and Logan how to do it before they’d even started at the Academy.

  Rainer chuckled again as he thought about the fact that most often when a Ferris Wheel stops, it’s because some Gifted freshman is trying to impress his date, not because there’s anything wrong with the ride.

  He drew a deep breath and cupped his hand. It wouldn’t take much to stop it. He did it every time they came to the beach.

  He waited until they were at the very top and closed his fingers and halted the ride. She beamed and then giggled. After giving him an adorable, mischievous grin, she began the script.

  “Hey, Rainer,” she sassed delightedly. Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight as he gazed into their emerald depths.

  “Yeah, Emily?” He watched her eyes close in a slow blink as she continued. Delight and love rolled in her rhythms. Rainer could feel them as they filled the air around him. It took his breath away.

  “Betcha won’t kiss me,” she taunted, just like she’d done when she was seven years old. He laughed and shook his head at her.

  “That got me in a whole lotta trouble the last time I took that bet.”

  She giggled sweetly.

  Then he leaned in suddenly and brushed a tender kiss across her lips. He edged closer, and added to the pressure and the intensity. He groaned as she responded heatedly.

  He pulled away after a few minutes, and tried to catch his breath.

  “Look, there’s a shooting star.” He pointed out the open window behind her. She spun, and he pulled it from his pocket.

  “Hey, Em,” he choked and swallowed down the emotion that settled thickly in his throat.

  “Hmm?” she spun back. Her eyes goggled instantly.

  “Betcha won’t marry me,” he said, and her mouth fell open in a panted gasp.

  “Oh, Rainer, yes, yes I will!” she gasped just before tears consumed her. He lifted her hand and slid his mother’s engagement ring on her finger. She threw her arms around him, and he held her tightly. He suddenly felt everything in his world settle into perfect accord in that one unbelievable moment.

  “It’s beautiful.” She tried to swallow down her tears. �
�Is this..?” She held her right hand over her mouth as she stared at her left.

  “It was my mom’s,” he confirmed and swallowed harshly. “But, if you want something different, I’ll get you whatever you want.” He was suddenly worried that she might want something her uncle had designed, or that she’d admired previously.

  “No,” she shook her head. “This is amazing!” She seemed unable to take her eyes off her own hand. “Thank you, I mean… are you sure you want me to have this?”

  He nodded his head, but was unable to believe the depth of love he held for her.

  “Em, I want you to have everything.This is just the very beginning, ok?” He leaned in and wiped the tears off of her face. People began calling to the man running the Ferris Wheel, and Rainer chuckled.

  “Whoops,” he shook his head, and immediately released the Ferris Wheel and allowed it to spin again. She laughed and laid her head on his shoulder.

  “Got a little distracted,” he admitted sheepishly.

  “When did you ask Daddy?” she quizzed as she studied the large princess-cut diamond on her hand.

  “I called him this afternoon, when I went in the surf shop. That’s what took me so long. Logan and Adeline went by the house and brought me the ring at dinner. I’m surprised you didn’t hear your mom squealing from Arlington. We have to go back by Saturday, because she’s throwing an engagement dinner for us.” They laughed together as she blinked back another round of tears.

  “I love you so much.” The words filled his soul.

  “I love you too, Em.”

  The ride halted again after a few more turns, and the patrons were getting disgruntled. Rainer shook his head.

  “Logan!” he chastised loudly. He heard laughter from the boxed seat behind them.

  The Ferris Wheel began again and, after a few more turns, they exited.

  To Rainer’s shock, Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire were standing at the entrance. The Governor gave Rainer a wry smile, and Mrs. Haydenshire was sobbing. All of Emily’s brothers were there, as well. Logan and Adeline exited right after Rainer and Emily.

  “Daddy, what are you doing here?” Emily gasped as Governor Haydenshire lifted her off of the ground in the exuberance of his embrace.

  “Well,” he hemmed. “I figured my baby girl getting engaged was worthy of booking one of the jets.”

  Rainer laughed and nodded his understanding. Logan held up his cell phone and revealed the text he’d sent, that let his family know that Rainer and Emily had entered the ride.

  “Don’t worry; we won’t intrude on your evening. We just wanted to be here,” Mrs. Haydenshire assured Rainer as she gave him a fierce hug. He was elated they were there.

  “Thank you for everything,” Rainer vowed, “especially for her.” He stared at Emily as she shook her head and hugged him again. Governor Haydenshire nodded and slapped Rainer on the back.

  “My pleasure, son, but she’s still my baby girl,” he stared deeply into Rainer’s eyes.

  “Well, let me see it,” Mrs. Haydenshire demanded. Emily beamed and displayed her hand for her family.

  “Oh, honey, it’s beautiful.” Mrs. Haydenshire patted Rainer’s face sweetly. “I’m so happy for both of you.” She started to cry again. Keaton wiggled down from Connor’s arms.

  “To ride, EE!” he demanded of Emily. Everyone laughed as they began exploring the amusement park. They guided Henry and Keaton to their favorite rides, which thoroughly delighted the twins.

  Rainer clung to Emily; he wanted to savor every moment of the delighted smile that lit her face for the entire evening.

  “Well-played,” Garrett commented as he gestured back to the Ferris Wheel. Rainer laughed and nodded his acceptance of the praise.

  “Yeah, I figured she probably wouldn’t turn me down on the Ferris Wheel here,” he winked at Emily. She bit her lip, and giggled as she nodded.

  “It was perfect.”

  Henry toddled over to her and lifted his arms. She smiled, and Rainer released her as she scooped him up. He laid his head sweetly on her shoulder and began to suck his thumb. It was getting late.

  Rainer stared at them and allowed himself to imagine her holding their son. Right then and there, he knew he wanted it all. He wanted the whole deal, but most of all he wanted her.

  He longed to be with her again, to feel her around him, and to feel her body’s responses to his. He wanted to feel the wet heat. He wanted to hear the sweet sounds she made for him.

  He let his mind travel back to that night by the pier at Buoy’s. He wanted to take her and make her all his own. Desperate longing to fill her with his energy, and with him, overtook him. He wanted to explode inside of her, and he wanted it now.

  He forced himself to be patient. Her family was surrounding her. She was cradling her little brother and soothing him to sleep. He knew why Keaton and Henry always wanted her. She calmed them and soothed them. She quelled their fears and relaxed them. He knew, because he felt it when he held her. Mrs. Haydenshire beamed at Henry snuggled on Emily’s shoulder.

  “We’d better get back.” She lifted Henry from Emily and laid him on her own shoulder. He stirred momentarily, but then was out once more.

  “You all have a good week,” she wished Logan and Rainer, hopefully. They nodded as she whispered furtively. “Try to get Adeline to relax and have a little fun.”

  Rainer smiled and tried hard not to chuckle over Logan’s pallor.

  They spent the next ten minutes in the middle of the amusement park, being hugged and congratulated. The Haydenshires finally climbed into several rented cars and headed back to the airport, just a few miles from the boardwalk, where one of the enhanced Senate jets awaited them. They’d be back in Arlington in fifteen minutes.

  “Ready to go?” Rainer quizzed as they waved to her family and watched the cars drive away. Emily smiled up at him and nodded sweetly, but Logan shook his head.

  “Nah, I mean, don’t you want to ride the tilt-a-whirl, Em?” he begged frantically. Emily laughed at him outright, and Rainer elbowed her gently.

  “No,” she shook her head. “I think I want to go back to the house now.”

  The Ring

  Adeline didn’t look much more confident than Logan, but Rainer knew there wasn’t really anything else he could do to help.

  “Ok,” Logan choked as they walked slowly towards the gates. Rainer released Emily’s hands, and gestured for her to try to talk to Adeline. She grinned and nodded, then scooted her brother out of the way. Logan backed up to walk with Rainer.

  “Relax; you’ll be fine,” Rainer vowed. Logan nodded, though he didn’t look like he believed that in any way.

  “Vindico told me last night just to take it slow, and that was really good advice.”

  Logan looked stunned.

  “You told our boss that you were gonna...?” he gasped his disbelief.

  Rainer shook his head. “No,” he quipped incredulously. “He just sort of seemed to know why I was so nervous, I guess.”

  “Yeah, you know he’s a Double Predilect just like Mom.” He seemed thankful to talk about something besides his and Adeline’s plans for the evening.

  “Really?” Having double predilected energy bands was very rare.

  Logan nodded, “Yeah, he chose Ioses, but he also summoned for Visium.”

  Rainer was impressed, but he supposed that explained Vindico’s picking up on his nerves the night before. Mrs. Haydenshire was a powerful Occamy Predilect, able to grow and create with ease, but she was also a Receiver, just like Emily. Her Predilects were not even though. Her Receiver energy was relatively weak.

  “Maybe that’s why he’s so intense?” Logan shrugged.


  They caught back up with the girls, and he took Emily’s hand as they exited.

  “Dammit,” Rainer spat, as a million flash bulbs went off in his face.

  “Why was the Governor here, Miss Haydenshire? Is that an engagement ring?” called a reporter from the Real
m Times.

  “Is that your mother’s ring, Rainer?”

  “When’s the wedding?” demanded a gruff voice from behind Rainer.

  He and Logan formed their usual stance to try to block the girls from the cameras as they moved quickly down the boardwalk.

  “Did the Governor try to get you to come home, Miss Haydenshire?” called a reporter, who Rainer loathed, from The Illusionist.

  The police came in, but didn’t do much to help. They tried to block the reporters, but there were just too many. Emily’s father must’ve booked the jet right after Rainer called him, and the press had been on high alert for hours.

  “Will you and Rainer be moving off of your parents’ farm, Emily?” called another reporter who Rainer didn’t recognize.

  “Logan! Logan! Logan!” rang from several at once.

  “Can we get a picture of you and your sister?”

  “Yeah, I’ll give you a picture,” Logan hissed beside Rainer, but Rainer grabbed his hand before he could flip them off.

  “Don’t! It’ll only make it worse.”

  “Emily, who designed the ring? Did he ask you at dinner or at the park? Rainer, are you going back to the Haydenshires’ for the night?”

  “Emily, can we see the ring? Can we see the ring?” It echoed from all around them.

  “Is that the Lawson family ring, Rainer? Was that your mother’s ring?” The questions were endless.

  Rainer cursed the fact that she was now wearing the Lawson ring. That meant that photos of her hand just went up exponentially in value. It was the ring that his mother had worn and his grandmother before her.

  By the time they reached the cars, the police had called for reinforcements, and the press had been halted at the pier.

  “Guess what the headline of tomorrow’s paper will be?” Logan huffed as he opened Adeline’s door for her. Rainer shook his head after putting Emily in his Mustang. He took off before the cameras could dodge the police blockade.

  “I should have gotten you a different ring,” Rainer lamented as soon as he slammed his door shut.

  “Why?” Emily looked offended.


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