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Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm Book 1)

Page 38

by Jillian Neal

  “My mother said that?” Adeline gasped. Logan tried to steady her. No one was able to believe someone would do that to her own child.

  As he shook his head, Governor Haydenshire stood and moved to his suit jacket that hung on the long pegged shelf in the kitchen. He pulled his cell phone from the pocket, and everyone watched as he began to pace.

  “Jack, it’s Stephen. You busy?” He moved to the living room and out of earshot. Vindico nodded his understanding, and turned back to the group at the table.

  “I assume that’s Jack Stariff; he’s the best attorney in the Realm.”

  “He’s a good family friend, Dan,” Mrs. Haydenshire began rubbing Adeline’s hand in the Governor’s absence. “Logan knows Jack. I’m not sure Adeline’s ever met him.”

  “I’ve never, ever taken anything, I swear!” Adeline pled suddenly. “I never wanted to! It’s horrible, and it makes you do horrible things.”

  Vindico nodded. “Look, I’m here unofficially. Tomorrow, you’re going to need to submit to a series of drug tests to try and clear your name. They’ll be taking several hair samples, and a blood and urine test.”

  He grimaced as Logan scowled furiously.

  “Hopefully, between that and all the power that Stariff wields, that will be the end of it. You’re going to have to appear in court, and testify against your mother, Adeline. I’m certain Stariff will talk to your Mentors at the Academy, and any of your new employers at Georgetown. Just be extremely cautious. We can possibly get you out of this, but we’re really going to need your cooperation.”

  “Garrett’s going to have to bow out of any dealings with her case until we get this settled. We can’t have it looking like your family is covering for her.” Vindico turned his explanations to Mrs. Haydenshire when Adeline offered no response.

  Governor Haydenshire returned, but still looked grim. “Jack’s on his way. I’ve invited him for dinner, Lillian.”

  Mrs. Haydenshire gave a determined nod. She stood, moved to the refrigerator, and removed two large casserole dishes of pork chops.

  “Can I go with her for the tests?” Logan asked.

  Vindico considered thoughtfully. “Maybe for the ones tomorrow, but after that they’ll be random. They can show up at her work, or when you're in town, or here at home, anytime, and you have to be prepared for that. Balking at even one of them could play well into your mother and her attorney’s hand.”

  “Who’s paying for her mother’s lawyer?” Rainer hoped Adeline wouldn’t mind his intrusion, but Candy Parker never had any money and someone had cooked all of this up for her. She hadn’t come up with this on her own.

  Vindico glanced at Logan, who nodded for him to accept the question. With another deep breath, Vindico grimaced slightly. “Paulo Ramierez. We’ve had run ins with him before.” Vindico bristled. “Says he’s your mom’s boyfriend?”

  Adeline shook her head against Logan’s chest, but didn’t answer. Logan wrapped his arms around her tighter. He looked like he hoped that if he held her tightly enough he might be able to shield her from everything crashing down around her.

  “He’s her mother’s dealer and her pimp,” Logan confirmed what everyone had already assumed.

  “Yeah, well, I’m a little more worried about who Paulo works for,” Vindico muttered almost inaudibly.

  “Adeline, I’m so sorry.” Emily swallowed back tears. Adeline didn’t respond, and Rainer watched a morose glance travel from Vindico’s eyes to Governor Haydenshire’s. Emily spun and laid her head on Rainer’s chest. He cradled her tenderly and tried to calm her down.

  “So, I take it you two are still an item?” Vindico quipped with a wry chuckle. He was clearly pleased to be able to change the subject.

  Rainer’s brow furrowed as Emily raised her head. She wiped the tears from her eyes. “Yes, ugh, we saw that while we were out.”

  “Saw what?” Rainer had no idea why anyone would think he and Emily were no longer together.

  “Some pictures from that night of Fergus’s party are resurfacing. So, you know, you dumped me, and Logan came to get me because I was distraught.”

  “They already ran those,” Rainer huffed.

  Vindico shrugged, “I’ve been working on that. I have a long way to go, but like I told you, I will not have you photographed all the time. Part of working for Iodex is being discreet.” This thrilled Rainer, though he tried not to show it, in light of what was going on with Adeline. “Anyway, I guess an old story was better than no story,” Vindico rolled his eyes.

  “Thank you,” Rainer vowed. “You have no idea what that means to me.”

  “Rainer, why don’t you and Emily head back to the guesthouse? We’ll get Adeline all sorted out, and then we’ll discuss everything with Jack tonight,” Governor Haydenshire directed. “We’ll take care of this, son. I’m certainly not going to let her serve time for her mother’s doings.” He looked disgusted by all that had happened.

  With that, Adeline jerked away from Logan and sprinted up the stairs. Everyone stood stunned for a moment as Logan turned to go after her.

  “No,let me talk to her. You can check on her in a few minutes,” Emily followed after her.

  Governor Haydenshire moved back to the refrigerator and handed Logan a beer, then offered Rainer and Vindico one. “Sometimes lemonade doesn’t quite cut it.”

  “I really believe that with Stariff helping her, and as long as she submits to all of the drug testing willingly, we might can keep her from serving time. But pleading her case will be condemning her mother. Do you think she’s up to that?” Vindico gave Logan a pitying gaze.

  “I don’t know. She always refused to turn her mother in, before she was attacked.” Logan shook his head in disbelief. “I mean that’s what it took. I’d been begging her to move in here for years, and she refused. She’s always protected her mom no matter what she’d done.” He looked Vindico dead in the eye. “What happens if she doesn’t testify against her?”

  Governor Haydenshire put his hand on Logan’s shoulder, and braced him as Vindico’s jaw clenched tightly.

  “If she won’t testify, and her mother’s lawyer builds a good enough case against her,” Vindico looked as disgusted as Rainer felt, “she could definitely end up doing time in the Non-Gifted system.”

  “Then we will see to it that she testifies,” Governor Haydenshire vowed.

  “Logan,” Vindico urged uncomfortably. “Does she have any idea who her father is? If she had another parent, it might make turning on her mother a little more palatable, not that Candy Parker is any kind of mother.”

  Logan shook his head, and swallowed down the emotion that settled thickly in his throat.

  “All her mother,” Logan spat the word like poison from his mouth, “ever told her was that he had a British accent. She was mad Adeline wasn’t born with one.”

  “Nice,” Vindico clearly agreed with Logan’s assessment.

  “Daniel, you’re staying for dinner, right?” Mrs. Haydenshire urged as she seasoned the pork chops, and then began peeling potatoes.

  Vindico shook his head. “I can’t, Mrs. Haydenshire. Thanks, though. I have to get back to work, do a few more things, then I was gonna try to hit the gym before I head home.”

  “It’s Sunday, Dan. Surely whatever it is can wait until tomorrow morning,” Governor Haydenshire probed. Rainer sensed it was a test.

  “No, I need to get a little more done tonight, but hey, Will told me they’re expecting. Congratulations,” Vindico offered in an obvious attempt to halt the Haydenshires’ efforts.

  “Well thank you, Daniel,” Mrs. Haydenshire smiled. “How about you, now; a good looking guy like yourself must have a girlfriend?” She studied Vindico closely. He forced a chuckle, though the look in his eye bordered on fury.

  “No, ma’am, I don’t seem to have much luck with women lately, he lied as he stared right into Mrs. Haydenshire’s deep blue eyes.

  “Uh, Logan, just one more thing,” Vindico turned back to Logan an
d Rainer suddenly. “Paulo, is trying to spring Ms. Parker in order to build the case against Adeline, presumably. So, just be extremely careful where you go with her. Think about what you’re doing and where you’re seen. Anything they can use to make her look like a dysfunctional, rebellious teen, they will. My recommendation would be to stay here on the farm as much as possible, and don’t let her go off on her own.” Rainer watched a conspiratorial glance that was shared between Vindico and the Governor.

  What little color had returned to Logan’s face faded quickly. “I’m gonna go check on her,” he waved to Vindico and rushed up the stairs.

  “Lawson,” Vindico extended his hand and Rainer shook it. “I’ll see you in a few. If you both decide you want to start early, you could go ahead and get on the Senate payroll. I’ll get you in whenever, but it looks like you’ve got quite a project going,” he gestured in the general direction of the guesthouse.

  “Yeah,” Rainer nodded. “But thanks for the offer. I am anxious to get started. I really appreciate the appointment.”

  “I picked you and Logan because I think you know your stuff, and I think you’ll make an excellent team, so don’t prove me wrong,” Vindico’s tone turned mildly threatening.

  Rainer nodded and swallowed hard. He tried to appear vastly more confident than he felt at that moment.

  Vindico offered everyone remaining in the kitchen a wave, and then headed back out the side door. Rainer heard the Agusta roar to life as he sped away. Emily reappeared a minute later. She looked devastated.

  “Is she ok?” Mrs. Haydenshire leapt instantly.

  “No,” Emily hushed as tears formed on her lashes. “I mean, of course she feels abandoned, and unloved, and unwanted, and all the things she’s always felt, but now she feels like she’s burdening you and Dad with the lawsuit and everything.”

  “That’s ridiculous,” Governor Haydenshire fumed.

  “I’m really worried about her, Daddy. I think if she thought she had anywhere else to go, she’d leave.” With that, Emily’s chin trembled and tears began to fall.

  Her father moved to her, but she turned back to Rainer. He cradled her to him and wrapped her up tightly in his arms. He tried very hard not to see the heart-broken expression on her father’s face.

  Rainer felt like he was being rent in two. He would never let go of Emily if she needed to be held, but her innocent move of wrapping herself up in him, of letting him bear the burden of her heartbreak over Adeline, had rocked her father to the core.

  Not Easily Severed

  Several hours later, Will and Brooke went home, and Levi left to pick up Sarah. Garrett stayed to make a few phone calls to friends from the police force, and to talk to Jack Stariff. Rainer seated Emily at the dining room table and helped Keaton with his juice cup.

  “Emily, my goodness,” Jack smiled, “I’ve got to get out here more often. How is it that you’re all grown up and engaged to Rainer Lawson? The last time I saw you two, you were catching frogs in the lake.” He shook his head in disbelief.

  “Well,” Mrs. Haydenshire urged, “you should come by more often, Jack, instead of only when we have a little emergency to tend to,” she smiled sweetly, and placed her arms on Adeline’s shoulders.

  Adeline was still distraught. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying most of the afternoon. Jack looked at her sorrowfully.

  “Well,” he began, but then halted as Garrett handed him the large bowl of mashed potatoes. “Thank you. Miss Parker, I really think we can deal with this little situation your mother’s put you in.” He tried to sound reassuring, but his disdain for Candy Parker was evident in his tone.

  “You can call me Adeline, Mr. Stariff.” Logan squeezed her hand as she continued. “And I can’t thank you enough for doing this. I feel terrible that I don’t have any way to pay you.” Her tears made a rapid reappearance.

  “Adeline, dear, Stephen and I are more than happy...” Mrs. Haydenshire began, but was cut off by Mr. Stariff.

  “No you won’t, Lillian,” he shook his head. “I just got off the phone with Dan Vindico, and we’ve decided that the Realm owes you quite a bit for the life we’ve allowed one of our own to live. So, the Senate will be covering whatever I don’t do pro bono, which won’t be much.”

  Adeline was stunned, as were the Haydenshires.

  Emily smiled at her sweetly with a whispered, “See, so many people love you.”

  “Thank you,” Adeline was clearly overwhelmed.

  Mr. Stariff cut himself a hunk of the pork chop from his plate. “Stephen,” he uttered with an admiring groan. “If the ten kids didn’t seal the deal, then this meal should’ve.” His vow elicited chuckles from around the table.

  “Yeah, well, you just keep your eyes to yourself, Jack,” Governor Haydenshire joked as he winked at Mrs. Haydenshire.

  Jack laughed, and nodded his acceptance of the threat.

  “All right, well, let’s get down to business.” He began wiping his mouth on his napkin before sipping his tea. “I know Dan told you that you would need to be willing to undergo drug tests.” Adeline nodded. “I’m so sorry about that, but it really is the best way for me to build your defense.”

  “It’s ok,” Adeline offered hopefully. “I’ve never taken anything, so I guess it’s no big deal.”

  “No, it is a big deal,” Mr. Stariff insisted. “It’s invasive, intrusive, and not something a fine, upstanding, Gifted young woman like yourself should have to go through. Unfortunately, I don’t know any other way to deal with this.” He shook his head dejectedly. “I pulled all of the information on your mother’s arrest, and her case file, as soon as Stephen called me. “This isn’t going to be easy. Her lawyer’s done quite a bit of damage already. Adeline, I hope I’m not being too forward,” Mr. Stariff edged, “but, do you know anything about your father, dear?”

  Adeline immediately blushed as she shook her head.

  “Not really. My mom always said he was British, she thought, but I don’t think she really knows his name or anything. I guess it could be several people,” she stammered in a pained whisper as she stared steadfastly into her lap. Logan’s eyes closed for the length of one heartbeat before he wrapped his arm around her.

  “Well, that certainly wasn’t your doing,” Mr. Stariff announced. Everyone at the table willed Adeline to stop taking responsibility for her mother’s actions. Stariff shared an uncomfortable glance with Governor Haydenshire.

  “Adeline, do you have any questions I can answer for you, or is there anything I can help you understand?” Mr. Stariff volunteered as he studied Adeline intently. She glanced uncomfortably at Logan, who gave her a reassuring nod.

  “Do you think any of this will affect my job? I’m supposed to start at Georgetown Hospital tomorrow, and I really need this job.”

  Mr. Stariff nodded as he began consuming a second helping of Mrs. Haydenshire’s mashed potatoes.

  “I’ve already spoken to Harrison Sawyer, the head of Georgetown, and he does understand the entire situation. Your job is not in jeopardy,at this point, Adeline. He would like you to be discreet with whom you discuss the trial and the testing. If your mother’s lawyer gets a foothold with the claims that the illegal substances were yours, however, then it could compromise your position. I do need you to exercise extreme caution.”

  “Is that Chloe Sawyer’s father?” Emily quizzed. She grimaced after her question, afraid that she’d interrupted, but Mr. Stariff didn’t seem to mind.

  “Yep, Chloe and the Angels are his whole world. I’m sure you’ll meet him soon, Emily. He’s one of the team owners.” Emily smiled and nodded, but she didn’t want to take any more time away from Adeline.

  As Mrs. Haydenshire offered everyone dessert and coffee, Mr. Stariff concluded. “For now, we’ll just take it a day at a time. We’ve fixed everything so that it appears in the Non-Gifted courts that you’ve already been arrested and released. Like Dan told you, staying here on the farm would really be the best thing for a while. It’s extre
mely important that you don’t step one toe out of line. That would be all it would take to land you in prison.”

  Adeline nodded; the pain and distress still resided in the depths of her eyes. She looked exhausted.

  “Mr. Stariff, sir,” Adeline hushed. Stariff gave her a kind smile as he waited on her to continue. “Do you think it might help if I spoke to my mother? I haven’t seen her or spoken to her since she was arrested.”

  “I really believe, at this time Adeline, that it would be best for you to sever any ties you have with her. I know that feels like a harsh thing right now, dear, but from what I’ve seen, contacting your mother would only lead to more trouble.”

  Adeline’s chin trembled and she seemed to collapse against Logan.

  “Logan, son, why don’t you two go sit on the swing or out on the dock? Take a little break,” Governor Haydenshire gently suggested. Logan stood and guided Adeline away from the table.

  Build Your Life then Live It

  The next morning, Rainer sighed. He was sleeping alone and cold in his bed in his and Logan’s room. Logan was in the shower; the sound of the falling water had awoken Rainer.

  He stretched and yawned, and then stood to throw on a pair of cut offs and a t-shirt. He headed downstairs to the kitchen. A smile formed on his face automatically as he passed by Emily’s room. Her door was closed, but in his mind’s eye he could see her wearing nothing but tangled bed sheets, and wrapped up around him.

  Logan was taking Adeline to Georgetown for her first day of training as a Medio, and then her drug tests were being performed after her shift was over. He’d decided to stay in Arlington for the day, so he would be there with her while she went through the many various drug screenings.

  Adeline was already up and dressed, and pacing nervously. Mrs. Haydenshire tried to ply her with food.

  “I’m just too anxious to eat.”

  “You’re going to do great,” Mrs. Haydenshire assured her, “and we can’t wait to hear about your first day.”

  Adeline nodded hesitantly and wrung her hands. Logan appeared a few minutes later.


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