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Plain Again

Page 10

by Sarah Price

  He reached over and placed his hand on her leg, leaning his head back onto the sofa and sighing.

  “What is it, Alejandro?” she asked, her voice soft with a hint of shyness.

  Despite the intimate and passionate greeting from just a few hours ago, she felt estranged from this man. He consumed her thoughts and her heart, but she realized that the three weeks apart had created a feeling of insecurity in her. She had to remind herself, over and over again, that he was her husband and not a figment of her imagination.

  He looked at her, his blue eyes gazing at her face. With his free hand, he reached over and brushed her long brown hair away from her cheek. A smile on his lips countered the sadness in his eyes.

  “I have missed you, Princesa,” he said.

  “And I, you.”

  He shut his eyes for a minute, as though digesting her words. Then, he nodded. “Sí, I believe that, Amanda. But you will be returning, no?” He didn’t wait for her response. “I don’t want you to return. I need you here . . . with me.” He lifted his head and turned to face her, putting both hands on her hips and holding her tight in his grasp. “I can’t let you go back.”

  She laughed at him. “I just arrived!”

  “¡Ay!” He pulled her closer so that she was almost sitting on his lap. “But the thought of you leaving is tearing me apart. Do you understand?”

  She didn’t.

  “I have arranged for a nurse to stay with your father after your sister leaves,” he confessed, caressing her hand as he held it in his. “You must not return. I can’t do this without you.”

  “You have, Alejandro. For years before me,” she pointed out.

  “No!” Releasing her abruptly, he stood up and paced the room, running his fingers through his hair. “You don’t get it, Amanda!” Aman-tha. The way he said her name caused a shiver to run down her spine. “You have changed me, and it’s too clear to everyone. If you leave . . . if you return to Lancaster . . . I can’t do this.” He spun around to face her. “Without you, I am nothing anymore. My heart is not in this if I cannot have you by my side.”

  While she was touched by the passion in his voice, she was equally concerned by the desperation in it. How could he have changed so much in such a short period of time? Standing up, she straightened her robe before crossing the floor to face him. She reached for his hands, hands that had been caressing her and touching her just an hour before. She shivered at the memory and pressed one of them to her heart.

  “Feel this?” she whispered. “It beats for you.” She stared up into his face, amazed at the intensity with which he looked back at her. “I am always with you, Alejandro. Don’t you know that?”

  She saw him take a deep breath as he held her hand tightly. “Te amo, Princesa,” he said, his voice low and sultry. “Siempre.”

  “And I love you, too,” she whispered. “For always.”

  The look in his eyes told her what he wanted to do, to take her back into his arms and love her again. But a soft knock on the door interrupted the moment. He groaned, a soft noise that escaped his throat, and he leaned down to place his forehead against hers. She could smell the musky scent of his cologne and shut her eyes, inhaling it so that she would never forget it.

  “We must get going,” he sighed, the regret in his voice touching her heart. “I’ll give you a few minutes to . . .” His eyes roved down her body and took in her hair, hanging over her shoulders in long, loose waves. He reached out and tugged at her hair, twirling it around his fingers. “Freshen up, although I prefer you just as you are.”

  She lowered her eyes, blushing at the compliment. She didn’t think she’d ever get used to his amorous affection. She had never been raised with displays of emotion. No hugs, no kisses, except on Church Sunday. She had missed his sparkling eyes and playful words; she felt her pulse quicken when she realized just how much.

  Reluctantly, she moved away from him, heading back to the bedroom to change her clothes and twist her hair into a large bun at the nape of her neck. Pausing at the open double doors, she looked back at him, not surprised to find that he was still watching her. “Where are we going?”

  “Two television interviews and then a meeting about the parade.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Parade?”

  “Sí, sí,” he said, his attention turned to his phone, which had just vibrated. The screen glowed from his hand. “We’re to ride in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.”

  Amanda frowned, wanting to ask exactly what that was. But she saw that his attention had shifted from her back to work. Respecting that, she padded across the carpet to the bathroom in order to fix her hair and apply a light bit of makeup, just the way Lucinda had shown her. She was just finishing when Alejandro poked his head around the corner.

  “Lucinda sent clothes, Amanda. She has them marked for when to wear,” he said. “I laid out the dress for today’s interviews. It’s on the bed.” He glanced over his shoulder as he said it. When she followed his gaze, she saw that he had remade the bed and, indeed, left her outfit neatly on the white comforter. “I need to make a few quick calls. I shall wait for you in the outer room, sí?” He didn’t wait for an answer as he turned and walked away.

  It was a black dress, simple and conservative. Amanda was impressed with Lucinda’s selection. Usually, the fashion consultant had tried to pick more seductive outfits for Amanda. This dress, however, was much more suited to Amanda’s taste.

  She stood before the mirror and took a long moment to stare at the reflection. She could hardly recognize herself. Gone was the plain girl who just the day before wore a dirty work dress with a scarf on her head and mud on her shoes. In her place was a woman, a woman who was no longer plain, and to her dismay, felt as though she fit nowhere. The farm and community of her youth no longer wanted her. That much was clear. Yet in Alejandro’s life, more time was spent moving from hotel to hotel, traveling by bus, plane, or private car. There was no place that she truly felt comfortable calling home.

  He rapped on the door before opening it. He wore the same outfit as before: crisp black slacks, a black silk shirt, and a black jacket. His eyes were hidden behind his sunglasses already so that she couldn’t read his reaction; but she was more than certain of her own as she stared at the man who stood before her.

  “¿Listo, Princesa?”

  She could barely speak. He was breathtaking, a true gentleman with sophistication and class that she could only dream of ever understanding. Emotion welled in her throat, and it was all that she could do to nod her head.

  His lips lifted just slightly at the corners into a smile, and he reached up to take off his glasses. It looked as if he could read her thoughts. Reaching out a hand, he waited for her to cross the floor to take hers in his own. “I understand,” he murmured, leaning over to gently brush a kiss against her cheeks. “I’d like nothing more than to remain here, wrap my arms around you, and stay that way for the rest of the day,” he whispered, his breath caressing her neck. “But I have obligations, Princesa. And as long as you are beside me, I can bear to suffer through them until we can return here tonight and spend an eternity in each other’s arms to make up for lost time.”

  “Oh,” she gasped, leaning against him. How could someone know her so well? How could this man, this gloriously wonderful man, see through her as if she were a simple glass window with all of her emotion right there in plain view for him to look at?

  He leaned back and brushed his finger against the tip of her nose. “Besides,” he teased. “I have a very special surprise for you tonight. Something that will leave you as breathless as you were earlier . . .”

  “Alejandro!” She felt the heat rise to her cheeks as she pressed her face against his chest, hiding her reaction to his words, which only made him laugh. She had forgotten how much he loved to tease her, but forgave him immediately, for his love was so overwhelming that she could not help but melt in his presence.

  Downstairs in the lobby, Amanda followed a step behind A
lejandro, adjusting to the stares from the people who watched the star and his small entourage make their way from the elevator to the front door. She was mildly surprised that there was not a mob of people outside, although plenty of heads turned when they exited the door and made their way to the waiting SUV with the darkly tinted windows.

  Alejandro held her hand and helped her inside, knowing that a few passing pedestrians were snapping their photos with their cell phones. He lifted a hand to wave before disappearing inside the car and sat next to his wife.

  His phone buzzed, so he pulled it from his pocket, giving Amanda an apologetic look as he answered the call in Spanish. Since she couldn’t understand him, she looked out the window and stared at the tall buildings and crowds of people on the streets. It looked so different to her, different from how she remembered it from the first time she had been here.

  She glanced at Alejandro. How much her life had changed since that first day . . . a day with a bad decision to cross the street, but a day that had brought Alejandro into her life. She had been in awe of the city and the buildings. She had been awkward and a little intimidated by Alejandro, a stranger to her, who had seemed to know so well how to break through her exterior shell of reserve.

  Now she was here, riding along with him in the SUV, her leg brushing against his, as he spoke on the phone to some business associate in a language she would most likely never learn. Tilting her head, she watched him, her eyes falling on the gold band on his finger. A shiver went up her spine, and she bit her lip, feeling a moment of overwhelming bliss. She shut her eyes and lifted her heart to God, thanking him for the gifts that he had given her and praying that she was worthy of the love he had shown to her.


  Her thoughts interrupted, she opened her eyes.

  “You are alright?”

  She smiled at his concern and reached a hand out to stroke the back of his neck. “Alejandro,” she said softly. “I was praying.”

  He lifted an eyebrow as he leaned into her hand. “Praying? About . . .?”

  “The gifts that he has bestowed upon me.”

  She could tell from his expression that he was intrigued. “And might I be so brazen as to ask about these gifts?”

  “Oh, Alejandro,” she laughed softly. “As if you have to ask. God led me to you, and I find myself amazed that he did so. I pray that I am deserving . . . for you are such a man.” She paused, reaching out to place her palm on his cheek. “Such a good, kind, and wonderful man.”

  His chest rose as he took a deep breath. He was touched by her words. That much she could tell. But he had no response. It was as if the words escaped him. He slipped on his sunglasses and cleared his throat, which made her wonder if there was a hint of emotion that he preferred to hide from her. “Look, Princesa,” he said, clearly changing the subject as he pointed out the window. “We are here.”

  There were no crowds as the vehicle pulled up to the building, although people began to stop and stare as soon as they recognized the couple that emerged from the black SUV with tinted windows. Alejandro reached his hand for Amanda to help her as she stepped onto the curb. She lifted her eyes and smiled at him, no words necessary to show her appreciation for his chivalrous action. As they walked toward the building, he kept his hand on the small of her back, gently guiding her toward the entrance.

  It was an afternoon talk show and, unbeknownst to Amanda, she was to join Alejandro on the stage after he performed. If she wanted to argue or beg off the show schedule, one look at his face told her otherwise. He was glowing and vibrant, anticipating the chance to be seen on national television with his wife by his side. She knew that he wanted to prove the tabloids were wrong, that he had not discarded his wife, despite the blatant lies of their headlines.

  Swallowing her fears, she said nothing about her apprehension for being interviewed in front of a live audience. She told herself to simply not think about it. Television meant nothing to her, and if Alejandro wanted her to sit in a chair beside him during the interview, so be it.

  The dressing rooms were nicer than the ones at the different studios on the West Coast. Amanda didn’t say a word as an assistant to the interviewer talked with Alejandro about how the show operated and the procedures for when they would join the host onstage. Meanwhile, makeup artists began to work on them. During their first interview in California, he had explained that television lights drained the color from their faces, and makeup was the only way to ensure that they didn’t look pale and sick. However, she still found it amusing to watch as Alejandro was fussed over by two makeup artists, while only one worked on her face.

  “Ready for the sound check, Viper?”

  He nodded his head and stood up from the chair, turning to Amanda. “They’ll bring you out when it’s time, Princesa,” he said, pausing to rest his hand on her arm. “You’ll be fine. Don’t be nervous.”

  She merely nodded, wishing that she didn’t have to walk onto the stage without him. He’d already be there, seated with the host and waiting for her. At least that thought gave her some comfort. Besides, she told herself, for Alejandro she would find the courage to do anything.

  Fifteen minutes later, she could hear the music as he began performing. The assistant who stood beside Amanda had explained that Alejandro would perform his song before joining the interviewer, Mallory O’Grady. It would be a one-on-one interview until after the next commercial break, and that was when Amanda would be escorted to join them onstage.

  There was a small television hanging from the ceiling, and Amanda turned to watch Alejandro performing. As always, he looked so natural out there, not a worry in the world, as he sang to the audience. For Alejandro, this was second nature, as comfortable to him as breathing air was to most people. And, as always, the audience was clearly enjoying themselves as they danced along with his music.

  Once the music ended and Alejandro moved over to join Mallory O’Grady, Amanda felt the familiar butterflies in her stomach. She could watch him on the small television but couldn’t hear what was being said. From the way that he sat, laughing and looking into the camera, she knew that it was a good interview for him. Still, she found herself wishing that he hadn’t insisted that she be a part of it.

  “Two minutes, Amanda,” the assistant said. “I’ll take you up to the stage area now.”

  By the time they arrived at the curtain that separated the stage from the waiting area, Amanda could see that the commercials were just ending and the cameras were in position to go live once again. While they waited, a man came over to her and clipped a small black microphone to her, hooking a small black box to the back of her belt at her waistline.

  Swallowing her fears, Amanda smoothed down the front of the black skirt she was wearing and took a deep breath. I can do this, she told herself.

  “Now,” the assistant whispered and gently nudged Amanda toward the opening in the curtain. Two men, dressed in dark clothing, held it aside for her, and as if her feet had a mind of their own, she found herself walking toward the opening.

  The lights from the ceiling were bright and warm. The noise from the audience was loud. For a brief moment, she hesitated, her eyes scanning the rows of seated people who were applauding her. They smiled at her, a few cheering, and she felt her nervousness return.

  And then he was at her arm.

  “Come, Princesa,” he said, gently guiding her toward the two chairs next to the interviewer.

  Once seated, Amanda felt more comfortable. She angled her body toward Mallory so that she didn’t have to look at the audience. With her attention focused on the woman, Amanda found it easier to breathe.

  “I must say,” Mallory began, “I think I speak for everyone here that we are very pleased to have you on the show!”

  “Danke,” Amanda said softly, casting a quick glance in the direction of the audience.

  “Now, I understand that you just arrived in New York this morning,” Mallory said. “I’m sure that’s a big difference from
having been at your parents’ farm.”

  “Ja, that it is,” she admitted.

  “The first time you were here, in the Big Apple,” Mallory continued. “That’s when you met Viper, isn’t it?”

  Had that only been last summer? It seemed like a lifetime ago. Amanda looked over her shoulder at Alejandro. “It was indeed, wasn’t it?” She turned back to Mallory. “I’m certainly more careful crossing streets now.”

  The audience laughed at her reference to how she had met Alejandro.

  “I would certainly recommend that,” Mallory replied, laughing, too. “Your life certainly has changed in the past year because of that accident. Lots of new cities to explore with Viper that you probably never even imagined visiting. What is your favorite place that you have traveled to so far?”

  “Oh that’s easy!” she replied, happy that she had a ready answer to the question. “Miami, for sure and certain! It’s so beautiful there, and the ocean is magnificent. We haven’t been to the beach yet, but Alejandro did take me on his boat. And we visited the islands after our wedding. I love being near the water. It’s so . . .” She paused, trying to think of the word to explain what she was feeling. “Humbling, I reckon. I’d like to walk into the ocean from the beach and feel the sun on my face, to lose myself in the noise of the waves on the shoreline.”

  “I’m sure that can be arranged,” Mallory teased. “You better get on it, Viper.”

  He laughed and reached for Amanda’s hand. “I’m on it,” he quipped playfully.

  “For the past few weeks, I understand that you were back in Pennsylvania while Viper continued with his tour. It must have been hard to be separated for so long,” Mallory started, redirecting her attention back to Amanda. “You’ve only been married about six weeks, right?”

  Six weeks? It felt so much longer to Amanda. In fact, she had a hard time remembering life without Alejandro being a part of it. “It’s right nice to be back with him,” she finally said, figuring that was the safest answer. “Even if we are far away from Miami.”


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