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Dark Tales 1

Page 6

by Viola Masters

  He settled her back in the nest of furs. It had been rearranged. There was no sign of the sweat and cum that should have stained the fur. How long had she been asleep?

  She pointed up. “Is the storm still there?”

  He nodded. “One day left.”

  She nodded and stretched, trying to get the kinks out of her thighs. She stopped when she noticed he was watching her. “Sorry.”

  He reached out and stroked the curve of her hip. “Name?”

  She blushed. “Lea.”

  He grunted and huffed before turning the meat. When dinner was attended to, he returned to her and joined her in the nest, curling around her and nuzzling her hair.

  She heard him say softly, “Lea.”

  She rested with him until he brought his tongue into play again, licking his way down her spine before he flipped her to her back and burrowed between her thighs again.

  Lea groaned and arched as he slid his tongue straight into her, priming her for him. When she was on the edge of release, he shifted his position and pressed his cock against her, moving to cover her nearly completely.

  He wrapped his cock with one hand and pressed the sharp-tipped member into her, shoving deeply with one thrust.

  Her lungs let out a whoosh of air as he went deep on the first thrust, but she soon was moving with him, wrapping her legs around his hips as he leaned down to brush her body with his fur.

  Her nipples loved the friction, and she leaned into him, craving more as he fucked her to the edge of sanity before finally taking her over with him.

  He shoved deep, and she yowled in pain when he hit her cervix, but he quickly moved to circle her clit rapidly until her orgasm kicked in, bringing the endorphins with it.

  He backed up and bucked his hips in a flurry of short jabs that culminated in a low and drawn-out grunt.

  The jetting inside her was unmistakable once again.

  She watched the dazed look leave his face, and he smiled at her, the fangs clearly exposed. He leaned forward and nuzzled his cheek to hers. “Lea.”

  Lea was only too happy to escape into sleep once again.

  Waking in the woods to hear her name being called, Lea looked down and found her body clad in all the layers she remembered from before the snowfall.

  “I’m here!” She cleared her throat and shouted again, getting to her feet and brushing snow free of her body.

  The first face she saw was the guide, Brady. He came forward with a smile of relief.

  Lea looked around and saw some large footprints near her current location, and she smiled. “Thank goodness. How long have I been out here?”

  He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. She was shocked at the intimacy, but patted him on his back. “You have been missing for four days. Your phone was alive, but we couldn’t get a lock on the signal. There are so many odd nooks and crannies around here.”

  She nodded. “That must have been it. I don’t remember much.”

  He leaned back. “Really? I would have thought you would have tales of survival to tell.”

  Lea cleared her throat. “I am not home yet.”

  He was suddenly all assistance as he helped get her to the nearest search hub. They got the message out that she had been found, and then, she was being brought by snowmobile to an ambulance and from there, a hospital.

  Doctor Bethnel came up to her on her second day in hospital. “We have your bloodwork back. We don’t know who administered it, but you have some kind of hallucinogen in your system. There are also a few traces of something with a chemical signature similar to rohypnol. You are lucky to be alive.”

  She was getting dressed and preparing to go home. “Well, it would explain why I don’t remember anything and some of the dreams I have been having. Weird shit. Am I free to go?”

  He scowled but nodded. “Here. Take this card for a victims’ services officer. You were subjected to bruising sexual activity, but we couldn’t get any DNA from the source. Whoever he was, he was sterile. We will let you know if any of the disease tests come back positive.”

  She finished pulling her shirt on. “Right. I will assume everything is fine if I don’t hear back in thirty days.”

  He frowned. “I don’t understand how you were able to survive four days alone, and if you weren’t alone, who drugged you. I hate a mystery.”

  She zipped up her bag. “So do I, but I hate being away from home even more. Once I am in my own territory, I will be able to relax and maybe more memories will come to me. For now, I just want to be home.”

  She got a cab and headed home. Her car was being towed back to her place. The battery was frozen. It wouldn’t start.

  Lea was delighted to be home. She went through her fridge and tossed out the expired milk. The rest was salvageable.

  She plugged her phone in and walked past the landline with its blinking lights. After coffee and a sandwich, she started playing the messages.

  Her mother was worried, her boss fired her for not turning up on Monday, her boss rehired her, and Brady wanted to know how she was.

  She had to admire his tenacity.

  With a sense of obligation, she called him and invited him over for coffee. She took a hot shower and tried not to think of huge hands moving on her skin. Lea shivered and got dressed in a long-sleeved tunic, leggings and a wrap.

  Her hair was braided over one shoulder when the doorbell rang, and she went to the door to answer it.

  Brady smiled slowly. “You are looking well.”

  She chuckled. “I feel well. Come in. I haven’t thanked you yet for finding me.”

  He had an armload of objects, and he thrust them at her. “These are for you. And it was my job to find you. I lost you.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  “It was. I should never have taken Dan’s word for it that you were still behind him. He didn’t even look.” He removed his snowy boots and hung up his coat.

  “I went off the trail. Lost control on a corner and skidded to a halt a mile later.”

  He blinked in surprise. “You remember?”

  “All of it, more or less.” She shrugged and looked at the objects in her arms. “What is this?”

  “Just some small tokens of apology and appreciation. I would also like to take you out to dinner if you haven’t eaten already.”

  She sat and opened the paper holding the bouquet. They weren’t roses. Wild snow flowers were in her arms, and they had the sweetest scent. “Where did you find these?”

  He shrugged and looked abashed. “I know a spot.”

  She got the flowers into water, looking at the delicate white blooms and wishing they could stay that way forever. She inhaled deeply, and there was a familiar scent. The water in the hot spring had given everything a distinct odour. These flowers held that undertone.

  She was a little bemused when she turned and opened the next parcel. Her fingers went numb when she saw the thick wolf fur.

  She looked at him, and he was frowning.

  He stroked it. “I had to guess, but this was the one you rubbed your cheek in most often, so I cleaned it up and brought it to you.”

  Her hands were shaking.

  He pressed the final gift into her hands. She opened it numbly, staring at him. Roasted venison was lying in the box.

  “See? Now, we don’t have to go out for dinner.” He smiled slowly.



  She cleared her throat. “I thought your hair was darker.”

  He grinned. “It is. The human shape is the way we hide in the modern world, but the Sasquatch was the best way to track you. When I found you so near to one of my lairs, it seemed the best place to keep you safe while we waited out the storm.”

  “The frozen men?”

  “Poachers a few decades old. I will eventually put them somewhere to be found. They die in the winter, and I hate for the rot to get them. It makes a mess of my territory

  She shivered, and he moved next to her, putting the joint of meat on the counter. “Why did you... as a beast when we...”

  “Ah, the Sasquatch is my natural form. I learned this one later, as did the doctor who spoke with you at the hospital. It is really difficult to hold this form while mating. I wanted to see if I didn’t have to, and I was delighted that you are so responsive.”

  She was quaking, and her knees collapsed under her. He caught her easily, and with a bit of exploring, he carried her to her bedroom.

  She blinked slowly as he set her down in her bed. “Why are you here?”

  “I would never leave my mate undefended. I have to say, I enjoy that your home backs onto a national park. I would not have thought it of you, but you did have some good instincts.”

  He stripped and crawled on top of her. He nuzzled her cheek with his. He kissed her and smiled. “This is easier in this form, but with your scent so heady, I won’t be able to hold my shape long.”

  She blinked. “I just had a shower.”

  “That isn’t what I am smelling.” He slid his hand between her thighs. “This is what I am scenting. This is the scent that calls to me no matter how distant you are. It was what made it so easy to track you.”

  She stared at his handsome features, seeing the similarities in the Bigfoot she had taken as her lover. The brow ridge was an echo, the flared nostrils showed similarity in shape, and the lips were the same, though these didn’t have fangs behind them.

  “You followed the scent of my pussy?”

  He waggled his brows. “And your heat. You were ovulating. I had all kinds of incentive to find you and fuck you in a timely manner.”

  Brady was stroking his hand over her belly with possessive care.

  “The doctor said that whatever left traces inside me was sterile.”

  “He would. He is one of us. You have met six of us in the last two days, all with different territories and specialities.”

  He moved his hand under her tunic and stroked her belly. “We will do things in the way of your people. A short courtship, a nice wedding, and then, you will join me in my territory. The baby will look human for a few weeks, and that is when we will register its birth. After that, we can raise it in the woods.”

  “The woods?”

  “I have a nice four thousand-square-foot home that I built for my family. Whenever I started it. I didn’t think of having one until you turned up on that tour and then went missing. After that, it has been all I have been focused on.”

  He pried the waistband of her tights down and slipped his hand between her thighs.

  She was so focused on that one thought that she blurted, “I am pregnant?”

  He grinned. “Your scent has changed, so I would say yes. We had better consummate this here so that you will have a reasonable explanation.”

  She was so adrift in her thoughts that she was peeled out of her clothing before she could do more than wriggle around to assist.

  He grinned. “I was wondering why you didn’t have a bra out there. It seems a common article of clothing.”

  “My shirt had one built in. It wasn’t great, but it kept things in check.”

  He lifted her and unsnapped her bra. He smiled down at her. “I do love the sight of the marks on you.”

  Brady leaned over and kissed the pink punctures before he scraped his tongue across her. That was familiar. The rough cat-like appendage definitely got her attention. Her nipples hardened, and she felt a rush of moisture between her thighs.

  He licked and sucked at her breasts until she squirmed under him. She couldn’t think, couldn’t focus.

  Her breath came faster as he moved down her body until he was scraping his tongue across her clit.

  She moaned and mewled, threading her fingers through his hair as she parted her thighs and bent her knees so that she was braced on the bed. She felt him smile against her skin, and he drove a few fingers into her wet cream, sliding them easily into her.

  He took her body’s response as an invitation and surged upward, covering her and driving into her in one long thrust.

  She dimly heard a sound. Her front door was opening.

  Brady smiled and kissed her, thrusting slowly and rhythmically as footfalls got closer.

  The sight of her fleeing back preceded the gasp and view of the friend who had roped her into the ski trip.

  The sound of the door slamming was something that finally broke Brady’s kiss. “Do you think she saw enough?”

  Lea frowned. “You did that on purpose.”

  He pulled back and grinned. “Better her see that than this.”

  She groaned as he expanded, his body growing two feet in seconds, and the fur that touched her inner thighs added an extra stimulation to the increasing pressure of the widening cock inside her.

  He thrust carefully into her, and she stared up at the now-familiar face. “This is going to take some getting used to.”

  He grinned, showing a lot of fang. “Take your time, dearest. I am not going anywhere.”

  He thrust deep and gritted his teeth as his cock jerked into her.

  Son of a bitch. He can talk. And when she realized that, that was the part that most distressed her... she knew she had lost her mind.

  Camping Out


  ara, bridesmaid extraordinaire, was tired of weddings. If she had to watch one more dopey bride marry one more clueless groom, she was going to scream.

  Now, she was the victim of a team exercise. She was on a camping trip with the other members of the Brad and Jessica bridal party, but she was the only one solo. The others had all been couples chosen to reinforce the love of the bride and groom. She had been chosen because she could make a wedding run, and Jessica didn’t want to hire an organizer.

  Sara just had to remain here until dawn. Then, the camping was over and she could claim work obligations to pull her back to the normal world.

  The others left the fire for the semi-privacy of their tents, and Sara was treated to the sounds of four couples having sex in the outdoors.

  She looked around the nylon walls of her tent, lifted the edge of the t-shirt she was sleeping in and slid one hand into her panties. She had always been a joiner.

  Sara thought that she was being quiet, but after a few minutes, she heard a scratching at the fly of her tent. She had pitched her tent a solid distance from the others for exactly that reason.

  Unable to continue her activities with someone scratching at her tent, she pulled her fingers out of her underwear, tugged down her shirt and opened the top zipper of the tent in case it was something small and fuzzy that wanted entrance.

  A vine lashed around her mouth and nose, additional vines wrapped around her torso, and she was pulled out of the tent without being able to whisper a word.

  Her lungs ached, and she wanted to scream, but she needed to breathe more. She was hauled across the forest floor; bits of bracken struck her and jabbed at her skin. Her arms were tied to her sides, and she was pulled along with the scent of sap in her nostrils and only tantalizing gasps of air that made it through.

  Sara didn’t know how long she had been pulled through the woods, but when the vines hauled her onto a wide wooden platform, she was sore, damaged and relieved. She was strapped down on her back with her gaze to the sky.

  The vines remained over her mouth and others bound her arms and legs down.

  “What have you brought me?” The voice resonated through the clearing.

  The leaves on the vines rustled a low whisper.

  Laughter rippled through the woods with that same low, resonant voice. “She was seeking pleasure in my woods? There was no male with her?”

  The rustles answered him.

  “Prove it.”

  To her humiliation, the vines jacked her right hand into the air.

  She heard the approach of the male speaker. When he arrived next to her, she tried to flinch awa
y, but there was nowhere to go. Either she was looking at a naked, well-endowed man with the head of a stag, or she was a lunatic.

  The man bent and sniffed at her imprisoned hand, lapping out with his tongue. He laughed. “So she was. Well spotted. Now, little human, what do you desire?”

  He walked over to her head, and he bent down, looking her in the eye.

  She felt him crawling through her mind, seeking out her fantasies and sensitivities. She was humiliated at some of the thoughts he turned over, but he continued on.

  When he finished the touch on her mind, he stood straight, and the deer’s head changed to a boar, bear, lion, rabbit and stranger animals than she could imagine. Finally, he settled with a human face with smaller antlers on either side of his skull.

  His hair was long and a dark red; his face had been pulled from her fantasies.

  The wide brown eyes were the only portion of him that still resembled the stag, aside from the horns.

  Fear was flipping her stomach, but her instincts were on alert for any sign of reciprocated interest.

  He smiled at her. “I think you would be more comfortable if we made a few changes.”

  She thought he meant to untie her, but instead, a vine snaked under the neckline of her shirt and split it in two. Another vine did the same with her panties. One moment she was semi-clothed, the next, the vines and branches were pulling the fabric away from her.

  She shivered and held her breath, waiting for what happened next.

  “Well, we will begin by warming your interest.”

  He walked slowly around her, trailing his fingers over her breasts, belly and the tops of her thighs. He circled slowly, over and over. Each time, his fingers took a different path, and she tried to twist to put his touch where she wanted it.

  The moon was rising overhead, and he followed her gaze. “Yes, lovely, isn’t it? Once a year, I come out here, to these woods, and I ask the moon for a companion. This year, the woods answered me. I do apologize that it might not have been what you wanted, but I am in dire straits.”

  She frowned. She was the one tied to the damned wood, and he was in dire straits?


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