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Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm Book 1)

Page 32

by Jillian Neal

  Gwen Jeffries, a girl Rainer had never seen before, stepped into the room next. They all watched closely. Their stomachs were on edge as they all glanced constantly from Gwen to Rainer’s watch. Gwen struggled as she tried to spin all of the windmills, and Rainer watched the second hand on his watch circle for the fourth time. As it made it half way around again, he held it up for Emily.

  “Congratulations, sweetheart, you just made the Arlington Angels.” He hugged her fiercely. “I’m so proud of you!”

  Logan beamed and tousled her hair.

  “Oh, my gosh!” She whispered excitedly. She didn’t want to celebrate with Gwen and Julie still in the arena.

  “Congratulations!” Adeline hugged her next.

  “Thank you.” She seemed unable to believe that she’d done it. Several minutes later, Chloe released the field aegis.

  Fionna smiled up at Emily and mouthed, “I told you so.”

  Emily laughed and beamed down at her. Chloe moved to the middle of the field, and summoned a glowing fuchsia light that she used to magnify her voice.

  “Ok, so the Angel who ran your try-out will talk to you, before you leave, to let you know whether or not you’ll be playing with us this year. If not, then I wish you the best of luck, and we’ll look forward to reviewing you again next year.”

  Fionna quickly spoke to Julie and Gwen. She looked very sorry to tell them they hadn’t made it, but then she rushed up the stairs to Emily.

  “Congratulations!” she squealed.

  “Thank you,” Emily stammered.

  “Ok, go get ready, because you and Rainer can sit at the Angels’ table for the Gala,” Fionna instructed. She looked just as thrilled as Emily.

  Emily couldn’t stop grinning as she nodded. Rainer, though certainly not a Receiver, had a feeling that Emily and Fionna were going to be very good friends. They seemed to share a magnetic connection.

  “It was nice to meet you,” Fionna smiled sweetly at Rainer. “I’m sure we’ll see a lot of each other for the next few years.”

  Rainer smiled and told Fionna they’d see her at the Gala. Emily bounced up and down as soon as Julie and Gwen made their way solemnly out of the arena.

  “You know what I think we should do to celebrate?” Rainer teased as he wrapped his arms around Emily, and picked her up in the exuberance of his embrace.


  “We should go buy you a car.”

  She rolled her eyes but then grinned.

  “Hey, if she doesn’t want one, I’m readily available,” Logan teased.

  “What?” Rainer quipped as they made their way to the exit. “You broke up with me last week, man.”

  They both cracked up as Emily and Adeline shook their heads.

  Collision of Tempers

  Rainer hadn’t thought too much about the girl who had insulted Emily at try-outs, until he pulled the Mustang into the Gifted parking deck of the Pentagon. He paused to admire the motorcycle parked in the space beside his car. Logan emerged, wide-eyed.

  “Damn! Is that an Agusta?” he asked reverently. Rainer opened his door carefully as he nodded and gazed with rapt adoration at the bike.

  “Wonder who drives that?” Logan admired.

  “That would be mine,” came a deep, chuckling voice from behind them. They spun as Adeline and Emily gave up on the boys opening their doors for them.

  “Sorry,” Rainer husked as Emily giggled and shook her head at him. He immediately turned his attention back to Vindico, who appeared to be waiting for something.

  “And,” Vindico drawled, “if you’ll slide that way two centimeters. I’d like to set a cast that will make a person melt if they touch my bike.” He didn’t sound like he was joking.

  “Oh, right, sorry,” Rainer moved away from the MV Agusta F4 quickly. Logan followed suit.

  They watched in awe as Vindico cupped his hand, and a brilliant green glow emitted instantly. He turned his hand and released the protective cast. When he finished, he slung his helmet under his arm, dusted off his suit, and led everyone towards the Pentagon.

  “So d’you have fun at the beach?” he quizzed Rainer, with a hint of teasing in his voice. Rainer smiled, and gave an uncomfortable laugh.

  “Yeah, we had a nice time.” He tried not to blush as Vindico nodded and shot Rainer a cocky grin.

  “Had a feeling you might.”

  As they made their way towards the elevator, they ran into the brutish girl who had been at Angel try-outs that morning. She was attending the Gala as well, it seemed. Vindico’s entire demeanor changed as he glared hatefully at the girl.

  “Well, well, well,” the girl drawled vindictively. “If it isn’t Rainer Lawson’s whore and her gang of groupies.”

  Rainer narrowed his eyes. “Look, I don’t know who you are, or what your problem is, but why don’t you just go straight to hell.” To Rainer’s horror the girl cupped her hand, and summoned a furious red heat.

  “My name is Marlisa Wretchkinsides,” she spat, and turned quickly to Vindico to sneer. “Sound familiar?”

  Before she could release the heat cast she’d summoned, Rainer threw a shield cast over Emily that knocked Marlisa to the ground.

  “Rainer, no!” Vindico ordered loudly, and Rainer dropped the cast. “Damn it! We’re going to work on your temper, and on your cast control, and you need to know who the hell you’re messing with before you throw someone. You didn’t have to send her into the next state, for God’s sake! Go inside and send out a Medio.”

  Stunned at Vindico’s reaction, as Marlisa had only fallen to the ground where she’d been standing, Rainer argued. “Fine, but she was about to burn Emily.”

  Vindico drew a deep breath and glared at Rainer. “I was standing right here. Do you remember who I am? I wouldn’t have let anything happen to Emily.”

  “I can make sure she’s all right, sir,” Adeline offered hesitantly. Vindico nodded, but stayed very close to Adeline as she moved to Marlisa. After studying her and performing a quick energy scan, Adeline smiled.

  “She’s fine; it just knocked the breath out of her. She’ll be up in a few minutes.”

  “Good; leave her there,” Vindico ordered as he spun quickly, and cupped his hand to draw the elevator to the level they were currently on. He issued them all on quickly.

  Vindico scowled for the entire ride. “You do not mess with Marlisa Wretchkinsides. That’s like signing a warrant for your own death.”

  Rainer gave a slight eye-roll; he refused to apologize for protecting Emily, so he said nothing.

  Tables dressed in white linen cloths were set around the vast entrance of the Realm level. The Gala happened every year in June, to celebrate the graduates from the Gifted academies around the states and to show off the new Summation teams, along with the varied Gifted departments of the Senate, the hospitals, and the academies.

  The Haydenshires rushed to Emily.

  “I made it!” she squealed as they embraced her heartily.

  “Oh, baby girl, congratulations,” Governor Haydenshire gushed.

  “I just knew you would,” Mrs. Haydenshire beamed. The Governor moved away from Emily and her mother, and cornered Rainer.

  “Now, Rainer, are you sure you want to buy her a car? I’m happy to do it. I mean, she’s my baby girl, and you aren’t married yet.”

  “I’d really like to, if you don’t mind.” He knew that easing Emily out of her father’s grasp and into his arms needed to be handled with a great deal of finesse.

  “Well, if you change your mind...” Governor Haydenshire pressed.

  “I won’t.” Rainer grinned, as the Governor nodded his defeat.

  “So, I hear my baby sister is the newest Arlington Angel,” came from behind Rainer and Emily.

  “Garrett!” Emily squealed as she spun around, and threw her arms around her big brother.

  “Congrats, Em.” He kissed her cheek, which made Chloe and Fionna swoon as they stood with Garrett.

  “Come sit with us, Emily,”
Fionna urged, but she didn’t quite meet Emily’s gaze.

  Rainer followed her distant stare until his eyes landed on Vindico talking with his father.

  “Oh, well, ok, but I think Rainer’s supposed to sit at the Iodex table,” Emily hesitated as she waited for further instructions.

  “Oh,” Fionna smiled. “Well, you could start out at our table, and then move there for dessert, maybe. A lot of people move around.”

  Vindico was making his way back towards them. His father and several other men were following him.

  “Lawson, Haydenshire, I wanted to introduce you to the other members of Elite Iodex,” Vindico husked. “Gentlemen, these are our newest members, recruited straight out of the Academy. I’m sure you know Rainer Lawson and Logan Haydenshire.” He gestured to Rainer and Logan. “Guys, you already met Portwood and Ericcson. This is John Ramier and Ryan Tuttle, so you two make eight. Hope you’re ready to work,” Vindico eyed Rainer speculatively.

  Rainer and Logan nodded as they shook the hands of the men they’d been introduced to, and exchanged pleasantries.

  “And you know my dad, Governor Arthur Vindico,” Vindico offered with a pride-filled smile.

  “Yes, sir.” Rainer and Logan both shook the Governor’s hand. They’d met him on several occasions, as he often worked with Governor Haydenshire, and the Vindicos and Haydenshires were good friends. Governor Vindico and Rainer’s father had been friends at the Academy as well.

  Governor Vindico had a very kind face. He didn’t have the hard, determined air of his son. He congratulated Logan and Rainer on their appointments, and wished them luck. After slapping his son on the back, he moved on to talk to other people.

  “Uh,” Rainer cleared his throat. He didn’t really want to piss his future boss off any more than he already had. “Emily made the Angels this morning. So, I wasn’t certain, where we should sit,” he stammered, and tried to gauge Vindico’s reaction.

  “And you’re incapable of eating without her?” Vindico drawled spitefully. “She have to feed you, or something, Lawson?”

  “No, I just wasn’t sure where I should be,” Rainer huffed as Logan offered him a sorrowful gaze.

  “How does Marlisa know Emily?” Vindico asked suddenly. His tone lost some of its edge.

  “I don’t know, really. She was at the Angels try-outs this morning. She’s got a mouth on her.” Rainer was still irked by what Marlisa’s accusations.

  “I trust she didn’t make it?”

  “No, her time was terrible.”

  Vindico nodded with an audible sigh.

  “Good, but that won’t stop her. I’m certain,” was his cryptic response.

  “Hey, if I could sit at the Angels’ table, I sure as hell wouldn’t sit with us,” Officer Tuttle joked. This made Vindico shake his head, and laugh as he rolled his eyes.

  “Well, congratulations, Miss Haydenshire,” Vindico offered Emily.

  “Thank you.” Emily still seemed unable to believe she’d made the team.

  “You can sit wherever you want, Lawson.” Vindico’s smile had returned. “I sure as hell don’t care. I only come because I have to, and I can’t get any work done since my office is being used to hold the food.” He looked annoyed that he couldn’t work, even though it was Saturday.

  “You’re sure you don’t mind?”

  Vindico shook his head. “I may join you. I get to talk to these yahoos all the time,” he gestured in the direction of his Elite team.

  “Oh, you’re welcome to, I mean, we have extra seats,” Fionna stammered suddenly as she cut into their conversation. Garrett smiled, and rolled his eyes slightly at Fionna.

  “Yeah, man, come on. It’s a table of beautiful women. There are worse places you could eat,” Garrett urged.

  Vindico chuckled. He seemed to decide to allow that. Logan and Adeline moved to sit with the Medios from Georgetown hospital, after clearing it with Vindico.

  Rainer seated Emily beside Fionna as Vindico seated himself across the table, near Garrett and Chloe.

  Garrett and Vindico talked endlessly through lunch, about work and stunts they’d pulled at the Academy. Fionna and Chloe went over just a few of the courses they had worked over the last few seasons. Rainer ate, and he listened to both conversations intently. He wanted to learn everything he could before he began work.

  After lunch, dessert was served, and Crown Governor Carrington made a speech. Governors Haydenshire, Sapman, and Vindico followed him. Afterwards, everyone began clearing the tables and stood to leave.

  As he took Emily’s arm, Rainer noted Marlisa once again. She was standing and talking to none other than Mitchell O’Ryan. Her scowl was still her predominant feature.

  “Well, there’s a matched set if I’ve ever seen one,” Logan drawled as he and Adeline made their way to Rainer and Emily.

  With a concerned nod, Rainer suddenly wanted to get Emily out of the building. They bid Vindico and all of the Angels, who’d come to congratulate Emily, good-bye. He led Emily towards the Mustang.

  “Ok, can we take a little nap before we go to Sam’s?” Emily grinned. “I’m exhausted, and I want to make sure this isn’t some fantastic dream.”

  “Sure, baby,” Rainer soothed as he opened the door for her. He made a concerted effort not to drool over Vindico’s motorcycle. He heard Vindico chuckle from behind him, once again. He turned suddenly, and wondered how his future boss kept appearing like that.

  “Tell you what, Lawson, when I finish training you, and you pass my final tests, I’ll let you take it for a spin.”

  Rainer’s mouth hung open in shock.“Are you serious?”

  Vindico laughed at him outright.

  “Well, I sure as hell don’t kid around. So, yeah, you clearly know your way around a powerful machine.” He gestured to Rainer’s Mustang. “Maybe I’ll trade you for a spin.”

  “Anytime,” Rainer vowed.

  “Thanks,” Vindico smiled as he released the cast on the bike. Still stunned, Rainer sank into the Mustang, and grinned broadly.

  “Did he seriously just tell you that you could drive his Agusta?” Logan demanded, wide-eyed. Rainer nodded, cranked the engine, and watched as Vindico moved the bike with ease out of the parking deck.

  “Ok, what is up with that motorcycle?” Emily demanded. Rainer shook his head and smiled.

  “That’s an MV-Agusta F4CC,” Rainer stated. “It’ll fly in around 200 mph un-enhanced, and it costs more than most families make in about three years’ time.” He was still stunned by Vindico’s offer.

  Emily and Adeline shared an expression that said they thought that boys were silly.

  “Well, try not to drool on it when you get to drive it, baby,” Emily goaded as Logan and Rainer laugh.

  “I make you no promises.”

  Not a Volvo...a Classic

  A few hours later, Rainer was in the living room with Logan. They were eating popcorn, and watching the twins play.

  “What do you think she’ll want?” Logan quizzed for the fifth time. They were waiting on Emily to finish getting ready to go to Sam’s.

  “Logan, I don’t know. She can have whatever she wants. I just want her to feel safe.” Rainer grabbed a handful of popcorn and inhaled it.

  “Ugh, I cannot believe her. How could she not want a sports car?

  “I didn’t say she wasn’t getting a sports car.”

  “You should talk her into a Porsche?”

  “Logan,” Rainer huffed, “I’m not talking her into anything!

  “Ugh, she’s going to pick something stupid. Just let me come with you.”

  “No, I don’t want you trying to talk her into anything, no pressure. I want her to pick whatever she’s comfortable in.”

  After rolling his eyes dramatically, Logan threw more popcorn into his mouth.

  “But you’re going to get Sam to enhance it?” Logan decided to try a different tactic.

  “I’m going to get him to enhance the safety features of it, nothing else. If she
wants an enhanced engine, then we can do that once she’s comfortable driving again.” Rainer furrowed his brow as Keaton attempted to snatch a rubber ball out of Henry’s hands.

  “Keaton, come play with this ball,” he offered him a similar ball that he reached and pulled out of the toy bin near the couch.

  “No!” Keaton shouted defiantly. “Mine!” He stamped his feet. Logan rolled his eyes.

  “Hope they don’t ever want the same girl.”

  Henry proceeded to smack Keaton in the face with the current ball in question. Rainer and Logan moved in, each scooping up a twin, while both of them tried to wriggle away.

  A few minutes later, Emily emerged. Her face held a mixture of excitement and terror.

  “You ready?” Rainer took her hand after he handed Keaton to Adeline. She and Logan were babysitting, so the Haydenshires could have dinner out. It was a little odd that the Haydenshires were going out so often, but Rainer was glad to help out when he could.

  “I guess,” Emily offered hesitantly.

  “Ok, just don’t pick anything stupid,” Logan begged.

  Rainer narrowed his eyes, and gave a minute headshake.

  “Stay out of it,” he demanded through clenched teeth.

  Rainer followed Emily to the door and allowed himself a moment to admire her backside in the jeans she was wearing.

  “Just don’t get a Volvo!” Logan shouted as they opened the side door to exit.

  “Shut it, Logan!” Rainer called before he pulled the door closed and followed Emily to the side barn.

  After seating Emily, Rainer studied her. “You don’t seem to be dreading this as much as I was afraid you were going to be.”

  “I guess I am kind of excited.”

  “Do you know how much you’re turning me on right now?” he asked, and listened to her laugh hysterically.

  They grabbed a quick bite from a drive-thru, and then proceeded back to Arlington.

  “I still can’t believe I made the Angels!” Emily squealed, and took a sip of her Dr. Pepper.

  “I knew you were going to make it. You’re amazing.”

  As they neared Sam’s shop, she began to worry again.

  “What if I don’t like the cars, and it hurts his feelings?” Being able to read emotions off of people meant that Receivers were generally extremely kind. Hurting someone’s feelings was a tremendous fear, as they could feel the pain they’d caused.


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