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Tales of Aria: The Legend of Damiano's Disk

Page 23

by Carl Russ III

  After collecting the backpack still lying where Hagan had dropped it, Lucas observed the onlookers. “I hope they’re not upset about what we’re doing.”

  “Doubt it,” Aiden responded. “This town’s a hellhole. Once ya get them to Valletal like you were sayin’ earlier, they’ll be linin’ up to kiss your ass. All we gotta worry ‘bout now is Kuraikaji.”

  Chapter 44: Laverick’s Discovery


  “Laverick!” he heard his mother’s voice snap as he bordered on unconsciousness. “Do not fall asleep!” Laverick slowly opened his eyes. Gradually rolling over, he observed his surroundings. Most of the beds were now occupied, and it appeared that he had at last found an appropriate time to proceed with his hunt for the disk fragment.

  “Do you think I should go now?” he whispered as quietly as possible.

  “Yes,” she responded. “Try to remain undetected. It would probably be best to avoid any conversations after your little display earlier.”

  Slowly, Laverick got out of bed and tiptoed into the hallway. As he exited the barracks, he took a moment to check the passage, ensuring its vacancy. Okie doke. Guess I should see what’s in that meeting room now. Walking softly, he carefully made his way down the hall and into the meeting room.

  As he entered, Laverick scanned the surrounding area. The room had a large table with many chairs, all solid black with bright white outlines. He also noticed a bookshelf equipped with cabinets and drawers. Ah ha! He grinned, cautiously approaching the discovery.

  Opening the first cabinet, he searched its contents. Not here. He closed it and rummaged through the second cabinet. Not here either. Shutting it gently, he continued through the rest of the drawers. Again, he was unable to find the fragment.

  After removing various books from the shelf to ensure the disk wasn’t hidden there, he walked around the perimeter of the room, hoping something would strike his eye. Still, he found nothing. Poking his head under the table before exiting the room, he left empty handed.

  It’s not in here... where should I look next? Let’s see, I’ve been in the kitchen already... Walking farther down the hallway, he noticed a room he had yet to explore. Here we go. He peered inside to see a large, muscular man with a bald head and a bushy red beard. He was standing perfectly still, holding a battle‑axe.

  He looked at Laverick. “Zoe?”

  Laverick was caught off guard, and responded with a simple, “Hi.”

  “Are you having trouble sleeping?” the man asked.

  Laverick nodded. “Yeah. I just wanted to see if anyone else was awake.”

  “Oh, I hate when that happens,” the man said with a warm smile. “You know what always does the trick for me? A nice midnight snack and a glass of water.”

  “Uh‑huh,” Laverick replied, making his best effort to subtly browse the room. Its contents didn’t appear to be relevant to his search. There was an old shovel leaning against the wall next to a small chair. A red cloak hung on the wall, with an impressive looking sword mounted nearby. An unused set of armor rested across from the chair. Just a bunch of junk.

  “So,” the man went on, “are you feeling... back to normal?”

  Laverick snapped his attention back to the conversation. “Oh, yes. I just have a lot on my mind. Guess I kind of went overboard.”

  “It’s understandable,” the man responded. “I’ve lost buddies since I joined too. It’s a terrible thing to go through. But hey, who knows? Roshan might have already busted himself out.”

  At that moment, Laverick noticed that the man was standing directly in front of a large chest, held shut with a rather sizeable chained lock.

  “Has Alex made it back yet?” the man asked as Laverick quickly took his eyes off of the enticing trunk.

  “Not yet,” Laverick answered.

  The man looked disheartened by the news. “I hope he’s alright. It was very noble of him to accompany you on such a dangerous mission. His father and I were good friends, you know.”

  “Really?” Laverick said, half paying attention, still entranced by the chest’s presence.

  The man gave a nod. “Mark Beauford. He was one of the first Spades; recruited by Tarren himself. Loved his family. He hated that he only got to see them every so often, but he was totally dedicated to the organization. Then he started getting sick... had to go back home to Leath. Said he’d be back as soon as he recovered. To be honest, some of us thought he was just faking it so he could go home and see his wife and kids a bit. Next thing we know, his son Alex shows up to Eugene’s smith shop and tells him Mark passed away. Said he wanted to join in his place. Wanted to make his father proud.” He paused. “You know, Alex took a real liking to you after you showed up. He was always asking, ‘Anyone talk to that new girl yet?’” The man smiled. “I thought he was gonna piss his pants when we told him who you were.”

  “Ask what’s in the bloody chest!!” Veronica suddenly screamed in Laverick’s mind, causing him to jump.

  “You alright?” the man inquired.

  “Oh yeah... yes, I’m fine.” Laverick quickly answered. “So... what’s in the box?”

  Befuddled by the question, the man replied, “You know...”

  “Actually, I don’t,” said Laverick. “I guess they didn’t tell you, but I got hit pretty hard on the head. My memory is a bit messed up. I’m still trying to remember everything.”

  The man raised his eyebrows. “Sorry to hear that. I had no idea.”

  “I remember some stuff,” Laverick added, “but the rest is kind of fuzzy.” The room was silent. “So, what’s in the chest?” he inquired a second time.

  “The disk fragment,” the man responded.

  Laverick was overwhelmed with excitement, but tried his best not to display his joy externally. In his mind, however, he was screaming, Yes, yes, yes!!!

  “I’m on guard duty right now,” the man continued. “No one’s getting in here on my watch. Heck, I can’t even get in there if I wanted to.”

  “Oh! Right, of course,” Laverick spat out, trying his best to sound embarrassed for ‘forgetting.’ The man chuckled to himself, apparently buying into the ruse.

  Echoing Laverick’s own joy, Veronica exclaimed, “Splendid discovery, darling! Now it’s just a matter of locating the key to that lock and getting by this buffoon.”

  * * * *

  Veronica turned to Lord Quinn. “He’s found it.”

  Smiling, he softly said, “At last.”

  “It’s confined in a large chest,” she explained. “The chest is locked shut, however, and a rather sizeable man equipped with a battle‑axe is guarding it. We’ve already determined that he does not hold the key himself, which means all Laverick must do now is find it and come up with a way to get to the chest.”

  “Is your son capable of conjuring?” Lord Quinn queried.

  “Sadly, no,” Veronica answered. “I’ve tried to teach him a few times, but he’s simply uninterested.”

  Lord Quinn was visibly frustrated by the news. “Then I certainly hope that he is either highly skilled in physical combat or is some sort of tactical genius. The likelihood that this chest will be without a guard for even a second is nearly nonexistent.”

  “No need to fret,” Veronica assured him. “We will find a way.”

  * * * *

  Laverick was back out in the hallway, unable to hold his conversation with the man any longer, when Veronica’s voice unexpectedly exploded into his mind. “What are you doing back out here?!”

  Startled at first, Laverick darted his head around before quietly answering, “I ran outta things to say!”

  “That’s no excuse, Son!” she barked. “We know the fragment is in that chest. You must find some way to get inside of it!”

  “But how, Ma?” Laverick whispered. “It’s locked and the guy guarding it is all big and scary looking!”

  Veronica was irritated by his lack of innovation. “Then go find the key, hit him over his head with that shovel you saw, and get
the fragment!!”

  “But what if I don’t knock him out?!” he responded. “He’s gonna beat me up extra bad in this girl body!”

  “Stop making excuses and do it!!” she angrily shouted.

  “Yes, Mommy!” Laverick answered submissively. “Please don’t get mad. I’ll try real hard to find it.”

  “Good boy,” said Veronica. “I’ll be watching you. Make us rich, darling!”

  Laverick stared down the passage. Aw, man. I got all excited and now I gotta search more. That key could be anywhere!

  Chapter 45: Reflections Of The Past (Part VIII)


  The voice told Javan of Damiano’s Disk and the power it unlocked, which was concealed within the ancient temple on Nazareno Island. It explained that the object was split into two fragments which were currently located in another dimension called the ‘In Between.’ Completely captivated by the thought of obtaining unlimited power, Javan asked the voice how he was to reach this dimension. “Seek out The Crimson Clan of Gethin Woods,” the voice instructed. “With their assistance, you will at last obtain the godhood you rightfully deserve.”

  Once he had agreed to the voice’s request, it said something quite unexpected. “I will be leaving you now, Javan. But rest assured, we will meet again.” Those were the last words Javan heard from the voice, leaving behind nothing, save an infinite lust for the power promised to him.

  Without hesitation, Javan informed King Ashraf that he would be taking a vacation and soon set out for Gethin Woods. On horseback, he searched the seemingly vacant forest for hours before finding a small village deep within the woods. A group of twenty‑five men in red cloaks emerged into view as he approached the area.

  “Who are you? What brings you here?” One of the men asked as Javan dismounted his horse.

  “My name is Javan Quinn. I have ridden here from Cymbeline seeking The Crimson Clan of Gethin Woods.”

  “Javan Quinn, the king’s adviser?” the man queried. Javan gave a single nod. The man quickly conjured a fire orb, prompting his companions to conjure orbs of their own. “Leave at once and tell your king that it would be wise to keep his nose out of our business.”

  “I will be doing no such thing,” Javan answered calmly.

  The man’s eyebrows lowered. “In that case, consider those to be your last words.”

  All nine men hurled their conjurations at Javan, who simply said, “Umbra disseptum.” The men were shocked as their orbs vanished into black voids.

  “I assure you,” Javan explained as the men stood speechless, “I have not come to you on royal business. I’ve recently been informed that your organization could possibly assist me in reaching a dimension known as the In Between.”

  Chapter 46: Kuraikaji, The Cobra King


  “So how are we going to do this?” Hagan asked as the group walked down the street toward Kuraikaji’s stronghold.

  Aiden shrugged. “Pop in there and let ‘em have it, I guess.”

  “You know it won’t be so simple,” Sezuni remarked.

  “Why not?” Aiden argued. “We killed mosta the Cobras. Kuraikaji might be pretty good at fightin’ but he’s not gonna stand a chance against all five of us.”

  “Four,” Iris corrected. “Due to the excessive use of magic during our last phase of combat, I’ll be unable to conjure without first acquiring some rest.”

  “I don’t have much left in me either,” Lucas added. “I might be able to make one more light orb, but I’m going to have to rely on my sword for the most part.”

  Iris turned to Sezuni. “How’s your arm?”

  “I’m ambidextrous,” she replied. “I’ll be fine.”

  “What’s the deal with that eye patch, anyway?” Hagan queried, breaking a short silence. “Is Kuraikaji a part‑time pirate or something?”

  “It musta got gouged out a while ago,” Aiden answered. “He’s always had it as long as I can remember.”

  “He can’t be too tough with a big blind spot like that,” Hagan remarked.

  Sezuni looked at him. “He didn’t become the leader of a thieves’ guild by losing fights, you know.”

  Hagan was irked. “Why are you always talking about how Kuraikaji is such a great fighter?! We get it! Kuraikaji’s the man, and we suck!”

  Sezuni’s face softened behind its concealment. “Arrogantly underestimating your opponent is a surefire way to ensure your own demise. All I’m telling you is the truth.”

  The group approached the double doors leading into Kuraikaji’s lair. Constructed of bath stone, the building was noticeably larger than the surrounding structures. Massive pillars supported the edifice’s overhang, towering far above heroes’ heads. It also appeared to be well maintained, in stark contrast to the remainder of the city.

  “Here it is,” said Aiden. “Ha! We took out so many Cobras that he doesn’t even have anyone left to guard the front door!” He twisted the doorknob.

  As the group entered the spacious room, they carefully scanned the area for threats. They appeared to be in a lobby decorated with furniture, bookshelves, vases, and an old piano. From the ceiling, two large chandeliers provided excellent lighting. On the far side of the room was a decorative rug, which sat at the bottom of a stairway leading to another set of double doors. There were no Cobras in sight.

  “Nice place,” Hagan commented.

  Iris looked at Aiden. “Are you certain Kuraikaji is here?”

  “He’s here, alright,” Aiden replied. He pointed to the doors at the top of the stairway. “I bet ya five hundred gold he’s in the room at the end of the hallway, just through that door. Probably cryin’ like a little girl after seein’ what we did to his guys.”

  Aiden strode toward the staircase when Sezuni suddenly said, “Stop.” Halting, he turned back toward her. “Something doesn’t seem right,” she warned.

  “Indeed,” Iris added. “I find it hard to believe that Kuraikaji would send all of his remaining men to eliminate us without preserving enough of them for personal protection.”

  “Seems fishy,” Hagan agreed.

  Sezuni gave a nod. “He would never leave his stronghold unguarded, especially during a time like this.”

  “Just relax!” Aiden said nonchalantly, as he continued toward the stairs. “The only reason it’s unguarded is ‘cause we’re total badasses and took out all his guys! If there’s anyone left they’re probably–” he had only managed to climb a few steps before an arrow speedily buried into his leg. “Yeeow!”

  “Aiden!” Iris shrieked.

  Sezuni, Lucas, and Hagan drew their weapons as Aiden stumbled down the stairs and collapsed on the rug, moaning in anguish. Lucas darted his head around the room in an attempt to locate the shooter, but saw no one. Dropping the backpack, he kneeled beside Aiden. “Aiden, what happened? Who shot you?”

  “Hell if I know!” Aiden sharply responded. “I’m a little busy freakin' dying here!!”

  While the two spoke, another arrow whizzed beside Iris’s head, causing her to let out a fearful scream.

  “There!” Sezuni shouted, pointing to a small balcony concealed by a curtain. From it, a Cobra was barely visible, peeking out from the drape’s cover, preparing to fire another arrow. He shot it at Sezuni as Hagan returned an arrow of his own. In a display of incredible accuracy, Sezuni blocked the projectile with her katana while Hagan’s arrow plunged into the Cobra.

  “Got him,” Hagan proclaimed.

  As Hagan spoke, Lucas jumped to avoid another arrow shot from the balcony on the opposite side of the room, causing the sharp missile to smash into a vase. Sezuni quickly sheathed her katana. “Umbra orbis!” she shouted, eliminating the second attacker with a well‑aimed shadow orb.

  Lucas carefully inspected the room. “Is that all of them?”

  “I think so,” Hagan replied.

  “Is everyone okay?” Iris asked.

  Aiden winced. “Not me!”

  “You’ll be fine,” Sezuni said as she appro
ached him. In one swift motion, she pulled the arrow out of his leg.

  “Aaaaahhhh!” Aiden yelled.

  Rolling her eyes, Sezuni reached into her pocked and handed him a small, half‑empty bottle of red liquid. “It’s Sanguis Elixir,” she informed. “It should stop most of the bleeding but it won’t spare you much pain.” After Aiden had drank it, she dressed his injury using the yellow cloth around his neck. “There,” she said as she finished tying it. “Will you stop your whining now?”

  The second Aiden opened his mouth to reply, the double doors at the top of the stairs burst open. Four Cobras dressed in brown cloaks entered the room, followed by Kuraikaji himself. Sezuni quickly jumped to her feet and unsheathed her katana. Responding similarly, Hagan raised his bow while Lucas gripped his sword. Two of the Cobras remained by the doors, armed with bows. The other two walked beside Kuraikaji toward the group, carrying ice orbs. Aiden stumbled to his feet, trying with all of his might to fight the pain surging through his leg.

  Lucas noticed a sword sheathed on Kuraikaji’s waist. Damn, he’s a swordsman too.

  “Settle down,” Kuraikaji said calmly, as he and his men approached. The throng of men halted halfway down the stairs. “I admit,” Kuraikaji went on, “I’m quite impressed by how easily you’ve managed to slaughter my men.” He looked at Aiden. “I never expected you’d retaliate so harshly after being banned from Secar and the Cobras. Especially with your own group of highly proficient fighters.”

  “I wasn’t gonna let ya off that easy,” Aiden replied, desperately trying to mask his agony.

  “We’re not here because of him,” Hagan asserted. “Your men attacked Azure! We want answers.”

  “Ah, yes,” Kuraikaji responded, “that’s right. Very well. I suppose I could reward your effort with an explanation.” He paused briefly before continuing. “You see, one of my men recently made a startling discovery within a cave out in Hravart Desert: a portal to another dimension. I was intrigued by the news, to say the least, and accompanied five of my best men on an expedition to explore this unexpected finding.” He looked at Lucas. “From what you said in town, I can assume that you’re already quite familiar with the In Between and Damiano’s Disk.” Lucas remained silent.

  “It wasn’t long after we arrived in the In Between,” Kuraikaji went on, “that we noticed a man walking alone in the distance. We approached him, but he saw us coming and quickly ran. Needless to say, my Cobras were much quicker and apprehended him with little effort. I asked him where we were. He was quite uncooperative at first.” Kuraikaji chuckled. “They always crack when a sword is held to their throat.


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