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Tales of Aria: The Legend of Damiano's Disk

Page 28

by Carl Russ III

  “And our payment?” Veronica asserted.

  Lord Quinn paused. Without turning back to them, he responded, “As I’ve stated before. You shall receive your restitution once I have the fragment in my possession.”

  After he exited the room, Laverick turned to his mother. “Sorry, Ma. I tried my best, honest!”

  “No need to fret, darling,” Veronica replied. “It appears that Lord Quinn still intends to reward us for our efforts. And if he doesn’t, mommy has ways of getting what she wants.”

  Chapter 53: A Night In Valletal


  Lucas, Iris, Hagan, Aiden, and Sezuni traveled southbound alongside the citizens of Secar through Hravart Desert and into the valleys of the Jhar Mountains. With the assistance of the few remaining Cobras, they protected the migrating group from monster attacks throughout their journey to Valletal. Earlier that morning, Lucas used his restored healing abilities to rehabilitate Aiden’s injured leg. While Lucas had suffered minor injuries during the ordeal with Kuraikaji, he decided against using his already limited conjuring supply on himself, knowing he would need to conserve his magic for the trek ahead. For that same reason, Sezuni rejected his aid in healing her arm.

  It was nearly eleven hours before they completed their expedition, arriving in Valletal as night fell. The citizens of Secar were immensely thankful for the group’s assistance, and profusely showed their gratitude upon arriving in their better, safer home. Once Lucas had thoroughly explained the situation with Kuraikaji to the leaders of Valletal, they welcomed Secar’s people with open arms. As a reward for their bravery in freeing the town, Lucas and his companions were given free stays at Valletal’s inn for the night as well as horses to benefit them in their future travels. In addition, they were awarded a generous sum of gold.

  With Kuraikaji out of the picture and the people of Secar safe within the town of Valletal, Lucas granted the few remaining Cobras their freedom. Still, he advised them to stay out of trouble. Some of the men chose to remain in Valletal and seek work there, while the remainder ventured off into the night, their destinations unknown.

  Later on, Lucas and his companions discussed their future plans in front of the town’s inn. “After we get a good night’s sleep,” said Lucas, “we can start toward Cymbeline in the morning. It’s going to take a few days to get there, even with the horses, so we should probably restock the backpack first thing before setting out.”

  “I’m glad you’ve been so successful thus far,” Sezuni interrupted, “but I will not be accompanying you further.”

  “Why not?” Aiden remarked. “Ya too cool for us?”

  She glared at him before looking back at Lucas. “I’ve already compromised having my identity revealed by cooperating in the migration. I can’t afford to risk being seen in a well‑populated area such as Cymbeline.”

  “Your identity?” Aiden queried. “So that’s why ya wear that whats‑it on your face all the time? You musta done somethin’ pretty rotten to have to worry ‘bout that.”

  Sezuni’s eyes cut into him. “I hardly owe any explanations to you. Keep in mind that while we can forgive our own past mistakes, the rest of the world is hesitant to offer such a courtesy. Consider if Lucas wasn’t as kind as he had been to you.” She glanced to the distance at a Knowm standing in front of a building down the road. “As for the rest of you, I suggest that you continue your discussion within the confines of the inn. It would be unfortunate if any Knowms were to overhear your plans.” She began walking away.

  “You’re leaving already?!” Hagan blurted. “Come on, at least stay the night.” She turned back to them, prompting Hagan to grab his flask and shake it in her direction. “I still got a little whiskey!”

  Sezuni’s lips formed a soft smile beneath her face’s concealment as she walked back toward the group. “That’s enticing. But I do not wish to spend more time than necessary in this city.”

  “It’s been twenty years since all that stuff happened, right?” Hagan argued. “They probably forgot about it by now.”

  “That’s doubtful,” Sezuni replied. “Regardless, I’ve already aided you far more than I originally intended. It’s time for me to resume my own business.”

  “I suppose if you’re departing,” said Iris, “I would like to thank you once again for your generous support.”

  “Me too,” Lucas added. “If it weren’t for you, we might have never made it out of Hravart Desert.”

  “I did what I did for my own reasons,” Sezuni responded. “If you truly wish to thank me, don’t give up on your aspirations.” She briefly stopped talking before adding, “By the way, I’d like to make one simple request. If my daughter’s alignment conflicts with your plans, please spare her life.”

  Lucas gave a nod. “You have my word.”

  “Then I presume it’s time I made my departure,” Sezuni replied. “Be certain to visit Aalok Bonham before proceeding with your quest. After witnessing your struggle against Kuraikaji, I’m now absolutely confident that you are indeed destined to change Aria for the better.” She walked away. “I’m truly honored to have crossed your path.” After mounting her new horse, the group watched as Sezuni rode out of Valletal.

  There was a brief pause before Hagan spoke up. “Well, there she goes. As suddenly as she showed up.”

  “She has a daughter?!” Aiden blurted out, completely confused by the previous conversation.

  Iris turned to him. “It’s a bit too much to explain right now.”

  Aiden shook his head, “Whatever. It ain’t that important.”

  “What about you, Aiden?” Lucas asked.

  Aiden’s eyes darted. “Uh, what about me?”

  “Are you going with us, or staying here?” Lucas elaborated.

  Hagan crossed his arms as Aiden, surprised by the question, answered, “Ya know, I never really thought about it. Guess I’ll sleep on it and let ya know in the morning.”

  “Sleep sounds pretty good right about now,” Hagan commented, walking toward the inn’s door. “I think I’ll grab a bite, finish off my flask, and hit the hay. We can talk more about what’s next in the morning.”

  “Ya gonna share that whiskey?” Aiden suggested.

  Hagan glanced back at him. “I only share with ladies.” He walked inside.

  “Speakin’ of ladies,” Aiden remarked, “I think I’ll head over to the pub and see what I can find. Gotta test out the new eye patch.” He looked at Iris, wiggling his eyebrows. “Dead sexy, ain’t it?”

  “I’ll refrain from annihilating your confidence,” she answered.  Aiden shrugged before happily scampering down the road. “He’s quite a character,” Iris commented.

  Lucas chuckled. “Yeah, really.” He looked up at the sky and marveled at the moon. “So what’s Aalok Bonham like?”

  “He’s rather irascible,” she answered. “You should probably forget his first name and simply refer to him as Master Bonham from this moment forth.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” said Lucas, remembering what she had told him the other day.

  Iris’s eyes widened as she came to a realization. “It has just occurred to me that advanced Light magic allows one to read the thoughts of others.”

  Lucas looked at her. “Whoa, that’s something else.”

  “Indeed. The ability should aid us tremendously in deducing the location of both disk fragments.”

  Lucas raised his eyebrows. “Oh, yeah? That’s great news! I just hope I become skilled enough to use advanced magic.”

  “Don’t burden yourself with the thought,” she replied. “I was quite impressed with your expeditious progress while I was tutoring you. Just remember what I told you then: all you have to do is apply yourself.”

  The pair had been gazing at the moon for a few moments, when Lucas looked at her. Initially, he’d turned his head because he had something to say. But suddenly, the words were gone. He watched as she continued to stare at the moon, her long silver hair flowing softly in the warm breeze.

/>   Unexpectedly, she looked back at him, and was apparently a bit surprised by his gaze. “Are you okay?” she asked, slightly cocking her head to the side.

  He quickly returned his attention to the moon. “Yeah. I zoned out for a second. I’m pretty tired.”

  “As am I,” she replied. “The last few days have certainly been rigorous, to say the least.” Lucas nodded in agreement, continuing to focus on the moon. She lightly rubbed her arm, joining him in examining the beautiful night sky. Following a short silence, she spoke again. “It seems that you’ll at last be reunited with your grandfather shortly.” She looked at him. “How do you feel?”

  “Anxious,” Lucas responded, glancing at her briefly. “I hope he’s alright. If the letter I wrote never made it, he’s probably pretty worried about me too.”

  “I’m positive he’ll take great pride in your accomplishments since you’ve been away,” she answered. “I anticipate meeting him.” They quietly admired the heavens for a few more minutes. Iris yawned. “I believe I’m going to retire to my room. Good night, Lucas.”

  “Good night,” he replied, watching as she walked toward the inn’s door.

  She grabbed the knob before looking back at him. “It would be advisable to rest yourself as well. We have a considerable amount of traveling ahead of us before reaching Cymbeline.”

  “I’ll be in shortly,” Lucas responded. With a soft smile, she gave a nod before proceeding into the inn.

  Chapter 54: Javan’s Incursion


  Veronica and Laverick accompanied Lord Quinn as he marched ahead of a small army of red cloaked men through the In Between. As he examined the map Laverick had discovered during his infiltration of the Spades’ base, Lord Quinn seldom spoke during the journey.

  The chart proved to be far more valuable than any of them had initially suspected, containing the location of the current Spade base, as well as past bases and markings to indicate future bases in the event of another relocation. It also mapped the coordinates of every known gateway constructed by Spades and Quinn’s men alike, along with their corresponding destination in Aria.

  As they approached the large colorless rock wall which concealed the Spade headquarters, Lord Quinn ordered his men to halt. After taking a moment to examine the steep mountainside, he turned to them. “The Spade base lies directly before us.” He took a purple crystal out of his pocket. “The moment the gate opens, our raid begins. I would like to make it indisputably clear that you are not to kill any female members you encounter until I have located my adopted daughter. As for the rest, you may do as you wish. The fragment we have sought for so long, so desperately, is at last within our grasp. Along with it comes a golden age of prosperity and luxury beyond your wildest dreams.” Hearing those words, Laverick smiled widely.

  “Not an army,” Lord Quinn continued, “but the future nobility of Aria stands before me. In front of you, a king who will ensure your days of toil and struggle will forever come to an end. All that remains between us and this breathtaking prospect is the successful execution of the pending incursion.” He turned to Laverick and handed him the crystal. “For your outstanding effort, I award you the honor of inaugurating these forthcoming events.”

  Laverick took the crystal. “Gee, thanks!!” An enormous grin was glued to his face as he gazed at the jewel.

  Several seconds passed before he received a harsh nudge from Veronica. “Open the gate!” she sharply whispered.

  “Oh yeah, whoops!” Laverick stammered, hastily dashing toward the wall‑like mountainside. A few seconds passed as he attempted to relocate the small groove he’d used to access the base during his solo infiltration. When at last he did, he shoved the crystal into it. Immediately, the jewel glowed brightly as the cliff face thunderously formed an entrance to the Spade headquarters.

  As the gate opened, Lord Quinn stepped aside and proclaimed, “The time has come! Retrieve the fragment!” Without hesitation, the army of red-cloaked men charged into the base.

  “Go geddit!” Laverick cheered while the men rushed past him.

  Once the final man had entered the base, Lord Quinn calmly proceeded inside, followed by Veronica. Pocketing the crystal, Laverick followed suit, the door loudly resuming its wall‑like appearance just after he’d made his way into the headquarters’ main passage.

  * * * *

  Lord Quinn looked down at the empty chest which once held the disk fragment. “This is where you found it, correct?”

  Laverick nodded. “Yep. It was locked up tight in that box.”

  “They must have anticipated our arrival and relocated it,” Veronica suggested.

  “The base’s general vacancy indicates that possibility,” Lord Quinn replied. “Still, even if we consider that the Spades have in fact relocated, I’m curious to know why certain members have remained behind.” He turned away from the chest. “No matter, as long as we possess the map, their days remain numbered.”

  Just then, two of the red-cloaked men appeared in the doorway carrying a woman with blond hair and brown eyes by her arms. “Let go of me, you bastards!” she demanded, trying with all of her might to escape the men’s grasp.

  Lord Quinn’s brow crinkled. “Who do we have here?”

  Seeing his face, the woman became petrified. “She’s the only female we found,” the man on her left reported. “We encountered a total of four Spades during the raid, three of which were killed on the spot. While we’re still in the process of searching the premises, it seems that the majority of the occupants have abandoned the base.”

  Lord Quinn gave a nod. Gradually, he took a few steps toward the terrified woman. “Well, you’re certainly not the person I was looking for. Regardless, I feel that you may house valuable information that will benefit my efforts exceptionally. May I have your name?”

  The quivering woman remained silent.

  “If you treasure your life even in the slightest,” Lord Quinn warned calmly, “I would suggest that you answer my question.”

  The woman’s lips trembled as she softly responded, “Amy. My name is Amy.”

  Lord Quinn smiled. “Good. That wasn’t difficult at all, now was it, Amy?” His eyes moved to a small bead of sweat trickling down her face. He returned his focus to her panic‑stricken eyes. “Well, Amy, it appears that I’ve indeed found the Spade headquarters, and yet there is an overwhelmingly obvious lack of Spades within it. Do you care to enlighten me?”

  There was no reply.

  Lord Quinn grew frustrated. “I’m not in the mood for games, Amy. If you do not willingly surrender the intelligence I seek, you can rest assured that I possess other methods with which to extract it.”

  Amy hesitated. “I–”

  Lord Quinn raised his eyebrows.

  “I don’t understand,” she said.

  “You don’t understand?” Lord Quinn repeated. “Am I not speaking clearly enough for you, Amy? Where are the Spades? What have they done with the fragment?”

  Amy’s eyes widened, though she didn’t say a word.

  “I see,” said Lord Quinn. “Apparently, you’re under the impression that my threats are mere tactics of interrogation and not to be taken seriously. If you honestly think that your resistance will hinder my progress, then I urge you, for your own sake, to reassess your beliefs.” He lifted his index and middle fingers of his right hand into the air. “Perhaps I should reinforce the reality of your current predicament. Umbra fulgur sphaera.” In a flash, a small, heavily concentrated ball of dark‑purple lightning formed just beyond the tip of Lord Quinn’s fingers. “I will allow you one final chance to comply before taking matters into my own hands. Now tell me, Amy, where have the Spades gone and what have they done with the disk fragment?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t understand!!” she stammered, frightened. “We thought you had it!”

  Instantly, the small sphere Lord Quinn had conjured vanished. “Interesting.” he remarked, lowering his fingers. “And how exactly did you reach
this conclusion?”

  Caught in a whirlwind of terror and bewilderment, Amy didn’t answer.

  She let out a shriek as Lord Quinn suddenly delivered a harsh slap across her face. “Uncooperative bitch!” He quickly turned to Veronica. “Read her. I want to know everything.”

  Chapter 55: Home At Last


  After washing themselves up and obtaining a full night’s sleep, Lucas, Iris, and Hagan left Valletal’s inn to make a few purchases for the journey ahead of them. Among the items bought: food, clothing, extra bottles, potions, arrows, and saddlebags for their new horses. While Lucas was eager to abandon the bulky backpack in lieu of the saddlebags, Iris preferred to retain her satchel.

  “Why won’t you just throw that stupid bag away?!” Hagan argued.

  Iris glanced at him as she continued to stock her satchel with potions. “If you must know, I received it from my father as a gift on the day I left for college. I value it considerably.” She closed the satchel and slung it over her shoulder.

  “Has anyone seen Aiden today?” Lucas suddenly asked.

  “Nope,” Hagan replied. “Guess we’re going without him,” he said with a grin.

  “He’s likely sleeping,” Iris suggested. “Shall we revisit the inn preceding our departure?”

  * * * *

  Lucas knocked on the bedroom door. “Aiden?” There was no reply. He knocked again. “Aiden? Are you in there?”

  “Let’s go already,” Hagan said impatiently. “It’s not like he’s that much help anyway.”

  Just then, the door opened and a shirtless Aiden with messy hair emerged into view. He looked at Lucas with squinted eyes. “Hey,” he slurred.

  “What happened to you last night?” Hagan inquired.

  “Beer and ladies,” Aiden replied, scratching his back. “Well, more beer than ladies, but ya know.”

  Iris rolled her eyes. She turned to Lucas. “Perhaps we’re not in need of Aiden’s assistance.”

  “No, wait!” Aiden interjected, his bloodshot eyes widening. “I wanna go. Just gimme a sec to get ready.”

  Hagan crossed his arms. “I might have had a little to drink myself last night, but at least I know when to quit.” He looked at Lucas. “If he really wanted to go, he should have been up and ready on time like the rest of us. He’s a total mess. We’re better off without him.”


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